www.linnbenton.edu/commuter The Commuter Wednesday,June 4,2 2 Commuter editor LaMuerta gives fond farewell to LRCC Q: "What are your plans f Davis LaMuerta company knows that I'm not the most talkative The Commuter person. Writing has always been my preferred summer break?" method of communication. Perhaps 'someday I'll The end is near ... or rather, the end is here. This have an entire book published that will give people is the last issue of The Commuter of which I am the something to bitch about. editor-in-chief. And thus, this is the last column I I'd like to say thank you to Rob Priewe, my advi- will write for this paper that I have grown to love, sor, for dealing well with having to work with me in and hate. his first year teaching here, "Going to Cali." It has been quite "I am thankful for the and for being very support- the experience; I still ive and accepting when I remember walking opportunity to express myself told him, "I'm changing into Rich Bergeman' s through my writing, which is my name ...and my sex ..." office three years ago what comes naturally to me." I'd also like to thank Rich and humbly aSkrng Bergeman for allowing me him to let me into the opportunity to prove his journalism labs, DAVIS LAMuERTA myself; hopefully he wasn't a week late. Since too disappointed with the that moment, The result. Commuter has been a major part of my life. It has To my co-workers: Minda Trulove, Will Parker, given me amazing experience as a writer, editor, Loren Newman, Chris "Cheese" Kelley, Aaron reporter, and more importantly, as a member of Broich, Monique Cohen, and the new Editor-in- "Racing my 360 an awesome team of fellow journalists. And at Chief Gregory Dewar, I extend much appreciation sprint car!" times it has made me want to rip my hair out and and gratitude for the opportunity to have worked scream ...but I wouldn't trade the experience for wi th you, and also for being accepting and open- anything. minded in dealing with me as a person. You're My career at this paper has been met with much all amazing people, and I wish you much luck in • Sterhng Kane- pandemonium at LBCe. As the opinion editor last futl/;,tt endeavors. Mech. Eng year, I pissed off a lot of people (and had much And finally (don't worry, I'm almost done fun doing it). My philosophy on the matter is: If I rambling), to the LBCC community. Thanks for made someone angry enough with my writing to putting up with me for the past three years, and actually speak out and give a resp~nse, I did my making me feel like I belonged somewhere. LBCC job well. is an excellent educational establishment, and I I am thankful for the opportunity to express am fortunate to become a proud alumnus. m self throu h m writin which is what comes So...adios. "...partying at the 1 na ura y 0 me. nyone W 0 as s en ime Partying like a rockstar buffalo Or slowly going the way... ' Greg Dewar a rock star. When was the last time you partied The Commuter like a rock star? Or, for that matter, did anything extraordinary that you don't normally do? How did I go from a hyperactive teenager to This generation is boring. I'm writing this on a "I'm going rafting Friday, the week before dead week starts. And I someone who would rather read a fine novel in began to imagine all the things I might do today! their time away from the grind? and backpacking." Oh, such glorious machinations in my mind. I I believe the answer lies in the technological thought maybe I'd go home and do my home- revolution. Through the TV, the computer, the ra- work, but that's just silly. Then I thought, maybe dio, the written word, and even sitting, staring at .JaDlH: Sprick» 7 I'll go home and play "Lord of the Rings Online" the sky, we humans have shown with great courage a Health Educ. and enjoy some player vs. monster player combat the ingenuity to entertain ourselves while putting . (PvMP). Or, I could catch up on those seasons of in only the basest of minimal effort. Why go and "Stargate: Atlantis," or the anime that's been pil- do all those "exciting" things I mentioned? When ing up on my bookshelf. Ah, the possibilities were I can press a button and be completely enthralled endless for a nerd with a free Friday night in the for a few hours? At least you burn a few more darkness of dungeon. calories playing video games or thumbing through Guilty by association I began to think of my the pages of a book or magazine. friends. What video games might tltey be playing We're a boring culture: While people fight wars tonight? Perhaps they'll just watch TV. Or maybe and starve to death all around the globe, like Hob- they'll enjoy a night of Dungeons, Dragons, and bits in the Shire, we're content to merely vegetate Mountain Dew. My pulse quickened, as if I'd and get fat. Without vigilance, even the Shire was been the recipient of a foreign adrenaline injec- threatened by the Shadows of Angmar and the tion: "Dungeons and Dragons." That is a glory dread of Mordor. oft journeyed to in my days. Upping your level But what do we do when our hearts are mired and advancing your armor class. The chill in my in the wiliest of bogs? There's a glimmer of hope ~ pants was nearly sexual. Imagery of "dragons" in every well of shadow. in lingerie just waiting to be "slayed" filled my Enjoy this summer; live it like it. will be your mind to the brim and cascaded over in an ecstasy last. Get out, be active, use those nerd-muscles. Do of mental fumbling. Wooh! that thing you've always wanted to do. Talk to that Then reality, as it is won't to do, barged back in. person, go on that trip, take up this hobby, remodel "Making music." I never once thought of going to a bar, at the ripe your living space, paint your car, eat a chimpanzee. age of 23. It doesn't occur to me go to skateboard- I don't know, use your imagination. ing at the park. I wouldn't think about going to Just get out and live for the sake of the continu- a concert or anything. Yet the idea of a game of ation of the species, because I know I won't. What "Scrabble" wets my whistle. Wow, I am a boring did I do tonight? I spent about two and a half • JOl' Wl',lIind' person. All my friends are boring. In fact, I don't hours reorganizing The Commuter's office to be I:nghsh know anyone who is "exciting." We've become a more friendly, interesting place, and then wrote " '" " a culture of people who spend most of our time this story. indoors enjoying pre-recorded entertainment. I Now, if you'll excuse me, there are a few Orcs c.O>nln .. .,t9' do whose heads are missing an arrow from my Dwarf ~like- Hunter's PvMP reward Bow. nesday, June 4,2008 The Commuter .ASU president praised by fellow members reunion, and identity to the natives and non-natives on campus and in the Albany and Corvallis communities. Membership in the club has waxed I have known Rocky Gavin for many and waned, but not Rocky's determina- . .He first came into, my life as a tion to enrich the lives of both natives dent, and then as a friend. As a stu- and non-natives. He has spearheaded t, I found his commitment to learning many things: a new blanket and coat ressive. Often,studentswouldcrowd drive, a adopt-an-elder program, a flute. und him to listen to his stories, and demonstration and workshop, teaching k him questions. There was a thirst students the meaning of and how to knowledge from his peers- perhaps make prayer bundles, story-telling, and use of their own spiritual barrenness he has extended his hand to members of contributed photo because they were just curious. Rocky the Indian community, He often financed de it a point in telling them that his many of the club's pursuits out of his own From left to right: RockyGavin, Curtis, Tall Eagle and Michele Wilson. , ey was not the same as everyone pocket. 's and to understand other's, they Rocky is a man whose heart is as big in life. He can be quite devilish, too. At because Rocky has spent the better part ed to listen to their voices, too. As as the moon, and whose spirit is touched times, his humor is dark, and his eyes like of the last decade forwarding the Indian by all that is good in this world. He is .end, I can count on him to make me to wander. But his spirit always turns voice. I think though that now is the right' gh, to think about things in a different humble, generous, always seeking new him around so he is facing the best path and good time to honor him. My life has ways to make the lives of natives better, y, and to respect the journey in front for his journey in the circle.
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