Princeton University professor has found way to alter property of lone electron without disturbing trillions of electrons in its immediate surroundings, an important step toward developing future types of quantum computers (Courtesy Princeton University/Brian Wilson) The Quantum Leap into Computing and Communication A Chinese Perspective By Cindy Hurst A nation’s success in military operations often rises and falls on the basis of how well it communicates. When a nation does not secure its communications effectively, its enemies intercept and read its communications and win thereby military and diplomatic advantages.1 ice Admiral Noel Gayler, former ant in wartime.”2 For a few decades, director of the National Security nations have been relying on encryption Agency, once wrote, “Important systems to protect a wide variety of Lieutenant Commander Cindy Hurst, USNR, is V an Analyst with the U.S. Army’s Foreign Military as it is in peacetime, communications computerized transmissions ranging Studies Office. security becomes even more import- from commerce to government to mil- 44 Forum / The Quantum Leap into Computing JFQ 77, 2nd Quarter 2015 itary communications. While today’s data, a quantum computer would use than developing a quantum computer, encryption systems are considered quantum bits (qubits), which can si- although the latter is still “very attractive reasonably secure, the possibilities of multaneously have the value of 0, 1, or to me.”8 If Pan really did shift his focus, it quantum cryptography and quantum any “superposition” of the two.4 The could be that the reality of the challenges computing offer a whole new dimen- quantum phenomenon becomes even involved with building a quantum com- sion and threat to computerized more bizarre when considering the con- puter had indeed set in. secrecy. cept of “entanglement.” Entanglement Dr. Ivan Deutsch, professor and China is among a growing number of links the properties of two or more Regents’ Lecturer at the University of countries seeking to unlock the science of qubits together. These qubits, even when New Mexico, explained the difficulty quantum cryptography and computing, separated, remain strongly correlated or in achieving a quantum computer. In which many experts believe will one day interconnected in a manner much stron- quantum cryptography, which is ex- revolutionize computerized security. ger than any classical relationship. This plained more in depth below, the goal With China’s ongoing push to modernize is what famed physicist Albert Einstein is to distribute two shared secret keys. its military and advancing to become a called “spooky action at a distance.” Basically, the secret keys are created using global innovative force, success in this A quantum computer using entangled the properties of quantum randomness. area could materialize into an enormous qubits would therefore be vastly faster It works on a particle-by-particle basis. In economic and military advantage. than the average computer, which uses other words, in quantum encryption one This article examines the significance simple binary numbers. Theoretically, photon can be sent at a time. It is simple of these technologies, China’s progress in once a quantum computer comes online, to control a single particle. Quantum quantum communication and quantum it would be able to break current en- computing, on the other hand, is much computing, and the consequences for the cryption systems such as Rivest, Shamir, more complex because it deals with United States and other nations should and Adleman (RSA), a commonly used computation as opposed to the transmis- the Middle Kingdom acquire a real capa- computer encryption and authentication sion of single photons. Computations bility in this science. It is an area that U.S. system that uses a complex algorithm require logic, and logic requires the use analysts will need to follow closely in the developed in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi of many 1s and 0s that cannot be sent coming months and years. Shamir, and Leonard Adleman. These individually since each one is interdepen- encryption systems are needed to protect dent. Furthermore, each qubit needs to China’s Leap information such as financial transac- be in an entangled state simultaneously. The world is currently in the midst of a tions as well as military and government Due to this added degree of complexity, second quantum revolution.3 The first communications. quantum computing is much further quantum revolution began in 1900 In 2001, Guo Guangcan, an academi- away from realization than quantum when the new rules governing physical cian of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, cryptography.9 science were discovered. Today, in the established the Key Laboratory of Despite this apparent shift in interest second quantum revolution, these rules Quantum Information at the University from quantum computing to quantum are being used to develop new revolu- of Science and Technology of China cryptography, in February 2013, a tionary technologies. Two such possible (USTC) in Hefei. The laboratory became Chinese report emerged touting a break- technologies are quantum computing “the most important research center of through in trying to achieve the quantum and quantum cryptography, the latter quantum information in the country.”5 computer: “The solid-state quantum falling within the area of quantum In January 2006, while the field of research crew from the University of communications. While they each rely quantum technology was still considered Science and Technology of China suc- on the properties of quantum physics, in its infancy in China, Guo predicted ceeded in performing the quantum logic their end goals differ. Theoretically, that the first quantum computer would gate operation on one single electron at a quantum computer would be able likely be developed in the next 15 to 20 10 picoseconds, renewing the previous to break current encryption systems, years.6 In 2007, Dr. Pan Jianwei, director world records by nearly 100 times.”10 but quantum cryptography is argu- of the Division of Quantum Physics Prior to China’s achievement, “U.S. and ably unbreakable even by a quantum and Quantum Information at Hefei’s Japanese research institutes achieved the computer. National Laboratory for Physical Sciences electrically controlled semiconductor The Quantum Computer: Code at the Microscale, USTC, optimistically logic gate at 1,000 picoseconds.”11 Breaker or Problem Solver? The idea of predicted that the country might be the China’s achievement, however, increased creating a quantum computer has been first to develop a quantum computer.7 the operational speed by nearly 100 times around since the 1970s. These comput- More recently, however, Pan seems to to 10 picoseconds. According to Guo ers would be extremely powerful since have shifted his focus. A 2010 article Guoping, director of the research project: they can harness quantum properties. quoted him as saying that quantum com- Unlike an ordinary computer, which uses munication is “more important for China China has launched the solid-state binary numbers (1s or 0s) to represent because it is already closer to application” quantum chip project in efforts to gain a JFQ 77, 2nd Quarter 2015 Hurst 45 foothold in the global competition in the cryptography is a relatively new field in stability in quantum cryptography sys- next-generation computer chips. The which research is conducted on pub- tems.”15 These results are questionable, quantum chip . will make the quantum lic-key encryption systems, which are not but not impossible. According to Carl computer characterized by exponentially breakable using quantum computers. Williams, “If I wait long enough and my increased operational speed and greatly Quantum cryptography (distinct from fiber is perfectly dark and still, I can prob- improved data processing capabilities.12 post-quantum cryptography) offers an- ably get a photon through at a longer other way to try to counter the risks of a distance than 50 kilometers.” The ability to break current en- quantum computer coming online. This In a November 2005 article, China cryption systems makes modern day newest form of cryptography is based claimed to lead the United States, France, information vulnerable. Furthermore, an on quantum theory and is proving to be and Austria in quantum entanglement inherent risk to national security should unbreakable. research when it provided an “experi- a quantum computer come online would Quantum key distribution (QKD), mental demonstration of five-photon be its ability to access archived informa- a process within the context of quan- entanglement and open-destination tele- tion previously protected by systems such tum cryptography, generates a random portation.”16 The more photons that can as today’s RSA encryption. Dr. Jonathan encryption key shared by the sender be successfully entangled, the higher the Dowling, a professor and Hearne Chair and recipient. The biggest advantage of accuracy of the transmission.17 of Theoretical Physics at Louisiana State QKD is that if a third party attempts to In 2006, China reported having University, explained that information en- intercept it, the party will be detected fulfilled quantum teleportation of a crypted using RSA could be intercepted and the secret message will not be sent. two-particle system. Voting results at the and archived today in its encrypted for- QKD deals with photon states and works Chinese Academy of Sciences showed mat. Once a quantum computer is online, as follows: Alice, Bob, and Eve are three that 565 academics chose it as the ninth it could be used to break older archived fictional characters. In quantum cryp- most significant development that year in encrypted data, possibly still classified.13 tography, Alice wants to send a secret the country’s science-technology sector.18 Carl Williams, chief of the Quantum message to Bob. She has to first send In 2007, a report stated that China Measurement Division of the National him the key through the process known had created a quantum router, which Institute of Standards and Technology, as QKD.
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