,7354 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE May 28 the Navy, subject to qualification therefor Grant that amid the strain and stress H. R. 7328. An act to promote the national as provided by law. of life's hard and difficult experiences; defense by authorizing the construction of Harold N. Glasser (Reserve officer) to be when we are tempted to yield to defeat­ aeronautical-research facilities by the Na­ tional Advisory Committee for Aeronautics lieutenant (junior grade) in the Dental ism and despair, may we have within our Corps in the Navy, subject to qualification necessary to the effective prosecution of therefor as provided by law. hearts the unshakable confidence that aeronautical research; The following-named Reserve officers to be Thy divine providence is ever 'round H. R. 7329. An act to repeal section 1174 second lieutenants in the Marine Corps, sub­ about us. of the Revised Statutes, as amended, re­ ject to qualification therefor as provided by May the presence and message of the lating to the cooperation of medical officers law: ruler, whose small nation stood forth with line officers in superintending cooking Glen S. Aspinwall Richard L. Martin bravely as one of the calvaries of de­ by enlisted men; and H. R. 7452. An act for the relief of Therese Ralph C. Carlisle, Jr. Edwin 0. Schwendt mocracy, stir our hearts with compas­ Boehner Soisson. Edward J. A. Castagna Thomas S. Simms sion and with a yearning to lift smitten On May 28, 19!)4: Alphonse J. Ca.stellanaCharles Solomon and afflicted humanity out of its miseries H. R. 2696. An act to provide a method of Robert M. Cooper Alfred F. Stein and struggles into the glorious liberty of Joseph F. Jones Daniel E. Terrell, Jr. paying certain unsettled claims for damages the sons of God. sustained as a result of the explosions at Floyd J. Johnson, Jr.William M. Thurber Port Chicago, Calif., on July 17, 1944, in the Archibald C. Ledbetter Charles J. Tyson Ill Hear us in the name of the Prince of Peace. Amen. amounts found to be due by the Secretary Glenn A. MacDonald Allen R. Walker of the Navy; Robert E. MacDonald Jerry H. Wright The Journal of the proceedings of H. R. 3598. An act to consolidate the Parker IN THE MARINE CORPS Wednesday, May 26, 1954, was read and Dam power project and the Davis Dam proj­ Lt. Gen. Gerald c. Thomas, to have the approved. ect; grade, rank, pay, and allowances of a lieu­ H . R. 4135. An act for the relief of George tenant general while serving as comman­ Telegdy and Julia Peyer Telegdy; dant of the Marine Corps Schools, Quantico, MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT H. R. 5961. An act for the relief of Ma­ rianne Schuster Dawes; Va. A message in writing from the Presi­ Maj. Gen. Randolph McC. Pate, to have the H. R. 6186. An act to authorize the Secre­ grade, rank, pay, and allowances of a lieu­ dent of the United States was communi­ tary of the Interior to grant a preference tenant general while serving as assistant to cated to the House by Mr. Tribbe, one of right to users of withdrawn public lands the Commandant of the Marine Corps. his secretaries, who also informed the for grazing purposes when the lands are Maj. Gen. Robert H. Pepper, to have the House that on the following dates the restored from the withdrawal; grade, rank, pay, and allowances of a lieu­ President · approved and signed bills of H. R. 6870. An act to amend the act of tenant general while serving as commanding the House of the following titles: February 13, 1900 (31 Stat. 28), by approv­ general, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific. ing existing railway installations and au­ On May 21, 1954: thorizing further railway installations on The following-named officers of the Marine H. R. 2033. An act to confer jurisdiction the batture in front of the Public Health Corps for permanent appointment to the upon the Court of Claims to hear, determine, Service hospital property in New Orleans, grade indicated: and render judgment upon certain claiins of La.; TO BE MAJOR GENERALS the Columbia Basin Orchard, the Seattle H. R. 7057. An act to authorize the Secre­ Edwin A. Pollock John C. McQueen Association of Credit Men, and the Perham taries of Agriculture and Interior to trans­ Randolph McC. Pate George F. Good, Jr. Fruit Corp.; fer, exchange, and dispose of land In the Clayton C. Jerome H. R. 4735. An act for the relief of Lt. Col. Eden project, Wyoming, and for other pur­ Richard Orme Flinn, Jr.; and poses; and TO BE BRIGADIER GENERALS H. R. 3832. An act for the relief of Mrs. H. R. 7893. An act making appropriations William W. Davies Robert E. Hogaboom Orinda Josephine Quigley. for the Treasury and Post Office Departments, Reginald H. Ridgely, Joseph C. Burger On May 27, 1954: Export-Import Bank of Washington, and Jr. Verne J. McCaul H. R. 1167. An act for the relief of W. A. Reconstruction Finance Corporation for the William G. Manley Matthew C. Horner Sampsel; fiscal year ending June 30, 1955, and for Lenard B. Cresswell Ion M. Bethel H. R. 1433. An act to entitle enlisted men other purposes. Homer L. Litzenberg and warrant officers advanced to commis­ sioned rank or grade who are restored to TO BE BRIGADIER GENERAL, SUBJECT TO QUALIFICA­ their former enlisted or warrant officer status . TION THEREFOR AS PROVIDED BY LAW pursuant to section 3 of the act of June_19, MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Chester R. Alien 1948 (62 Stat. 505), to receive retired en­ A message from the Senate, by Mr. Ast, ADDITIONAL PERMANENT APPOINTMENTS IN THE listed or warrant officer pay from November 1, one of its clerks, announced that the MARINE CORPS 1946, or date of advancement, to date of Senate had passed without amendment The nominations of Herbert R. Nusbaum restoration to enlisted or warrant officer and 1,246 other officers for appointment in status; concurrent resolutions of the House of the Marine Corps, which were confirmed to­ H. R. 2274. An act to further amend the the following titles: day, were received by the Senate on May 6, act of May 26, 1948, entitled "An act to es­ H. Con. Res. 209. Concurrent resolution au­ 1954, and appear in full in the Senate pro­ tablish Civil Air Patrol as a civilian auxiliary thorizing the printing of additional copies ceedings of the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Of that of the United States Air Force and to au­ of parts 1 and 2 of the hearings held by the date, under the caption "Nomination," thorize the Secretary of the Air Force to ex­ Committee on Government Operations dur­ beginning with the name of Herbert R. tend aid to Civil Air Patrol in the fulfillment ing the 83d Congress, 1st session, relative to Nusbaum, which appears on page 6127, and of its objectives, and for other purposes"; commercial- and industrial-type activities in ending with the name of Joyce M. Hamman H. R. 2913. An act to direct the Secretary the Federal Government; sbown on page 6130. of the Interior to issue a patent for certain H. Con. Res. 210. Concurrent resolution lands to Harold K. Butson; providing for 35,000 additional copies of the •• ..... • • H. R. 3349. An act for the relief of Mrs. report entitled "Organized Communism in Margarete Burdo; the United States"; H. R. 4475. An act for the relief of Curtis H. Con. Res. 213. Concurrent resolution au­ HOUSE .OF REPRESENTATIVES W. McPhail; thorizing the printing of additional copies H. R. 4816. An act authorizing the Secre­ of the hearings held by the Committee on FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1954 tary of the Interior to issue to Robert Gra­ Interstate and Foreign Commerce relative to . ham a patent in fee to certain lands in the health problems; The House met at 12 o'clock noon. State of Mississippi; H. R. 4864. An act !or the relief o! Mrs. H. Con. Res. 230. Concurrent resolution The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, ·Hildegard Noel; providing for .30,000 additional copies of the D. D., offered the following prayer: H. R. 5090. An act !or the relief of Mrs. report entitled "Eighth Session of the Gen­ eral Assembly of the United Nations"; and God of ·all wisdom, whose beneficent Magdalene Zarnovski Austin; H. R. 5862. An act to authorize the Pan­ H. Con. Res. 234. Concurrent resolution to sovereignty we cannot doubt and whose ama Canal Company to transfer the Canal print as a House docuinent the proceedings overtures of sacrificial love we cannot Zone Corrosion Laboratory to the Depart­ in the rotunda at the dedication of the frieze. spurn, may we daily become increasingly ment of the Navy; The message also an.nounced that the aware of our need of Thy guiding spirit H. R. 6563. An act for the relief of Zdzts­ law (Jerzy) Jazwlnski; Vice President had appointed the Sena­ as we face our own personal problems tor from North Carolina, Mr. LENNON, to and seek in some real and practical way H. R. 6647. An act for the relief of Yoko Kagawa; membership on the Commission on I~­ to help mankind bear its heavy burdens H. R. 6754. An act for the relief ot Mrs. tergovernmet:ltal Relations in place of and find the way to peace. Hooey Shee Eng; Senator Hoey, deceased. 1954 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-. HOUSE 7355 The message also announced that the Wisconsin .[Mr. LAmnl introduced the .<Enclosures: 1. Authentic text of Con­ Vice President has appointed Mr. CARL­ bill so that those members of the delega­ vention No.
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