PUBLICATIONS AND BOOK REVIEWS Some Recent Books on Syriac Topics (1996–1997) SEBASTIAN BROCK, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, ORIENTAL INSTITUTE [1] 1996 Le sacrement de l’initiation: origines et perspectives. Patrimoine Syriaque, Actes du Colloque III. Antelias: Centre d'études et de recherches pastorales, 1996. Azar, E. Odes de Salomon. Présentation et traduction. Paris: Cerf, 1996. Bat Ye’or. The Decline of Eastern Christianity under Islam: from Jihad to Dhimmitude, 7th to 20th Century. London: Associated Universities Press, 1996. Bettiolo, P. Evagrio Pontico. Per conoscere lui. Magnano: Edizioni Qiqayon, 1996. Bilge, Y. Süryaniler: Anadolu’nun solan rengi. Istanbul, 19962. Brock, S.P. Syriac Studies: a classified bibliography (1960–1990). Kaslik: Parole de l’Orient, 1996. Chaillot, C. The Malankara Orthodox Church. Visit to the Oriental Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church of India. Geneva: Inter-Orthodox Dialogue, 1996. Coakley, J.F., and Parry, K., eds. The Church of the East: Life and Thought = Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester 78:3 (1996). Debie, M., Coutourier, G., and Matura, T., tr. Theodore de Mopsueste. Homelies catechetiques. Paris: Migne, 1996. Ebied, R.Y., Van Roey, A., and Wickham, L.R. Petri Callinicensis Patriarchae Antiocheni Tractatus contra Damianum. II, Liber Tertii capita I–XIX. Corpus Christianorum, Series Graeca, 32; 1996. England, J.C. The Hidden History of Christianity in Asia: the Churches of the East before 1500 (Delhi/Hong Kong: ISPCK/CCA, 1996). Feghali, P. Les origines du monde et de l’homme dans l’oeuvre de saint Ephrem. Paris: Cariscript, 1996. Fiey, J.-M. Les syriaques... aux enfants. Antelias, 1996. Gregorios, Mar, Saliba Shamoun. The General Chronicle of Michael the Syrian Patriarch of Antioch, translated into Arabic, I–III. Damascus, Sidawi, 1996. Guillaumont, A. Etudes sur la spiritualité de l'Orient chretien. Spiritualité orientale, 66. Abbaye de Bellefontaine, 1996. Heinz, A. Die Heilige Messe nach dem Ritus der Syrisch-Maronitischen Kirche. Sophia, 28. Trier, 1996. Hindo, B., and Saleh, C. Chants pour la Nativité, de saint Ephrem le Syrien. Paris: L’Harmattan, 1996. 95 96 Publications and Book Reviews Iskander, Nuri (ed. Mar Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim). Beth Gazo: Music of the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch. Damascus: Sidawi, 1996. Joosten, J. The Syriac Language of the Peshitta and Old Syriac Versions of Matthew. Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics, 22. Leiden: Brill, 1996. Juckel, A. Der Ktaba d-Durrasha (ktaba d-ma’wata) des Elija von Anbar (Memre I–III). CSCO, 559–60 = Scr. Syri 226–7; 1996. Juhl, D. Die Askese im Liber Graduum und bei Afrahat: eine vergleichende Studie zur frühsyrischen Frommigkeit. Orientalia Biblica et Christiana, 9; 1996. Kakkanatt, A. Christological Catechesis of the Liturgy. A Study of the Great Feasts of our Lord in the Malankara Church. Rome: Mar Thoma Yogam, 1996. Kiraz, G.A. Comparative Edition of the Syriac Gospels aligning the Sinaiticus, Curetonianus, Peshitta and Harklean Versions, I–IV. New Testament Tools and Studies 21. Leiden: Brill, 1996. Kiraz, G.A., ed. Syr-COM 96. Proceedings of the Second International Forum on Syriac Computing. Syriac Computing Institute, 1996. McDonnell, K. The Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan. The Trinitarian and Cosmic Order of Salvation. Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 1996. [Much on Syriac sources.] Martin, M., ed. Zur Lage der Christen in der Sudostturkei, in Syrien und dem Irak... Dokumentation einer Reise. München: Ökumenereferat der Evangelisch Lutherischen Kirche in Bayern, 1996. Müller-Kessler, C., and Sokoloff, M. A Corpus of Christian Palestinian Aramaic. III, The Forty Martyrs of the Sinai Desert, Eulogios the Stone- Cutter, and Anastasia. Groningen: Styx, 1996. Orsatti, P. Il fondo Borgia della Biblioteca Vaticana e gli studi orientali a Roma tra sette e ottocento. Studi e Testi, 376; 1996. Valavanolickal, K.A. The Use of the Gospel Parables in the Writings of Aphrahat and Ephrem. Studies in the Religion and History of Early Christianity, 2. Frankfurt a/m: P.Lang, 1996. Witakowski, W. Pseudo-Dionysius of Tel-Mahre. Chronicle, Part III. Translated Texts for Historians. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1996. Yacoub, J. Babylone chrétienne. Géopolitique de l’Eglise de Mesopotamie. Paris, 1996. [2] 1997 Madedono. Prozessionen und Segnungen zu Festen des Kirchenjahres und zu besonderen Anlassen nach Ritus der Syro-Antiochenischen Kirche (und der Malankarischen Kirche). Paderborn, 1997. Publications and Book Reviews 97 Die Sakramente der Heiligen Taufe und der Eheschliessung, das Sakramentale Begräbnis der Toten nach der Ordnung der Syrisch-Orthodoxen Kirche von Antiochien. Bar Hebraeus Verlag, 1997 [Syriac-German texts]. Berhanu, D. Das Mashafa des Mar Yeshaq aus Ninive. Einleitung, Edition und Übersetzung mit Kommentar. Hamburg, 1997. ISBN 3-86064-556-0. Bombeck, S. Das althebräische Verbalsystem aus aramäischer Sicht. Masoretischer Text, Targume und Peschitta. Frankfurt a/M: P.Lang, 1997. Borbone, P.G., and Jenner, K.D. A Concordance to the Old Testament in Syriac. I, the Pentateuch. Leiden: Brill, 1997. Briquel-Chatonnet, F. Manuscrits syriaques de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France (nos 356–435). Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale, 1997. Brock, S.P. The Wisdom of Saint Isaac the Syrian. Fairacres Publications, 128. Oxford, 1997. Cicek, J., ed. Mnorath Kudshe (Lamp of the Sanctuary) by Mor Gregorios Yohanna bar ‘Ebroyo. St. Ephrem Monastery, Holland, 1997. Drijvers, H.J.W., and J.W. The Finding of the True Cross. The Judas Kyriakos Legend in Syriac. CSCO 565 = Subs. 93; 1997. Fox, S.E. The Neo-Aramaic Dialect of Jilu. Semitica Viva, 16; 1997. Frishman, J., and van Rompay, L., eds. The Book of Genesis in Jewish and Oriental Christian Interpretation. Traditio Exegetica Graeca, 5. Leuven: Peeters, 1997. Heinz, A. Die Maronitsche Messe: Qurbono. Trier: Paulinus, 1997. Hunt, L.A. The Mingana and Related Collections. A Survey of Illustrated Eastern Christian Manuscripts in the Selly Oak Colleges Birmingham. Bermingham, 1997. Kollamparampil, T. Jacob of Serugh: Select Festal Homilies. Rome: CIIS/Bangalore: Dharmaram Publications, 1997. [English translations.] Luther, A. Die syrische Chronik des Josua Stylites. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1997. Merten, K. Die syrisch-orthodoxen Christen in der Turkei und in Deutschland. Studien zur Orientalischen Kirchengeschichte, 3. Hamburg, 1997. Muller-Kessler, C., and Sokoloff, M. A Corpus of Christian Palestinian Aramaic. I, The CPA Old Testament and Apocrypha from the Early Period. Groningen: Styx, 1997. Muraoka, T. Classical Syriac: a Basic Grammar. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1997. Nuro, A. Tawldotho, or Syriac Neologisms. Principles, Criteria and Examples. Stockholm, 1997. Pathikulangara, V. The Crown of the Year, I–II. Bangalore, 1997. [English translation of propers for East Syrian Qurbana for Sundays and Feasts.] Rodrigues Pereira, A.S. Studies in Aramaic Poetry (c. 100 BCE – c. 600 CE). Selected Jewish, Christian and Samaritan Poems. Studia Semitica 98 Publications and Book Reviews Neerlandica, 34. Assen, 1997. [Includes Ephrem, C.Nis 35–42, Fid. 81–5.] Sanders, J.C.J. Assyro-Chaldese Christenen in oost-Turkei en Iran. Hun laatste vaderland opnieuw in kaart gebracht. Hernen: Brediusstichting, 1997 [with 4 detailed maps]. Ter Haar Romeny, R.B. A Syrian in Greek Dress: the use of Greek, Hebrew and Syriac Biblical texts in Eusebius of Emesa’s Commentary on Genesis. Traditio Exegetica Graeca, 6. Leuven: Peeters, 1997. Tovey, P. Encountering Syrian Monasticism. Mar Koorilose Series, 1. Kunnamkulam, 1997. Note. Syriac Studies: a classified bibliography (1991–1995) is to appear in the next number of Parole de l’Orient. A new journal, devoted to the theology of the Eastern Churches (especially those of India) has recently appeared, entitled Ephrem’s Theological Journal (P.B. No. 26, 485001 Satna, M.P., India). Publications and Book Reviews 99 The Mardin Syrian Orthodox Press, Aleppo: A Review ANDREW PALMER, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON [1] The Syrian Orthodox community in Aleppo has been strengthened, since the late nineteenth century, by large groups migrating from elsewhere to the city. One such group came, in 1924, from Urfa [Syr. ťſŤƘĿĭĥ], the former ar-Ruha, Urhoy [Syr. IJĬĿĭĥ], or Edessa, which is now Sanliurfa, in north-western Mesopotamia (included since 1919 within the boundaries of Turkey). The members of this group are still known as ‘Urfali.’ Two areas on the far side of the railway line in the north-western part of the city are called after these twentieth-century immigrants: Hayy as-Suryan al-Qadimah [Ar. ƨŻƾǬdzơ ǹƢȇǂLjdzơ ȆƷ] and Hayy as-Suryan al-Jadidah [Ar. ƧƾȇƾŪơ ǹƢȇǂLjdzơ ȆƷ]. The church in the elder of the two quarters is dedicated to St. George, as was one of the two churches which the community abandoned in Urfa; it contains a recent relief sculpture of King Abgar of Edessa [Syr.IJĬĿĭĥĪ ƢŬŨĥ] receiving the letter and the miraculous self-portrait sent to him by Jesus. Another group of Syrians, which worships in the Cathedral Church of St. Ephraim, in Suleimaniye, Aleppo, traces its origins to the province of Mardin in north-eastern Mesopotamia, an area where there are still some Syrian Orthodox villages, in spite of the fact that it is presently a part of Turkey. Aleppo is a very clannish city and these two groups of Syrian Orthodox tend to emphasise their different origins. Each of the two defines its ‘mentality’ in contrast with that of the other. There is also a difference of language: the Urfali know Armenian and Turkish, or rather, a mixture between the two; they do not know Turoyo (an Aramaic dialect spoken by those who come from Qamishly and, more remotely, from Tur ‘Abdin in the province of Mardin). There is a corresponding difference in the musical and liturgical traditions of the two main churches (a third, dedicated to the Mother of God, has recently been added in the New Syrian Quarter). The Metropolitan Bishop, whose father was from Yardo, near Midyat, and whose mother was from Diyarbakir, both a long way from Urfa, fosters the distinct identities of both groups in a spirit of brotherly unity. [2] Some confusion exists as to whether the Syrian Orthodox publishing house, which is near the Cathedral, is called Dar al-Raha [Ar.
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