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University Microfilms International 300 North Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 USA St John s Road. Tyler s Green High Wycombe. Bucks, England HP10 8HR I I 78-12,358 LeGRANDE, William Hunt, 1950- CYTOTAXONOMY AND CHROMOSOMAL EVOLUTION IN NORTH AMERICAN CATFISHES (SILURIFORMES, ICTALURIDAE) WITH EMPHASIS ON NOTURUS. The Ohio State University, Ph.D., 1978 Zoology University Microfilms International f Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 CYTOTAXONOMY AND CHROMOSOMAL EVOLUTION IN NORTH AMERICAN CATFISHES (SILURIFORMES, ICTALURIDAE) WITH EMPHASIS ON NOTURUS DISSERTATION Presented in P a rtial F u lfillm e n t of the Requirements fo r the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By William Hunt LeGrande, B .S ., M.S. The Ohio State University 1978 Reading Committee: Approved By Dr. Ted M. Cavender, Adviser Dr. Tim M. Berra Dr. Roy A. Tassava Advi ser Department of Zoology ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am grateful to my adviser. Dr. Ted M. Cavender, for his constant encouragement and assistance from Inception to completion of this study. The members o f my reading committee, Drs. Tim Berra, Elton Paddock and Roy Tassava, read the rough draft of this thesis and greatly improved It with their valuable suggestions. I am Indebted to many of my friends and colleagues for assistance 1n collecting specimens for this study. I am particularly grateful to my fellow students at OSU, Larry McGeehan and Miles Cobum, for accompanying me on several extended field trips. Drs. L. M. Hardy, R. K. Spealrs and the Biology Club at Louisiana State Univer­ sity in Shreveport kindly allowed me to accompany them on a field trip to the Ouachita Biological Station and assisted me 1n the collection of Noturus eleutherus and ta y lo r i. Mr. Mike Corcoran o f Duke University kindly supplied specimens of Ictalurus serracanthus. Dr. R. R. MUler, University of Michigan, allowed me the use of his laboratory to prepare karyotypes of two Rhawdia spp. supplied by him. Drs, L. M. Hardy (Louisiana State University in Shreveport) and Mike Fltzslmons (LSU 1n Baton Rouge) both granted me free use of their laboratories during a portion of this study. Drs. Glen Clemmer, Neil Douglas, David E tn ier, Robert Jenkins and William PfHeger all provided Information on specific collecting lo c a litie s fo r Hoturus in th e ir respective areas. The fin a l 11 draft of this thesis was prepared during my appointment as Visiting Instructor in the Department of Biology at the University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point. The support and encouragement offered by colleagues at that institution are deeply appreciated. Support during a portion of this research was provided through a Dissertation Year Fellowship and Mary Osburn Memorial Fund Summer Fellowship from the Graduate School of The Ohio State University. I am grateful for the unlimited use of the collections and facilities of the Division of Fishes at the OSU Museum of Zoology. Lastly* I wish to thank my parents for their constant moral and financial support. Without their manifold sacrifices, this study may never have been completed. VITA October 11, 1950....... ......... Bom-Shreveport, Louisiana 1956-1968 ..................................... Stonewall High School, Stonewall Louisiana 1968-1970 ..................................... Louisiana State University, Shreveport, Louisiana 1970-197 1 ..................................... Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 1971 ................................................ B. S., Zoology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 1971-197 4 ...................................... Graduate Teaching Assistant,Depart­ ment o f Zoology and Physiology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 197 3 ................................................ Summer Research Fellowship, Graduate School, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 197 4 ................................................ M. S., Zoology, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 1974-1976 ...................................... Graduate Teaching Associate, Depart­ ment of Zoology, Ohio State Univer­ s ity , Columbus, Ohio 1976 ................................................ Mary Osburn Memorial Fund Sumner Fellowship, Graduate School, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 1976-197 7 ...................................... Dissertation Year Fellowship, Graduate School, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 1977-presen t ............................... V1 sitin g Instru cto r, Department of Biology, University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, Wisconsin 1 v PUBLICATIONS LeGrande, W. H. 1975. Karyology o f six species o f Louisiana fla tfis h e s (Ostelchthyes, PIeuronectlformes). Copela 1975:516-522. LeGrande, W. H. and J. M. Fltzslmons. 1976. Karyology o f the mullets Hugil curem and M. cephalus (Perclformes:Muq1lidae) from Louisiana. r5peTa197^88-37l . --------------------------- FIELDS OF STUDY Major Field: Zoology Studies 1n Systematic Ichthyology: Dr. Ted M. Cavender Studies 1n Cytotaxonotny: Dr. Ted M. Cavender v TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS........................................................................................ 11 VITA 1 v LIST OF TABLES.......................................................................................... v111 LIST OF FIGURES......................................................................................... u INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................. 1 REVIEW OF THE FAMILY ICTALURIDAE....................................................... 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS............................................................................. 9 Hypoton1c*C1trate Technique........................................................ 10 Acetlc-Orceln Squash Technique ................................................. 13 Chromosome Observation and Analysis ........................................ 14 RESULTS........................................................................................................ 18 Genus Ictalu ru s. ............................................................................. 20 Genus Pyjodlctfs. .......................................................................... 22 Genus Noturus. ........................................................................... 23 MECHANISMS OF CHROMOSOME CHANGE......................................................... 59 Changes 1n Diploid Number ........................................................... 59 Changes Not Affecting Diploid Number ...................................... 63 ICTALURID RELATIONSHIPS: HISTORICAL REVIEW.................................... 66 ICTALURID CHROMOSOME COMPLEMENTS....................................................... 74 ANCESTRAL DIPLOID NUMBERS..................................................................... 94 EVOLUTION OF ICTALURID KARYOTYPES..................................................... 99 vl RELATIONSHIPS IN ICT ALU RIDS...................................................................... 106 Intergeneric Relationships .............................................................. 106 Relationships Within the Subgenera Noturus and SchUbeodes. .............................................................................. 108 Relatlo'n'shTps In Rablda. ............................................... .................. 116 Diploid Vs. Fundamental Numbers .................................................... 121 Noturus Relationships: Morphological E v id e n c e ....... 123-* Chromosomes Vs. Morphology .............................................................
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