^) T«f - l-P-03 -G Gift ofthe Panama Canal Museum^ Vol. 5, No. 3 BALBOA HEIGHTS, CANAL ZONE, OCTOBER 1, 1954 5 cents Fearless Foursome TEMPORARY PLAN USED TO COVER VACATION TRAVEL Judging by the avalanche of real and hypothetical questions thrown at the three employees in the Transportation Section of the Administrative Branch, it was fortunate that enactment of the free home leave travel legislation came at the end of the summer vacation season. No subject in many years has stimu- lated more interest or evoked more ques- tions than this. So many inquiries were received by the Transportation Section that a special request was made for em- ployees not planning immediate vacations to delay their questions. The Canal administration moved quick- ly when news was received that President Eisenhower had signed the bill into law. The plan was made effective immediately and employees leaving the next day on the Panama Line were given an oppor- tunity to accept free transportation. The plan is still SLIDING'S FUN and stirs up a breeze on a hot day. These Los Rios youngsters enjoy some of the being operated under equipment at their new play area: Ricky Riesch, Martha Jane Spinney (asked to spell it, she said: "You temporary rules until permanent regula- don't. You say it!"), Madeline Hopson, and Janet Stuart. For more on Canal Zone playgrounds, see tions are formulated. It is expected that page 5. these will be ready for announcement at an early date. First Free Tickets CANAL EMPLOYEES BEGIN TO SEE EFFECTS Travel orders are now being issued for all forms of transportation, and employ- BILL ees leaving today on the S. S. Panama OF RECENTLY-PASSED FRINGE BENEFITS were the first to receive tickets without payment for travel on the Panama Line. total of 127 Canal employees became will continue as "indefinites" until they A Until now, employees traveling by the employees in 167 qualify examinations for "career" September and by competitive Panama Line were given authorization entered a "career conditional" status as the positions they hold. now for reimbursement following their return a result of the fringe benefits legislation Regulations Awaited from vacation. enacted by Congress shortly before its It will be a matter of several weeks An important point for all employees adjournment. until full information is received from the accepting the free home-leave-travel-plan The change was made under the impor- Civil Service Commission as to the hold- to remember is that they will be required tant but little known provision of the ing of examinations for those still in the to submit vouchers for their travel ex- legislation which modifies the Whitten "indefinite" classification. It is expected, penses in the United States. A per diem Amendment. This amendment, effective however, that regualtions governing these allowance will be granted to employees, September 1, 1950, placed a ceiling on will be issued and become effective before but not to employee dependents, for the number of permanent employees per- the end of the year. All employees now travel between the ports of embarkation mitted by all Government agencies and remaining in an "indefinite" status will and their homes. required that all employments and pro- be given the opportunity to acquire ca- Mileage Allowance motions subsequent to that date be on reer Status when the (See page 1-5) an "indefinite" basis. Generally, allowances for travel expen- The Personnel Bureau has just com- ses will be granted in accordance with the REVIEW SUBSCRIPTIONS Travel Expense Act of 1949. With some pleted a review of the personnel records FOR COLLEGIANS of the 1,126 employees in the Canal or- exceptions, this provides for expenses to ganization in competitive Civil Service be paid for travel by the usually traveled Again this year THE PANAMA CANAL RE- positions. Of these, 509 were employed VIEW offers an eight-month subscription —Octo- route between the two points and not ber through May for students attending college since the Whitten Amendment became — exceeding the cost of travel by common in the United States. The special rate is 50 cents effective, or now occupy positions with- for the eight issues. carriers. competitive status, and therefore This special rate is good for subscriptions for Employees may use their own cars for out college students only. Cash or money order should have been listed as "indefinites." Of this be sent to the travel for which they will be granted a Editor, THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW number 215 are in competitive jobs with- mileage allowance. However, this allow- Balboa Heights, C. Z. out Civil Service status and this group ance, plus per diem, (See pagi id) THE PANAMA CANAL REVIEW Octobet 1,1954 Community Chest's Company-Government Will Participate Annua! Fund Drive In Fourth Senior Management Program Begins October 24 Announcament of the goal for the an- nual Community Chest campaign for funds, to be held this year between Oct- ober -'4 and November 15, will be made this coming week after recommendations of the Budget Committee are submitted to the Chest's Board of Directors. Meanwhile a special committee from the Board is studying the possibilities of a United Fund drive for the Canal Zone in 1955, similar to that being conducted in a large number of U. S. cities. A con- solidated drive of this sort, incorporating all agencies which now conduct fund campaigns in the Canal Zone, was sug- gested recently to the Community Chest by C. W. Chase, President of the Pacific Civic Council. The Community Chest constitution re- quires that agencies which wish to parti- EIGHT CANAL employees who had attended the U. S. Civil Service Commission's Intern Program cipate must apply for membership. The in Washington met at Balboa Heights to wish Douglas Lord, this year's appointee, good luck in his course. Community Chest success of the coming Mr. Lord, an employee of the Locks Division, is congratulated by Daniel J. Paolucci, Training Officer. drive in providing funds for its 12 parti- In the background, in the usual order, are the following former trainees: Gordon Prick, Robert A. Stevens, Maenner B. Huff, Frank Wilder, Paul Friedman, Norman B. Davison, Otto Helmerichs, and pating agencies is expected to have con- Douglas Johnston. A ninth former trainee, Walter A. Dryja, was ill at the time the photograph was taken. siderable effect on whether or not organ- their own drives izations now conducting Participation of the Company-Govern- ticipation in the Senior Management membership. apply for Chest ment organization in the Fourth Senior Program followed, by about a month, the The Community Chest's Budget Com- Management Program, to be held in departure of Douglas Lord, a Locks Div- mittee, all volunteers, are to meet tomor- Washington the first six months of next ision employee whd had been selected to row to review the budgets of all member year, has been approved by Gov. J. S. attend the Sixth Junior Management In- agencies. The committee's report will be Seybold. tern Program. This course started Sep- made to the full Board next week, and The program will begin early in Jan- tember 13 and will last through January the goal announced. uary and last through June. Details of 28. Participating Agencies the program are expected soon from the Since 1946, thirteen Canal employees United States Civil Service Commission, have attended the Management Pro- Agencies which have applied for mem- under whose auspices the programs are grams. Of these, nine are still with the bership this year whose budgets will be conducted. These details will be publi- Canal organization, three have left the reviewed are: cized throughout the organization by Canal Zone but are employed by other Scouts of America; Girl Scouts The Boy Daniel J. Paolucci, Training Officer. Federal agencies, and the other is on International Boy Scouts; of America; The Governor's approval of Canal par- leave from the Locks Division and in the the Jewish International Girl Scouts; military service. the Armed Services Welfare Board-USO; The original program sponsored by the Balboa; Armed Services YMCA-USO, 200,000 Yards Removed Civil Service Commission to develop em- Cristobal; Salvation Army; YMCA-USO, ployees who show administrative ability Recreation Board, U. S.-rate; From Contractors Hill Summer and to encourage a continuing interest in Summer Recreation Board, Local-Rate; Over 50 feet has been sliced off the top federal careers among Government em- Congress of Civic Councils, Local-Rate; of Contractors Hill and the hilltop, as ployees was known as the Administrative and Cristobal-Margarita Civic Council. September ended, was down to the 350- Intern Program. About 1951, it was div- Hospital, which has in the past Corozal foot level, according to reports from the ided into the Junior Management Pro- funds from the Community received field. When the work of stabilizing Con- gram and the Career Development Pro- therapy pro- Chest for its occupational tractors Hill began in June, the summit gram. Mr. Lord is attending the first Pacific Civic Council, also gram, and the of the hill was 417 feet above sea level. group. past, are not asking a Chest agency in the By the end of September, approximate- Alphabetically, present Canal employ- have indicated that funds this year. Both ly 200,000 cubic yards of earth and rock ees who were selected to attend the Jun- they sufficient money on hand from have had been removed. This is about 1 1 per- ior Management Programs, are: contributions to carry out previous Chest cent of the estimated total. Walter A. Dryja, 1949-50; then an have indicated that their programs but In addition to cutting the hill down to Engineer with the Locks Division.
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