BAOR EXCLUSIVE RULES, PAGE1 27 34th Panzer Brigade CENTRAL FRONT SERIES, VOLUME 3 341/2 Mech Inf Hex 0513 12 342/2 Armor Hex 0911(1) 12 British Army of the Rhine 343/2 Armor Hex 0911(1) 12 344/2 Armor Hex 0911(1) 12 345/2 SPArty Hex 0911(1) 12 21st Panzer Brigade (+) (from 7th PZ Div) 7 6 units Hex 2612(1) 12 BRITISH I CORPS SHvyRA Arty Hex 2435(1) 12 28 RE Eng Hex 2725 12 9AAC Attck Heli Hex 2615(1) 12 BRITISH 2nd ARMORED DIVISION l/DER/2 Mech Inf GT 2: 3909 10 2/GG/2 Mech Inf GT 2: 3501 9 0 1 9 390 : 2 T G f In h Mec 2 l/K's/ The Thin Red Line 5 RIDG/2 Armor GT 2: 3909 10 4 RTR/2 Armor GT 2: 3501 9 27 RA/2 SPArty Hex 2304 12 in the 1980's 47 RA/2 SP Arty Hex 3007 12 2AAC/2 Attck Heli Hex 3617 12 BRITISH 3rd ARMORED DIVISION 9 1 210 : 2 T G f In h Mec 3 l/BW/ EXCLUSIVE RULES l/RHF/3 Mech Inf GT 2: 2101 7 l/WFR/3 Mech Inf GT 2: 2101 7 RSDG/3 Armor Hex 2312(1) 12 [19.0] INTRODUCTION all Warsaw Pact units are assigned Game-Turns of 3 RTR/3 Armor Hex 2111(1) 12 entry. Not all units listed appear in every scenario. 26 RA/3 SP Arty GT 2: 2101 7 This edition of the Central Front series contains Refer to the reinforcements portions of scenario 19 RA/3 SP Arty GT 2: 2101 7 two scenarios. The Thin Red Line is the campaign descriptions for details. scenario, covering the first five days of the war in 3AAC/3 Attck Heli GT 2: 2101 12 Information provided for each NATO unit is unit the BAOR sector. The Race to the Weser covers the designation; unit type; set-up/entry hex and BRITISH 4th ARMORED DIVISION first 60 hours of combat in the region between Game-Turn of entry; Operations Points available l/RGJ/4 Mech Inf Hex 3619(1) 12 Hannover and Kassel. during the unit's first turn on the map (variable for l/RRF/4 Mech Inf Hex 3619(1) 12 P MA E GAM R BAO E TH ] [19.1 reinforcing units)2 1 . Warsa7 291 wx PacHe t f unitIn h s areMec iden 4 - l/RWF/ tified by unit designation; unit type; and Game- 4 r numbe p ma s i p ma e gam BAOR " 34 x " 22 e Th LG/4 Armor Hex 2615(1) 12 Turn of entry. Note that the (1) following some in the Central Front series. Note that the compass 2 1 ) 2615(1 x He r Armo 4 Hus/ Q NATO unit set-up hexes indicates that unit may be rose indicates north running along a diagonal hex- set up within one hex of the hex specified. 25 RA/4 SPArty Hex 2111(1) 12 row. For game purposes, the 3900 hexrow should 39 R A/4 SPArty Hex 2312(1) 12 be considered the north edge of the map and the T DEPLOYMEN O NAT ] [20.1 4AAC/4 Attck Heli Hex 2615(1) 12 0100 hexrow the south edge. All hexes along the 2RTR/4 ArmCav Hex 1944(1) 12 eastern side of the map, including the northern WEST GERM AN IstPANZERGRENADIER BRITISH 5th FIELD FORCE and eastern faces of the "bulge" of East Germany, DIVISION ( + /-) are considered east mapedges for all purposes ex- 130 Engineer Hex 3620(1) 12 l/LI/5 Mot Inf GT2:3501 9 cept Victory Conditions, which treat the xx51 hex- 11/1 Arty Hex 3334(2) 12 l/KSB/5 Mot Inf GT 2: 3909 10 row as the east mapedge. 12/1 RktArt9 1 y 350 G: 2 T T 1:393G 1 r 9Armo 5 17/21/ 7 RHA/5 Arty GT 2: 3909 10 [19.2] GAME COMPONENTS 1st Panzergrenadier Brigade 11/1 Mech Inf Hex 3336 12 l/Glo/5 Mot Inf GT2:3501 9 One 22" x 34" game map 12/1 Mech Inf Hex 0935 12 R Yeo/5 Arm Cav GT 4: 2901 12 Two 200-piece die-cut counter sheets (400 total) 13/1 Mech Inf Hex 1030 12 100 RA/5 Arty GT 4: 2901 12 One Standard Rules folder 14/1 Armor Hex 2435(1) 12 655/5 Attck Heli GT 4: 2901 12 One Exclusive Rules folder 15/1 SP Arty Hex 1826 12 BRITISH 7th FIELD FORCE If any of these parts are missing or damaged, 2nd Panzergrenadier Brigade 3/Ang/7 Mot Inf GT 3: 3006 6 please contact SPI Customer Service, 257 Park 21/1 Mech Inf Hex 3248 12 2/Qns/7 Mot Inf GT 3: 3006 6 Avenue South, New York, NY 10010. 22/1 Mec6 h In6 f 300 He: 3 xT 1944(1G f ) In t 12Mo 7 5/Ang/ Should you have any difficulty interpreting the 23/1 Mech Inf Hex 2346(1) 12 Q Yeo/7 Arm Cav GT 4: 2901 12 rules, please write to SPI, phrasing your questions 24/1 Armo2 1 r 1 290 He: 4 xT 214G 5 r 12Armo 7 QRIH/ so they can be answered by a simple sentence, 25/1 S2 P1 Art y1 290 He : 4 x T 2346(1G v ) 12ArmCa 7 13/18/ word, or phrase. You must include a stamped, 33rd Panzer Brigade (from llth PG Div) 40 RA/7 Arty GT 4: 2901 12 self-addressed envelope. Write to SPI, Rules 331/11 Mech Inf Hex 3248 12 657/7 Attck Heli GT 4: 2901 12 Editor for BAOR, 257 Park Avenue South, New 332/11 Armor GT 1: 3909 4 BRITISH AIRBORNE York, NY 10010. 2 1 9 390 : 1 T G r Armo 1 333/1 3 20.3 e se : 2 T G f In B A a Par 5 1 334/11 Armor Hex 3742(1) 12 BELGIAN 1 CORPS 335/11 SP Arty Hex 3934 12 20 A SPArty GT 2: 2101 9 T UNI R BAO ] [20.0 WEST GERMAN 2nd PANZERGRENDIER 2 JtP ArmCav GT 2: 1301 3 DEPLOYMENTS DIVISION ( + /-) BELGIAN 1st DIVISION 21/2 Arty GT 1:0116 6 17A/1 SPArty GT 4: 2101 8 GENERAL RULE: 22/2 RktArty GT 1:0116 6 1st Mechanized Brigade 4th Panzergrenadier Brigade 18A/1 SPArty GT 5: 2101 12 The following lists provide subordination and set- up information for the units appearing in BAOR. 41/2 Mech Inf Hex 0627(1) 12 1 Kar/1 Mech Inf GT 4: 2101 8 Individual unit counters are identified under the 42/2 Mech Inf Hex 0217(1) 12 9Bev/l Mech Inf GT 4: 2101 8 heading of the formation to which they belong. 43/2 Mec8 h In1 f 210 He: 4 xT 0627(1G )r 12Armo l 2Ln/ NATO units which start the game on the map are 44/2 Armor Hex 0627(1) 12 7th Mechanized Brigade assigned set-u2 p1 hexes ) . NAT0627(1 x O He reinforcement y SPArt s and 2 45/ 1A/1 SPArty GT 5: 0101 12 10010 28 PAGE2 RULES, EXCLUSIVE BAOR 1 CA/1 Mech Inf GT 5: 0101 11 3rd Guards Tank Division [20.4] ENTERING REINFORCEMENTS 6 1 010 : 4 T G f In h Mec l 12Lg/ (Kotelnikovo,Suvarov II) [20.41] A Player may always withhold reinforce- 1 Ln/1 Armor GT 4: 0101 12 3GT t a y 7 unitsentr r fo n GT: 4 Game-Tur r particula a n o e du s ment BELGIAN 16th DIVISION n Divisio k Tan s Guard h 29t the start of a later Game-Turn or, in the Warsaw 6A/16 SPArty GT 24 : : 210GT 1 12units 7 T 29G d air-delivere n a s a e us r late r fo , case s Player' t Pac 4th Mechanized Brigade 37th Guards Tank Division (Red Banner) reinforcements. 2A/16 SPArty GT 2: 1301 3 37GT- rein 7f o units t se n GTgive a : 4r fo x he y entr e th f I ] [20.42 forcements is blocked by an enemy unit or ZOC, 5 Lg/16 MecT h Inf DISTRIC G TY 2: 2101 MILITAR N 12 BELORUSSIA e alternat n a a vi r ente y ma s reinforcement e thos 1 Gr/16 Mech Inf GTn 2: 210Divisio 1y 12Artiller n Belorussia 2 1 1 210 : 2 T G r Armo 6 4Ln/1 road or Autobahn entry hex. NATO units entering Be 5 units GT: 5 from the north or south mapedges may enter from e Brigad d Armore h 17t SOVIET 7th TANK ARMY the nearest unblocked road or Autobahn hex to 19A/16 SPArty G5 T : 2:GT 130 i 1 Hel k 5 Attc A 50/7T the west. NATO units entering from the west 1 WR/16 Mech Inf GT2:1301 5 50th Guardd s Motorizeunblocke t d neares Rifl e th e Divisiom fro r n (Nikopolente y ma )e mapedg 2Cy/16 Mech Inf GT 2: 1301 5 50G - War . 7 units mapedge e sam GT e :th 6n o x he n Autobah r o d roa 2Gd/16 Armor GT2:1301 n 5 Divisio k Tan h 34t y ma e edg h sout e th m fro g enterin s unit t Pac w sa 1 Gd/16 Armor GT 2: 1301 5 34T r o d 7 roa units d GTunblocke :t 7 neares e th m fro r ente NA TO INTERALLIED CO VERING FORCE s unit t Pac w Warsa .
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