Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-16431-4 — The Roman Villa in the Mediterranean Basin Edited by Annalisa Marzano , Guy P. R. Métraux Index More Information INDEX LOCORUM S Note: All references to these citations appear in the Endnotes Acta Sanctorum, MAII, die XV, III, 471–474: 193 283–286: 424 1.3: 34 AE 337–48: 420 1.6: 55 1954.58: 140 1.7: 34 1955.122: 140 B Bava Batra, 8a: 326 2.7: 419 1959.271: 299 B Bava Metzia, 85a: 327 4.1: 34 1971.47: 316 B Berakhot 4.1–2: 55 1977.298: 193 43a: 326 10–22: 265 1993.1756: 299 57b: 326 12.2: 253 2003.1810: 316 B ‘Eruvin 14.1–5: 34 Agnellus, Liber Pontificalis Ecclesia Ravennatis, 94: 85b-86a: 326 16: 138 193 85b–86a: 326 38: 138 Ant. Lib., Met., 9: 451 B Ketubot 52: 363 App., B Civ.: 35 103b: 326 praef. 4: 55 App., Mith.70–77 (=12.10–11 Loeb): 423 104a: 327 Catullus, 44.1–9: 114 Apul. B Nedarim, 51a: 326 Ceas., BCiv., 3.102: 356 Apol. B Sanhedrin, 38a: 326 Cic. 56.5: 298 B Shabbat, 25b: 327 Arch., 22: 424 87.6: 298 Att. 93.4: 298 Cass. Dio 1.10: 373 Asc., Scaurus: 114 23 (fragm. 73): 252 1.13: 115, 118, 356 Athenaeus 48.38: 113 1.16: 356 1.31: 363 56.29.2: 153 1.19.6: 138 3.73B = Pylarchus FGrH 81 F 65: 362 56.46.3: 153 1.5, 2.6: 395 August. 73.4.5–6: 174 2.1: 356, 370 Conf., 9.3.5: 192 Cassiod. 2.1.11: 356 De civ D., 22.8: 463 Inst., 1.29: 463 2.14: 39 Enar. in Ps., 132.6: 421 Var. 2.20: 356 Ep. 2.22.3–5: 192 2.9.1: 138 66.1: 298 2.29: 193 3.14: 360 108.18: 421 2.39.5: 194 3.7: 362 185.15: 421 2.39.7–8: 194 4.17: 114 Ord.. 1.1.2: 305 2.39.9–10: 194 5.2: 39 Serm. 4, 50: 154 5.2.2: 39, 94, 115 137.11.14: 298 11.14.3: 192 7.5.3: 118 345.2: 298 12.22: 397 8.13.12: 118 Aur. Victor, Caes., 12.4: 32 12.22.5: 192 10.7.3: 118 Auson. Cato 12.32.2: 94 Ep., 23.90–95: 421 Agr. 12.36: 39, 118 Ephemeris, 2.2: 463 1.1–7: 94 12.40.3: 118 Mos. 1.1.1: 419 13.45.3: 39 210: 156 1.1.7: 55 13.52: 113, 118 572 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-16431-4 — The Roman Villa in the Mediterranean Basin Edited by Annalisa Marzano , Guy P. R. Métraux Index More Information INDEX LOCORUM 573 13.52.1: 118 CIL 8.21553: 302 12.12: 39 14.12.3: 118 CIL 8.25902: 299 13.24.1: 114 14.16.1: 114 CIL 8.270: 32 Gerontius 14.5.2: 118 CIL 8.6705: 299 Vita sanctae Melaniae 15.13: 114 CIL 8.897: 299 2: 39 16.3.4: 118 CIL 10.8333.3: 155 14: 421 De Or. Cod. Theod., 11.28.2: 156 21: 56 1.249: 265 Columella Gregory of Nyssa, Ep., 20: 58, 360 1.98: 94 Rust. Gregory of Tours, Liber de Gloria 2.19–20: 94 1.4: 34 Beatorum Confessorum, 2.22: 115 1.6: 253, 265 47: 421 Fam. 1.6.2: 420 2.6.2: 39 2.1: 253 Hdn., 1.8.4: 174 2.8.2: 84 3.2: 251 Hom. 3.9.2: 118 3.3: 420 Il., 18.478–608: 39 7, 16: 94 3.3.3: 420 Od. 7.1.1: 116 4.30.1: 140 1–4: 74 9.16.7: 116 8.16–17: 138 4.17: 39 9.23: 118 8.17.6: 361 Hor. 10.33.3: 252 8.17.8: 138 Carm. 13.7.1: 118 8.17.15: 138 2.1.71–74: 115 16.10.2: 118 9.2: 420 3.24.3: 173 Fin. 10.133.D: 117 Ep., 1.14.2–3: 39 3.1.7–9: 38 Praef.10: 420 Epod. 5.1–3: 363 Cornelius Nepos, Att., 14.14.3: 114 2: 419 Leg. 2.61–66: 40 2.3.7: 356 Dig. Sat., 2.7.118: 39 3.13.30: 118 (Ulpian): 463 HP, 1.17: 299 3.30: 38 8.4.13 pr.: 139 Leg. agr., 2.78: 115, 118 35 IC Mur., 76: 137 35 1.17.17–18: 357 Nat. D., 2.26: 155 35 1.26.2–3: 357 Off. 35 4.278: 356 1.10.33: 153 35 IG 1.138–40: 357 33.8.3: 35 2[**2].1008: 94 1.151: 489 33.8.4: 35 2[**2].3606.2: 357 Orat., 2.19–20: 95–6: 137 2[**2].5185: 368 Phil., 2.43: 119 50.16.198 (Ulpian): 56 2[**2].5189: 367 Pis., 40.96: 356 50.16.211: 56 6.471: 357 QFr., 3.1.3: 94 Dio Cass. ILAfr, 111: 300 Red. sen., 6.13–14: 484 21: 114 ILS Verr. 43.22.2–3: 114 1279: 423 2.2.5: 215 44.4.4: 114 2518: 300 2.2.83–4: 74 Diod. Sic. 2927: 33 2.2.89: 74 5.12.1–4: 264 IRT, 914–16: 299 2.2.92: 215 5.13.1–14.3.1: 138 Isid., Etym., 15.13: 194 2.2.111: 74 5.26.3: 138 It. Ant. 2.2.113: 74 20.8: 360 59.7: 299 2.4.38–41: 264 Dion. Hal., Ant. Rom., 3.41.3: 140 60.3: 299 2.4.48: 215 61.2: 299 2.4.49: 74 Esther Rabbah, 2, 3: 326 62.3: 299 2.4.60: 74 63.1: 299 2.4.103: 264 Flor. 2.5.109: 74 1.40.16: 423 Joseph. CIG, 537: 367 2.18.4: 113 AJ CIL 1.532: 74 4.2: 119 13.15.4: 315 CIL 3.504: 356 14.5.3: 315 CIL 3.507–509: 356 Gal., 6.806–07: 303 BJ CIL 3.574: 356 Gell. 1.21.5: 315 CIL 4.10788: 155 NA 1.8.4: 315 CIL 5.4854: 193 1.2.1–2: 366 2.14.4: 316 CIL 6.8594: 137 2.13.4: 113 2.18.10: 316 CIL 8.1641: 33 3.10.17: 419 3.9.3: 316 CIL 8.2094: 300 5.13: 74 Julius Africanus, Kestoi, 1.14: 218 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-16431-4 — The Roman Villa in the Mediterranean Basin Edited by Annalisa Marzano , Guy P. R. Métraux Index More Information 574 INDEX LOCORUM Juv. 27.135–147: 464 15.136–7: 38 3.2–3: 118 Ep. 15.51: 362 3.21–224: 55 5.15: 464 15.8: 251, 298 14.19: 118 11.12: 464 17.173: 140 14.86–95: 55 24.11: 464 17.97–98: 363 14.91: 124 29–32: 38 18.11: 35 30.2–3: 424 18.22: 265 Livy 32: 463, 464 18.6.35: 57 1.33.9: 140 32.10: 464 19.50–1: 363 1.35: 113 32.1–4: 424 31.2: 124 1.8: 118 39: 464 31.8: 364 6.5.12–13: 38 39.6: 464 33.78: 251 21.63.3: 55 Paulinus of Pella 34.75: 373 21.63.3–4: 113 Euch. 34.92: 373 34: 118 12–16: 422 35.7: 113 38.56: 424 176–225: 421 36.109: 114 74 246–253: 421 36.184: 264 39.6.7–9: 94 291–301: 421 36.21–24: 154 45.32.11: 114 498–515: 421 Plin. (the Younger) Per., 52: 252 516–563: 421 Ep. 570–81: 422 1.8.10: 33 M Bava Batra Paus. 1.9.6: 39, 424 1, 5: 326 1.32.4: 366 2.17: 40, 115, 265, 355, 474 5, 4: 326 1.32.7: 369 2.17.12: 305 MMa‘asrot, 3, 6: 326 2.38.4: 375 2.17.13: 96, 360 Macrob., Sat., 3.16.10: 139 2.38.6: 372, 374 2.17.16–19: 96 Marcellinus Comes 4.32.2: 357 2.17.20–22: 419 Chron. 7.21.14: 364 2.17.27: 32 68: 154 Petron. 3.17.5: 137 a. 476: 113 Sat. 3.19: 37 Mart. 26–78: 118, 119 3.19.1–5: 193 Spect. 28: 420 3.19.7: 38 1–2, 12.68: 357 29: 423 3.7.1: 119 10.14: 55 Philostr. 3.7.8: 119 Maximus of Turin, Sermo, 91.25.30: 193 Imag., 2.11: 264 4.1.4: 39 Monumenta Germaniae Historica VS 4.6.1: 32 Auctores Antiquissimi 1.521: 374 4.6.2: 32 IX 265: 154 2.547: 370, 371 4.6.2–3: 420 IX 747: 154 2.547–8: 358 5.13: 32 2.552–3: 370 5.4: 32 Nep., Att., 14.3: 356 2.554: 368, 370 5.6: 39, 40, 115, 474 2.559: 370, 371 5.6.15: 96 Oros., 6.21.19: 423 2.562: 366 5.6.19: 96 2.606: 367 5.6.29–30: 96 Palladius 545: 357 5.6.35: 361, 371 Lausiac History, 61.168: 421 546: 357 5.6.45: 115 Op.
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