
FOOD TO CHINA, TASTE FROM WORLD 链接全球 . 美味中国 进口食品 FOOD TO CHINA2016 年 5 月 May 2016 FOOD FROM GOURMET ITALY 来自美食国度的意大利食品 UnionAlimentari 意大利中小食品制造商联合会 2016 年全球食品和饮料十大趋势 Preface 卷首语 民以食为天。中国饮食文化绵延 1700 年,多姿多彩的宴席和百家争鸣的风味流派,共同打响了“烹饪王国”的 美誉。2012 年,《舌尖上的中国》在央视首播,引起了广泛的关注。中华美食,给国人带来舌尖上的享受,也向 世界传递源远流长的中华饮食文化。 农业部部长韩长赋指出,我国国民一天要吃 40 多万吨粮食、10 多万吨肉、50 多万吨蔬菜和 20 多万吨水果,数 量十分庞大。在吃货盛行的年代,除了中华美食,吃遍全球,也是我们孜孜不倦的追求。由广东省进口食品协会主 办的行业杂志《FOOD TO CHINA》,任性地坚持“链接全球,美味中国”的情怀,如饥似渴地为国人分享各国的优 质食品及采购资源,我们喜闻乐见其创刊与成长。 作为协会的常务副会长单位,广东省食品进出口集团有限公司,肩负着打造高端国际绿色食品供应链的社会责 任,定将联合各方资源,让“高质、优价、安全”的食品走进千家万户。 进口食品行业已进入快速发展的“黄金十年”,活在当下,唯美食与爱不可辜负,我们已在路上! “Food, the engine of life.” China has been renowned as the Kingdom of Cooking , where diversified styles of banquets and schools of cuisines have been flourishing in its 1700 year history of food culture.” 2012 saw the first-run of A Bite of China, a CCTV (China Central Television) program that soon became a nationwide hit.” It fired up the taste buds of Chinese and told the world a long history of Chinese food culture.” According to Han Changfu, Minister of Agriculture of the People s Republic China, Chinese citizens consume a mountain of food on a daily basis 400,000+ tons of cereal, 100,000+ tons of meat, 500,000+ tons of vegetables and 200,000+ tons of fruit.” Like every foodie in the globe, eating around the world, including China, is our ever-burning dream.” FOOD TO CHINA is a magazine issued by Guangdong (China) Imported Food Association (IFA).” Sticking to the romantic ambition of Food to China, Taste from world , this magazine is committed to sharing worldwide quality foods and ingredients with people in China.” We are delighted to see its inauguration and growth.” As the Executive Vice Chairman of IFA (Guangdong) which shoulders the social responsibility to build an international supply chain of high-end green food, Guangdong Food stuffs Imp.” & Exp.” Group Co.”, Ltd.”will, by pooling all its resources, strive to offer safe food with high quality and reasonable prices to Chinese residents.” In this golden 10-year of fast development of imported food industry, our magazine has breathed every moment with the love for good food.” We are on the way! 杜绪 Michael Du 广东省进口食品协会常务副会长 广东省食品进出口集团公司副总经理 Vice Chairman, Guangdong (China) Imported Food Association Vice president, Guangdong Foodstuffs Inport/Export (Group) Corporation FOOD TO CHINA 1 进口食品 FOOD TO CHINA2016 年 5 月 May 2016 Sponsor: Guangzhou Food2China Network Technology Co.”, Ltd.” 主办:广州福图喜纳网络科技有限公司 Supported & guided by: Guangdong (China) Imported Food Association 支持 & 指导单位:广东省进口食品协会 Board of Consultants: 顾问委员会: Michael Du 杜绪 Vice President, Guangdong Foodstuffs Import/Export (Group) Corporation 广东省食品进出口集团公司副总经理 Chen Wenrui 陈文锐 Director/Professor , Food Testing Lab of Guangdong Inspection & Quarantine Technology 中国人民共和国广东出入境检验检疫局检验检疫技术中心 Center, Guangdong CIQ of P.”R.”China 食品实验室主任 / 研究员 Wu Yu 吴钰 CEO, Internet+ Consultant Service Center, “互联网 +”专家诊断服务中心运营官, Co-founder, E+Fairs “E+Fairs”互联网 + 技术应用服务展联合创办人 Professional Board 专业委员会: Guangdong Chamber of E-commerce 广东省电子商务商会 Guangdong Cross-Border E-commerce Industry Association 广东省跨境电子商务行业协会 Guangzhou Cross-Border E-commerce Industry Association 广州市跨境电商行业协会 Guangdong Cold Chain Association 广东省冷链协会 Strategy Partners: 战略合作: FHW China 广州国际特色食品饮料展览会 UnionAlimentari 意大利中小食品制造商联合会 TUTTOFOOD 意大利米兰国际食品展 HOST Milano 米兰国际酒店用品展 Publisher: Wolfgang Qi 发行人:綦宜龙 Chief Editor: Catherine Yang 主编:杨涛 Editor: Xiaoping Ye 编辑:叶晓萍 Art Editor: Queenie Huang 美术编辑:黄景琨 Marketing: Yan Li 市场部:李晓燕 Direct Mailing: 直邮发行渠道: China 国内 Chinese Importers; 国内进口商; Chinese Wholesaler Distributers; 国内渠道商; Supermarkets/Hotels/Catering; 商超酒店; Overseas Trading Companies; 海外贸易公司; E-commerce/Multinational Cooperation / Associations; 电商及跨国公司、协会组织; Third Party Service Suppliers; 第三方服务商; Foreign Consulate in China 各国驻华领事馆; Foreign Trading Office/Chamber of Commerce/Associations in China; 各国驻华贸易机构 / 商会 / 行业协会; Overseas 海外 Producer Associations; 海外生产商 / 协会; Concerning Associations & Organizations; 相关协会及组织机构; Contact: 订阅及合作,请联系: Rm.”1904, DS Building, No.”538, Dezheng Bei Road, Guangzhou, Guangdong 地址:广东省广州市德政北路 538 号达信大厦 1904 室 Tel: +86 20 8382 3011 电话:+86 20 8382 3011 Email media@food2china.”com 邮箱:[email protected] 版权及免责声明: Copyright Disclaimer: 本杂志中所有文字及图片资料的版权属于原作者,任何单位及个人未经许可,不得转载。 本杂志除原创外的部分编译内容及图片,如有涉及到版权问题,请原作者与我们联系。 The copyrights of all texts and photos in this magazine belong to the original author, all rights reserved.” Any other edited contents, If involved in any copyright issues, please contact us.” Cover Story 封面故事 2011-2015 年中国进口泰国食品(百万美金) THAI FOOD: ATTRACTIVE BOTH 2015 泰国 5 大出口食品: IN QUALITY AND PRICE 大米 木薯产品 海鲜罐头 物美价优的最佳阐释 糖 大米 水果罐头 水果 饮料 泰国食品 调味品 东南亚向来以农产品丰饶见称,位于东盟中心的 is consistent with today's Agreement in 2003, trade between both tHailand 泰国更是其中翘楚。作为传统农业国家,泰国以传 healthy diet trend.” Food countries has increased dramatically.” 统方式种植农作物,所得的食物原材料也以天然美 industry in Thailand now is In addition, China has in recent years 味、营养健康著称,这与现代健康饮食潮流不谋而 gradually shifting towards become the biggest importer of Thai 合。如今的泰国食品业,更逐渐向食品包装和加工 food packaging and products.” Thai foods, such as rice, fruit, food 生产国转变,不断扩大其农产品附加值和市场影响 processing, increasingly beverage and snack, have been enjoying expanding the market a rising export volume to China.” In terms 力。泰国食品业中使用的 80% 的原料成分,均来自 influence and added value of transportation, transport and logistics 当地丰富的自然资源。因此,泰国的食品拥有极具 of its agricultural produce.” network in Thailand have been improving.” 竞争力的价格水平。而且,泰国自古与世界各国通商, 80% raw materials of Thai The Pan-Asia Railway network will 饮食文化具有高度包容度和转化能力,延续到加工 food come from natural connect Thailand's neighboring countries 食品业,无论口味还是包装仍天生“国际范”。 resources within the including China, forging an efficient and 泰国自 2003 年与中国签署《自由贸易协议》后, country, which offers Thai rapid transportation system.” It can be 两国贸易大幅上升,中国近几年更成为泰国产品的 food a very competitive imagined that supported by 'One Belt and 最大进口国。在食品方面,泰国的大米、水果、饮料、 price.” In addition, thanks One Road' initiative, China and Thailand 零食等,在中国进口食品类一直呈增长态势。加上近 to its trade relations with will witness more positive exchanges with 年泰国的交通和物流网络不断完善,泛亚高速铁路 other countries since Thai food featured with high quality and 网将连接包括中国在内的周边国家,形成高效快速 ancient times, its food competitive prices as a bridge.” 的运输系统。不难想象,未来在“一带一路”政策下, culture is very inclusive and flexible.” As a result, 以物美价优的泰国食品为媒介,中泰两国将发生更 its food processing 多的有益关联。 industry also inherits this Southeast Asia is renowned for its abundant agricultural international feature both products.” Thailand, located in the center of ASEAN in tastes and packages.” countries, is one of the best agricultural producers.” It is traditionally an agricultural country that grows crops in Since the signing of Sino- conventional ways.” Its agricultural produce is well known Thailand Free Trade for being naturally delicious, nutritious and healthy, which 4 FOOD TO CHINA FOOD TO CHINA 5 Cover Story 封面故事 泰国政府还设立了一系列认证标准,让食品行业 Nowadays, Thailand plays an important role as a food exporter around the 在各方面的发展更有规可循。在过去十年里,泰国食 world.” Due to the similar environment, the variety and taste of the food 品行业以代工加工、OEM 为主的情况已然改变,并逐 in Thailand and that in other ASEAN countries and regions are much 渐形成自己的品牌,整个行业有了显著的优化和发展。 alike.” Nevertheless, the food industry in Thailand is even more competitive “泰国:世界厨房”政策的出台也值得注意,政府希 because of its technical and market operational advantages.” 望通过此举把泰国食品推向世界,并打造国家名片。 Thailand is a major agricultural country with abundant resources.” The solid agricultural production foundation provides strong support for the 通过各种渠道推广泰国食品 development of its food industry.” The effective approaches employed by 目前,泰国商务国际贸易促进厅在中国设有七个领 the Thai agriculture to increase added value include adopting advanced food 事馆商务处,分布在成都、广州、上海、昆明、南宁、 production technologies and market operation modes, conducting in-depth 厦门、青岛。在一线城市,我们致力于促进进口商和 studies on the food industry, and maintaining relatively high technical level.” 出口商对接,比如到各城市参加食品展会,同时也邀 Besides, located in the center of Asian and ASEAN regions, Thailand boasts 请中国进口商、相关企业到泰国参观食品展,让他们 the geographical advantage that enables itself to give full play to the central 更深入了解泰国食品。在出口商层面,我们促成出口 area role.” On the premise of ensuring the food industry level, Thailand also 商生产厂家跟中国进口商对接,每年会跟不同商超举 possesses the advantage of lower labor cost.” All these are the favorable tHailand 办推广活动,包括“泰国:世界厨房”政策下的主题 factors for the development of the food industry in Thailand.” Pannakarn Jiamsuchon, Commercial Consul 活动,并根据中国市场趋势和政策,不断调整产品和 Office of Commercial Affairs, Royal Thai Consulate-General 市场策略。在二线城市,我们侧重对消费者的培养, 泰王国驻广州总领事馆商务处商务领事詹秀雅 比如在商超举行泰国食品嘉年华和美食节等,在消费 者层面做推广。由此,我们直接接触到消费群体,通 过政府层面让他们关注并喜欢上泰国食品,以后可以 food 通过各种渠道购买。 THAI FOOD ENJOYS BRIGHT 我们还希望通过不同的渠道让泰国食品被消费者熟 知和购买。随着互联网盛行,越来越多中国消费者对 外国产品(包括食品)产生浓厚兴趣,他们的网购意 MARKET PROSPECTS IN 愿很强,这对泰国食品而言无疑是渠道的拓展,所以 电子商务(包括跨境电商)也是泰国食品行业未来要 CHINA 重视的板块。 我们相信电子商务是顺应未来趋势、富于效率的市 泰国食品在中国市场前景广阔 场推广方式,也是泰国产品进入中国市场更有利的方 式。但线上和线下渠道是密不可分的,食品有其体验 属性,消费者初次品尝有赖于线下推广,而线上适合 作为后续销售驱动力。 如今放眼全球,泰国是举足轻重的食品出口商。而与其他东盟国家和地区相比, 尽管环境相近,食品的品类和味道都相仿,但泰国食品行业的市场竞争力很强, 此外,电视购物频道也是让消费者更好了解泰国 这源于其工艺和市场运作优势。 食品的方式,我们也会邀请他们到泰国与食品生产商 进行深度沟通,并对接洽谈,引进产品。另外,如今 泰国是资源丰富的农业大国,农业生产基础非常稳固,从原料上对食品工业发 APP 平台在中国非常流行,我们也在计划也用此方式 Enhancing the food product strengths 展形成有力支持。先进的食品生产工艺和市场运作方式,以及对食品行业的不断 直接推广泰国餐饮业。 深入研究,技术水平相对比较高,也向来是泰国农业提升附加值的有效方式。此外, In recent years, the organic food of Thailand has maintained a good 泰国处于亚洲和东盟地区的中心位置,地理优势使它能更好发挥中心区域作用, 除了渠道,物流方式也很重要,所以我们很关注中 momentum of growth.” The industry strives to make Thailand an organic 在保证食品工业水平的前提下,工人薪水也相对具有优势,这些是泰国食品工业
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