UNIVERZA V MARIBORU FILOZOFSKA FAKULTETA Oddelek za prevodoslovje DIPLOMSKO DELO Ivana Williams Maribor, 2016 UNIVERZA V MARIBORU FILOZOFSKA FAKULTETA Oddelek za prevodoslovje DIPLOMSKO DELO IZRAZJE AMERIŠKEGA NOGOMETA V SLOVENŠČINI OB PODNASLOVIH FILMA ZAPORNIŠKO DVORIŠČE GRADUATION THESIS AMERICAN FOOTBALL TERMINOLOGY IN SLOVENIAN: SUBTITLING IN THE MOVIE THE LONGEST YARD Mentorica: Kandidatka: izr. prof. dr. Michelle Gadpaille Ivana Williams Somentor: doc. dr. Simon Zupan Maribor, 2016 Lektorica: Ivana Williams, prof. slov. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thank you to Dr. Simon Zupan for pushing me and always being there to answer my endless questions, and to Dr. Michelle Gadpaille for her valuable comments and encouraging remarks throughout the years; without your help and guidance this paper would be very different – if not non-existent. Also thank you to all my family and friends who contributed to this paper in any way, in particular Beno for doing the layout, Alenka for her tireless support, my parents for making it easier and my dear Tommy for everything – from giving me time to giving me ideas. And lastly, thank you to little Tommy and little Jamie for being precious little people in my life. IZJAVA O AVTORSTVU Podpisana Ivana Williams, rojena 10. 10. 1977, študentka Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Mariboru, študijski program Prevajanje in tolmačenje – angleščina in …, izjavljam, da je diplomsko delo z naslovom Izrazje ameriškega nogometa v slovenščini ob podnaslovih filma Zaporniško dvorišče pri mentorici izr. prof. dr. Michelle Gadpaille in somentorju doc. dr. Simonu Zupanu avtorsko delo. V diplomskem delu so uporabljeni viri in literatura korektno navedeni; teksti niso prepisani brez navedbe avtorjev. Maribor, 23. 5. 2016 _________________________________ (podpis študentke) POVZETEK Diplomsko delo obravnava terminologijo ameriškega nogometa v slovenščini skozi analizo slovenskih podnapisov filma Zaporniško dvorišče iz leta 2005, ki so bili pridobljeni s slovenske izdaje DVD-ja. Ker je ameriški nogomet v slovenski kulturi nov šport in so njegova pravila večinoma neznana, naloga vključuje tudi kratek opis igre. Predstavi podnaslavljanje kot posebno vrsto prevajanja z določenimi omejitvami in posebnimi izzivi. Analiza podnaslovov ni omejena samo na dialoge v zvezi z ameriškim nogometom, ampak vključuje tudi področje prevajanja kulturno specifičnih elementov in besednih figur v ustrezno besedilo. Ko športi pronicajo v vsakdanje življenje, njihova terminologija pridobi nove, prenesene pomene in zadnje poglavje na kratko obravnava uporabo terminologije ameriškega nogometa v takšnih kontekstih. Ključne besede: ameriški nogomet, terminologija ameriškega nogometa, podnaslavljanje, kulturno specifični elementi, besedne figure ABSTRACT This paper discusses the Slovenian terminology for American football through an analysis of the Slovenian subtitles of the 2005 movie The Longest Yard that were acquired from the Slovenian version of the DVD. In light of the fact that American football is a new sport in this culture and its rules are mostly unknown, the paper includes a short description of the game. It presents subtitling as a special type of translation with its restrictions and specific challenges. The analysis of subtitles is not limited to the dialogue that relates to American football but also includes the area of rendering culture-specific elements and figures of speech into adequate text. As sports permeate into everyday life, their terminologies gain new, metaphorical meanings, and the usage of American football terminology in such contexts is briefly discussed in the last chapter. Keywords: American football, American football terminology, subtitling, culture- specific elements, figures of speech TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................... 1 2 AMERICAN FOOTBALL ........................................................................................ 3 3 THE LONGEST YARD ............................................................................................... 8 4 SUBTITLING ............................................................................................................ 9 5 SLOVENE SUBTITLES IN THE LONGEST YARD .............................................. 15 5.1 Culture-specific elements ................................................................................. 15 5.1.1 Subtitles involving references to people or fictional characters............. 17 5.1.2 Subtitles involving American football terminology ............................... 23 5.2 Figures of speech .............................................................................................. 43 5.2.1 Metaphor ................................................................................................ 44 5.2.2 Alliteration ............................................................................................. 45 5.2.3 Rhyme .................................................................................................... 47 5.2.4 Pun .......................................................................................................... 47 6 AMERICAN FOOTBALL METAPHORS IN EVERYDAY USE......................... 49 7 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................ 53 BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................... 55 i TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 1: American football field .................................................................................. 3 Figure 2: Breaking a wishbone ................................................................................... 38 Figure 3: Wishbone formation .................................................................................... 38 ii TABLE OF TABLES Table 1: National Football League teams ..................................................................... 6 Table 2: Favorite American sport ................................................................................. 7 Table 3: The polysemiotic nature of audiovisual products ......................................... 10 iii 1 INTRODUCTION Popular media is a powerful tool for exporting culture, and the United States with their movies, TV programs, music, books and computer software are the biggest global exporter. Through these means, new concepts, ideas and products are presented to the world, where they penetrate and gradually become part of the local culture. These consequences of globalization can be observed in all areas of life, from food and technology, to sport and, importantly, language. Languages are living entities that adapt to the emergence of new cultural concepts by introducing new words, and adding to or changing the meanings of existing ones. The explosion of American popular culture exports has led to a corresponding increase of English language influence on other languages. Slovenian is no exception: where it used to borrow from neighboring languages, it now predominantly introduces words from English (Snoj 2012). It should be noted that borrowed words frequently exhibit spelling variants, as the adaptation of an originally foreign lexicon to Slovenian rules is a long and not completely predictable process (Bizjak Končar 2012). The most notable area with the need for the introduction of new words is technology, on account of previously non-existent products or concepts. Other areas that stimulate the emergence of new lexicon are economic, political and social developments in general. An example of a “newly discovered” lexical gap in Slovenian language is the field of sports that have been recently introduced in Slovenia. Even though they have been around for a long time, since they were not present in our culture, there was no need for the terminology. The most popular among them is probably American football. With the games of the teams from the world’s best league, the American National Football League, being televised on Slovenian TV stations, it has become apparent through the commentators’ usage that in large part English terminology is still prevalent. 1 This paper discusses the Slovenian terminology for American football through an analysis of the subtitles of the 2005 movie The Longest Yard that were acquired from the Slovenian version of the DVD. In light of the fact that American football is a new sport in this culture and its rules are mostly unknown, the paper includes a short description of the game. It presents subtitling as a special type of translation with its restrictions and specific challenges. The analysis of subtitles is not limited to the dialogue that relates to American football but also includes the area of rendering culture-specific elements and figures of speech into adequate text. As sports permeate into everyday life, their terminologies gain new, metaphorical meanings, and the usage of American football terminology in such contexts is briefly discussed in the last chapter. 2 2 AMERICAN FOOTBALL American football, in the United States referred to as football, is a sport that evolved from rugby football in the 2nd half of the 19th century in the United States. It is played on a rectangular field that measures 360 feet in length (≈ 109.7 m) and 160 feet in width (≈ 48.8 m). Figure 1: American football field Source: http://www.sportsfy.com/football-field.php Two opposing teams of eleven players try to score points by getting the ball across the opponent’s
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