The State, Antisemitism, and Collaboration in the Holocaust: the Borderlands of Romania and the Soviet Union Diana Dumitru Index More Information

The State, Antisemitism, and Collaboration in the Holocaust: the Borderlands of Romania and the Soviet Union Diana Dumitru Index More Information

Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13196-5 - The State, Antisemitism, and Collaboration in the Holocaust: The Borderlands of Romania and the Soviet Union Diana Dumitru Index More information Index Agitprop (Department of Propaganda and Ba ̆ i,̦ lt 72 , 74 , 77 , 80 , 82 , 87 , 89 , 91 , 172 Agitation), 106 , 110 , 112 , 113 , 115 Baltic States, 2 , 9 , 19 , 20 Akhmechetka camp, 197 Baraboi, 90 Alexander II, Emperor of Russia, 29 , Bauer, Yehuda, 2 30 , 31 , 33 Beilis Affair, 51 Alexander III, Emperor of Russia, 30 Belgium, 65 Alexa ̆ ndreni, 74 Belorussia, 2 , 5 , 19 , 186 , 188 Alistar, Elena, 141 , 142 Berezovka, 204 , 213 , 224 , 228 Altshuler, Mordechai, 102 Bergen, Doris, 230 Anan’ev, 42 , 123 Berkhoff, Karel, 187 Ancel, Jean, 11 , 204 , 214 , 224 , 228 Bershad, 196 Angrick, Andrej, 226 Bessarabets , 45 antisemitism Bezbozhnik , 121 as reported by GPU/OGPU, 111 , 112 , Bezbozhnik u stanka , 121 , 122 115 , 118 Bilhorod-Dnistrovskii, 167 Bessarabian peasants of, 83 , 84 , 87 Birobidzhan, 97 , 124 , 126 Iron Guard of, 72 , 74 Birzula, 107 , 125 Romanian offi cials of, 77 , 78 – 83 Black Hundreds, 41 , 42 , 125 Romanian universities in, 63 Black Sea, 2 , 176 , 230 tsarist bureaucracy of, 39 – 40 , 41 – 42 Bogdanovka, 189 , 221 , 228 Antonescu, Ion, 11 , 141 , 174 , 178 , 179 , Borisov, 188 193 , 211 , 216 Braha, 79 Arad, Yitzhak, 186 Bra tianu,̆ Ion, 55 Arbeiter shtime , 49 Bravicea, 86 Argentina, 57 Brazil, 57 Armenians, 34 , 46 , 131 , 220 Briceni, 67 , 68 , 161 Aryanization, 177 Briceva, 89 , 90 Austro-Hungarian Empire, 7 Bros teni,̧ 202 Brown, Kate, 98 , 241 Ba ̆ cioi, 164 Browning, Christopher, 12 Badeev, Iosif, 97 Bucharest, 61 , 63 , 67 , 76 , 177 Balitskii, Vsevolod, 114 Bucovina, northern (region), 64 , 76 , 140 , Balta, 47 , 122 , 123 , 132 , 136 , 195 , 204 , 208 182 , 189 , 193 263 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13196-5 - The State, Antisemitism, and Collaboration in the Holocaust: The Borderlands of Romania and the Soviet Union Diana Dumitru Index More information 264 Index Buczacz, 23 Dean, Martin, 5 Bug River, 181 , 227 Dekel-Chen, Jonathan, 116 Bulgaria, 53 Deletant, Dennis, 11 Bulgarians, 8 , 34 , 77 , 94 Denikin, A.I., 63 Bulletin périodique de la presse roumaine , 58 denunciations, 216 , 226 Buna Vestire , 90 deportations of Jews Butuceni, 195 , 203 from Bessarabia/Bucovina to Transnistria, 23 , 142 , 181 Cahul, 74 from Chișina ̆ u to Transnistria, 162 Ca ̆ inari, 80 ghettoization and, 190 Ca ̆̆ la ras i,̧ 89 , 161 from Odessa to Berezovka, 228 Ca linescu,̆ Armand, 72 within Transnistria, 181 Caragaci Vechi, 74 Der Deutsche in Transnistrien Carol II, King of Romania, 70 , 73 (newspaper), 243 Central Asia, 29 Diary of a Writer , 44 Cepeleut i,̦ 153 , 154 , 156 , 161 Dnepropetrovsk, 187 Cerna ̆ ut i,̦ 61 , 168 Dnieper River, 94 Cetatea Albă 77 , Dniester River, 33 , 57 , 75 , 79 , 95 , 107 , Chernigov, 38 163 , 166 , 176 , 186 Chichagov, Serafi m, 50 Domanevka, 190 , 192 , 193 , 199 , 204 , Chișina ̆ u (Kishinev) 205 , 243 deportations of Jews from, 162 , 170 Dondukov-Korsakov, A.M., 38 ghetto, 142 , 160 , 163 , 166 Dondus eni,̧ 72 Jewish population of, 34 Dorohoi, 192 Cimis lia,̧ 74 Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 37 , 44 , 134 citizenship, 8 , 56 , 63 , 69 Dubno, 147 , 148 Ciuma bruna ,̆ 75 Dubossary, 107 Cluj, 61 Dubrovin, Aleksandr, 41 Cobâlka, 90 , 154 , 163 Duca, Ion, 72 Codreanca, 84 , 163 Dumbra ̆ veni, 147 , 148 , 149 Codreanu, Corneliu Zelea, 62 , 63 , Dunaievskii, Isaak, 126 67 , 70 , 73 Dzhurin, 205 Coma ̆ rnescu, Petre, 61 Commissariat for Jewish National Edinet ,̦ 89 , 161 , 170 Affairs, 96 Ehrenburg, Ilya, 241 constitution Einsatzgruppe C, 184 1923 Romanian, 8 , 56 , 63 , 69 Einsatzgruppe D, 181 , 183 , 225 , 226 , Soviet, 6 227 , 230 Corpaci, 244 , 245 Einsatzkommandos, 2 , 184 Cosa ̆ ut i,̦ 162 , 169 Eliade, Mircea, 62 Cotiujenii Mari, 74 , 78 Epstein, Barbara, 2 , 187 Crimea, 110 , 124 Erdecbarno, 74 Cristescu, Eugen, 216 Cuza, Alexandru C., 70 , 82 , 144 , 145 Fa ̆ les ti,̧ 88 , 162 , 239 Cuzists, 65 , 66 , 70 , 71 , 72 , 73 , 75 , famine 80 , 88 , 90 , 91 , 145 , 146 , of 1921–1922, 108 , 116 239 , 245 of 1932–1933, 19 , 129 , 138 , 195 , 208 Ferdinand I, King of Romania, 63 Dacia (newspaper), 79 Filderman, Wilhelm, 56 Dal’nik, 212 Flores ti,̧ 83 , 161 Dallin, Alexander, 184 , 209 France, 65 Da ̆ scă lescu, Nicolae, 213 Frasin, 89 , 90 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13196-5 - The State, Antisemitism, and Collaboration in the Holocaust: The Borderlands of Romania and the Soviet Union Diana Dumitru Index More information Index 265 Galat i,̦ 74 Kaganovich, Lazar, 97 Gârbova, 171 Kalinin, Mikhail, 124 Georgians, 136 Kamenev, Lev, 99 Germany, 4 , 5 , 30 , 54 , 75 , 76 , 92 , 94 , 99 , Kamenka, 108 139 , 176 Karady, Victor, 58 Gessen, Iosif, 32 Kaulbars, A.V., 41 Ghershunovka, 195 Kazakhs, 135 , 136 Ghidirim, 180 , 186 Kenez, Peter, 104 , 117 Ghiris eni,̧ 156 Kherson, 28 , 33 , 34 , 35 , 42 , 47 , 49 , 110 Ghirovo, 144 , 149 , 156 , 174 , 239 Kiev, 38 , 51 , 108 , 187 , 188 Gitelman, Zvi, 17 , 52 King, Charles, 215 Goga, Octavian, 70 Kingdom of Poland, 31 Golta, 125 , 136 Kodyma, 107 GPU/OGPU (Soviet secret police), 99 , Kolbasna, 189 100 , 109 , 111 , 112 , 114 , 115 , 116 , Komsomol and Komsomol members, 110 , 118 , 119 112 , 113 , 135 , 221 Grazhdanin , 44 Kopaigorod, 204 Greeks, 34 , 46 , 94 Kopaigorod ghetto, 182 Gross, Jan, 9 , 236 Kopanskii, Iakov, 57 Gura Ca ̆ inari, 172 Kopstein, Jeffrey, 20 Gypsies, 77 , 98 Korolenko, Vladimir, 45 Kostyrchenko, Gennadii, 242 Hânces ti,̧ 82 Kotovsk, 145 Harvard Interview Project, 129 , 131 Kozintsy, 198 Hellbeck, Jochen, 10 , 11 Krivoe Ozero, 107 , 205 Himmler, Heinrich, 176 , 228 Krushevan, Pavel, 41 , 45 , 48 , 50 Hirova, 74 Kuropatkin, A.N., 39 Hitler, Adolf, 76 , 98 , 218 , 242 Kutaisov, P.I., 38 Hoffmeyer, Horst, 176 Kuznetsovo, 190 Hoginești, 63 Hotin, 72 , 87 L’viv, 18 , 224 Hungarians, 8 Lambroza, Shlomo, 41 Hungary, 53 , 78 LANC, 62 , 70 , See National Christian Defence League Iampol, 183 Landau, Michael, 59 Iaroslavskii, Emel’ian, 99 La ̆ pus na,̧ 74 Ioanid, Radu, 11 League of the Militant Godless, 99 Ionescu, Alexandru, 158 Legion of the Archangel Michael (Iron Ionescu, Eugene, 61 Guard, Romania), 74 Iorga, Nicolae, 57 , 62 , 70 Legionnaires (members of the Iron Guard), Iron Guard, 62 , 63 , 70 , 71 , 72 , 73 , 74 , 75 , 74 , 75 , 239 79 , 80 , 90 , 239 Lenca ̆ ut i,̦ 171 Italy, 54 Lerner, Natan, 59 Ivanet ,̦ 79 Limbenii Noi transit camp, 168 Iva ̆ nes tii̧ Noi, 74 lishentsy , 102 Ivanovka, 201 Lithuania, 52 , 186 Izvestiia , 124 Liublin, 149 , 150 Livezeanu, Irina, 59 , 61 Jedwabne, 2 Jewish Labor Bund, 59 Ma ̆ rcules ti̧ transit camp, 161 , 169 , 172 Joint (American Jewish Joint Distribution Marianovca de Sus, 156 , 165 Committee), 69 , 116 Martin, Terry, 11 , 93 , 129 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13196-5 - The State, Antisemitism, and Collaboration in the Holocaust: The Borderlands of Romania and the Soviet Union Diana Dumitru Index More information 266 Index mass purges, 138 Orhei, 57 , 80 , 146 , 162 , 166 , 170 MASSR (Moldavian Autonomous Soviet Otaci, 82 , 90 Socialist Republic), 78 , 95 , 97 , 103 , 116 Ottoman Empire, 33 Mereșeuca, 169 Ozarintsy, 129 Mestovka camp, 200 OZET (Society for Resettlement of Jewish Miller, Alexei, 46 Toilers on the Land), 116 Minsk ghetto, 2 , 187 modernization Pale of Settlement, 29 , 33 , 34 , 37 , 46 , 48 effects of, 33 , 237 Palestine, 18 , 57 , 66 , 83 , 96 , 113 , 125 Jews and, 58 , 92 , 124 Panaitescu, Dumitru, 58 Romanian project of, 7 , 53 , 55 , 60 Paris Peace Conference (1919), 56 Soviet project of, 6 , 11 , 96 Pârlit a,̦ 162 Mogilev-Podolskii, 176 , 197 , 202 , 204 , 207 Pa ̆ ulescu, Nicolae, 61 Moldovans, 169 Pechora camp, 182 , 194 , 195 , 198 , 199 , Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (1939), 18 , 201 , 205 139 , 173 Pepeni, 65 , 151 , 152 , 153 , 154 , 156 , 160 Molva , 223 Pervomaisk, 108 Morozeni, 166 Petersen, Roger, 18 , 19 , 20 Moscow, 78 , 95 , 129 Petliura, Semen, 76 , 107 , 124 Petreni, 170 Na ̆ dușita, 65 Petriceicu Hașdeu, Bogdan, 44 Nakhimov, Pavel, 32 Petrograd, 99 Nashi Dostizheniia , 124 Plehve, Viacheslav, 39 , 40 Nathans, Benjamin, 29 , 101 Pobedonostsev, Konstantin, 37 National Christian Defense League Pociumba ̆ ut i,̦ 175 (Romania), 62 , 80 Podolia, 28 , 33 , 34 , 42 , 47 , 49 National Democratic Party (Romania), 69 pogroms National Liberal Party (Romania), 69 Balta, 47 National Peasant Party (Romania), 70 , 71 Bucharest, 76 Nemirov, 185 Buczacz, 23 Nemirovka, 149 Dumbra ̆ veni, 148 NEP (New Economic Policy), 101 Ias i,̧ 76 Nicholas I, Emperor of Russia, 36 Kherson, 47 Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia, 40 , 42 , 49 Kielce, 236 Nisporeni, 167 Kishinev, 39 , 45 , 47 , 48 NKVD (People’s Commissariat of Internal Odessa, 37 , 49 , 209 Affairs), 100 , 144 , 146 , 149 , 150 , 151 , Russian Empire, 40 , 46 , 49 184 , 216 , 226 Telenes ti,̧ 148 Novoe vremia , 44 Zgurit a,̦ 149 Novorossiia, 34 Pohl, Dieter, 225 Poland, 2 , 9 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 22 , 27 , 29 , Obodovka, 169 , 199 33 , 52 , 94 , 159 , 163 , 188 , 236 , Ochiul Alb, 170 241n24 , 242 Odessa Poles, 46 , 79 , 94 , 98 , 125 , 185 denunciations in, 217 Poltava, 187 deportation of Jews from, 212 , 213 Poznanko, 195 executions in, 211 Pravda , 124 Jewish population of, 35 , 210 Pronin, Georgii, 48 Ogonek , 124 propaganda Ol’viopol, 42 against antisemitism, 103 – 09 , 127 Onișcani, 86 , 90 , 146 antifascist, 75 © in this web

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