i Maize for Better Nutrition SG2000/IAR/FMARD Editors: S. Miko, J.A. Valencia A.M. Falaki Proceedings of the National Quality Protein Maize Production Workshop 4th to 5th September 2001 Institute for Agricultural Research Conference Hall, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria Organized by: Sasakawa Global 2000 Nigeria Project, IAR/ABU and FMARD Sponsored by: Sasakawa Africa Association 3-12-12 Mita, Minato-Ku Tokyo 108, Japan ii CONTENTS i v Abbreviation Vi SG2000 Agricultural Programme Vii Forward Viii General Reflections of the Workshop Ernest W. Sprague. 1 Opening Address Dr. Malami Buwai 2 Speech of the Special Guest of Honour Alhaji Ahmed Mohammed Makarfi Executive Governor of Kaduna State 3 Address by the Hon. Minister Federal Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development Mallam Adamu Bello 4 Keynote Address: Honourable Minister of State for Agric. & Rural Development Chief Chris Agbobu TECHNICAL PAPERS 9 Maize No-Tillage Systems for Reduced Labour Requirements, Improved Soil Conditions and production J.B.R. Findlay 17 Balanced Nutrient Management for Intensified Maize-based systems in the Northern Guinea Savanna of West Africa A.Y. Kamara and N. Sanginga 25 Quality Protein Maize: Over-view, Breeding Strategy and Recent Research Result for Southern Africa. K. Pixley 42 Towards Development of Stable High Yielding Disease and Storage Pest Resistant Quality Protein Maize. S.G. Ado 53 Towards Accelerated field testing and release of Quality Protein Maize cultivars S.G. Ado. 59 Quality Protein Maize Seed Programme in Nigeria T.O. Okolo iii 66 Seed Production and Marketing: The Seedco. Experience. S.B. McCarter 74 The Role and Challenges of Agricultural Extension in Nigeria in the 20th Century. Jacob P. Voh and T.K. Atala 82 Maize as a Potential source of Income and Foreign exchange Earning in Nigeria. S.A. Ingawa 91 Approaches to improving Maize Technology Delivery Systems in Nigeria A.M. Falaki, M.A. Hussaini and S. Miko 99 Towards Dissemination of Quality Protein Maize Technology in Nigeria S.S. Abubakar, S.J. Auta, J.G. Akpoko and J.E. Onyibe. 108 Expected Role of Extension in the promotion of Quality Protein Maize S.S. Abubakar, J.E. Onyibe, C.K. Dauda, J. Ahmad, and R.A. Ghadegeshin 114 Approaches to Improving the Nutritive Value of Maize with particular emphasis on QPM. H. Abubakar 121 Post-harvest Technology of Quality Protein Maize: Storage and Processing—Choosing the Right Technology R.A. Boxall iv AAA Amino Acid Analyzer ABU Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria ADPs Agricultural Development Projects AKIS Agricultural Knowledge and Information System BNF Biological Nitrogen Fixation BV Biological Value CBN Central Bank of Nigeria CIMMYT Centro International De Mejoramiento De Maiz Y Trigo. Int. CRI Crop Research Institute DNA Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid EAs Extension Agents ELISA Enzyme-linked Immuno-Sorbent Assey EOs Extension Officers EPZ Export Processing Zone FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FASCOM Farmers Supply Company FCT Federal Capital Territory FDA Federal Department of Agriculture FGN Federal Government of Nigeria FMA&RD Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural and Rural Development FOB Free on Board FPR Farmer Participatory Research FSR Farming Systems Research GCA General Combining Ability GLS Grey Leaf Spot GOs Government Organizations IAR Institute for Agricultural Research IAR&T Institute of Agricultural Research and Training IITA International Institute for Tropical Agriculture ICRISAT International Crop Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics KADP Kaduna Agricultural Development Project v KASCO Kano Agricultural Supply Company MAS Markers Assisted Selection MSV Maize Streak Virus MT Metric Tonne MTP Management Training Plot NAERLS National Agricultural Extension and Research Liaison Services NAFPP National Accelerated Food Production Programme NARIs National Agricultural Research Institute NARs National Agricultural Research System NCRP Nationally Coordinated Research Project NGOs Non-Governmental Organizations NGS Northern Guinea Savannah NPU Net Profit Utilization NRC National Research Council NSS National Seed Service OAU Organization for African Unity OLS Ordinary Least Square OPVs Open Pollinated Varieties PCU Projects Coordinating Unit PER Protein Efficiency Ratio QPM Quality Protein Maize RAAKS Rapid Appraisal of Agricultural Knowledge Systems REFILS Research, Extension, Farmers Inputs Linkage Systems SAA Sasakawa Africa Association SAFE Sasakawa Africa Fund for Extension Education SCA Specific Combining Ability SG2000 Sasakawa Global 2000 T&V Training and Visit TOT Training of Trainers UNICEF United Nations International Children Educational Fund USA United States of America vi FORWORD ods through the use of suitable and safe plant materials and the triple polythene bag- The workshop on Maize for better Nutrition ging that proved effective and popular with could not have taken place at a better time farmers for storage of legume and cereal than now when majority of Nigerians are grains. relying on maize as their major staple food crop. QPM with its high content of lysine The rate at which QPM is getting accept- and tryptophan, two essential amino acids ability will undoubtedly also bring up new that are only found in meat and egg is a spe- challenges to extension in the country. cial maize that has been accepted by farm- These challenges will entail changes in ers. The introduction, promotion and dis- terms of methodology, responsive training semination of QPM by SG2000 through the along the QPM value chain, extension effec- state ADPs are great strides in providing tiveness and accountability. maize with better nutrition to the resource- poor rural families who cannot afford meat For QPM promotion to fully succeed in the and/egg in their daily diet. country, research needs to address some challenges including availability of good SG2000 Nigeria with the support from SAA quality seed, development and release of has assisted IAR in acquiring new stock of superior QPM (OPVs and hybrids: white QPM germplasm and also provided finan- and yellow) varieties, promotion of no-till to cial support to promote research and subse- reduce drudgery, improve soil fertility and quent release of new QPM varieties. Al- check soil erosion and postharvest technol- ready, IAR has released Sammaz 14 ogy (harvesting, cleaning and storage). If (equivalent to Ghana’s Obatanpa) for dis- the needed research is undertaken to de- semination to farmers. In Kaduna and Kano velop and disseminate better quality QPM, states, QPM villages (where only QPM is right quality and quantity of fertilizer is ap- grown to avoid contamination) are springing plied, no-till is effectively promoted among up and QPM is fast substituting normal farmers, suitable postharvest technology is maize, sorghum and millet on the field and employed and reasonable price is assured at in the preparation of local recipes like tuwo, harvest time, Nigeria by virtue of its avail- waina, dambu etc. QPM gruel (koko) is also able cultivable land, good soil, adequate and becoming the main weaning diet for babies well distributed rainfall, has the potential to in many rural communities. produce the quantity of the QPM it requires and also have excess to export to other Special attention however, needs to be paid countries in the West African sub-region. in improving the postharvest storage and processing of QPM in order to reduce losses Dr Ahmed M. Falaki and maintain its quality. Reduction in stor- Project Coordinator age losses can be achieved by introducing SG2000 Nigeria simple but locally improved storage meth- vii Sasakawa Global 2000 Agricultural Programme The SG2000 programme is a partnership of two activity, although over time we have added nu- NGOs: Sasakawa Africa Association (SAA) merous new activities such as water harvesting, whose President is Dr. Norman Borlang, and the conservation tillage etc. The main programme Global 2000 programme of the Carter Center, objective is to accelerate the adoption by small whose chairman is Jimmy Carter. SAA is re- scale farmers of modern food crop production sponsible for programme management; Global technology (fertilizer, seed crop protection, 2000’s special brief is to engage, through Presi- chemicals and agronomic practices) in basic dent Jimmy Carter, in policy-related interven- food crops mainly maize, wheat, sorghum, ses- tions. ame, millet, cassava, rice and grain legumes. The Nippon Foundation, formerly called the The SG2000 project in Nigeria was established Japan Shiplpoulding Industry Foundation in 1992, initially operating in the northern state (JSIF), which was founded by late Ryoichi Sa- of Kano, (100 33’ North, 70 34’ East and 500m sakawa, provides the funding for the SG2000 above sea level). The project was expanded the Nigeria programme. following year into the states of Kaduna, Jigawa and much later Katsina, Bauchi, Gombe, Zam- SG2000 Nigeria Programme works mainly fara, Sokoto and Kebbi. The project runs in with—and—through the ministries of Agricul- close collaboration with the State Rural Authori- ture, primarily extension services, but also with ties of KNARDA, JARDA, KADP, KTARDA, NARIs and IARCs. Support for field demonstra- BSADP, GSADP, ZACAREP, SADP, Kebbi tion/testing programmes of improved food crop PCU, IAR, IITA, LCRI and ABU Zaria. technology with small scale farmers is the core Correct Citation: S. Miko et al eds. 2001 Maize for Better Nutrition Postal Address: SG2000 Nigeria Project KNARDA Building, Hadejia Road, P.O. Box 5190, Kano, Nigeria E-mail Address: [email protected] Printer:
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