This document is made available through the declassification efforts and research of John Greenewald, Jr., creator of: The Black Vault The Black Vault is the largest online Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) document clearinghouse in the world. The research efforts here are responsible for the declassification of hundreds of thousands of pages released by the U.S. Government & Military. Discover the Truth at: http://www.theblackvault.com ,.·· . - .,. "'""A An.proved for Release QeclaSS\IIeu·oniJ ~ . • by th~ ce-ntra~ tntellige~ce Agen~Y : 1 . oate~t? c?-,3: · . :. ·. F£,-v o REViEWED BY Fm/JfK TASK FORCE RtlCA.'lt iN fUll HELEASE IN PART 0 TOT"'- DENtAl 13- TOP SECRET SECRET CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION REGISTRY ,-SOURCE: La tin America Divis ion/DDO CONTROL NUMBER: ___S~C~-~0~1~7~5~5~-~7~7~----- -'-.____ - DATE OF DOCUMENT: 29 June 1977 DATE DOCUMENT RECEIVED: ---'----- COPY NUMBER (S): __l_a_n_d_S _____ _ LOGGED BY:--------------- NUMBER OF PAGES: 148 DOCUMENT NO: ____ 4 NUMBER OF ATTACHMENTS:----------- FROM: AC/LA Division DATE: 29/6/77 TO OFFICE NAME SIGNATURE DATE -- D Approval ': ', :-! TSEC. CL.I ORIGIN ' i ,' CONT~:~~- ~:·_.- f( Action 0 --~~~~~~~~~~~~U~T---~~sou~SPPoE~N0 .. S~E~D~A~T~E~ CROSSREFERENCEOR ; DATE OF DOC \,DATE REC'D ATE POINT OF FILING_ D Comment Concurrences TO D FROM D Information SUBJ. D Direct Reply ·. \ . : D Preparation of Reply Recommendation D I, D Signature D Return ! COURIER NO. IANSWERED INO REPLY 2 D Dispatch D File GROUP I CONFIDENTIAL Excluded from auto Handle t'ia Comiut Channelr SECRET TOP SECRET 13-00000 SC-01755-77 .SECiR:ET;'i!SiWHTI 0!! Q (" ! ~ . ' u ·- t..: .... ,, ,_.,.'/ MEMORANDUM FOR: The Inspector General ATTENTION Mr. Scott Breckinridge, Jr. VIA Acting Deputy Director for Operations FROM George V. Lauder Acting Chief, Latin America Division SUBJECT Latin America Division Task Force Report of Possible Cuban Complicity in the John F. Kennedy Assassination 1. Attached is the Latin America Division report of findings relative to Cuban complicity in the assassination of former President John F. Kennedy. This research which was conducted from mid-October 1976 to June 1977 at the direction of the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, E. Henry Knoche, reviewed all Agency operations conducted against Cuba from 1 January 1960 to 1 January 1965 (concentrating on the period 1 January 1960 to 22 November 1963). We found no definitive proof that the Castro regime was implicated in the Kennedy assassination. 2. The report is comprised of the following sections: LAD/JFK Task Force - How Research was conducted Attachment A: Chronology of Findings (125 pages) with a Top Secret Annex (14 pages) Attachment B: List of Task Force participants Attachment C: Outline of the complete LAD/JFK Task Force files and description of their contents. 13-00000 This massive and thorough research effort with all back-up documents has been assigned the official classification number 019-604-001. This report is submitted in the format requested by Mr. Scott Breckinridge, Jr., Task Force Leader. ".V. LauderL~~ Attachments, a/s ./ / SFGtET/~ENSi II VE - - 2- 13-00000 June 1977 SUBJECT: Latin America Division/JFK Task Force How Research was Conducted 1. The LA Division Task Force to investigate records in connection with the assassination of President Kennedy was formally organized in mid-October 1976. Its purpose, basically, was to research all Agency operations conducted against Cuba from 1 January 1960 to 1 January 1965 (concentrating on the period up to 22 November 1963) for any evidence that such operations might have provoked the Government of Cuba to take executive action against President Kennedy. Researchers were also alert to activities seemingly directed against the U.S./CIA. 2. Reference to material for this research was obtained from the LAD Registry, the Cuba Desk machine runs, and a special comprehensive file listing prepared for this purpose by ISS (Information Services Staff). It was originally thought that material pertinent to the search would number approximately 900 operational folders, plus related 201 dossiers. It was later determined, however, that a thorough review should include additional operational and subject files which brought the total to well over two thousand files. In view of the date of the material, much of it, both operational SEC IVE 13-00000 - 2 - and subject has been retired to Archives at The remainder is held at Headquarters in IP/Files or IF/Archives. All 201 dossiers are retained at Headquarters. This material is easily retrievable through the use of specific job numbers and file reference numbers recorded and retained in the LAD/JFK Task Force files (too numerous to cite herein.) 3. Following is a breakdown of the types and numbers of files reviewed, criteria employed in the research, the findings, and organization of the material: a. Types and Number of Files Reviewed: 1. Operational 1,729 (601 with findings and 1,128 with no findings) 2. Subject 54 7 (186 with findings and 361 with no findings) 3. Cuba Policy Files 101 4. C/WHD Chrono Files (TFW Chronos) 37 (13 -49) 5. Official 201 dossiers 100 plus TOTAL 2,514 b. Crit~~ia Used in th~ Resea~ch: As a guide the research group followed some 33 Terms of Reference provided by the Deputy IG, which were compiled on the basis of issues raised in Book V, 13-00000 - 3 - of the Senate Select Committee Final Report on the Assassination. (Book V, and a 23 May 1967 Memorandum for the Record by the Inspector General on Plots to Assassinate Fidel Castro, were required reading for the researchers.) In addition to the Terms of Reference, the group remained alert to other items of interest brought to its attention by the IG staff, on an ad hoc basis. A name trace was always run, and/or 201 dossier, if available, reviewed, on any individual allegedly involved in an assassination plot against President Kennedy or Fidel Castro. This task was made somewhat easier as the result of a memorandum prepared by the Cuba Desk, in August 1975, based on traces of the names in the Black Book that Fidel Castro passed to George McGovern which dealt with individuals allegedly involved in assassination attempts against Castro. c. Findings and Organization of the Findings: Each researcher submitted a draft paper noting the Subject of the folder (s) reviewed, a brief description of the activity, and a copy of the document (s) (findings) which contained information believed to be pertinent to the re­ view. Also included were Job numbers, Official File numbers, inclusive dates of material researched, and number of volumes reviewed. Beginning in January 1977, at the request of the IG Staff, the researchers also began noting FBI and/or other government agencies knowledge of 13-00000 ·~"' ;. .. .:..: > ;; \....... _ . .J ,'- .... ,,_, -4- information. Separate, finished, memoranda were prepared, on the basis of these data, including the heading Findings. This heading lists the specific document number (s) and other pertinent data, and a few lines providing the gist of the document (s) for purpose of easy and quick reference. These memoranda, with a copy of the document (s) attached, are filed in alphabetical order, by project and subject, in hard-back green folders as part of the official LAD/JFK Task Force files under the official classification number 019-604-001 (Volumes XI through XX). Also included in the records are two folders (Volumes IX and X) con­ taining 1,439 draft memoranda with negative findings. 4. Appended are the following: A) Chronology of Findings (125 pages) with Top Secret UMBRA Annex (14 pages); B) List of Task Force participants and their functions; C) Outline of the complete LAD/JFK Task Force files and description of their contents. ATTACHMENT A CHRONOLOGY of FINDINGS (125 Pages) with a TOP SECRET Annex (14 Pages) Code Word Material l t"· . 13-00000 CHRONOLOGY OF FINDINGS Anti-Castro Activities - Cuba 19-9-9 HVCA 11020 dated 28 February 1964 A Caracas Station asset reported an operation called "Plan Judas" being constructed at that time inside Cuba. The plan reportedly involved an internal uprising with the support of certain Cuban military figures conspiring against Fidel CASTRO. Key figures reportedly included Juan ALMEIDA, Efigenio AMEIJEIRAS Delgado, Pepin NARANJO, Regina BaiT I, and two COSSIO brothers . On 24 February 1964, Francisco SUAREZ Quinones, a JURE (Revolutionary Junta) member in Caracas, told U.S. Embassy officials that JURE was then sponsoring a plan to assassinate Fidel CASTRO and other high-ranking Cuban Government officials as part of an operation designed to incite an internal rebellion in Cuba. The Station reported this plan, speculating that it may be connected in some way with Plan Judas. DBA 77673 dated 15 July 1964 (FBI) Reported plan of Cuban exile leaders to assassinate selected Cuban Government leaders. Individuals involved included Byron CAMERON, owner of m. v. "Cayman Hope," Teofilo BABUN Franco, co-owner of Antillean Marine Shipping 13-00000 - 2 - Corp. and two BABUN employees, Oscar FERNANDEZ Veigo and Eliseo OOMEZ \Fernandez; also, Jose "Pepin" BOSQI, Julio LOBO Olavarria and Eduardo GARCIA of the Garcia Lines, New York City. One of the ship owners allegedly had contacts with the underworld through his partner, a former police officer from St. Louis with tie-in to elements of the "Cosa Nostra." DBA 92798 dated 7 December 1964 (FBI) An FBI source reported an attempt to be made against Fidel CASTRO, Raul CASTRO and "Che" GUEVARA within Cuba during period 20 Dec 64 to 10 Jan 65 by a small elite group in La Cabana Military Base, Havana, which belonged to a security section inside of the Cuban Intelligence Service. Plans were to be carried out by Cubans in Cuba with no help from the U.S.
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