INDEX AAR stations, see After Action Review stations Ausbildungsgeraet Gefechtssimulator Panzer Activation rule, 52-53 Truppe (AGPT) (cont.) Ada programming language, 123 equipment familiarisation in, 140-141 AERA programs, 39 exercise control in, 145 After Action Review (AAR) stations instructional process control in, 146 in ccrr, 117, 120, 124, 125, 126, 130, 132 instructor console design in, 144-145 in SIMNET, 129 monitoring of performance in, 146 AGPT, see Ausbildungsgeraet Gefechtssimulator person machine interface in, 147 Panzer Truppe provision of feedback in, 143 Aircraft technicians, 114-115 provision of training objectives in, 143 Air Force, U.s., 86, 89,113 scenario generation in, 145 Air Force Institute of Technology (AFlT), 86 sequencing of training exercises in, 142-143 Air Training Network (ATN), 86 simulation fidelity questionnaires on, l39 ALMC, see Army Logistics Management College training programme design in, 140 Analog transmission, l3, 78, 84 training questionnaires on, l38-l39 Apple operating systems, 84 training system design in, 139-140 Appreciation System, 34 trials design in, 136-l37 Apprenticeship, learning as, 54-55 User Evaluation Survey of, 143-144, 148-149 APRE, l36 Australia Army, French, see LECLERC tank audiographic conferencing in, 10-11 Army, U.S., 67-68 video conferencing in, 13 CCTI and, see Close Combat Tactical Trainer Automated Training and Feedback System DIS and, see Distributed Interactive Simulation (ATAFS), 125, 130, 132 video teletraining and, 79, 80, 86 Autonomous learning, 169 Army Logistics Management College (ALMC), 70,81 Bavarian Broadcasting, 106-107 Army Readiness and Training Evaluation Program Berlitz International, 13-14 (ARTEP), 125, 128, 129, 130 Box-score approach, 75 role in collective training, 127 Bradley Fighting Vehicle simulators, 120 Army Research Institute (ARI), 125 Brainstorming, 8 Army School of Training Support, 112 British Open University, 184 ARTEP, see Army Readiness and Training Evalu- British Telecom, 112, 113 ation Program Broadcasting, see Educational/instructional broad- Artificial intelligence, 186-187 casting Asynchronous learning settings, 9, 11, 15 BRS/Search,161 ATAFS, see Automated Training and Feedback BS 5750, 113 System Bulletin board systems, 11,86, 161 AN, 15 defined,24 Attitudinal considerations, 111-116 Audio conferencing, 9-10,15, 17,20 CAIMAN,55 defined, 24 CAMIS-II, see Computer-Assisted Medical Inter­ Audiographic conferencing, 10-11, IS, 18, 19,20 active-Video System II defined,24 Canada, 10 Ausbildungsgeraet Gefechtssimulator Panzer CANOES, see Computer-Assisted Naval Oceanog­ Truppe (AGPT), 4, 118, 135-149 raphy Education System content of training exercises in, 141-142 CATS, see Combined Arms Training Strategy 193 194 Index CATT, see Combined Anns Tactical Trainer Combined Arms Training Strategy (CATS), 128 CCTT, see Close Combat Tactical Trainer COMDEX '93, 83 CD-DA, 82, 84 Command and control simulation, 61-64 CD-G,82,84 Command and General Staff College (CGSC), CD-I, 82, 84, 185 U.S. Army, 80 CD-MO,82 Communications, Command and Control (C3) CD-RDx,82 Module, AGPT, 141,142 CD-ROM,73 Compact discs (CDs), 82-83,84, see also CD en­ compression technology and, 83 tries educational materials/systems transfer and, 185 Compression technology, 15,80-81,83,84-85,86 interactive courseware and, 74 Computer-Assisted Medical Interactive-Video Sys­ MINERVA and, 64 tem II (CAMIS-II), 89 multimedia equipment and, 82, 84 Computer-Assisted Naval Oceanography Educa­ inNTTC,l61 tion System (CANOES), 89 CD-ROM.xA, 82 Computer-based instruction, 74, 75-76, 77, 89 CD-TV,82 Computerconferencing, 11-12,15,17,18,19,20 Central Intelligence Agency, 82 defined,24 CESN, see CNET Electronic Schoolhouse Network DELTA and, 191 Classrooms Computer-mediated communication (CMC), 165, Electronic, 192 168,169,170-171 in video teletraining, 78, 79-80 defined,24 Class 1 terminals, 89-90 Computer simulation, see Simulation Class 2 terminals, 89-90 Conferencing, 7-25, see also Audio conferencing; Close Combat Tactical Trainer (CC'IT), 117, 119- Audiographic conferencing; Computer con­ 132 ferencing; Video conferencing approach to training in, 126-129 comparative overview of technologies for, 14- collective training and, see Collective training 17 description of, 120 from course organizer's perspective, 18-19 effecting unit performance with, 129 defined, 7, 24 fidelity of, 120-122 educational motivations for, 8-9 plans for training in, 126 from instructional designer's perspective, 20-21 RAM engineering of, 122-123 from instructor's perspective, 18 refinements over SIMNET, 120-123 from learner's perspective, 17-18 reusability of, 123 from media specialists's perspective, 20-21 standards compliance of, 123 from organizational decision maker's perspec- CMC, see Computer-mediated communication tive, 19-20 CNET Electronic Schoolhouse Network (CESN), technologies for, 9-14 79-80,86 Connectionism, 52-54 Codecs, 13,83-84,89 Connection weights, 52 COFf, 126-127, 128 Consorzio per I'Universita a Distanza (CUD), Cognition 158, 164-165 situated, 55 telematic tutoring in, 169-171 sociocultural perspective on, 52 Constraints Cognitive activities, 30-32 AGPT,140 knowledge-based/problem setting, 32, 33 UCIT,41-42 knowledge-based/problem solving, 31-32, 33 Constructivism, 50 rule-based, 31,33 Co-operative learning, 52 skill-based, 30-31 Cooperative R&D Agreement (CRADA), 161 Cognitive artifacts, 49-50 Copyright, 90-91, 92 Colleague (search interface), 161 Correspondence courses, ECOM as extension of, Collective training, 119, 123-124 69-70 ARTEP's role in, 127 Costs Combat instructions sets (CIS), 122 of audio conferencing, 9-10 Combat Maneuver Training Center (CMTC), 124 of audiographic conferencing, 10-11 Combat training centers (CTCs), 124 of computer conferencing, 12 Combined Arms Tactical Trainer (CATT), 117, of conferencing, 19-20 118, 119, 135-149, see also Aus­ of educational/instructional broadcasting, 106- bildungsgeraet Gefechtssimulator Panzer 107 Truppe of interactive courseware, 76-77 Index 195 Costs (cont.) Electronic blackboards, 10, 11 of Royal Netherlands Army Training Command Electronic Classroom, 192 course, 101-102 Electronic Communication, see ECOM of telematic tutoring, 169 Electronic mail, see E-mail of video conferencing, 13 Electronic superhighways, 85-86, 91 of video teletraining, 80-81 E-mail, 45,86,92, 161 Cross platform compatibility, 83 Entrepreneurial managers, 30, 32 CUD, see Consorzio per l'Universita a Distanza Environmental Protection Agency, 87 Culture, 51-52 European Association of Distance Teaching Uni- versities (EADTU), 180, 184, 187 Data operators, 28 European Open University Network, 187 Data voice logger (DVL), 143, 145, 146 European Round Table, 192 Debriefing Eurostudy Centres, 187 in AGPT, 141, 143, 146, 148, 149 "Exercise Phantom Bugle" (field exercise), 137 in command and control simulation, 61, 63 Extension Course Institute, U.S. Air Force, 113 Decentralised bases, 164-165 Extreme learning, 169 Decision-taking support professionals, 29 Defense Acquisition University (DAU) Network, Facsimile transmission, 10 86 Feature theories of memory representation, 53 Defense Advanced Projects Agency (DARPA), Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 117,119 178,89-90 DEU-TA,4, 187, 189-192 Federal Republic of Germany, see Germany Desktop video, 83-85 Federal research and development (R&D), 159- Didactic triangle, 40 162 Digital transmission, 78, 84 FEDRIP database, 160 Direct-broadcast satellite, 24 Fidelity Directors, 29, 31, 34 ofAGPT,139 DIS, see Distributed Interactive Simulation of CCTT, 120-122 Discrete cosine transform (DCT), 83 Field training exercises (FTXs), 123, 124, 127, Distance learning, 2-3 128, 129 Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS), 117 differences between simulations and, 125-126 in CATT, 135, 136 Field Tutors, 115-116 in CCTT, 120, 126 Financing, see Costs in SIMNET, 119 FIPS, see Federal Information Processing Stand­ Distributed representation, 53 ards DOD-SID 2167A, 123 Fire & Manoeuvre and Tactical Awareness Mod­ DOS machines ule, AGPT, 141, 142 CD-ROM for, 84 FIST-V, 120 telematic tutoring and, 170 Fort Knox Combat Vehicle Command and Control Dual use, 87, 91,157 project, 128 Dutch Open University, 181, 182-183, 184, 185, Frame of reference, 41, 42, 45-46 187 France DV-I,lO LECLERC tank in, see LECLERC tank defined,25 video conferencing in, 13, 14 Freeze-frame video, 10 EADTU, see European Association of Distance Teaching Universities Gain Extension Language (GEL), 83 ECOM,65-72 GARR network, 170 Educational/instructional broadcasting, 105-109 General Services Administration (GSA), 87 Educational materials/systems transfer, 177-188 Geometry balls, 145 design and, 178-179 Germany evasions and solutions in, 180-185 didactic triangle in, 40 problems in, 179-180 educational/instructional broadcasting in, 105-109 technology and, 185-187 video conferencing in, 13, 14 Educational Technologies, 27-35, see also Organ- Gore, AI, 87 isational models; Professional types Great Britain, see United Kingdom Educators, see Instructors Greece, 14 Effect size, 75-76 Green Book standard, 82 8 Signal Regiment pilot study, 115-116 Green computing, 87, 91 196 Index Handicaps, 169 Kolleg sessions, 107, 108 HMMWVs, 120 KPR-93-4-1,87 Hypermedia systems, 34, 50-51, 191 Labor market, 67 ICW, see Interactive courseware Land Systems Operational Requirements-2 IEEE-STD 1278-1993, 123 (LSOR2), 136 ILCE, see Interactive Learning and Course Devel- Laser-Vision standard, 89 opment Environment Learners, see also Students IMA, see Interactive
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