SVOBODA, UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SECTION, TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1956 N. Y., N. J. GOVERNORS, KOREAN THE TRUE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS STORY 1 AMBASSADOR, N.Y.C. MAYOR HjWWIH " (The oldest Legend of АИ) EXTEND UKRAINIAN CHRISTMAS Last Ukrainian Christmas but we still think that the weekend, Ukrainians through­ Ukrainian "koliady" are most And it came to pass that Godi seph took off his mantle to GREETINGS ON TV out the world, and here in our beautiful. had ordered all the youths to wrap it about her more весиге- country, the U.S.A., celebrated Then the church services gather at the church. Each was iy- this great religious holiday in that night, and the High Mass to carry a staff. The one whose They plodded along hopeless­ Greetings to Ukrainian that spirit alive. At this time the manner traditional with our on Ukrainian Christmas Day, staff came to life, would be ly, in a search of a place to Americans on the occasion let us all pray that the new parents and our grandparents when the choirs do justice to chosen as the protector of stop. of their celebration of Christ­ dawn of freedom will come who came here as emigrants. the talents that lie in them. Mary. --"Perhaps, on the outskirts mas, in accordance with the soon so that free and liberty- We had our "Sviat-Vechir," One of our Ukrainian Week­ Mary was a pure and holy of the town, some kind soul Julian Calendar, were voiced loving peoples everywhere can replete with all of the customs ly readers remarked to us re­ virgin who spent much of her will give us lodging," thought on the Ukrainian Melody Hour begin building together the and ceremonies associated with cently, that of "all our Ukrain­ time in prayer. Joseph, as he directed Mary. television show last Friday peace on earth that all of us it The family, the older and ian cultural traditions, few, if Now, Joseph was an older Just at this instant, they saw night, January 6 (11 to 12, desire. the younger, partook of the any, have the color and the man, being well past 30 years a light, a bright gleaming star, WATV, channel 13), by New of age, but lo and behold, as Again, I send you holiday traditional twelve courses, all warmth of the Ukrainian ob­ in the distance, as if beckoning York Governor Averell Hafri- he entered the church, carry­ greetings and all good wishes. of them named after the servance of our Christmas to them. * man. New Jersey Governor Twelve Apostles, and all of Eve." ing a staff, it at once burst "Hurry, Joseph," said Mary, Robert Meyner, New York City Ambassador Limb's Message them fast dishes, prepared He then added; "In observ­ forth with new leaves. So Jo­ "we must hurry now!" At the Mayor Robert Wagner, Korean without meat and dairy pro­ ing Ukrainian Christmas cus­ seph was chosen then as Mary's same time a sigh of relief es­ It is with admiration for the Ambassador Ben C. Limb, and ducts. There was, of course, toms, however, the greatest guardian and protector. caped her lips. She pointed, stalwart Ukrainian people, in Mr. Dmytro Halychyn, Presi­ "borsch," then cabbage and care should be exercised that Now, it came about that the "There perhaps will be a kind their long and courageous re­ dent of the Ukrainian National pea soup, "holubtsi" stuffed their colorful qualities do not Romans m power were collect­ soul who will let us rest for sistance to the totalitarian op­ Association. with "kasha," buckwheat obscure the true meaning of ing a tax and taking a census, the night." pression of communism, that I Conductor of the Ukrainian groats, or with rice and the holiday. The essence and so Mary and Joseph travelled The star grew brighter and extend to them these Season's Melody Hour is Mr. Roman there were dishes, too, made not the form should predomln- to the nearest city Bethlehem nearer as they approached. Greetings. Marynowitch. of mushrooms, and grid­ at." for that purpose. Soon they saw a stable, not far Text of the greetings by the At this time of Christmas, dle cakes fried in hemp oil. We agree with him. It is all Night had fallen and they off, and a bright star directly Governor Harrimas, Mayor our hearts are lifted in the Also the "pampushki," and be­ very fine to cat the traditional etopped at the city Inn, hoping bver it, lighting up its win­ Wagner and ths Ambassador prayer of hope and in the fore all there was the "Kutya," dishes, to sing our "koliady," to get a room in which to pass dows. Limb follows: yearning for freedom. The peo­ the exclusive Ukrainian Christ­ and to bask in the warmth of the night. There Mary and Joseph stop­ ple of Korea join in the com­ mas Eve delicacy, prepared the Christmas celebration, but The Inn keeper inquired of ped under the star, so bright it Governor HarrimSa's Message mon struggle for freedom from wholewheat grains cook­ on that holiday at least some them If they had the price of lit up the interior of the man­ At this holiday season, I everywhere. Together with ed for many hours, and then thought should be given to the room. He quoted a price ger. welcome the opportunity to you, together with all free seasoned with honey mixed living a life as Jesus Christ far above what they had ex­ The star was so bright and pected to pay. talk to the many Americans of men, we too pray for the sur­ with poppyseed. This, and ordained it big that all the shepherders Ukrainian descent and to wish vival of the great moral her­ much more. And so, let us turn our "I've many guests this night. were attracted by its glory all of you a Merry Christmas itage of mankind and the Finally, there came the thoughts to Him who came My Inn is full of merry people and followed its direction, and a very Happy New Year.. message of love and peace em­ singing of the Ukrainian car­ upon this earth, to bring salva­ with full purses tonight. It is hearing the singing of angels already too full. There Is no I had the privilege of visiting bodied in the spirit of Christ­ ols, reproduced on this page. have gone over the emotional I of other peoples, including tion to all mankind, and re­ louder and louder as they came room in my Inn for poor trav the homeland of your fathers mas. Christmas after Christmas, we thrill of singing them, be it in "Silent Night" (originally in solve to live in accordance nearer to the manger was a elers tonight!" during-World War П when It is only by standing to­ have sung them, and never borne or in church. The caroler Sti)le Nacht"), are beautiful, with His teachings. great and holy light. There American air bases were estab­ gether in the continuing strug­ The hope died out of Jo­ angels were singing hosanaa. lished there. I know.at first gle, against the godless phil­ seph's eyes and Mary's filled The shepherds entered, look­ hand 'that the Ukraine has a osophy of communism, which with tears. She was weary of ed .upon the Christ child and the travel. proud heritage, a national cul­ breeds hatred and tyranny, were amezed, "for the Predic- £&т% Щряг Carols ш\Ь facp (ШтгюЬшв ©raoffitms Joseph started to speak tion had come true, Jesus ture rich in literature, art and that we can preserve the ideals again, but the door slammed the Child of God was born music. The many beautiful of Christianity and bring БОГ ПРЕДВІЧНИЙ ВС КЛЕШНЯ, ВЕСЕЛИСЯ! НЕВО І ЗЕМЛЯ БОГ СЯ РАЖДАС... shut upon warmth, friendly So they went forth and told songs I heard in the Ukraine Peace on Earth and Good Will НАРОДИВСЯ Вселскиая, веселися, Небо 1 земля (2) Бог ся раждас, хто ж Го може light and the smell of food. the Great News to all the I shall never forget to Men. Бог Предвічний народився, Бог від Діви днесь родився, знати, — нині торжествують, Mary shivered a little. Jo-1 world! But the things that impress­ Прийшов днесь Із небес. У вертепі, між бидляти, Ісус Му Ім'я, Марія Му Мати! Mayor Wagner's Message Ангели й люди (2) ed me most was that Ukrain­ Щоб спасти люд свій ввесь, Там Христові поклін дати, Весело празнують: Тут ангели чудяться, Тай утішився. Три князі, три князі приходять. ians are by nature a friendly As Mayor of the City of Христос родився, Рожденного бояться, В Вифлесмі народнься г— А віл стоїть, трясеться, WOMEN WORKED TO DEATH ON people with an invincible re­ New York I welcome this op­ Ладан, миро, злато в дарі "" Бог воплотився, Месія, Христос наш. Ангели співають, solve to live a life of joy and portunity to wish all Ukrain­ Господь наш, для всіх вас, Ту принесли ті владарі, Осел смутно пасеться, — SIBERIAN RAILROAD, ANTI-RED freedom. The desire of the Новонародженному Князеві, І князі витають, Пастнріс клячать, ians the happiest Christmas Нам народився. Поклін віддають, Ukrainian people to be free Всього світу Господеві, Бога в плоти бачать RADIO REPORTS ever. А пастирі грають, and order their own affairs in „Слава Богу" — заспіваймо, Віддають, віддають покірно. Тутже, тутже, тутже, тутже, At this season of the year Чудо, чудо! повідають. тут! A REFUGEE RELEASED AFTER TEN YEARS IN SOVIET their own manner has sur­ Честь Сину Божому, Ангели ся покланяють, we Americans have special Господу нашому LABOR CAMPS^REVEALS HARROWING DETAILS vived centuries of oppression „Слава во пишних" співають, Во Вифлесмі (2) І пастирі там к Ньому cause for gratitude and re­ Поклін віддаймо! Весела новина: TO RADIO LIBERATION It survived the autocracy Новонародженому Дитяти joicing.
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