Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College 1956-1957 Student Newspapers 12-6-1956 Connecticut College News Vol. 42 No. 9 Connecticut College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_1956_1957 Recommended Citation Connecticut College, "Connecticut College News Vol. 42 No. 9" (1956). 1956-1957. 13. https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_1956_1957/13 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1956-1957 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. OLLEGE EWS lOe per eop" 86 New London, Connecticut, Thursday, December 6, 1956 Vol. 42-No. 9 Dr. Henry Margenau to Speak Phi Beta Kappa Seniors Gain Memorial Service The student body of Con- On Anatomy of a Sacred Cow Honors as Winthrop Scholars necticut College extends its sympathy to the family and Philosophy, Physics Joan Faraci Jones and Lucie Hobitzelle, members of the friends of Margaret Kennedy senior class, have been named as Winthrop Scholars, the high- of the Class of 1960: A me- Professor to Deliver est academic honor which Connecticut College bestows. Elec- morial service will be held in Convocation Lecture tion to Phi Beta Kappa in the junior year according to three Harkness Chapel tomorrow, years academic work is the basis of membership in Winthrop December 7, at 10:05 a.m. Dr. Henry Margenau, Eugene Scholars. Higgins Professor of Natural Prior to the establishment of -------------- Philosophy and Physics at Yale a Phi Beta Kappa chapter at Tenure of Alumna University, will deliver the sec- Connecticut College in February, ond Convocation lecture of the year in Palmer Auditorium, 1935. the faculty of the College or- Brings $1,000 CBS Thursday. Dec. 6, at 8:00 p.m. His ganized the honor of Winthrop topic for the evening is entitled Scholar in May, 1928, in recogni- Donation to Conn. Anatomy of a Sacred Cow, and in tion of high scholarship coupled A grant of one thousand dollars selecting it he has paraphrased with personal fitness and prom- will be given Connecticut College the title of a recent book Science ise. With the advent of the Phi by CBS Foundation, Inc., "as a re- The Sacred Cow. Beta chapter, the present basis of sult of fifteen years of service to A member of the Board of membership was invoked. the company by Emma M. Schau- Trustees of Connecticut College, mann, a graduate of the classlof Dr. Margenau was born in Biele- Joan Faraci Jones 1932. Connecticut is one of five feld, Germany and completed his Joan Faraci Jones, a native of privately-supported colleges and elementary and secondary edu- cation there. A graduate of Niantic, Connecticut, is a psychcl- universities to receive grants DR. HE.NRY MARGENAU ogy major. She is presently en- based on the length-of-service rec- Teacher's College in Herford, LUCIE HOBITZELLE and JOAN erda of five women graduates Germany, he ' also received a 'FARACI JONES gaged in honor study. Investigat- who have been employed by CBS --------------.,. Bachelor of Arts Degree from ing the "effect of task difficulty or its divisions for fifteen or more Dr. Louise Holborn Midland College and a Master of and varying degrees of negative years. Science Degree from the Univer- sity of Nebraska. Faculty Performs; reinforcement as a function of The grant is unrestricted so To Discu-ssUNRole total tension." Joan is a member that the college may use the In 1929 Dr. Margenau was Presents Lectures of the Commuters' Club and a money at its own. discretion. For In Present Crisis granted his doctorate degree by each additional five years the em- Next Wednesday, December 12, Yale University, and returned to To Outside Groups former vice president of the Psy- ployee remains at CBS. the corn- the International Relations Club Munich and Berlin to spend the chology Club. She enjoys collect- pany will increase the sum given will [otn the New London League year as Sterling Research Fellow. During the remainder of 1956, ing antique dolls and relevant Ilt- that employee's alma mater by of Women Voters and the AAUW He came back to Yale as a phys- the Connecticut College faculty erature, raising chinchillas, and five hundred dollars. in an open meeting in Hc:'.leLab- ics instructor in 1930, and was will continue to participate in off- learning about geology. After Connecticut has previously re- oratory at 8:00 p.m. MISS Hol- named to his present professor- graduation she and her husband ceived money from corporations born, of the Government Depart- ship in 1950. campus activities. Several of the expect to live either in Austra- to match contributions given by ment will be the speaker. Her . faculty members are scheduled to lia or in Venezuela for two years. alumnae, but this is the first gift subject for the evening is: The An. authority on nuclear and United Nations in the Present at~mIC phYSICS. as well as the speak before or perform at meet- Lucie Hoblitzelle to be given completely indefend- Wor\d Crisis. pnilosophy of SCIence, Dr. Marge- ings of national or local groups.' Lucie Hoblitzelle of Hamden, ently by a company. A related topic was discussed Ir:au has. served. in various capacl- Group Secretary Connecticut, is an English rna- Miss Schaumann was a Latin at We leyan at the November ties for u:dustnal and governmen- . h B h f h J' or who has scattered her col- major and a Dean's List student . s tal agencies. He has been consult- ISS Dorot y et lir,um 0 t etC ti t Sh tte ded meeting of the I.R.C. Wesleyan t t th ANt' al Lab M lege activities between three sue- a onnec ICU. e a n Professor, Sigmund Neumann an 0 e rgonne a Ion - English Department will act as cessive years of making Dean's Teacher'a College in New Britain, spoke on The Middle East and oratory, ~ureau of Stan~a~ds, group secretary for the meeting List. She was house president of Connec~Icut, for her Bachelors of the International Civil War. His the AtO~IC Energy CommisslO~, of the Modern Language Associa- Branford in her sophomore year, E~ucatIOn degree: At present, speech was followed by a ques- the ~atlOnal ~ese~rch Council, tion to be held in Washington, and is presently a member of MISS S?hau~ann IS employed as tion and discussion period. and 0 her nrganizatlcns. D. C., from December 27 until De. Choir and business manager of Supervisor In Accountmg for Co- Wig and Candle. Having taken. lumb.la Rec?rds m Bridgeport. Professor Neumann spoke of The recipient of an honorary the Middle East as being one of degree of Doctor of Humane Let- cember 29. part in numerous dramatic pro. She .IS a resident of Devon, Con- many key positions or "pivots" in ters from Carlton College in A member of the Music Depart- ductions on campus, Lucie recent- necticut. world affairs today. It is ~n ex- 1954 and of the centennial Award merit, Mr. Dale who recently per- ly appeared as Lavinia Chamber- The college has not yet an- ample of conflict in a local area of Michigan State College in 1955, formed at Carnegie Recital Hall Ilayne in the Wi~ and Candle sta~- nounced to what use it will pu.t which affects the entire world. Dr. Margenau is known as the . .' mg of T. S. Eliot's The Cocktail the grant. Other colleges and uru- These conflicts constitute the "In- author of various publications. In New York CIty, WIll conduct Party. Her plans for next year versttles- to receive grants are ternational Civil War." \InclUded among his many works The Messiah (Handel) at the an- include Yale University where Syracuse University, Oberlin Four revolutions are going on are: The Nature of Concepts. nual presentation of the com- she hopes to do graduate work trr College, Simmons College, and simultaneously in the Middle (1950); The Nature of Physical bined choirs of the Methodist and English. Eastern Nazarene College. East, according to Professor Neu- Reality (l950); Physics: Prin- See uHolborn"-Page 2 ciples and Applications (1949, Second Congregational Churches 1950); Mathematics of Physics of New London. The concert will and Chemistry (1943). and be given December 16 at the Sec- An Appraisal: Educators Sponsor Foundations of Physics (1936), ond Congregational Church. .I. Dr. Margenau is the father of Annemarie Margenau of the Bass Soloist Semor nterviews On December 12, December' Class of 1960 at Connecticut Col· Mr. Strider of the English De· The Cocktail Pa'!'ty partment will also participate in 13, and January 9 there will be lege. Jane Worthington Smyser suggest somnolence. As far as I campus events scheduled for all this event. He will perform as a by In writing about modern verse know, no dramatist ever intended students interested in teaching. bass soloist in'the presentation On December 12, the Director A Play's The Thing at the church, and will sing the drama, T. S. Eliot argued that to put his audience to sleep. In a of Elementary Education in the same part in a concert at the the audience should be unaware state of hypnosis our attention West Hartford School System. Five Arts Desires central Baptist Church in Wes· of the verse, or but barely con- would be riveted on the surface Mr. Paul Burch. will meet with Art, Dance, Drama. Literature, terly, Rhode Island on Christmas scious of it.
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