Eastern Illinois University The Keep November 1990 11-2-1990 Daily Eastern News: November 02, 1990 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1990_nov Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: November 02, 1990" (1990). November. 2. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1990_nov/2 This is brought to you for free and open access by the 1990 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in November by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. UphiD ' Climb · ./Parents Weekend offers , WesternKentucky comes · fun for everyone. to town forfinal In the Verge home game of the season. Page 12 Information request forwarded to BOG An Eastern official said Eastern 's freedom of informa­ Thursday that a request by The tion officer, the News' request Daily Eastern News for docu­ was forwarded to Stanczak. ments pertaining to the 1989 hir­ Stanczak defended the move ing of an Eastern vice presi­ Thursday night, saying, "The dent's son has been turned over idea is that the request that has to a Board of Governors investi­ been made has to do with what gator. is going on with the investiga­ That, according to an attorney tion ... There's about, right now, who teaches First Amendment there are 28 different exemp­ law at Eastern, is "ludicrous" tions (under the law). Depending because "the status of a Freedom on where we stand (in the inves­ of Information (request) doesn't tigation), some of those might hinge on whether there's an apply." investigation going on." But Tidwell said, "There's no In addition, James Tidwell, an way they can say this is an associate professor of journalism exemption ... and that's not real­ and First Amendment attorney, ly (Stanczak's) place to be con­ said the request could not be sidering the request." denied simply because there was Stanczak would not cite a spe­ an investigation pending. cific exemption but did say that The request, which was made a final decision on whether to under the Illinois Freedom of release the information to the Information Act by the News News has not been made. two weeks ago, is for documents The investigation "may very related to the Oct. 5, 1989 hiring well have a bearing" on the of Scott Wa lker as a rnicrocorn­ request, Stanczak added. phomore Andy To/ch (right) holds freshman Kel'in Buchaniec's feet as Buchaniec does sit-ups during p u ter software specialist in When asked if he had a prob­ OTC ph_vsical fitness testing by the Campus Pond Thursday. Eastern 's physical plant. Walker lem with investigating the uni­ ' . is the son of Verna Armstrong, versity and offering it legal vice president for administration counsel simultaneously, Stan­ rawl leads to Eastern student's arrest and finance. czak said: "I don't see that as a Walker's most recent hiring, problem. I'm trying to give them an administrative post paying the best advice I can on every­ • 3,000 students revel for Halloween in him $32.700 a year. sparked thing that they send over." Carbondale streets. Page 3 charges of nepotism and alleg­ Cathy Podwojski, managing A Hal loween night brawl in edly unethical hiring practices in editor of The Daily Eastern e parking lot of E.L Krackers ups to Charleston police officers. around. only a few (bar patrons) areas beneath his mother's juris­ News said the decision to for­ volving 75 people led to the Witnesses on the scene said were fighting," Severson said. diction. ward the request was un-neces­ rest of one Eastern student the altercation started as people Wheatley. a senior, has been The BOG. Eastern's governing sary. ly Thursday morning. were attempting to leave the charged with aggravated battery, body, is investigating the Wa lker ''It hinders unnecessarily what Charleston Police Chief Herb dance bar at closing time. "It a class three fe lony punishable hiring and about 20 others in should have been a fairly simple teidinger said his officers started inside, probably from with a two- to five-year jail term areas apparently under Arm­ and routine request," Podwoj ski ponded to a fight call at 1 :02 people bumping into each other or a maximum fine of $10,000 strong's jurisdiction. said. "T he documents in ques­ . Thursday as Krackers. 1405 because it was so crowded," said said Coles County assistant But the News' request was tion are clearly public docu­ urth St., was closing. Jim Severson, co-owner of State's Attorney Mark Novak. made before the BOG investiga- ments." Mi chael A. Wheatley, an Krackers. He added there was no After the incident, Wheatley . stern wrestler, was arrested damage to the building, stating was brought to the Coles County tion began, and although there David Lindquist, the editor in r allegedly striking a Char­ "It wasn 't that big of a deal." Detention Center, where he will are 28 exemptions under the law chief of The Daily Eastern News ston police officer who was An eyewitness said people be detained until an 8:30 a.rn. for withholding public informa­ who co-filed the request, was in mpting to disburse the crowd, were pushing and shoving to get initial appearance hearing Friday. tion, Tidwell said none would be Wa shington, D.C .•Th ursday idinger said. He estimated the out the door. At -t his time, Novak said applicable to the News' current and could not be reached for wd to be as large as 300 peo­ She said when police arrived, Wheatley's bond, which may be request. comment. • but noted only 75 people it took them a while to break the $3,000, will be set by a judge. David Stanczak is the Bloom­ However, Lindquist has e involved in the fight. fighting up. Other eyewitnesses, Wheatley will also receive a ington attorney hired by the already said he will take whatev­ Additional police officers who refused to be identified, said copy of the charge and will be BOG to head the investigation er legal action is necessary to m Illinois State Police, Coles squad cars remained at the scene asked if he requests the service into allegedly unethical hiring obtain the documents requested. unty Sheriff's Police and the until as late as 2:30 a.m. of an attorney. practices under Armstrong. iversity Police Department Thursday. A prel iminary hearing will According to Harriet Rose, - Staffreport re called to the scene as back- "The crowd was standing also be scheduled at that time. ussein, Iraq may release four Ameri.can hostages er," Bush said while campaigning for Despite Iraqi assurances about the cap­ President Saddam reflected an escalation in Republican candidates in Orlando, Fla. But tives' welfare , letters smuggled from two rhetoric to match the United States' growing Iraq on Thursday promised to release four he added, "I don't know how long is long American hostages and released by a U.S. military might in the Persian Gulf region. ore American hostages soon and insisted it enough" to depend on U.N.-ordered sanc­ official in Baghdad painted a picture of fear. The United States has said up to 100,000 s tre ating foreign captives well. President tions alone to force Iraq's withdrawal from One of the unidentified Americans said he troops will be dispatched to join the 220,000- ush denounced the hostage-holding and Kuwait. had been moved five times and was receiving rnernberforce already deployed. nleashed his harshest rhetoric yet against Aboard the USS Iwo Jirna, sailors and no mail or messages. He said he had lost 35 "Today I am more determined than ever: darn Hussein. Marines paid tribute to IO comrades killed in pounds. this aggression will not stand," the presiden� "They have committed outrageous acts of a boiler-room accident. The other said he considered himself a told an audience earlier Thursday in rbarisrn." Bush said of Saddam's forces. The deaths Tuesday were the worst N_avy prisoner in the "Iraqi gulag " and pleaded: Burlington. Mass. Brutality - I don't believe that Adolf Hitler casualties to date in Operation Desert Shield, "Please do not forget the guest hostages." "The brutality against innocent citizens will ver panicipated in anything of that nature." the U.S. military deployment launched after Iraq calls the detained foreigners guests. not be tolerated and will not stand." 1· kl don't think the status quo can go on forev- Iraq overran Kuwait three months ago. Bush's comments directed at Iraqi 2A Friday, November 2, 1990 The Dally Eastern Ne Oldies triple bill Riclrards Richard's Farm Restaurant Farm "A Special Place For Special Gatherings" slated for concert Rte. 16 East 10 miles By EVETTE PEARSON be served from 4:30 to 7 p.m. • Famous for 1 lb. Pork Chops Activities editor The concert is scheduled to kick • Great Steaks, Chicken, Seafood r<te. 110 off at 8 p.m and Glenn Haywood Soulh Lantz Gymnasium will take a will serve as the evening's emcee. • Salad Bar 15 twist back to the '50s and '60s "'The show is a blast from the past • n1ilcs Saturday as the triple-billing of the Homemade Bread, Jam l because the performers started in Drifters , the Platters and the the late '50s and early '60s," and Deserts Marvelettes comes to Eastern as the Gossett said. • Persimmon Pudding featured event for Parents Week­ "This is going to be a fun show end. for both the parents and the stu­ Hours More than 4,500 tickets have dents because the parents will Lunch Dinner been sold for the 8 p.m.
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