Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly WEDNESDAY, 4 AUGUST 1909 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Barron Falls Bill. [4 AUGUST.] Questions. 551 WEDNESDAY, 4 ACGFST, 1909. and if the hrm. gentleman persists in the line he is now taking, I shall have io say he is out of order. GovER~MEN1' J'vb;i\IBERS : Hear, hear ! The SPKiKER (Hon .•J. T. Bell, Dni!Jy) took Mr. ·woODS : Very well, I will get an the chair at half-past 3 o'clock. answer from the Premier, in spite nf himself. I give n•ltice that to-morrow I will ask the Pre­ PAPERS. rnier- V\'hat has become of the Barron Falls Bill ::~s llromised The following paper was laid on the table :­ in the Rockhampton programme? Report by Mr. J. G. :YiacDonald on the lazaret The hon. gentleman won't twist out of that at Peel Island. question-- The le llowing paper, bid on the table, was The SPEAKER: Order, order ! ordered to be printer! :-Regulations under the Navigation Act of 1876. Mr. \VOODS : With the assistance of the Chair. GOVEl\~ii!EN1' 11Eii!BEHS: Ob, oh ! Chair! BARRO:'\ FALLS BILL. The SPEAKER: Order, order ! I am sure QuESTION oP OnDER. that on reflection the bon. member for \Vootha­ }fr. ·woODS ( Wonthnkntrt): I gave notice of kata rrniRt qnite reali.:;e that no Speaker could a queetion to the Chi<'f Secrehtry, which was allow "" ouservation of that kind to pass un­ asked by the hon. member for Cairns yesterday. noticed. The question was- HoNOCHABLE 11D!BEI\S : Rear, hea.r ! What has become of the Bn.rron Falls Bill which was The SPEAKER : I am sure he cannot show included in the Rockh'!Lmpton manifesto, for the oa.rry­ anything in connection with parliamentary ing· out of which the present coalition was formed~ affairs which will sanction such a remark; and I, therefore, ask tbe hon. gentleman to be good The Premier, in reply, said- enough to withdraw it. If the hon. member will con~mlt Standing- Order );o. 64, he will find that his quAstion is out oE order. :Yir. \VOUDS : In deference to the House I withdraw the statement. I will say this-that It is. news to me t~>t it is the province· of a is the P'"ition we are placed in to-day. You Premier to occupy the po~ltion of SpPttker. will a~ree with me that the bnsiness-paper eub­ Standing Order 64 reads as follows :- mitted to us this afternoon goes to prove conclu­ In putting a question, no argume~t or opinion shall sively that t be Premier himself ruled my be offered, nor any fact stated, except so far as is question out of order, and not the Speaker. necessdry to explain the rtnestion. The SPEAKER : Order ! The hon. gentle­ I would like to know whether you gave thrtt man must know that this is not the time to ruling, Mr. Speaker, or was it the ruling of the bring this matter up. If the hon. gentleman is Pren1ier? not '.1tisfied with the reply from the Treasury The PREMIER: The ruling of the Premier. bench hH rnnst follow the recognised par!iamen· The SPEAKER: \Vhat prtrticular question tary c;mrse in order to express his disagreement. ·dues the hon. gentleman refer to? Mr. \VOODS: Of coursP. I have to bow to Mr. \VOODS : Entry No. 9 of ye,terday's your ruling. Probably. in the ne7r fut~1re we proceeding>. The reply, no.t from you, but from will h~tve an opportnmty of dealmg w1th the the PremiPr, was- matter. If the honourahle member will con~ult Standing Order Xo. 64, he will find that his question is out of ·order. DEATH OF SIR FREDERTCK HOLDER. I would like your ruling before we go any further. }fESSAGE FROM HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. OPPOSITION MEMBERS : Henr, hear ! The SP:EAKER: I have to announce that I have received the following letter from the Prime The SPEAKER: I should like to point out to Minister of the Commonwealth:- the hon. member that it is within the discretion of Ministers, within certain limitations, to decide Commonwealth of Australia, what answers they give to questions a ked by Prime ~Iinister, ~Ielbourne, 28th July, 1909. bon. me m ben. They are entirely responsible for the >tnswers they give ; and if the Chief Secre­ Sir -I have the honour to acknowledge with thanks the r~ceipt of your me:-sage of tbe 24th instan.t, e~m­ tary likes to reply in the terms be has employed veying- on behalf of yonrl'elf and the Leg-Islative to the question Hsked by the hon. member for Assembly or Queensland deepest sympathy at the sad Cairns on behalf of the hun. lJJember for \Voo­ death of the late Speaker ot the Honse of Represen­ thakata, it is quite within his discretion to do so. tatives. GovERN1!ENT :ME:I!BEHS : Hear, hear! On behalf of the members of the House of Repre'"en­ tatives permit me to express warm appreciation of your Mr. JENKINSON: An extraordinary ruling. sympathy. I have the honour to be, Sir, Mr. WOODS: l arn not dealing with the Your obedient servant, Premier; I am de<tling with the Sreaker. I ALFRED D;:AKIN. want to know who i" g<Jin<; to decide whether a The Honourable J. T. Bell, ~{.f,.A., question is in order or not-the Premier or the Speaker) House of Assembly, Brisbane. Speaker. I want your ruling, 11r. Speaker. I want to knnw as a member of this Chamber, with you in that chair as SpE' <ker-- QUESTIONS. The SPEAKER: Order, order ! \V AGES BOARD FOR SHORE E~GINE·DHIVERS. Mr. ·woODS : Whether you are controlling Mr. BAHBER (Bundaberg) asked the Secre­ this House or the Premier. tary for Pnulic \Vorks- 1. On what, date was the Order in Coun~il issued The SPEAKER: Order ! T c.%n give a v,;rv authorising tbe crr.ation of a wage<:. board for shore prompt answer to the hon. gentleman hy telling engine-driven; in the South-eastern division of the him that the Speaker decides que,tions of order, State? 552 Questions. [A.SSE:WBLY.] Questions. 2. Did a deputation of sugar-mill proprietors wait on The TREASURER (Hon. A. G. C. Ho,w­ the then Secretary for Public Vl'"orks, and request that thorn) replied- sugar mills, juiC'e mills, and sngm· factories should be exempted from the operations of the board? 1. Yes, for the tlo~ting pipe line of the dredge­ 3. \VhR.t reasons were arhnJ..Df'ed in support of the ex­ "IIercnles." emptions being madP, and what was his reply or pro­ ~. 5-:tO lineal feet of patent loekingo-bar pipes \vere p1·o· mise thereto:: cured from the patentees in ~cw South \.Vale!", 31essrs· G. and C. IIoskiw'. of :Sydney, at £1 5:-:.. per fnot, f.o.b· The SECRETARY FOR PUBLIC WORKS Syrlne.r; total hwded east, £762 12s . ..±cl. These pipes (Hon. G. Jackson, Kennedp) replied- last about twice: a~ long as riveted pipes. !. 3rd June. 190\J. a. Xo: these pipes cannot be made in this State. 2 and 3. ).ly predPces!';or in office, \fr. Appel, advises ':1:, See answer to ~o. 3. me he was m formed by per~ons interested in the sugar 5. 60 feet of ri.veted pipe, for shore and pontoon, were industry that an application woulr1 be mRde for the made at the Government dock at a cost of £l 3s. per constitution of a spedrtl board for that industry, and lineal foot. tha.t he dPP.mcd it desirable, on :tccount of the special conditions obtaining in the sugar inclnstry, that engine­ drivers employed in c0rmection therewith should come BHEACHES o~' LICENSING AcT. under the determination of such board when consti­ ·tuted. 1\Ir. ATREY (Brisbane South) asked the Home I may add that it is my intention to take the neces­ Secretary- sary steps at an early date for the appointment of a 1. Is it a f:tet that a summrJns for a brench of the spechll board for the sugar industry within the South­ Lirensing Act in the Hamilton Hotel last Dceember was eastern division of the State. issned some months ago against one Jarnes Irvingr :Mr. WooDs: What about the North? 2. Is it a fact that \V ben the case was en.lled before the court it was withdrawn owing to }Iinisterial inter­ PLEYSTOWE CENTHAT~ SUGAR MILL. vention~ 3. l'i! it a fact that on the same ilay that tbi& case was Mr. BARBER asked the Secretary for Agri· qunshed a man was found g-uilty of a similar offence at cultnre- a Redcliffc hotel and fined-tbe licensee being fined 1. On what date was the Pleystowe Central Sugar also r Mill taken over by the hank' 4. Will the ~linister kindly table all papers connected. 2. Has any dispute occurred between the canegrowers with this case~namely, the c:tse of Jame;:; Irving? and the bank"now owning the mil I since the sale of the property by the Government? The HOME SECHETARY (Hon. J. G. 3. Did he, as member for the district, and his col­ league promise the growers to introduce a Bill em­ Appel·, Albe1·t) replied­ powering the Government to repurchase the mill from l. Tes. the present owners of the property~ 2. Yes; at the instance or the Home Recretary, who con:;:.idered it a case for l\Iinisterial intervemion. The SECRETARY I•'OR AGRICULTURE 3.
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