*- JENIANG DIVERSION PROJECT SURFACE WATER RESOURCES SURVEY ( MALAYSIA HYDROPLUVIOMETRICAL DATA PROCESSING FOR S IMULATI OW MODEL VL 1T.f-l. SZRCUULON Chief of the Technical Dqar@enk Hydrological Semice of ORSTOM RENARDET ENGINEERING *' GENERAI, MAP WITH LOCATION OF STATIONS River gauging station Q Rainfall station Evaporation station SCALE O 10 20 30km -a- VOLUME I I. - INTRODUCTION II. - RAINFALL DATA III. - EVAPORATION DATA 3.7. Evapondon un khe pa& di& 3.2. EUapOhdOn an khe dma IV.- INFLOW DATA INTO THE DAMS 4.7. lndlow cdcLLecrA;ion dah khe pdad 1970 ka 7982 4.2. lndlaw daia ample cav&-LhMLan (pdod 7953 ka 7982) V.- RUNOFF DATA AT THE STREAMFLOW STATIONS 5. I. AuaieabRe da 5.2. Vh chartg e campR&" and cameotian 5.3. V..bchmgu data ample coMMona2 khe hey-poi& ad ;the waLm ayakm VI.- DETERMTNATION OF THE DAILY DISCHARGE DATA TIME SERIES FOR THE UPPER RUI 6.7. Genehd mc-thodalogy 6.2. CaLibhdon od .the manthey modat 6.3. TnaMnpaaLZLan .to the RU1 caLchenX 6.4. Co~nkiku;tianod a daiey &chmge d& &&ne A&U VII.- STATISTICAL STUDY OF YEARLY SAMPLES 7.7. Raindd dctta 7.2. Runadd da 7.3 Recmence ahdy VOLUME II HYDROPLUVIOMETRICAL DATA ANNEX I. - DAILY EVAPORATIOflS 7.7. ALOR STAR 7974 ka 1982 7.2. BUMBONG UMA 7979 ku 7982 .. ._ -b- II. - DAILY RAINFALLS - 2.1. RANTAU PANJANG 1953 ka 1982 .. 2.2. KOTA SARANG SEMUT 1953 ko 7982 2.3. ALOR STAR 1953 ka 7982 2.4. SERIAP 1953 ka 7978 2.5. KOVTANG 7979 ka 7982 2.6. KULIM ffUSPlTAL 1953 ,to 1982 2.7. KRUff VZSPENSARI 1959 ka 1969 (RUI Sutrwey) 2. 8. KLIAN INTAN VISPENSARI 1959 ;to 1969 (RUI Suhwey) III.- DAILY IIJFLOW INTO AMPANG MUDA 1970 to 1982 IV. - NATURAL DAILY DISCHARGES 4.1. SG. PEVANG TERAP at LENGKUAS 1953 ka 1967 4.2. SG. MUJA ai: SENZANG 7953 ka 1982 * 4.3. SG. MUVA at BATU PEKAKA 1953 ka 7973 4.4. SG. SEVZM at MERBAU PULAS 1953 ka 1972 4.5. SG. KULZM at ARA KUVA 7953 ka 7982 V.- DAILY DISCHARGES AT THE KFY-POINTS OF THE MODEL 5.1. SG. PEVANG TERAP aX LENGKUAS 1953 ka 7967 5.2. SG. MUVA at JENIANG 1953 ko 1982 5.3. SG. MUVA at LVG V'LCTORIA 1953 ka 7982 5.4. AMPANG MUVA 7953 a3 7982 5.5. AMPANG PEVU 1953 ko 1982 VI. - ESTIMTED DAILY DISCHARGES AT RUI DAM 1959 to 1969 -1- I. - INTRODUCTIQN Within the framework of the JENIANG Diversion Project, the mission . report [i1 written by the Expert after his stay last March in MA- LAYSIA gives, according to the feasibility study report [23, the ge- neral aim and the main tasks to be realized in order to criticize the available hydropluviometrical data supplied by D.1 .D or MADA and to elabo- rate samples of data time-series at the key-points of the simulation model. II. - RAINFALL DATA A previous study [3,4] has shown that amongst the numerous rain- fall stations managed by D.I.D. in the North of MALAYSIA, four rain- gauge stations can be chosen for representing the precipitations fal- ling on the padi areas. It concerns : - RANTAU PANJANG 5 5040 85 - KOTA SARANG SEMUT 590405 1 - ALOR STAR 6103047 - SERIAP 630 1009 These four stations present for the period 1953 to 1982 (all but SERIAP closed in 1979) a good quality of observations (homogeneous records without change i n the envi ronment or devi ce i nadequati on). The rainfall data given in Volume 2 (II) correspond to the original values with only slight modifications, as follows : . RANTAU PA”G - April 56 (200 mm) May 67 (200 mm) August 69 to December 71, data multiplied by (5/6)2 . KOTA smwG SENUT - no modifications -2- . ALOR STAR - March 64 (100 mm) , April 64 (100 mm) , May 64 (200 mm) ; June 64 (100 mm) , June to December 63, data multiplied by (4/6)2 January to December 55, data multiplied by (6/5)2 . SERIAP - June 54 (200 mm) , October 55 (add 100 mm) September 56 to June 57, data multiplied by (8/6)* . As this station was closed in May 79, the values of the years 79 to 82 directly correspond to those of the KODIANG station (number 6302021) which is the nearest station in operation receiving roughly the same annual amount of precipitations. With the extension to the south of the simulation model (PENANG State), three rain-gauge stations have been selected, in a first step, for the KULIM catchment. The KULIM Hospi tal station (5305091) has been retai- ned for the model due to the quality and homogeneity of its records; observed since ,1941, with a gap between 47 and 52, it presents a com- plete period of observations from 53 to 82 (see Volume 2 (II) ). All the daily,monthly and yearly rain values are given in the saw unit (mm). For KEDAH and PERLIS, the meteorological station of ALOR STAR (KEPALA BATAS Airport) presents a fairly good quality of observations, even during the days of rain. The following Table I gives the monthly mean daily heights for the period 1974 to 1982. For assessing the evapotranspiration on the padi fields for the pe- riod before 74, the over year monthly mean daily heights obtained in this table are adequate. Nevertheless, it seems that the values of the mid-70s are a little weak. For this reason, it does not appear needful to reduce these values and the evaporation coefficient could be 1. -3- TABLE I EVAPORATION at ALOR STAR (KEPALA BATAS) Heights in mm per day (- :yeaFzy ( Yem:Jan. :Feb. :Mar. :Apr. :May :June:JuZy:Aug. :Sep. :Oct. :Nov. :Dec. : totd ? ----~----;----~----;----~---~--~--~---I---~~-L,-,;--,I----1 i: ) ( 1974: 4.2: 5.1: 5.6: 4.4: 3.5: 2.8: 3.4: 3.5: 3.4: 2.7: 2.7: 3.7: 1 369 ) ( ) ( 1975: 4.3: 4.7: 4.4: 4.6: 3.0: 2.8: 3.6: 3.0: 2.7: 2.4: 2.7: 2.9: 1 243 ) ( 1 ( 1976: 5.2: 5.6: 4.8: 4.6: 3.6: 2.9: 3.2: 3.3: 3.0: 3.1: 2.7: 4.0: 1 402 ) ( 1 ( 1977: 4.6: 5.3: 6.1: 5.3: 4.1: 3.5: 3.2: 3.1: 3.1: 3.7: 3.1: 4.4: 1 505 ) ( ( 1978: 4.9: 6.4: 5.2: 4.7: 3.9: 3.4: 3.1: 3.0: 3.0: 2.9: 3.1: 4.3: 1 452 ) ( .. ( 1979: 5.6: 5.9: 5.4: 4.4: 3.5: 3.4: 3.5: 3.9: 3.7: 3.8: 3.7: 5.0: 1 577 ) h ( 1 I ( 1980: 6.0: 6.4: 5.3: 4.6: 4.1: 3.4: 4.0: 2.8: 3.3: 3.1: 3.2: 3.7: 1 518 ) ( II ( 1981: 5.1: 5.5: 6.0: 4.2: 3.5: 3.5: 3.6: 3.7: 3.4: 3.8: 3.1: 4.4: 1 511 ) ( ( 1982: 5.8: 6.3: 6.1: 5.0: 4.5: 4.2: 4.0: 3.9: 3.9: 4.2: 3.7: 4.2: 1 686 ) ( ) (Mean: 5.1: 5.7' 5.4: 4.6: 3.7: 3.3' 3.5' 3.4: 3.3: 3.3' 3.1: 4.1: 1474 ( For the south of the water system (KULIM cakhment) , the climatological sta- tion of BUMBONG LIMA (number 5504332) supplies useful data of evaporation. The Table 2 presents monthly mean daily heights for the period 1979 to 1982. TABLE 2 EVAPORATION at BUMBONG LIMA Heights in mm per day ......................................................................... ( - 'Yearly ( Year:Jan. :Feb. :Mar. :Apr. :May :June:JuZy:Aug. :Sep. :Oct. :&v. :Dee. :. total ) l i 1979: 4.8: 5.0: 5.7: 5.1: 4.5: 3.8: 3.9: 4.0: 4.5: 4.4: 4.0: 5.5: 1 674 1 ( 19801 5.1; 4.91 4.9: 4.9: 4.71 3.81 4.6: 3.61 4.4; 3.8; 4.1; 3.7; 1 601 ) ( ( 1982: 5.5: 5.7: 5.6: 5.2: 5.1: 4.3: 3.5: 4.2: 3.9: 4.4: 4.2: 4.0: 1 691 1 i (Mean: 5.0: 5.0: 5.4: 5.1: 4.7: 4.1: 4.0: 4.1: 4.4: 4.3: 4.1: 4.5: 1660 1 L _____________________I__________________------------------ 3 ( , ___ ... -I -4- The over year monthly mean obtained with four years is enough to evaluate the evaporation in 'this area. The daily observations of the stations (ALOR STAR and BUMBONG LIMA) are listed in the Volume 2 (I). 3.2.- Evaponakion--- ................................. an ;the PEQU and MUQA Qama The Tables 3 and 4 provide the monthly mean daily heights of the period of records for the pan evaporometers installed and observed by MADA near the two dams of PEDU and MUDA. The missing data have been completed, and the values are given between brackets, except the year 1977 which is unu- sable. TABLE 3 EVAPORATION at AMPANG PEDU Heigh in mm per day ("""""-""""""""'-""----------------------------------- 'Yearly ) ( Year:Jan. :Feb. :Mar. :Apr. :May :June:JuZy:Aug.:Sep. :Oct. :Nov. :Dec. .: total ( --------------------_______l______l_____-------------------------- ( ( 1971: 7.9: 8.2; 7.7: 7.7: 5.1: 4.7: 4.9: 5.3: 5.4: 4.7: 4.6: 4.8: 2 147 ) ( ( 1972:(7.9):(7.6):(%4): 5.5: 5.6: 4.5: 4.7: 5.1: 40.6: 4.7: 4.2: 5.2: 2 041 ) ( ( 1973: 6.2: 8.2: 7.1: 5.8: 4.9: 4.5: 3.9: 4.3: 4.1: 3.5: 3.5: 3.8: 1 815 ( ( 1974: 6.1: 6.8: 7.2: 5.7: 5.2: 4.4: 4.9: 4.4: 4.5: 4.2: 3.6: 5.2: 1883 ( 1 ( 1975: 5.3: 6.3: 6.0: 5.8: 4.7: 4.1: 4.9: 4.6: 4.1: 3.8: 3.9: 3.7: 1 737 ( ( 1976: 6.7: 7.2: 7.5: 5.9: 4.4: 4.3: 4.3: 4.5: 3.7: 4.3: 3.4: 4.7: 1 851 ( 1 ( 1977: 6.3: 7.3: 8.3: - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : - : -1 ( ) ( 1978: 6.3: 7.7: 6.8: 6.0: 4.7: 4.4: 4.0: 4.1: 4.1: 4.2: 4.0: 5.6: 1 868 ( ( 1979: 6.9: 7.4: 7.3: 5.6: 4.9: 4.2: 3.9: 4.5: 4.5: 4.9: 4.2: 6.4: 1955 ( ( 1980: 7.4: 7.7: 6.4: 5.8: 4.9: 3.8: 4.2: 3.5: 3.9: 3.5: 3.5: 4.3: 1 793 ) ( ( 1981: 6.6: 7.1: 8.0: 5.2: 4.4: 4.5: 4.2: 4.7: 4.0: 4.2: 3.0: 4.8: 1 840 ( ( 1982: 6.9: >.I: 6.9: 5.4: 4.2: 4.6: 4.3: 4.1: 3.9: 4.1: 4.4: 4.1: 1820 ( ) ( 1 6.7: 7.4: 7.1: 5.9: 4.8: 4.3: 4.4: 4.4: 4.3: 4.2: 3.8: 4.8: 1886 ( Mean: -5- TABLE 4 EVAPORATION at AKPANG MUDA Heights in mm per day ( ) ( 1974: 6.1: 6.5: 7.4 : 6.2: 4.9: 4.3: 5.5: 4.7: 3.8: 4.2: 3.2: 5.2: 1 881 ) ( 1 ( 1975: 5.4: 6.2: 6.4: 5.9: 5.
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