Join us on Twitter @TheCalaisAdv Like us on Facebook VOL. 182, NO. 42 OCTOBER 19, 2017 © 2017 The Calais Advertiser Inc. $1.50 (tax included) Down East Credit Union Named 4th Best Place to Work in Maine By Lura Jackson workplace environment. “Now, we are proud to be taking care of It isn’t easy being named as our team members and we will one of the “Best Places to Work strive to continuously improve in Maine”, an honorific that was the working environment each bestowed upon a total of 80 year,” Moses stated. companies in the state back in The improvements have August. Not only did Down East been noticeable to employees. Credit Union [DECU] achieve “Personally, I’ve seen a lot of that title, but the company was change,” said Tonia Lanier, recognized at an awards banquet Vice President of Branches and on October 10th for placing 4th Lending. “We really put a lot of out of 41 in the medium-sized emphasis into making our em- business category. ployees happy. I think it’s nice “In our very first year apply- to work for a company that actu- ing for Best Places to Work in ally cares about its employees as Maine, DECU was elated to much as we do.” be recognized as one of the top “I’ve seen some changes,” employers in the entire state of concurred Becky Perkins, Calais Maine,” commented Joe Moses, Branch Manager. “Everything a Calais native that was promot- they’ve done has definitely been ed to President of DECU earlier team member-based. You’re this year. Moses explained that a treated like a true person, you’re Originally based in Baileyville, Down East Credit Union recently placed 4th out of 41 medium-sized few years ago the company was not just a number or an em- companies in the state that were previously named as one of the Best Places to Work in Maine. Baileyville experiencing high turnover, and remains the state's largest branch with 27 employees, some of which are shown here. From left to right, ployee or anything.” DECU has front: Ashley Gallway, Shaina Hood, Carly Corbett, Brooke Price, Renee Sherrard, Macey Gillespie, the situation motivated DECU (continued on page 2) Kristina Murray, Maghen Wilcox, Kayla Pottle; back: Logan Richardson, Meredith Snowman, Missy to evaluate itself to improve its Alexander, and Rusti Knights. (Submitted photo) Pratt Donates $1,500 for Breast Cancer Screenings By Lura Jackson nity members. match any outright donations The $1,500 donation will en- coming in from the community With the oldest population in able four women over 40 years for the cause. the nation, it follows that Maine old who are either underinsured “Early detection can save also has among the highest can- or uninsured and who have not lives, and I don’t want anyone cer rates in the country. In fact, had a mammogram in the past to not know about their options,” according to the 2015 Maine 12 months to receive a free Pratt said. “So many people Annual Cancer Report, Maine screening, following a referral could be saved and I want to do has a cancer incident rate of 475, from their primary care provider. my small part to raise awareness compared with 439 for the rest of In addition, Pratt is actively and money for this lifesaving the country. The key component encouraging everyone to come cause.” to surviving most cancers – in- by the dealership and have their While Pratt’s has been partici- cluding breast cancer – is early photo taken. Everyone who does pating in Chevrolet and General (continued on page 2) detection. With that in mind, Ian so will prompt a $5 donation Motors’ efforts to raise funds Pratt has been working to raise from Chevrolet to the American for breast cancer awareness and awareness and funds for early Cancer Society and a matching screening for the past seven detection, including making a $5 donation from Pratt’s to Cal- years, this is the first time that donation on Monday, October ais Regional Hospital expressly the dealership has opted to work 15th to Calais Regional Hospi- for the purpose of offering ad- with Calais Regional Hospital tal to enable free breast cancer ditional free screenings. Pratt screenings for eligible commu- has also expressed that he will (continued on page 2) Donating a check to Calais Regional Hospital for $1,500 to enable four area women to receive free breast cancer screenings is Ian Pratt. Pratt is raising additional funds for the cause through a special th promotion at the dealership where all photos taken and posted with 13 Annual Turkey-A-Thon the hashtag #idrivefor will yield a direct donation from Chevrolet to the American Cancer Society and a donation from Pratt to the hospital to enable more screenings. Left to right are Kristy Calder, RT, Director of Radiology; Billie-Jo Ham, RT; Carla Jundt, RT and Ian Pratt. (Submitted photo) See page 8 to see how Calais Elementary students learned fire safety as part of the nationally-celebrated Fire Prevention Week, October 8 through 14. INDEX CES Turkey-A-Thon................3 We meet/beat ANY competitor’s ad price! Calais City Council.....................5 Veteran John Churchill...........6 The Calais High School Student Council held a two-week penny drive to help raise money for the 13th Scarecrow Fest Activites.........7 Annual Turkey-A-Thon. Their goal was to raise enough money to help purchase 15 turkeys. With the support of all four classes and the staff at Calais High School, they were able to raise $240, enough to CES Fire Safety........................8 purchase 20 turkeys. Pictured are Calais High School Student Council Members bringing their dona- Check out prattcars.com tion to VL Tammaro in Calais. (Photo by Kaileigh Deacon) See story on page 3. Court News............................17 US Route 1, Calais • 207-454-0600 PAGE 2 training this year. “It benefits the ted to its communities in part employee and the membership, because it has deep roots in the because the staff here are very local area. Founded in 1941 well educated. They know the as part of the St. Croix Pulp products and they know how to and Paper company, the credit match them to members’ needs,” union was originally just for said Libby. the employees of the pulp and DECU is deeply involved in paper mill. It expanded in 1985 the communities in which it to include Calais, Bailevyille, is based. Aside from regularly Princeton, and Baring, and in participating in financial fit- 1996 it expanded to include ness fairs, branches assist with all the residents of Washington and raise funds for the Relay County. In 1999, it opened its for Life, Baileyville’s Octo- doors to Waldo County, and in berfest, the Turkey-A-Thon, 2004 it expanded again to in- backpacks for kids in need of clude the counties of Hancock school supplies, and the Ending and Penobscot. Hunger campaign, along with Now that DECU has attained many other efforts. In Machias, 4th in the state for best places employees have recently been to work, it doesn’t plan on stop- doing work with the Maine ping its efforts anytime soon. Veterans’ Home. “That was a “We’re already looking forward personal cause to a lot of the to next year,” said Cochran. She, staff members over there,” said Libby, Moses, and Lanier will be Posing with the Best Places to Work in Maine award is the Calais branch of Down East Credit Union. Libby. “I’ve been working with meeting to go over the evalua- Calais has the second highest number of employees of the credit union's eight branches located across each of the branches to find tions returned by Best Places to four counties. (Photo by Lura Jackson) out what those causes are that Work in Maine. “That way we must be sent to all employees. they’re engaged in and helping can work on the items we really Best Places to Work in Maine, In DECU’s case, 96 percent them in ways they can do more need to work on,” Cochran ex- DECU a company has to undergo an in their community.” plained. “Maybe next year we’ll (continued from page 1) of employees responded. “We extensive application process were blown away that we got The credit union is commit- get number one!” been in the process of changing – a task that the company felt its language in the workplace such an amazing response,” said prepared for this year. Every Donna Cochran, Vice President by encouraging its employees company that applies has its ben- eficial, as is avoiding excessive to refer to themselves and one of Human Resources. Pratt efits and policies reviewed, and When Kristie Libby, who (continued from page 1) amounts of alcohol and limiting another as “team members.” a three-page Employee Engage- estrogen supplements. To be recognized as one of the recently joined DECU’s team as to offer screenings for local ment and Satisfaction survey Marketing Director, heard about Early detection has been re- women. “We are proud to part- peatedly proven to be critical in the credit union’s efforts to un- ner with our local hospital this dergo the application process, improving the survival rates of year to reach even more people,” those afflicted by breast cancer. she was very impressed. “I have Pratt said. applied for Best Places to Work The Maine Center for Disease “The number of people being Control and Prevention provides in the past through another em- diagnosed with breast cancer ployer.
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