1 COUNCI L *Sir Ernest Pooley (Chairman) *Dr. B. Ifor Evans (Vice-Chairman) Mr. Bronson Albery Mr. C. M. Bowra *Sir Kenneth Clark *The Viscount Esher Mrs. B. Ayrton Gould Lord Harlec h Mrs. Cazalet Keir The Lady Keynes Mr. Eric Linklater *Sir Stanley Marchant The Countess of Rosebery Dr. James Welsh Dr. R. Vaughan Williams *Mr . W. E. Williams SCOTTISH COMMITTE E Dr. James Welsh (Chairman ) Dr . Ernest Bullock Mr. James Fergusson Mr. Ian Finla y Mr. W. O . Hutchison Mr. Eric Linklater Mr. George T.McGLashan Dr. O. H. Mavor Sir Frank Mears Mr. J. R. Peddie (James Bridie) The Countess of Rosebery Mr. Neil Shaw WELSH COMMITTE E Lord Harlech (Chainnar) Mr. Haydn Davies Mrs . Emrys Evans Sir Cyril Fox Mr. C. E. Gittim Mr. Wyn Griffith Professor Gwyn Jones Mn . Herbert Jones Dr. Parry Williams Dr. W J, William s ART PANE L Sir Kenneth Clark (Chairman ) Mr. Colin Anderson Sir Leigh Ashton Miss G. V. Barnard Mr. Philip Handy Mr . P. H. Jowett Mr. Edward Le Bas Mr. Henry Moore Air. Ernest Musgrave Mr. Eric Newton Mr. Herbert Read Mr. John Rothenstein Mr. Gordon Russell Mr. Francis Watson DRAMA PANE L The Viscount Esher (Chairman) Miss Peggy Ashcroft Mr. Hugh Beaumont Mr. John Burrell Sir Lewis Casson Mr. Noel Coward Darne Edith Evans Mr. John Gielgud Mr. Tyrone Guthrie Mr. Patrick Henderson Mr. Norman Higgins Mr. Walter Hudd Miss Beatrix Lehmann Mr. Bann Levy Mr. Miles Malleson Mr. J. B. Priestle y Miss Athena Sayler Mr. Alastair Sim Mr. Willard Stoker Mr. Stephen Thomas Mr. Eric Landless Turner MUSIC PANE L Sir Stanley Marchant (Chairman) Professor Gerald Abraham Mr. Lennox Berkeley Mr. Percy Herring Dame Myra Hess Dr. Herbert Howells Mr. Frank Howes Miss Mary lbberson Dr. Reginald Jacques Mr. James Lockyer Mr. W. McNaught Miss Audrey Mildmay Sir Malcolm Sargent Mr. Michael Tippett Mr. David Webster Miss Seymour Whinyates Dr. Thomas Wood OPERA AND BALLET PANE L Sir Ernest Pooley (Chairman Sir John Anderson Mr. Rudolf Bing Mr. John Christie Mr. Eric Crozier Mr. Carl Ebert Mr. Arnold Haskel l Ain Frank Howes Mr. Owen Mase Mrs . H. B. Phillips Mr. Jay Pomeroy Mr. Philip Richardson Mr. James Robertson The Hon. James Smith Mr. Norman Tucker Miss Ninette de Valois Air. David Webster Sir Steuart Wilson * Member of Uxecutive Commitue (k2CL4 c \(e COP Y THE ARTS COUNCIL OF ARTS COUNCI L OF GREAT BRITAIN REFERENCE ONLY NOT REMOVE THIRD ~ FROM THE LIBRARY ANNUA L 1947-4 8 ADDENDUM Page 6, line 13, after " £360,000 " rea d " In addition, an extra grant of £30,000 was made by the Exchequer for the Covent Garden Oper a Trust, and a supplementary grant of £38,00 0 " etc. 4 ST . JAMES'S SQUARE LONDON, S .W . 1 PRICE : TWO SHILLINGS CONTENTS Page I. INTRODUCTIQN. 3 . .. ' - II. ART 9 III. DRAMA .- 13 IV. MUSIC 16 V. OPERA AND BALL=ET 19 . .4PPENPIXA ' The Ai4 Council of Great Britain : Audited Accounts, c 22 APPENDIX B The Arts Council of Great Britain, Scottish Office Audited Accounts, 1947/48 30 APPENDIX C Theatre Royal, Bristol : Audited Accounts, 1947/48 32 APPENDIX D (1) Standard Music Agreement 36 (2) Orchestras 38 (3) Music Societies and Clubs 38 (4) Concerts 39 APPENDIXE (1) Theatre Companies : Standard Drama Agreement 40 (2) List of Theatres, Companies, Operas, Ballets and Plays 43 APPENDIX F (1) List of Exhibitions 53 (2) Places where Exhibitions have been held 54 (3) Picture of the Month Scheme 57 APPENDIX G (1) Arts Clubs : Conditions of Association 58 (2) List of Arts Clubs 59 APPENDIXH " MUNICIPAL ENTERTAINMENTS by Miss Mary Glasgow 60 PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLEMENT 63 I. INTRODUCTION N accordance with the retirement provisions of the Royal The Members Charter, Mr. Ivor Brown and Sir Lewis Casson left the of the Council Council at the end of 1947. It was with the utmost regret that the Council had perforce to say goodbye. to them. They were both among the original promoters of CEMA, and had both served as Directors of Drama. The Council owes much to their inspiration and guidance, and is glad to know that their interest in its work is undiminished. The two vacancies on the Council, together with the two places hitherto left empty, were filled by the appointment by th e Chancellor of the Exchequer of Mr . Bronson Albery, Mr. C. M . Bowra, Mr. Eric Linklater and the Countess of Rosebery. In September, 1947, the Vice-Chairman undertook a tour of Canada, at the request of the Dominions Office, in order to spea k on the work of the Arts Council. He visited 33 centres, in- cluding Vancouver in the extreme West, and gave 49 lectures a s well as attending a number of functions and informal discussions . Large audiences received him with interest and his visit un- doubtedly strengthened the link which already exists between the Arts Council and its friends in the Dominion . Arrangements for retirement in alphabetical order, on th e The Committees same lines as those adopted for Council members, were applied for Scotlan d by the Council to the Committees for Scotland and Wales and t o and Wales the three specialist Panels. The Scottish Committee, which ha d been reconstituted only a year before, retained its membership at the end of December, 1947, but there were added to it on January 1st, 1948, four new members, Mr. James Fergusson, Mr. W. O. Hutchison, Mr. G. T. McGlashan and Sir Frank Mears. But the Council records with regret the death in August, 1947, of one o f the Committee's most active original members, Sir Willia m ' McKechnie. With the routine retirements from the Welsh Committee, th e Council was obliged to lose the services of Principal .Ifor L. Evans. Mr. Haydn Davies and Sir Cyril Fox were reappointed for a further year, and the one vacancy was filled by Professor Gwyn Jones. The Panels The retirements from the Music Panel were : Mr. F. Bonavia, Mr. Benjamin Britten, Dr. Ernest Bullock, Miss Joan Cross and Miss Ninette de Valois. The new appointments were : Professor Gerald Abraham, Mr. Lennox Berkeley, Mr. W. McNaught, Miss Audrey Mildmay and Dr . Thomas Wood . The members retiring from the Art Panel were : Sir Leigh Ashton, Mr. Duncan Grant and Major A . A. Longden. Mr. W. T. Monnington resigned during the year because of pressure of work. The new appointments were : Mr. Edward Le Bas, Mr. P. H. Jowett, Mr. Herbert Read, Mr. Gordon Russell, Mr. Allan Walton and Mr. Francis Watson. Sir Leigh Ashton was reappointed. It was with deep regret that the Council learnt of the death of Mr. Samuel Courtauld in December, 1947. The retirements from the Drama Panel were : Mr. Bronson Albery, Mr. Hugh Beaumont, Mr . E. Martin Browne, Mr. John Burrell and Mr. Alec Clunes. The new members were : Miss Peggy Ashcroft, Sir Lewis Casson, Dame Edith Evans, Mr . Patrick Henderson, Mr. J. B. Priestley, Mr . Willard Stoker and Mr. Eric Landless Turner. Mr. Hugh Beaumont and Mr. John Burrell were reappointed. In March, 1948, the Council announced the appointment of a fourth Panel for Opera and Ballet with the following member- ship : Sir John Anderson, Mr. Rudolf Bing, Mr. John Christie, Mr. Eric Crozier, Mr. Carl Ebert, Mr. Arnold Haskell, Mr . Frank Howes, Mr. Owen Mase, Mrs. H. B. Phillips, Mr. Jay Pomeroy, Mr . Philip Richardson, Mr . James Robertson, the Hon. James Smith, Mr. Norman Tucker, Miss Ninette d e Valois, Mr. David Webster and Sir Steuart Wilson . Of these, Miss Ninette de Valois transferred her services from the Musi c Panel, while Mr. Frank Howes and Mr. David Webster kindly agreed to remain members of both . The origin and purpose of the new Panel were somewhat different from those which lay behind the establishment of th e Music, Art and Drama Panels . The Council had been impressed by the need to provide a meeting place where those concerned i n Opera and Ballet could exchange views, analyse experience an d develop joint plans. As in the other arts, the Council hopes t o benefit by the expert advice of the new Panel members ; but it 4 will be seen that some of these have been chosen of set purpos e from the managements of the existing companies, and that thei r function is intended to be mutual collaboration as well as genera l consultation by the Arts Council. The Chairman of the Panel is the Chairman of the Council , Sir Ernest Pooley, and its Secretary is Mr. Eric White. No specialist Director for Opera and Ballet has been appointed t o the Council's staff', but the Directors for Music and for Dram a attend Panel meetings. The Council's staff at headquarters has remained practically The Stag'' unchanged apart from one serious loss. At the end of the yea r Steuart Wilson left the Council's service to become Music Director to the . B.B .C. It is no exaggeration to say that he is irreplaceable ; but this statement in no way detracts from th e warm welcome given to his successor, Mr . John Denison. Although this is to anticipate the period of the next Annua l Report, it must be recorded here that Mr . Wilson was awarded the honour of Knighthood in the King's Birthday Honours i n June, 1948. There were no changes among the Regional Directors . A fresh appointment, that of Dr . George Firth, was made to the staff o f the Scottish Committee and, on April 1st, 1948, a new post wa s created and Dr. Firth was given the title of Director for Scotland .
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