1958 CONGRESSIONAl. RECORD- HOUSE 2947 By Mr. FASCELL: of certain aliens; to the Committee on the 442. By Mr. HESS: Petition of Mrs. Dan H. R. 11026. A bill for the relief of Rosa Judiciary. Shannon and many other citizens of Cin­ Angarica; to the Commi tt.ee on the Judici­ By Mr. LANE: cinnati, Ohio, asking for the passage of a. ary. H. Res. 489. Resolution providing for send­ change-of-venue law in regard to obscene By Mr. GUBSER: ing the bill H. R. 8728 and accompanying and pornographic literature; to the Com­ H. R. 11027. A bill for the relief of Eric and papers to the Court of Claims; to the Com­ mittee on the Judiciary. Ida Mae Hjerpe; to the Committee on the mittee on the Judiciary. 443. By Mr. HILLINGS: Petition of Mrs. Judiciary. James W. Redfern, Jr., of Azusa, Calif., and 588 other citizens of the 25th Congressional ByMr:MORANO: PETITIONS, ETC. District of California urging support of leg­ H. R. 11028. A bill for the relief of Liselotte islation to prohibit the transportation of Santorelli; to the Committee on the Judi­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions alcoholic beverage advertising in interstate ciary. and papers were laid on·the Clerk's desk commerce and its broadcasting over the air; H. R. 11029. A bill for the relief of Antonio and referred as follows: to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Garcia; to the Committee on the Judiciary. 439. By Mr. BUSH: Petition of Renovo, Commerce. By Mr. NIMTZ: Pa., Aerie No. 516, Fraternal Order of Eagles, 444. By Mr. KING: Petition of Mrs. Della. H. R. 11030. A bill for the relief of Miss Yun urging enactment of legislation to eliminate Painter, Inglewood, Calif., and constituents YuLee; to the Committee on the Judiciary. age discrimination in employment as an of the 17th Congressional District of Cali­ By Mr. RIEHLMAN: unwarranted practice which is depriving fornia urging support to remove the adver­ H. R. 11031. A bill for the relief of Janusz many thousands of physically sound, skilled, tising of alcoholic beverage from our homes; Kurylko; to the Committee on the Judiciary. and experienced workers of the means of a to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign By Mr. RODINO: livelihood, and which is resulting in a tragic Commerce. H. R. 11032. A bill for the relief of Luis waste of manpower in the American econ­ 445. By Mr. NIMTZ: Petition of Mrs. For­ Trillo Carreira; to the Committee on the omy; to the Committee on the Judiciary. rest Marsh and 24 other citizens of South Judiciary. 440. Also, petition of Anthony J. Tedesco Bend and Mishawaka, Ind., expressing oppo­ By Mr. WALTER: and other citizens of Columbia County, Pa., sition to any system of paid television; to H. J. Res. 551. Joint resolution for the re­ urging favorable action on a bill to grant the Committee on Interstate and Foreign lief of certain aliens; to the Committee on pensions for all veterans of World War I; to Commerce. the Judiciary. the Committee on Veterans' Affairs. 446. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the sec­ H. J. Res. 552. Joint resolution to facilitate 441. By Mr. CRETELLA: Resolution of retary, governors' conference, Chicago, Ill., the admission into the United States of cer­ Torrington Republican Town Committee, of relative to a resolution adopted at the gov­ tain aliens; to the Committee on the Judi­ Torrington, Conn., stating opposition to the ernors' conference held at Colorado Springs, ciary. proposed legislation about to be considered Colo., on February 24, 1958, requesting nec­ H. J. Res. 553. Joint resolution to waive by the Congress pertaining to reciprocal essary action to maintain the strength of certain provisions of section 212 (a) of the trade agreements; to the Committee on the Army National Guard at the 400,000-man Immigration and Nationality Act in behalf Ways and Means. level; to the Committee on Armed Services. EXTENSIONS OF R.EMARKS Salute to the Czech People positive contribution to stability and world the Czech ·people both here and in their peace. ancestral home for the resolute and sacrificial Then came the Nazi wave to strangle that struggle whi_ch they are waging in the noble EXTENSION OF REMARKS independence and place the iron heel of cause of human freedom. OF despotism upon the Czech people. At the end of World War II, the Republic of Czecho­ slovakia was restored, and a government Hon. EVERETT McKINLEY DIRKSEN which was administered by a coalition of OF ILLINOIS independent political parties was established. Oregon Beef Candy IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES But the Communist cancer was at work. Slowly, silently, and relentlessly this de­ EXTENSION OF REMARKS Wednesday, February 26, 1958 structive force operated through the police OF Mr. DffiKSEN. Mr. President, I ask force, the Security Corps, and the Ministries of Finance and Agriculture. unanimous consent to have printed in In February of 1948-10 years ago this HON. RICHARD L. NEUBERGER the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, a statement month-the new Republic had been so weak­ OF OREGON entitled "Salute to the Czech People." ened that the subversive Communist forces IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES There being no objection, the state­ within and without compelled the surrender ment was ordered to be printed in the of the democratic elements in the Republic Wednesday, February 26, 1958 RECORD, as follows: and a. new government under Communist domination was established. Every instru­ Mr. NEUBERGER. Mr. President, on SALUTE TO THE CzECH PEOPLE ment for the safeguarding of individual February 25 it was my privilege to serve Towering over the Moldava. in the once right&-the press, the schools, the courts, the as senatorial sponsor for the distribution Golden City of Prague in Czechoslovakia Parliament--were purged and became organs of beef candy from Oregon to the tables stands a. concrete statue of Josef Stalin. It for totalitarian control. Thus was another in the Senate dining room, and to Mem-­ is 120 feet high. bastion of liberty liquidated. bers of the Senate at their offices. It is perhaps the largest monument to The loss was not quite total. The tragedy Many compliments have been received human slavery, oppression, and dictatorship of Czechoslovakia awakened a. prudent fear from my colleagues regarding this deli-­ ever erected by human hands. It is an im­ in the free world. Three months later, in pressive and ever present reminder of an May of 1948, Britain, France, Italy, Belgium, cacy from the great Pacific Northwest. arrogant, aggressive tyranny which has liqui­ Holland, and Luxembourg signed a mutual­ Beef candy is the result of a process dated freedom wherever it has spread and assistance pact for collective defense against developed by Mr. and Mrs. Ed Coles, of which has extinguished the hopes of hun­ Communist encroachment. Less than a year Prineville, Oreg., on the high grazing dreds of millions of hum.an beings who have later, the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza­ plateau of the central portion of our become enmeshed in this poisonous web. tion came into being, with the United States lovely State. Dehydrated beef is the Only 10 short years ago, Czechoslovakia. as a. member. became the victim of this conspiratorial tyr­ Monstrous as the tragedy of Czechoslo­ base for a delicious and nutritious anny. Through treachery at home and the vakia. was, it generated a vigilance among sweetmeat. aid of Red Communist forces, directed from free nations and a sense of concern in free Actual presentation of the beef candy Moscow, the lamp of liberty and independ­ men that must and will express itself in the from Oregon was under the personal ence was snuffed out for a. happy, liberty­ ;form of eternal hostility toward this brutal auspices of some of my guests from Ore-­ loving people. and degrading concept of communism. And gon: Mrs. David Campbell, of Bly; Mrs. After the forces, which were generated in there can be no easy conscience in the cita­ Frank Obenchain, of Bly; Mrs. Henry C. the crucible o:f World War I, had tumbled dels of free men until at long last the thrall­ so many monarchial despotisms in Europe, dom of the Czech people has been ended Gerber, of Klamath Falls; Mrs. Julian the brave young state of Czechoslovakia. and their right of self-determination and Arrien, of Vale, and Miss Margaret Ger-­ which had been established as a. democracy, freedom has been restored. ber, of Klamath Falls. They and their struggled ever so valiantly to preserve its On this the lOth anniversary of the black­ families were likewise my guests at newly won independence and make a. truly out of Czech independence, let us salute luncheon in the Senate dining room. 2948 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-· HOUSE February 26 Because many Senators have asked me support our American-flag fleet has received ices generally, includ-ing domestic and other about the actual ingredients and prep. under authority of the Merchant Marine Act segments of the oceangoing merchant ma­ of 1936. Our globe-encircling cargo fleet has rine. aration of our beef candy, I ask unani· been able to survive, and continues as one The facts throw a more accurate light on mous consent that a statement from my of our strongest links to the free world the situation than the lines in the Barron's office, dated February 25, 1958, .be in· through support by Government assistance article th'at say, "The trouble is that Con­ eluded in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. in the form of parity payments to offset low­ gress has been steering by a faulty compass, There being no objection, the state· cost foreign competition.
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