SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW 1.25 SFR INTERVIEWS $ L. SPRAGUE DE CAMP THIS PROVES IT! WE'VE FOUND THE HOME PLANET! THE BEST QV STEPHEI FABIAN PRESENTED BY s Loompanics Unlimited Box 2 64 Mason, Michigan 48854 / Fifty of Stephen Fabian’s finest drawings from Galaxy, If, Whispers, The Occult Love craft , Outworlds, The Miscast Barbarian , and more, more, more,.. Including fifteen never before published drawings, done especially for this book . Each drawing is printed on one side of 8f x 11 80 lb. paper, easily removable for framings Truly a collector’s item, this is an art book to be treasured now and in the years to come. THE BEST OF STEPHEN FABIAN will be released in February in a limited, numbered edition of 1,500 copies. RESERVE YOURS NOW WHILE THE SUPPLY LASTS. LOOMPANICS UNLIMITED BOX 264 M4S0N, MICHIGAN 48854 Sirs » Enclosed is $ . Please reserve copies of THE BEST OF STEPHEN FABIAN @> $12.50 each. Name Addres s C ity S tat e _____ 2 ip. 1 —A — ) SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW Formerly THE ALIEN CRITIC^ P. O. Box 11408 COVER BY GRANT CANFIELD Portland, OR November, 1975 Volume Four, Number Four ALIEN THOUGHTS 4 97211 Whole Number Fifteen SPEC FIC AND THE PERRY RHODAN GHETTO RICHARD E. GEIS By Donald C. Thompson 6 Editor & Publ isher Commentary by R. E.G. With REV I EWS A Letter from Bob Silverberg ALL UNCREDITED WRITING IS A Ouote from Silverberg THE LAND LEVIATHAN And a Commentary by I RON CAGE BY THE EDITOR IN ONE GEIS Darrell Schweitzer Reviewed by Lynne Holdom- 10 OR ANOTHER THE CAMP OF THE SAINTS AN' INTERVIEW WITH Reviewed by Lynne Holdom- 16 PUBLISHED QUARTERLY L. SPRAGUE DE CAMP SPACE: 1999 17 Feb., May. Aug. Nov. By Darrell Schweitzer II ICE AND IRON 18 FOLLOW-UP INTERVIEW ANDROMEDA GUN 18 Single Copy $1. 25 By Richard E. Geis 14 SWAMPWORLD WEST 18 BORN WITH THE DEAD - 18 THE ALTER-EGO VIEWPOINT SERVING !N TIME SUBSCRIPTIONS A Dialogue 18 RENEGADES OF TIME HERDS UNITED STATES: $4. 00 One Year $7. 00 Two Years THGT8 CRASH LANDING ON IDUNA UFFM GATES OF THE UNIVERSE CANADA*: US§4. 50 One Year A Column by Ted White 20 WALLS WITHIN WALLS US$8. 00 Two Years Reviewed by Lynne Holdom- 23 •Canadians may pay with personal SMALL PRESS NOTES— —26 THE HERITAGE OF HASTUR cheques if the chequing acct. Reviewed by Lynne Holdom- 24 number on their cheques is printed in computer numerals. (Thus we be- PROZINE NOTES 27 ALMURIC 26 come slaves to the needs of the THE JAQE MAN’S EYES 27 Machine. THE GIMLET EYE LANKAR OF CALLISTO UNITED KINGDOM: £1.98 One Year Commentary On Science Reviewed by Frederick Patten- 30 £3. 43 Two Years Art To Agent: Wta. Dawsqn & Sons Fiction & Fantasy ET I DO RHP Reviewed by Neal Wilgus 30 Cannon House By Jon Gustafson 42 Folkestone, Kent, TOMORROW MIGHT BE DIFFERENT CT19 5EE AMAZON PLANET Unclassified Ads 46 AUSTRALIA and all other Foreign & Reviewed by Neal Wilgus* 31 Strange Places: US$4. 50 One Year THE INVESTIGATION US$8, 00 Two Years The Publ i shers 47 Reviewed by Bill Gibson 35 All foreign subscriptions must be paid in U. S. dollar cheques or BEST SCIENCE FICTION STORIES ALIEN CONCLUSIONS 48 money orders, except the U.K. OF THE YEAR: FOURTH ANNUAL COLLECTION (del Rey) LETTERS Reviewed by Frederick Patten- -38 BEST SCIENCE FICTION OF THE YEAR Robert Silverberg 9 COPYRIGHT 1975 BY — #4 (Carr) 0 Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. 10 Reviewed byPeter Mandler — -38 RICHARD E. GEIS FOR THE Phil ip Jose Farmer 1 IN THE WAKE OF MAN CONTR I BUTORS Reviewed Buzz Dixon- -39 Charles Runyon 16 by Darrell Schweitzer 19 THE STOCHASTIC MAN 40 Robert Bloch 23 AT THE NARROW PASSAGE TUNNEL THROUGH THE DEEPS 23 James K. Burk THE WHENABOUTS OF BURR Yvonne MacManus 25 Reviewed by Lynne Holdom 40 Tim Whalen 27 OPTIONS Rev i ewed by Mai Warwick •40 Robert Reginald 29 THE RAY BRADBURY COMPANION- 41 Jerry Pournelle 31 SCIENCE FICTION BOOK REVIEW Warren 33 George INDEX 1923 - 1973 41 Ken Bulmer II I LLUMINATUS! 41 44 Jessica .Amanda Salmonson AMPHIGOREY 41 45-48 Pearl— THE PROUD ENEMY 45 Donald H. Tuck 48 SPECIAL FEATURE 46 Harry Warner, Jr,-- 49 Buzz Dixon 49 C. C. Clingan 49 is Arne C. Eastman 49 SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW IS AVAILABLE SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW published at 1525 N.E Ainsworth, Portland, OR David Haugh 49 IN MICROFICHE FROM: GEORGE HAY 38B Compton Rd, Appl i cation t o mail at second class Ken Bulmer 50 London. N. 21., postage rates is pending at Portland, Jean-Claude Zylberstein 50 UNITED KINGDOM Oregon. — ALIEN THOUGHTS Thus I am finally seriously edging in- to the arena. "The One Immortal Man" is just about (in essense) what I would like to see more of in science fiction. I think there is a realism, an adultness in attitude, in philosophy, which is hungered for and sel- THE HUGO AWARDS were presented at Aus- dom satisfied. siecon, the 33rd World Science Fiction Con- vention, held at Melbourne, Australia, in All this sounds arrogant as hell. An- August. other ten pounds of hubris to carry around. So be it. BEST NOVEL: THE DISPOSSESSED by Ursula K. the second Peter Weston edited ANDROMEDA Le Guin. series of original s-f collections. The BEST NOVELLA: "A Song for Lya" by George books will be published in England start- THE EDITOR MOANED TO ALTER-EGO: Damn it, R. R. Martin. ing in 1976. The publisher has a working five Where am BEST NOVELETTE: "Adrift Just Off the Islets I'm short pages this issue. arrangement with Dell, I understand, and I going to put The Archives? of Langerhans" by Harlan Ellison. it is expected that ANDROMEDA will appear BEST SHORT STORY: "The Hole Man" by Larry in the United States in due time. "What. ..no more room? No Archives? Niven. Thank God! If you knew how bloody tired I The novelet is titled "The One BEST Immort- PROFESSIONAL EDITOR: Ben Bova, of am of organizing and typing those endless al Man" and there is a small tale behind ANALOG. columns of titles, dates, authors, prices, it. BEST PROFESSIONAL ARTIST: Kelly Freas. publishers..." BEST DRAMATIC PRESENTATION: YOUNG FRANKEN- I wrote it originally, on-stencil, in But—The Archives are Necessary, an STEIN. my 1972 personalzine, RICHARD E. GEIS #3. on-going record of books and magazines re- BEST FANZINE: THE ALIEN CRITIC. Its title then was, tongue-in-cheekily, ceived. They BEST FAN WRITER: Richard E. Geis. "Tomb It May Concern." "They're a waste of time and space, BEST FAN ARTIST: Bill Rotsler. Geis. Ditch 'em! 99$ of the readers Peter Weston remembered it, and when would rather have more commentary on cur- he was given the editorship of the ANDROM- Other awards given at the WorldCon: rent stories and s-f happenings." EDA books earlier this year, asked if I'd : A. Bertram Little Men's "Invisible Man" Yes, I've read letters saying that, send him the manuscript. Chandler. but The Archives have been my conscience First Fandom A ward: Donald A. Wollheim. I had in the meanwhile rewritten the salver. By listing all books received I "Big Heart" Award : Don Tuck. rough draft that had appeared in REG #3 felt better about my inability to review "Grand Master of Fantasy" (Gandalf) Award : and sent it to Virginia Kidd, my agent-in- them all. A listing is better than nothing. Fritz Leiber. waiting. She had liked it but was unable And the lits of publishers' addresses. ..I John W. Campbell Award : P.J. Plauger. to find a market for it... it being still figured these were valuable, so readers Committee Awards : Donald A. Wollheim and too tough, sexy, violent for the straight could order books direct. Walt Lee. s-f markets. "I see your point, Guilty-One, but con- sider the option of printing the publish- Subsequently Virginia and I decided to Thank you to the many Hugo voters who er's address with each review! See, that end our relationship, mostly because to felt THE ALIEN CRITIC the best fanzine of way if a reader after reading a review or her frustration I insisted on publishing 197^, and who thought I was the best fan comment decides he wants to get that book THE ALIEN CRITIC and then SCIENCE FICTION writer. or magazine and can't find it down at the REVIEW instead of writing science fiction local store, he can still order it direct. But I warn you— I'll be impossible as I had told everyone I was going to. The address is right there with the review. to live with. You have no idea what win- I had the once-revised ms. of "The One No hunting through The Archives." ning two Hugoes in one year does to a pure, Immortal Man" in hand when Pete asked to Yesss... But I can't do that this is- innocent ego like mine. see it. I sent it. He and the publisher sue. Almost the whole magazine is already As for Alter-Ego... He sits down in liked it very much. ..and wanted some chang- pasted-up on layout sheets. the dungeon fondling them, muttering, pol- es made. "Dum-dum, you've got room for the pub- ishing, chortling.... lishers' addresses this issue. I noticed I had to admit the changes Pete asked an empty page. ..there!" I have made some comments on the other were legitimate, and improved the story. I really hate to abandon The Archives.
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