August 10, 1970 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 28103 PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS H.R. 18888. A bill for the relief of Edward PETTI'IONS, ETC. E. Jones; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private By Mr. PEPPER: Under clause 1 of rule XXII, bills and resolutions were introduced and H.R. 18889. A bill for the relief of John 567. The SPEAKER presented a petition severally referred. as follows: Molgard Isak.sen; to the Committee on the of Wayne E. Carver, Wheelersburg, Ohio, rela­ By Mr. BROYHILL of Virginia: Judiciary. tive to appointments to the U.S. Supreme H.R. 18887. A bill for the relief of Slavko By Mr. SCHMITZ: Court and to other Federal benches, which N. Bjelajac; to the Committee on the Ju­ H.R. 18890. A bill for the relief of Bernaldo was referred to the Committee on the Ju­ diciary. Acupan; to the Committee on the Judiciary. diciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS SCORE A BIG PLUS FOR SMALL to start them out earlier and then get them tired executive (many of them involuntary BUSINESS back in the store to perform other duties. retirees) and the idea of SCORE was born. Careful records were kept of all costs and The goal of SCORE is to use the otherwise they were trimmed relentlessly. untapped abil1ties of the retirees. So far, Within months, the business was breaking SCORE has been able to do that, although HON. HENRY P. SMITH III even for the first time in seven years. The the road hasn't always been easy. OF NEW YORK woman was able to sell it at a fair market Dun & Bradstreet figures show that the value and find more profitable uses for her Buffalo area has the lowest death rate for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES capital. small businesses in the nation. And it pin­ Monday, August 10, 1970 Then, there was the case of the Broadway points the decline as starting in 1965, the discount store that specialized in drugstore first year of SCORE, and in areas, like Buf­ Mr. SMITH of New York. Mr. Speaker, items and returned its owner nothing. falo, that have strong SCORE programs. it is indeed gratifying to note that many Two SCORE volunteers, Alfred E. Wiener, Any company that has 25 or fewer em­ of our citizens are not content to while a retired grocer, and Herman Kahn, a vet­ ployees, can qualify for SCORE assistance. away the increased leisure time an eran of the retail furniture business, took a Counseling also is offered to persons who are earlier retirement age provides. long, hard look and discovered that, al­ thinking of going into business. Under the auspices of the Small Busi­ though the store was open after regular Nationally, there are an estimated 4000 ness Administration, the Service Corps shopping hours, its owner was charging the retired men ta.king part in the SCORE pro­ same prices as other stores. gram. The Buffalo chapter has 36 persons of Retired Executives---SCORE-makes They convinced the proprietor that he enrolled. it their responsibility to assist :fledgling should raise his prices by 10 per cent be­ Buffalo also has 17 persons enrolled in the and :floundering small businesses to suc­ cause he was offering shoppers the conven­ Active Corps of Executives (ACE), a parallel cessfully adjust to the American free ience of after-hours shopping. The recom­ program that offers the same free counsel­ enterprise system. mendation raised the store's take from $150,- ing-in this case from younger, working ex­ Mr. Speaker, I would like to publicly 000 a year to $200,000 annually and changed ecutives. It was founded by Hillary J. Sando­ commend the chairman of the Buffalo it to a profitable enterprise. val Jr., national administrator. SCORE Chapter, Mr. Herman Kahn. Like the discount store case, many SCORE The Buffalo SCORE chapter now has 31 assignments are relatively straightforward working cases and the local ACE program Under his truly fine and exemplary lead­ and easy, requiring perhaps as little as 12 has five current cases. ership, the dedicated SCORE volunteers hours a week of the volunteers' time. One recent ACE case took John J. Piazza, have helped Buffalo achieve the lowest Others require complex investigations that administrator of the Ransomville General small business death rate in the Nation. involve teams of volunteers in many weeks Hospital, to Texas for consultation on the A very pertinent article, excerpted of effort. tangled affairs of Wesley Manor, a retirement from the Buffalo Evening News, follows: A Buffalo area testing laboratory received home being operated in the Rio Grande Val­ the services of a three-man team of volun­ ley by the Southwest Conference of Meth­ SCORE A BIG PI.us FOR SMALL BUSINESS teers, Roy C. Timm, Aldred K. Warren and odist Churches. (By Ralph Dibble) Elmer M. Finbury, who devoted four months The operation was at a whopping deficit It was like the trite fable about the hus­ to the problem. of $25,000 a month. The administrator, a re­ band who went out one day to buy a pack of The laboratory sought help in increasing tired minister, was described as "very per­ cigarettes and never came back. sales and services and also asked advice on sonable" and "most devoted to the work of But it was tragically real for the Buffalo the problem of relocating to more adequate the churc:b.," but with administrative ab111- area woman who was left with two young facilities. ties that were "most limited." daughters, a $150,000 home and limited fi­ The changes in location and operation sug­ Mr. Piazza found that not only was the nancial resources. gested by the SCORE volunteer generated home located in a sparsely-settled area with She sold the expensive home, bought a an expansion of the business that resulted few potential customers, but it was doing florist business and moved into modest liv­ in hiring 10 more employes and gave the no advertising to attract persons from other ing quarters behind the flower shop. In the Buffalo business community a biological and areas. drab days that followed she had to help her metalurgical testing facility. He found much of the space devoted to daughters overcome the emotional trauma of One of the strangest cases handled by the unproductive uses. The facilities included shifting from an upper-upper middleclass life Buffalo SCORE involved a weekly newspaper five chapels and 26 lounges. Although it was to an economically-deprived existence. that had an unpleasant odor that persisted meant to accommodate 400 residents, full And, worst of all, the business she had after it was delivered to homes. occupancy has never been achieved. hoped would give them security was showing, The FHA foreclosed a $2,800,000 mortgage SCORE volunteers advised a testing pro­ and a church bond issue of $800,000 is $144,- a loss, month-after-month. gram which produced puzzling early results In desperation, she contacted the U.S. 000 short. The rest is expected by June 30. showing that neither the ink or the paper This amount has been used to liquidate ac­ Small Business Administration, in the old were responsible for the odor. Eventually, it Federal Building, 121 Ellicott St. There, it counts payable and meet current deficits. was learned that it was the combination of Mr. Piazza, who worked with another ACE was decided that the case should go to ink and paper that produced it. SCORE-Service Corps of Reti~ed Execu­ volunteer, Joseph S. Enzinna of Newfane, tives-an organization of retired business­ SCORE is an offshoot of the Small Busi­ met last November with the Wesley Manor's men who offer their services to small busi­ ness Administration. The SBA was organized directors to recommend emergency steps. nessmen at no charge. in 1954 to assist small businesses. These are They recommended that "an excess of The problem was turned over to Raymond defined as businesses with less than $1 mil­ staff" be trimmed by layoffs, elimination of J. Hoban of Kenmore, retired consultant on lion in gross sales and they comprise 95 per some services to residents, an increase in industrial cost reduction. One of the first cent of the country's five m1llion businesses. rates and immediate start of an internal things he learned was that three employees The SBA was organized to reduce the cost control program. They urged "an exten­ of the business had used their know-how sometimes alarmingly-high death rate of sive advertising program" and a detailed re­ (and some equipment) to set up florists busi­ these small businesses by providing them view of space utilization. nesses of their own. low-cost government loans. Also suggested was the offering of other After that, Mr. Hoban began a full-scale But small business stfil faced major prob· levels of care to increase income and the study. At is turned out, he stayed with the lems in 1964 when SBA leaders reviewed hiring of a business manager. case for several months. He weeded out un­ figures showing that small businesses ac­ It is too early to tell whether the retire­ necessary expenses s-qch as payments for counted for 91 per cent of all business fail­ ment home can be kept in business, but at air express deliveries that weren't necessary. ures and that inept, inexperienced manage­ least it now has a chance. A satisfying side­ Two delivery boys stayed out all day on ment was the major cause for those failures. light for Mr. Piazza was a firm friendship their rounds.
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