FAMILY Leuciscidae Bonaparte, 1835 - chubs, daces, true minnows, roaches, shiners, etc. SUBFAMILY Leuciscinae Bonaparte, 1835 - chubs, daces, true minnows, roaches, shiners, etc. [=Leuciscini, Scardinii, ?Brachyentri, ?Pachychilae, Chondrostomi, Alburni, Pogonichthi, Abramiformes, ?Paralabeonini, Cochlognathi, Laviniae, Phoxini, Acanthobramae, Bramae, Aspii, Gardonini, Cochlobori, Coelophori, Epicysti, Mesocysti, Plagopterinae, Campostominae, Exoglossinae, Graodontinae, Acrochili, Orthodontes, Chrosomi, Hybognathi, Tiarogae, Luxili, Ericymbae, Phenacobii, Rhinichthyes, Ceratichthyes, Mylochili, Mylopharodontes, Peleci, Medinae, Pimephalinae, Notropinae, Pseudaspinini] Notes: Leuciscini Bonaparte, 1835:[14] [ref. 32242] (subfamily) Leuciscus [genus inferred from the stem, Article; also Bonaparte 1837:[7] [ref. 32243]] Scardinii Bonaparte, 1839:fasc. 24, puntate 125 [ref. 4895] (no family-group name) [also Bonaparte 1841:Introduzione [18] [ref. 515]] ?Brachyentri Heckel, 1843:64 [ref. 2066] (Abtheilung) ? Leuciscus [no stem of the type genus, not available, Article] ?Pachychilae Heckel, 1847:280 [ref. 2068] (Abtheilung) ? Exoglossum [no stem of the type genus, not available, Article] Chondrostomi Agassiz, 1855:94 [ref. 71] (tribe) Chondrostoma [stem corrected to Chondrostomat- by Jordan 1877:59 [ref. 2374], confirmed by Jordan 1878:786 [ref. 2377] and by Meek 1904:43 [ref. 2958]] Alburni Girard, 1858:255 [ref. 4911] (tribe) Alburnus Pogonichthi Girard, 1858:242 [ref. 4911] (tribe) Pogonichthys [correct stem is Pogonichthy-] Abramiformes Dybowski, 1862:33, 35, 314 [ref. 1168] (subfamily) Abramis [stem changed to Abramid- by Günther 1868:299 [ref. 1990], confirmed by Jordan 1878:790 [ref. 2377] and by Weber & de Beaufort 1916:44 [ref. 4604]; senior objective synonym of Bramae Bleeker, 1863] ?Paralabeonini Bleeker, 1863–64:29 [ref. 4859] (stirps) ? Cochlognathus [also Bleeker 1863b:204 [ref. 397]; no stem of the type genus, not available, Article] Cochlognathi Bleeker, 1863–64:29 [ref. 4859] (phalanx) Cochlognathus [also Bleeker 1863b:204 [ref. 397]] Laviniae Bleeker, 1863–64:29 [ref. 4859] (phalanx) Lavinia [also Bleeker 1863b:204 [ref. 397]; stem Lavini- confirmed by Fowler 1951b:3 [ref.31928] and by Fowler 1958a:3 [ref. 31840]] Phoxini Bleeker, 1863–64:31 [ref. 4859] (phalanx) Phoxinus [also Bleeker 1863b:208 [ref. 397]] Acanthobramae Bleeker, 1863–64:31 [ref. 4859] (phalanx) Acanthobrama [also Bleeker 1863b:210 [ref. 397]] Bramae Bleeker, 1863–64:31 [ref. 4859] (phalanx) Brama Klein [also Bleeker 1863b:210 [ref. 397]; invalid, Article 39] Aspii Bleeker, 1863–64:32 [ref. 4859] (phalanx) Aspius [also Bleeker 1863b:212 [ref. 397]; stem Aspi- confirmed by Fowler 1951b:3 [ref.31928], by Fowler 1958a:3 [ref. 31840] and by Rainboth 1991:171 [ref. 32596]; stem changed to Aspin- by Bogutskaya 1994:616 [ref. 23569]] Gardonini Walecki, 1864:43, 107 [ref. 22969] (subfamily) Gardonus Cochlobori Cope, 1867:354 [ref. 910] (tribe) Exoglossum [no stem of the type genus, not available, Article] Coelophori Cope, 1867:355 [ref. 910] (tribe) Ericymba [no stem of the type genus, not available, Article] Epicysti Cope, 1867:355 [ref. 910] (tribe) ? Hybopsis [no stem of the type genus, not available, Article] Mesocysti Cope, 1867:355 [ref. 910] (tribe) Campostoma [no stem of the type genus, not available, Article] Plagopterinae Cope, 1874:129 [ref. 932] (subfamily) Plagopterus Campostominae Jordan, 1877:56 [ref. 2374] (subfamily) Campostoma [stem changed to Campostomat- by Jordan 1878:786 [ref. 2377]; original stem Campostom- confirmed by Jordan & Gilbert 1883:145 [ref. 2476]] Exoglossinae Jordan, 1877:60 [ref. 2374] (subfamily) Exoglossum [also Jordan 1878:789 [ref. 2377]] Graodontinae Jordan, 1877:60 [ref. 2374] (subfamily) Graodus [also Jordan 1878:788, 789 [ref. 2377]] Acrochili Jordan, 1878:789 [ref. 2377] (group) Acrocheilus [as Acrochilus, name must be corrected Article 32.5.3; stem corrected to Acrocheil- by Cockerell 1909:210 [ref. 32166]] Orthodontes Jordan, 1878:789 [ref. 2377] (group) Orthodon Chrosomi Jordan, 1878:789 [ref. 2377] (group) Chrosomus [stem Chrosom- confirmed by Cockerell & Callaway 1909a:122 [ref. 32165]] Hybognathi Jordan, 1878:789 [ref. 2377] (group) Hybognathus Tiarogae Jordan, 1878:789 [ref. 2377] (group) Tiaroga Luxili Jordan, 1878:789 [ref. 2377] (group) Luxilus Ericymbae Jordan, 1878:789 [ref. 2377] (group) Ericymba Phenacobii Jordan, 1878:789 [ref. 2377] (group) Phenacobius Rhinichthyes Jordan, 1878:789 [ref. 2377] (group) Rhinichthys [as Rhinichthyes] Ceratichthyes Jordan, 1878:789 [ref. 2377] (group) Ceratichthys Mylochili Jordan, 1878:790 [ref. 2377] (group) Mylocheilus [as Mylochilus, name must be corrected Article 32.5.3] Mylopharodontes Jordan, 1878:790 [ref. 2377] (group) Mylopharodon [stem Mylopharodont- confirmed by Jordan & Evermann 1896a:202 [ref. 2443]] Peleci Jordan, 1878:790 [ref. 2377] (group) Pelecus [stem Pelec- confirmed by Kryzanowsky 1947:58 [ref. 32215]] Medinae Gill, 1890a:3685 [ref. 32974] (subfamily) Meda Pimephalinae Cockerell & Callaway, 1909a:122 [ref. 32165] (subfamily) Pimephales Notropinae Cockerell & Callaway, 1909b:189 [ref. 876] (subfamily) Not Notropis Pseudaspinini Bogutskaya, 1990:925 [ref. 32597] (tribe) Pseudaspius GENUS Abramis Cuvier, 1816 - breams [=Abramis Cuvier [G.], 1816:194, Brama Klein [J. T.], 1775:61, 93, Brama Walbaum [J. J.] (ex Klein), 1792:586, Brama Bleeker [P.] (ex Klein), 1863:211, Leucabramis Smitt [F. A.], 1895:798, Sapa Kazanskii [V. I.], 1928:16, Zopa Fitzinger [L. J. F. J.], 1873:152, 158] Notes: [ref. 993]. Fem. Cyprinus brama Linnaeus, 1758. Type by subsequent designation. Earliest subsequent designation not located. •Valid as Abramis Cuvier, 1816 -- (Howes 1981:46 [ref. 14200], Bogutskaya 1987:936 [ref. 13521], Bogutskaya 1997:162 [ref. 23566], Bogutskaya 1998:54 [ref. 23589], Luo in Chen et al. 1998:95 [ref. 23878], Hänfling & Brandl 2000:267 [ref. 25144], Sideleva 2001:52 [ref. 26181], Sideleva 2003:10 [ref. 27815], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:74 [ref. 28183], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:151 [ref. 29996], Perea et al. 2010:4, 15 [ref. 31802], Bartulović et al. 2011:165 [ref. 31635]). Current status: Valid as Abramis Cuvier, 1816. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae. (Brama) [ref. 2618]. Fem. Not available, published in a work that does not conform to the principle of binominal nomenclature. •In the synonymy of Abramis Cuvier, 1816. Current status: Synonym of Abramis Cuvier, 1816. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae. (Brama) [ref. 4572]. Fem. Not available, published in a part of work rejected for nomenclatural purposes in Opinion 21 (1938). Based on Klein 1749:61 [ref. 30141]. •In the synonymy of Abramis Cuvier, 1816. Current status: Synonym of Abramis Cuvier, 1816. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae. (Brama) [ref. 397]. Fem. Cyprinus brama Linnaeus, 1758. Type by monotypy, as Abramis brama Cuvier. On p. 25 of separate. Based on Brama Klein (unavailable). Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Brama Bloch & Schneider, 1801 in fishes. Also in Bleeker 1863 [ref. 12572]. •In the synonymy of and objective synonym of Abramis Cuvier, 1816. Current status: Synonym of Abramis Cuvier, 1816. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae. (Leucabramis) [ref. 4146]. Fem. Cyprinus vimba Linnaeus, 1758. Type by monotypy. •Objective synonym of Vimba Fitzinger, 1873. •Synonym of Abramis Cuvier, 1816 -- (Howes 1981:46 [ref. 14200]). Current status: Synonym of Abramis Cuvier, 1816. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae. (Sapa) [ref. 14268]. Fem. Cyprinus sapa Pallas, 1814. Original not examined; from Berg 1949:768 [ref. 12882]. •Synonym of Abramis Cuvier, 1816 -- (Berg 1948:768 [ref. 12882]). Current status: Synonym of Abramis Cuvier, 1816. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae. (Zopa) [ref. 1337]. Fem. Cyprinus sapa Pallas, 1814. Type by subsequent designation. Two included species "(Abr. Ballerus und Sapa)"; type apparently first designated by Jordan 1919:368 [ref. 4904] as sopa. Howes lists Sapa Kasansky, 1928 in the synonymy of Abramis [not investigated]. •Synonym of Abramis Cuvier, 1816 -- (Howes 1981:46 [ref. 14200]). Current status: Synonym of Abramis Cuvier, 1816. Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae. Species Abramis ballerus (Linnaeus, 1758) - Swedish bream [=Cyprinus ballerus Linnaeus [C.], 1758:326, Cyprinus farenus Linnaeus [C.], 1758:326] Notes: [Systema Naturae, Ed. X v. 1; ref. 2787] Lakes of Sweden. Current status: Valid as Abramis ballerus (Linnaeus, 1758). Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae. Distribution: Europe to western Asia. Habitat: freshwater, brackish. (farenus) [Systema Naturae, Ed. X v. 1; ref. 2787] Lake Mälar, Sweden. Current status: Synonym of Abramis ballerus (Linnaeus, 1758). Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae. Habitat: freshwater. Species Abramis brama (Linnaeus, 1758) - bream, freshwater bream, bronze bream, carp bream [=Cyprinus brama Linnaeus [C.], 1758:326, Abramis argyreus Valenciennes [A.], in Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1844:45, Abramis brama bergi Grib [A. V.] & Vernidub [M. F.], 1935:112, Abramis brama danubii Pavlov [P. I.], 1956:894, Abramis gehini Blanchard [C. E.], 1866:355, Fig. 7, Ciprinus latus Dralet [É.-F.], 1821:25, Cyprinus brama major Forster [J. R.], 1767:356, Abramis melaenus Agassiz [L.], 1835:39, Abramis brama orientalis Berg [L. S.], 1949:774 [327], Abramis brama var. sinegorensis Lukasch [B. S.], 1933:67, Abramis vetula Heckel [J. J.], 1836:230, Pl. 20 (fig. 6), Abramis vulgaris Mauduyt [F.], 1849:30] Notes: [Systema Naturae, Ed. X v. 1; ref. 2787] European lakes. Current status: Valid as Abramis brama (Linnaeus, 1758). Leuciscidae: Leuciscinae. Distribution:
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