UNITED STATES. CONGRESS. HOUSE. COMMITTEE ON INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS Hearings 1964 Volume 3 DIXIE PROJECT, UTAH THE UnlVtuo:. OF MICHIGAN HEARINGS OCT 2 L 13S4 BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON IRRIGATION AND RECLAMATION OF THE COMMITTEE ON INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES EIGHTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS FIRST AND SECOND SESSIONS ON H.R. 3279, H.R. 4178, and S. 26 BILLS TO AUTHORIZE THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE, AND MAINTAIN THE DIXIE PROJECT, UTAH, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES OCTOBER 2, 1903— ST. GEORGE, UTAH JUNE 22, 1904— WASHINGTON, D.C. Serial No. 28 Printed for the use of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 36-351 WASHINGTON : 1964 COMMITTEE ON INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS WAYNE N. ASPINALL, Colorado, Chairman LEO W. O'BRIEN, New York JOHN P. SAYLOR, Pennsylvania WALTER ROGERS, Texas J. ERNEST WHARTON, New York JAMES A. HALEY, Florida E. Y. BERRY, South Dakota ED EDMONDSON, Oklahoma JACK WESTLAND, Washington WALTER S. BARING, Nevada CRAIG HOSMER, California THOMAS G. MORRIS, New Mexico J. EDGAR CHENOWETH, Colorado RALPH J. RIVERS, Alaska JOHN KYL, Iowa ROY A. TAYLOR, North Carolina HOMER E. ABELE, Ohio HAROLD T. JOHNSON, California JOE SKUBITZ, Kansas HUGH L. CAREY, New York CHARLOTTE T. REID, Illinois MORRIS K. UDALL, Arizona LAURENCE J. BURTON, Utah ELIZABETH KEE, West Virginia ROGERS C. B. MORTON, Maryland liOBERT B. DUNCAN, Oregon PATRICK MINOR MARTIN, California COMPTON I. WHITE, JR., Idaho MARK ANDREWS, North Dakota JOHN O. MARSH, JR., Virginia EDWARD R. ROYBAL, California THOMAS P. GILL, Hawaii PHILLIP BURTON, California A. FERN6S-ISERN (Resident Commissioner) Puerto Rico SUBCOMMITTEE ON IRRIGATION AND RECLAMATION WALTER ROGERS, Texas, Chairman JAMES A. HALEY, Florida JOHN P. SAYLOR, Pennsylvania ED EDMONDSON, Oklahoma JACK WESTLAND, Washington WALTER S. BARING, Nevada CKAIG HOSMER, California THOMAS G. MORRIS, New Mexico J. EDGAR CHENOWETH, Colorado HAROLD T. JOHNSON, California JOE SKUBITZ, Kansas MORRIS K. UDALL, Arizona LAURENCE J. BURTON, Utah ROBERT B. DDNCAN, Oregon ROGERS C. B. MORTON, Maryland COMPTON I. WHITE. JR., Idaho PATRICK MINOR MARTIN. California KDWAHD R. ROYBAL. California MARK ANDREWS, North Dakota THOMAS P. GILL, Hawaii PHILLIP BURTON, California SIDNEY L. MCFARLAND, Professional Staff Director and Engineering Consultant T. RICHARD WITHER, Counsel II 8Y TUB STATES O£ AMESK4 CONTENTS Hearings held— October 2, 1963, St. George, Utah 1 June 22, 1964, Washington, D.C 53 Text of— H.R. 3279 53 S. 26 55 Report of — Department of the Interior, June 19, 1964 56 Statements by — Members of Congress: Bennett, Hon. Wallace F., a U.S. Senator from the State of Utah 7,69 Burton, Hon. Laurence J., a U.S. Representative from the State of Utah 2, 60 Lloyd, Hon. Sherman P., a U.S. Representative from the State of Utah 6,73 Moss, Hon. Frank E., a U.S. Senator from the State of Utah 63 Departmental witnesses: Dominy, Floyd E., Commissioner, Bureau of Reclamation, De partment of the Interior 90 Holum, Kenneth, Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Water and Power 80 McCarthy, Daniel V., Chief, Division of Project Development, Bureau of Reclamation, Department of the Interior 90 Mosely, John J., supervisory park planner, southwest region, National Park Service, Department of the Interior 45 Oberhansley, Frank, superintendent, Zion National Park, Na tional Park Service, Department of the Interior 44 Pelham, H. E., regional project development engineer, region 3, Bureau of Reclamation 90 West, A. B., regional director, region 3, Bureau of Reclamation.. 14, 90 Public witnesses: Andrus, Blaine, president, Chamber of Commerce, St. George, Utah 35 Barlocker, Hon. William A., mayor, St. George, Utah, and president, Dixie Project <fe Development Association 32,115 Bingham, Jay R., executive director, Utah Water and Power Board 26, 109 Bnihn, Arthur F., president, Dixie College, and member, Utah State Park and Recreation Commission, St. George, Utah 36 Clyde, Hon. George D., Governor, State of Utah 11 Cox, Malin, president, Washington County Farm Bureau, St. (ieorge, Utah, representing Utah State Farm Bureau 37 Griddle, Wayne D., State engineer, State of Utah 29, 106 Foremaster, Phillip Lang, Washington County attorney 47 Fry, Claude, president, Canal Co ." 38 Graff, E. J., Hurricane, Utah 40 Ilafen, Hon. Orval, Utah State senator 22 Hanson, Earl A., vice president and division manager, Southern Utah Division, California-Pacific Utilities Co 41 Harvey, Leo P., president, Utah Association of Soil Conservation Districts, Pleasant Grove, Utah 32 Iverson, Wallace, president, Washington & St. George Canal Co.. 39 Jolly, Mills, executive secretary, Cedar City Chamber of Com merce, Cedar City, Utah 45 Jones, Preston L. chairman, Utah Water and Power Board 125 III IV CONTEXTS Statements by — Continued Public witnesses — Continued P«*» Larson, Mrs. Wesley P., president, League of Women Voters, CedarCity, Utah- 5O Parkinson, Ken J., commissioner, St. George Utilities, St. George, Utah 42 Seegmiller, George H., chairman, Dixie Soil Conservation Dis trict 40 Smutz, Ray, secretary, Virgin River Distribution 48 Snow, J. C., treasurer, Conservancy District 46 Squire, Hon. Loren, Utah State representative 23 Wallace, Harold, president, Utah Water Users Association 31 Wilson, Wayne, Washington County commissioner and member of the Utah Water and Power Board 48, 121 Yardley, Wallace D., vice chairman, Utah Water and Power Board 25 Communications received for the record from — Cedar City Chamber of Commerce, resolution dated October 2, 1963 49 Cedar City Chamber of Commerce, telegram dated June 22, 1964 131 Cedar City Council, resolution dated April 18, 1963 112 Clyde, Hon. George D., Governor, State of Utah, letter dated June 18, 1964, to the Honorable Wayne X. Aspinall, chairman, House Com mittee on Interior and Insular Affairs 78 Colorado River Development Association of 21 Counties, resolution dated April 30, 1963 111 Iron County Board of County Commissioners, resolution dated April 8, 1963 _' 113 Moss, Hon. Frank E., a U.S. Senator from the State of Utah 11 National Reclamation Association, William E. Welsh, executive director 131 Salt Luke City Chamber of Commerce, resolution dated May 6, 1963 . .-_- 113 Utah Association of Soil Conservation Districts, letter dated May 1, 1963 .... 112 Utah Farmers Union, Douglas Simpson, president 51 Utah Highway Commission, excerpt from minutes of meeting of March 6, 1964 79 Utah Water and Power Board, resolution dated June 19, 1964 126 Utah Water Users Association, letter dated April 8, 1963 112 DIXIE PROJECT, UTAH WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1963 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, SUBCOMMITTEE ON IRRIGATION AND RECLAMATION, OF THE COMMITTEE ON INTERIOR AND INSULAR AFFAIRS, St. George, Utah. The subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 7 :30 p.m., in the Fine Arts Auditorium, Dixie College, Hon. Walter Rogers (chairman of the subcommitteee) presiding. Mr. ROGERS. The Subcommittee on Irrigation and Reclamation, the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, on behalf of representa tives of the United States will come to order for the consideration of H.R. 3270, a, bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior, to con struct, operate, and maintain the Dixie project of Utah and for other purposes. Let the Chair say this: At this time, we have, I think, 32 witnesses, and I am sure there will be other statements offered for inclusion in the record. We are going to move along as speedily as possible, and at this time the Chair will ask unanimous consent for the inclusion in the record of H.R. 3270 to l>e followed by proper reference to the re port of the Dixie project filed under date of March 21, 1063. by the Secretary of the Interior; and at this time the Chair will recognize the Honorable Laurence J. Burton, Congressman, from the State of Utah, who will introduce the members of this committee to his con stituents in this area. Mr. Burton. Mr. BURTON. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. It is with a great deal of pleasure, that. I introduce my colleagues in the House of Repre sentatives to my constituents of Washington County. We are all hon ored, Mr. Chairman to have you and the other members of the com mittee here. First of all, ladies and gentlemen, I'd like you to meet Mr. Walter Rogers, a Democrat, from Texas, who is serving his seventh term in the House of Representatives. He's a distinguished gentle man who heads the House Interior Subcommittee on Irrigation and Reclamation, and he is a good friend of reclamation and a real cham pion in the House. We are very honored, Mr. Chairman, to have you here tonight, with us presiding over these hearings. At your direction I have prepared the 1 ist of witnesses which you have before you. Now, sitting to my right is the ranking Republican Meml>er of the House from Colorado, Judge Edgar Chenoweth, our neighbor to the east, and he is serving his llth term in the House. We are pleased to have you here, Judge. You will enjoy his wit that sparkles fi-om time to time in the proceedings. To the right of the chairman is our good friend Compton White, Democrat from the State of Idaho, where they, of course, have similar problems to ours, and we are happy to have you here, Mr. White. To my left is the Honorable Joseph Skubitz who is 2 DIXIE PROJECT, UTAH a Republican Member of the House, from Kansas, and we are also hon ored to have him here. Sitting with the committee at the end of the table, but without the privileges of the committee, is Representative Lloyd, of the Second District of Utah, who has come down here to dem - onstrate his support and his interest in this project. He has also intro duced a bill similar to the one now before the committee. Next to Congressman Lloyd is our own beloved Gov.
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