ABUILD Language Documentation Curriculum Materials #1 COURSE: LEXICOGRAPHY Uyo Ibibio Dictionary Eno-Abasi Urua (Department of Linguistics and Nigerian Languages) Moses Ekpenyong (Department of Computer Science) University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria Dafydd Gibbon (Fakult¨atf¨urLinguistik und Literaturwissenschaft) Universit¨atBielefeld, Germany PREPRINT DRAFT V01, 2004-06-13 (created June 14, 2004) ABUILD Language Documentation Curriculum Project Funded by DAAD under the auspices of University of Uyo and Universit¨atBielefeld Uyo–Bielefeld Ibibio Dictionary (Urua, Ekpenyong, Gibbon) Contents 1 Acknowledgment 3 2 Structure and rendering of entries 3 3 Lexicographic procedure 5 4 Format markup code 6 5 Alphabetic Dictionary 9 1 Acknowledgment We gratefully acknowledge the debt we owe to ² Elaine Kaufman, for her pioneering dictionary of Ibibio, on whose contents this new dictionary is largely based, ² Okon Essien, for his groundbreaking work in the linguistic description of Ibibio, and in particular for designing the standard orthography for Ibibio, ² the University of Uyo, for its support in the Language Documentation Curriculum Project, ² Universit¨atBielefeld, for its support in the Language Documentation Curriculum Project, ² The DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, German Academic Ex- change Service) for generously funding travel scholarships within the framework of the Language Documentation Curriculum Project, ² our colleagues and students in Uyo and Bielefeld for generously giving of their time in supporting the Language Documentation Curriculum Project. 2 Structure and rendering of entries A representative entry is: abakan- /abaka8/ [abakaN] HHL n: a kind of tree which often grows very large in the bush, its succulent leaves are used for goat fodder, African nutmeg (Adams), wild nutmeg (Dalziel), Pycnanthus kombo (Dalziel). The field category types are defined as follows: Orthography: string of Essien standard Ibibio orthography characters. IPA: string of characters in a conventional IPA font. SAMPA: string of typewriter–friendly Ibibio SAMPA ASCII characters. 3 Uyo–Bielefeld Ibibio Dictionary (Urua, Ekpenyong, Gibbon) Tones: string of uppercase characters from the set fH, D, L, R, Fg for high, downstepped high, low, rising, falling. The following tone patterns occur: D HL L; DH; F; FL; H DL; H-HL; H; HD HF; HD; HDH; HDHD; HDHH; HDL; HDLL HF; HDLL HH; HDLL; HF HF; HF HL; HF HLL; HF HLLL; HF LL; HF HL; HF; HFHF HLL; HFHF; HH (LH); HH DHL; HH HD; HH HH; HH HL HL; HH HL; HH HLL; HH LL; HH LH; HH, H; HH; HHDL; HHF HL; HHF LLL; HHF; HHH HD; HHH HH; HHH HHH; HHH HL; HHH HLL; HHH LH; HHH LL; HHH; HHHF HL; HHHF; HHHH HD; HHHH HH; HHHH HL; HHHH HLL; HHHH LH; HHHH LL; HHHH; HHHHH LF; HHHHH; HHHHHH; HHHHL; HHHHLHF; HHHL; HHHLHL; HHHLLLHL; HHL HD; HHL HDH HD; HHL HDH; HHL HHL; HHL HL; HHL HLL; HHL LF; HHL LH HD; HHL LHH; HHL LLHL; HHL LLL; HHL HF; HHL; HHLH; HHLHHHL; HHLHHL; HHLHL; HHLL LLLL; HHLL; HHLLF; HHLLL; HHLLLL; HHh; HL HH; HL HLL; HL LF; HL HF; HL LL; HL; HLD; HLF HH; HLF; HLH; HLHF; HLHH HLHH; HLHH; HLHHH HLHHH; HLHHH; HLHHHL; HLHHL LH; HLHHL; HLHL; HLHLHL; HLHLL; HLL LF; HLL; HLLH; HLLHDH; HLLHH; HLLHL; HLLL HHLL; HLLL; Hh; L HL; L LL; L, LL; L; LD; LF H; LF HD; LF HL; LF LL; LF LLL; LF HF; LF; LH HD; LH HDH; LH HH; LH HL HD; LH HL; LH HLL; LH HLLL; LH LH; LH LL; LH; LHD; LHDH; LHDHHF; LHF HLHD; LHF LL; LHF; LHH HL HL; LHH HL; LHH LF; LHH LH; LHH LL HLL LHH LL HD; LHH LL; LHH; LHHH HDH; LHHH HH HL; LHHH HL; LHHH HLL; LHHH LH; LHHH LHHH; LHHH; LHHHH HD; LHHHH LHHHH; LHHHH; LHHHHH HD; LHHL; LHHLHL; LHHLHLL; LHHLL; LHL HD; LHL HL; LHL LL; LHL; LHLH; LHLHL; LHLHLL; LHLL; LHLLF; LHLLH HL; LHLLH; LHLLHLL; LHLLL; LHLLLL; LL H; LL HD; LL HDH; LL HL; LL LL; LL; LLD; LLF HL; LLF; LLH HD; LLH HL; LLH LLH; LLH, LL; LLH, LLH; LLH; LLHD; LLHDH; LLHF; LLHH; LLHHH; LLHHL; LLHL HH; LLHL HHHH; LLHL; LLHLHL; LLHLL; LLHLLH; LLHLLL; LLL HD; LLL HDH; LLL HH; LLL HHL; LLL HL; LLL HLH; LLL HLL; LLL L; LLL LH; LLL LL; LLL LLL; LLL; LLLF; LLLH HHH; LLLH HLL; LLLH; LLLHDH; LLLHH; LLLHL; LLLHLLHL; LLLL HL; LLLL HLLL; LLLL LHHH; LLLL LL; LLLL LLLL; LLLL; LLLLH HLL; LLLLH LLLLH; LLLLH; LLLLL HLH; LLLLL LLHD; LLLLL; LLLLLL; POS: string of characters denoting parts of speech, possibly as alternatives. The following strings occur: iv; (?); N; adv; adv, conj; agentive prefix; aj; aj, adv; aj, n; conj; conj, adv; dem; existential and locative particle exist; ideo; iideo; instrumental and purposive particle; interj; interog n; interrog; interrog adv; interrog n; interrog n, aj; interrogative particle; iv; iv, tv; iv, tv, prep, conj; iv,tv; n; n, aj; n, aj, adv; n, interj; num; obj pron; particle; possess pron; prep; prep, conj; prep, conj, adv; pron; quant; quant, adv; rel pron; relative particle; sub, obj possesses pron; sub, obj, possess pron; subj; subj pron; subj tv; subj, obj pron; subj, obj, possess pron; tv; tv, iv; v; v, iv. Definition: free text, in general as a definition by neareds kind and specific differences, paraphase, or technical term (e.g. Latin name of plant). Comment: free text, in general for variants forms or cross–references. The dictionary microstructure and its rendering are defined in Table 1. Table 1: Microstructure of the dictionary Field name Explanation Typography Orthography Essien bold face IPA LATEX WSUIPA font, phonemic slashes SAMPA Machine readable IPA ASCII, phonetic square brackets Tones Urua tone set small caps POS Essien part of speech set italics, colon Definition general definition roman Comment Other properties parentheses, period 4 Uyo–Bielefeld Ibibio Dictionary (Urua, Ekpenyong, Gibbon) 3 Lexicographic procedure The main source for the information contained in the dictionary is the existing - but out of print - Ibibio dictionary by Elaine Kaufman1 Table 2: Tabular lexical information acquisition. aa HH interj indicates surprise aa HF interj indicates surprise aafo LHL n [Eng ’Half’] half penny aafu LHL n [Eng ’Half’] half penny aak HD HF˜ interj please (emphatic, persuasive, very polite) aakpONO LLHH n named child (someone named after another, each is ’akp’ON’O to the other) aba edem HF LL n the back (anat) (’ed’em back, side) aba(1) LL n cavity, hollow, hole aba(2) LL num forty aba(3) LL adv again, anymore, still (used most commonly with a negative verb) The dictionary was compiled using the following semi–formal procedure: 1. Collation of sources: Kaufman dictionary, corpus material, language expert consul- tation. 2. Scanning of legacy material was tested and did not work. 3. An initial microstructure for entering lexical information was defined. 4. A decision to enter all information in typewriter–friendly ASCII notation was made. An ASCII coding of Ibibio orthography was defined, but in fact SAMPA ASCII phonemic notation was used (with gh/h neutralised to /R/). 5. A tabular structure with entries in rows and types of lexical information in columns was defined. 6. Lexical information was entered manually into the table, using both open source and proprietary office software (OpenOffice, MS-Word), yielding a table with the structure shown in Table 2. 7. The table was exported into a character separated value (CSV) formatted text file using tabs as field separators. 8. The CSV formatted table was processed by a UNIX script with the following func- tions: (a) Input: CSV lexical database file. (b) Output: LATEX typesetting markup containing front matter and main dictio- nary body. (c) Method: Add front matter; normalise CSV file and add markup to columns. 1Kaufman, Elaine Marlowe (1985). Ibibio Dictionary. Leiden, Netherlands: Cross River State Uni- versity and Ibibio Language Board, Nigeria, in cooperation with African Studies Centre. 5 Uyo–Bielefeld Ibibio Dictionary (Urua, Ekpenyong, Gibbon) The UNIX script which was used for formatting, which will not be explained further here, is included in the next section for reference by those working on computational lexicography. 4 Format markup code The following code was used for integrating front matter and adding LATEX format markup. The front matter is inserted from a separate file. #!/bin/sh # makeibibiodictionary.sh - LINUX shell version (see esc codes)! # D. Gibbon # 2004-06-11 # Add orthography column to ibibio database FILE=`echo $1 | sed "s/.csv//g"` echo Processing $FILE CSVFILE=$FILE.csv TEXFILE=$FILE.tex echo '%% ibibiodictionaryfrontmatter.tex %% D. Gibbon %% 11 Jun 1998 \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{graphicx,headerfo,html,ipa} \topmargin -1cm \headheight 0.25cm \headsep 1cm \textwidth 16cm \textheight 24cm \footskip 1cm \oddsidemargin 0in \evensidemargin 0in \sloppy \pagenumbering{arabic} \setcounter{tocdepth}{5} \setcounter{secnumdepth}{5} \parskip 0.05cm \parindent 0cm %% Evenpageheader does not work. % \evenpageheader{}{\footnotesize\textit{Urua, Ekpenyong, Gibbon}}{} % \oddpageheader{}{\footnotesize\textit{Uyo--Bielefeld Ibibio Dictionary}}{} \oddpageheader{}{\footnotesize\textit{Uyo--Bielefeld Ibibio Dictionary (Urua, Ekpenyong, Gibbon)}}{} \pagefooter{}{\footnotesize\thepage}{} % \pageheaderlinetrue %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def\idot{i\hspace{-0.6ex}\raisebox{-0.2em}{.}} \def\odot{o\hspace{-1ex}\raisebox{-0.2em}{.}} \def\enbar{n\hspace{-0.96ex}\raisebox{0.3em}{-}} % \def\enbar{NBAR} % \def\invv{INVV} % \def\schwa{SCHWA} % \def\openo{OPENO} % \def\sci{SCI} % \def\eng{ENG} % \def\scr{R} % \def\nj{NJ} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 6 Uyo–Bielefeld Ibibio Dictionary (Urua, Ekpenyong, Gibbon) \begin{document} \input{frontmatter} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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