A'''' km Geologic Map of the 6 5 4 3 2 1 K-Tg 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 -14 5600 Mt. Kailas-Gurla Mandhata Area, A'''' Kailas Magmatic Complex southwest Tibet 5400 5000 5800 K-Tg 78 E 81 E Mt. Kailas 6638 m Karakoram fault Kongur Shan Tibet Aksu-Rangkul Tarim Basin HIMALAYATIBET 30N fault 30N 5600 Muztagh Ata 38 N EPF Western IndochinaS. China INDOCHINA Karasu fault INDIA 5600 20N 5600 Kun Lun India Aksu-Mugab 12 strike-slip zone K-Tg Shan Tash Tv Karakoram Gurgan Tcg2 Batholith 70E 90E Q Karakax Fault Indus-Yalu 5800 36 N Tcg2 K2 36 N N 30 E Suture Zone 10 Gangdese Thrust Karakoram fault system Altyn Tagh Fault MKT reat Co Nanga Kc G u 5200 Karakoram n er Th 5400 Parbat 75 t rus Indus Molasse Batholith 18 t ISZ Kc Tcg2 Longmu Co-Gozha Co Fault sch Qal 34 N Tangtse sch Qal Tibetan Plateau 34 N High Himalaya 32 Domar-Wuijiang Thrust ss Mandong-Cuobei thrust northernmost Kailas Magmatic Complex Tso Morari Shiquanhe Tcg2 Shiquanhe Fault strand of the Karakoram 42 65 32 N Kc South Kailas 32 N fault system Ladakh-Gangdese STDS Thrust Kailas Conglomerate Batholith 50 40 30 Indus-Tsangpo Suture Zone Darchan Mt. Kailas 60 Main Boundary Thrust AWC South Kailas Thrust Lm Tcg1 Gurla Kc A''' Accretionary Wedge Complex 30 N Mandhata lm 0 100 200 30 N Qal sch Great Counter Thrust km Map Location 78 E 81 E ss AWC Yiema Fm. (Xigaze foreland basin deposits) northern strand of Karakoram fault A''' 4600 Pl Kc Quaternary units Gurla Mandhata footwall Landslide deposits Qls agn Mylonitic augen gneiss Qal Glacial deposits coarse clastic deposits, Qg Mylonitic marble poorly sorted containing boulder-size clasts mbl Qal Alluvial Fan Deposits cobble-pebble gravel, Qaf Mylonitic biotite schist, marble, A''' sand and silt bs leucogranite dikes and sills Qc Alluvial Deposits cobble-pebble gravel, Qal Mylonitic gneiss, leucogranite ud sand, silt, and clay gn dikes and sills T River Terrace deposits cobble-pebble gravel, J-K Qtr2 sand, silt, and clay mig Migmatite Barga Older river terrace deposits cobble-pebble ? Qtr1 gravel, sand and silt mlg Mylonitic leucogranite Qc Pl Colluvial deposits boulder-cobble-pebble Qc gravel and sand Tlg Leucogranite Pulan basin strata Mapam Yum Co area upper conglomerate unit boulder-cobble- Volcanic center? Tcg3 pebble gravel and sand Pl Agglomerate interlayered Pl Tcg2 middle conglomerate unit cobble-pebble- gravel, sand, silt and clay Ta2 with vesiculated volcanic flows Pl ud ud T T lower conglomerate unit pebble-gravel, sand Agglomerate, siltstone, Tcg1 silt, and clay Ta1 sandstone 4800 Pl ud T Pl Tethyan Metasedimentary Sequence Kiogar/Jungbwa ophiolitic rocks 54 including mantle-type rocks, Qc Cretaceous- hale and limestone Pl Ks s norite, dunite, harzburgite 66 19 Op1 Mt. Kailas Area ud 75 Js Jurassic shale-contains ammonites T 20 47 Kailas magmatic complex, 45 Undifferentiated Triassic silty limestone, K-Tg Pl Cretaceous-Tertiary granitoids 25 19 45 25 Tud sandstone, and siltstone 30 19 ? 41 59 Z-Cqs Tcg2 Tertiary Kailas conglomerate Pl Permian limestone Cretaceous Yiema formation, Jiwu Gompa Devonian quartzite Kc N Dqs conglomerate and sandstone Cretaceous limestone Z-Cqs Sl Silurian phyllite with minor quartzite Lm 0 2 4 50 15.8 km on this thrust 20.2 fed into the Permian Triassic contact Km 49 Op2 Ordovician limestone, quartzite, tan phyllite ss sandstone unit of unknown age contour interval 200m Qc Mapam Yum Co Ordovician phyllite-reddish purple crinoid Op1 bearing shales sch schist of unknown age serpentinized ophiolitic rocks, Qal + Ql Precambrian-Cambrian quartzite Qal Z-Cqs Z-Cqs Kiogar/Jungbwa ophiolite AWC interpreted as accretionary wedge complex Z-Ccs Precambrian-Cambrian calc-silicate rocks 25 Tcg2 4800 20 42 82 56 37 Op1 37 Op1 15 Qal Folds Arrows indicate the dip direction of the fold 44 47 70 ? Geologic Symbols limbs. Arrow oriented parallel to the trace of the fold Tcg2 axis indicates the plunge direction.Dashed where Pl approximately located and dotted where concealed. Qaf 4600 Lithologic contact dashed where approximately 4600 Qaf located or inferred, dotted where concealed or inferred. Ta1 N 28 E ud + Js? T Faults dashed where approximately located or Overturned anticline Syncline Anticline Qaf 5 Qal + Ql Qaf 5 inferred, dotted where concealed or inferred. Arrows 65 Ta2 12 indicate dip of the fault and orientation of lineations. 10 18 Ta1 Ta2 12 Where two arrows exist, the greater number indicates small-scale small-scale the dip. 72 syncline anticline 65 4545 11 39 43 31 39 5 32 31 4444 32 volcanic center? 11 Strike-slip fault opposing arrows indicate the 54 volcanic center? horizontal inclined overturned sense of horizontal motion along the fault. 3232 32 25 QafQaf Strike and dip of beds Ta2 Qaf barbs on hanging wall 16 19 Volcanic cone? Thrust fault 21 6 Tcg2 59 50 transposed bedding mylonitic foliation Qal 4800 younger older Normal fault bar and ball on hanging wall Strike and dip of foliation Cleavage 41 La'nga Co 4572 m 31 6 Qal + Ql rock sample ud + Js? small-scale ductile normal fault 97-8-6-2 International border 40 30 and/or T mapping station spring Tcg2 Detachment fault (low-angle normal fault) southern most strand of Mapam Yum Co 4586 m box on hanging wall- open box on older road Z-Cqs detachament (GMDF 1), closed box on the Karakoram fault younger detachment (GMDF 2) La'nga Co 31 72 23 11 4752 76 65 dunnite 4800 and norite 31 5000 51 ? ud + Js? 21 T Qal 5000 36 60 47 southern strand of Karakoram fault 97-8-17-2 Qaf Kiogar/Jungbwa ophiolite thrust sheet 30 Qal Js 33 31 Qg 4600 Qaf Qg Qg Kiogar/Jungbwa ophiolite 4400 12 219 65 Qaf 55 24 34 60 15 12 7 44 Qaf agn Qal 4 6 mlg 65 12 26 5 9 Qal 21 22 2 5 Qtr2 30 41 62 23 8 30 A'' bs Namarodi Gorge 3 59 Qaf 37 6 33 Qtr2 Qal 50 Qc 54 11 49 53 Qtr2 41 Qal 62 75 6 62 A'' 54 18 agn Qtr2 5800 4104 Qal K 62 Qaf Qtr2 Qg 22 24 A' A'' 5600 18 5000 6800 gn Qc Qg Ks 15 Qal 6400 19 magn 276 46 35 5 Dqs 21 36 21 Qg mlg 15 gn 6200 35 21 Qtr2 Qg 6800 25 Dqs bs 6085 4800 4200 Sl 5400 4400 gn 22 Gurla Mandhata ud + Js? 4200 Qtr2 20 15 22 7728m T Sl 6000 19 Namarodi 5800 Tso Tud + Js? 6400 Pl Qc mig Dqs 5200 Nepal gn Pl 15 31 China 45 5 5652 5582 Qg 45 17 41 21 5600 Qtr2 15 ud + Js? 4600 mbl 4600 15 34 T Qal + Qaf Qg 11 Dqs gn 22 13 Sl 32 41 22 17 Op1 21 55 Sl 51 35 41 A 12 22 mbl Op2 65 11 Ronggua Gorge 5800 Qal Z-Cqs-cs 22 Qg Op1+2 45 13 13 32 36 5400 Op1 Qtr 25 45 Qg N 05 E 58 21 Sl 4800 30 Tcg2 bs 18 3937 Op2 4000 Tcg3 Qtr Dqs Sl Qal Op1 Pl Qtr Dqs Pl 19 Tcg2 62 15 31 2 GMDF 1 gn 5 5 33 13 15 31 5000 Tcg3 Tcg2 5 17 11 4 27 60 Tcg2 7 12 26 Op1 4600 11 12 Tcg2 mig Op1 27 3 S Op2 18 GMDF 2 South Tibetan Detachment System Qtr km Tcg1 Pulan Tcg3 Tcg2 4205 Z-Cqs-cs Sl Op1+2 Tcg3 30 13 4200 43 Pl 7 10 Dqs 21 7 65 10 8 5448 4600 Tcg2 21 21 Tcg3 4600 7 A' 4392 Qtr 23 Dqs P Pl Op2 72 20 17 45 Op1 36 Op1 12 A' Op2 Tcg3 Tcg3 25 T 25 Tud 5248 54 6 14 Tcg3 4600 Qtr 22 5 Tcg3 20 Qal Op1 59 + 9 Tcg2 21 Qaf 22 46 37 8 29 15 37 Dqs 10 12 4800 India 12 4 4000 32 29 16 26 Dqs Dqs 24 Tcg2 15 Op1+2 5000 Qg 31 Lipu Lak 43 31 35 Op1+2 45 25 Sl 5098 63 5257 Qg Pl Pl 18 Dqs Qtr Pl 22 33 14 Tcg2 35 15 Qaf China Js 35 4334 12 28 Qc 5200 15 ud + Js 34 4939 Qtr T Nepal 4200 Tcg2 23 4200 Qg 45 Qls 36 Qtr 69 Qal Op1 Qal Qc Qtr 3734 Qtr 0 2 4 6 8 + 55 N 30 W 5258 Op1+2 Main Central Thrust Qaf Kejia Pl Tinkar Lipu Dqs Qaf 47 Qc Qls Op2 Qtr Tud Tlg Qaf bs 61 Z-Ccs 65 Dqs Pl 59 4405 41 36 Sl 12 Qls Qg Op1 75 37 76 32 4400 32 47 Qal 12 62 Qaf China 5200 Z-Cqs 28 Qaf 18 40 85 Nepal Sl 4600 26 10 380065 18 24 Lesser Himalayan Sequence Op1 Greater Himalayan Crystalline Sequence A 38 46 4400 61 A 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 Qaf -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 -12 -13 4052 -14 Qg km Qg 5000.
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