CHARLES UNIVERSITY — UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD MILLENNIUM WWW.CUNI.CZ obálka_komplet.indd 1 02.11.15 11:08 UK_2.indd 2 02.11.15 7:14 CONTENTS University of the Third Millennium / 5 Introduction / 6 Education / 10 Research / 18 International Cooperation / 25 Strategic and other Partnerships of Charles University / 29 Third Role of the University / 31 Major Research Areas / 34 Catholic Theological Faculty / 36 Protestant Theological Faculty / 37 Hussite Theological Faculty / 39 Faculty of Law / 40 Medical Faculties / 44 First Faculty of Medicine Second Faculty of Medicine Third Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Medicine in Plzeň Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové Faculty of Pharmacy / 49 Faculty of Arts / 51 Faculty of Science / 56 Faculty of Science, Center for Theoretical Study, Environment Center / 63 Faculty of Mathematics and Physics / 64 Faculty of Education / 76 Faculty of Social Sciences / 79 Faculty of Physical Education and Sport / 82 Faculty of Humanities / 84 Central Library of Charles University / 86 UK_2.indd 3 02.11.15 7:14 UK_2.indd 4 02.11.15 7:14 CHARLES UNIVERSITY – UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD MILLENNIUM UK_2.indd 5 02.11.15 7:14 6 CHARLES UNIVERSITY – UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD MILLENNIUM INTRODUCTION The Charles University management and academic In the near future, the priority of development community are always striving to fulfill the is not to continue to increase the number of key principles of the university activities. The students; instead, we have to focus on the quality emphasis is placed on the protection and further of education provided. As for specific numbers, development of the freedom of research and 61.5% of students were women. As for age education; it’s vital that the university keeps its structure, 16% students were older than thirty. In integrity, autonomy and independence. We also the academic year 2014–2015, 4657 academic understand the immense importance and necessity staff members are working at Charles University, of the academic autonomous government, the including 367 foreign employees. emphasis on the ethic principles of research, The studies at Charles University are very popular education and academic freedom. These are among foreign applicants. In 2014, there were the essential conditions of the free and creative 7 794 foreign students at our Alma Mater, i.e. 15% environment at Charles University. of all students. This rate is increasing moderately Charles University has seventeen faculties and yet steadily, which is in line with Charles University four University Institutes (Institute of the History priorities. Apart from the support of various forms of Charles University and Archive of Charles of student and academic staff mobility, as well as University, Center for Theoretical Study, Center courses or whole programs in foreign languages, for Economic Research and Graduate Education, the international cooperation features international Environment Center). study programs (the Joint Degree Program), For a long time, Charles University has participated in by several European, as well as offered a broad range of study programs and global, university institutions. These programs are branches. The emphasis is placed on the most frequently realized as part of the European quality improvement of study programs, and Commission program Erasmus Mundus, the their interconnection with research. During Marie Sklodowska-Curie Program for funding the admission procedure for the academic year inter -university postgraduate studies, or other 2014–2015, Charles University received more than international platforms. 65 000 applications; 88% of applicants applied for Given the position and history of Charles daily studies, 12% for combined courses. 9 735 University, lifetime education is an integral part applicants were admitted to bachelor courses, of its educational concept. The importance of this 5 060 to the follow -up master’s programs, 4 221 type of education is growing steadily these days, to non -structured master’s degree studies, and with regards to the increasing demand for flexible 1 332 to postgraduate courses; from applicants strengthening and broadening of professional admitted to all types of courses and degrees, 62% knowledge and skills. were women; and foreigners made up 16%. In the long run, Charles University is working In 2014, the total number of 50 992 students at creating conditions for fair access to university studied at seventeen Charles University faculties. education. Specifically, this features support of UK_2.indd 6 02.11.15 7:14 INTRODUCTION 7 disadvantaged groups of applicants and students, the most important sources of information. As aiming at removing barriers in the access to far as science and medicine is concerned, the university education. These groups primarily most important information is published at the include applicants and students with health Web of Science. In 2014, the researchers and disabilities, or students disadvantaged due to their academic staff of Charles University published socioeconomic situation. The members of these 3500 papers in journals and magazines indexed groups can use various forms of support during in this database. The quality of the research at their studies. Charles University is proven, primarily, by the Postgraduate studies are, in accordance with citation rate in international expert papers; the profile of Charles University as a strong the H -index is generally accepted as the key research institution, considered a priority within indicator. The value of important indicators has the university’s educational activities. Currently, improved recently. all 17 faculties run accredited postgraduate study In 2014, the International Advisory Board was programs and branches. The main priority is created, to become the advisory institution of the increase of the number of foreign students the Charles University Rector, mainly to identify in postgraduate programs, and accreditation the main trends in the research and educational of programs in foreign languages. The share of activities of the university, its research centers postgraduate students from the total number and internal funding system. The mission of the of students has been about 16% of all Charles Board is to improve the international reputation of University students for quite a time (the second Charles University, and help improve the quality of highest in the Czech Republic). Meanwhile, the the research and educational activities to improve number of our postgraduate students is about the results of the international comparison, so the one -third of all postgraduate students in the Czech university can confirm its role of an internationally Republic; this share has been almost constant for renowned “research university”. a long time. In line with its long -term vision, Charles The extent and quality of the research and University focuses on the quality of its creative activities of Charles University can be international cooperation, with major impact assessed from several different points of view. on the increase of the quality of research and One of them is the number of “points” obtained education, and also on the openness of the upon the evaluation of papers, monographs and university in the international college environment. other outcomes, as part of the annual national In the academic year 2014–2015, Charles performance evaluation of research organizations. University entered the new phase of the European The international bibliography and citation Union program Erasmus+, planned for 2014–2020, databases are also important, as well as the following on from the previous education international comparison of universities and other programs Lifelong Learning Programme, Erasmus research -focused institutions. Last but not least, Mundus, Tempus, Alfa, Edulink, bilateral programs we can assess the research performance by, for and the program Youth in Action. In the academic example, the amount of finances the university can year 2014–2015, a total number of 1369 students collect via grants. joined the Erasmus program to study abroad; in For both national and international the same period, 1545 students came to study at methodology of evaluation, the international Charles University. According to the latest available bibliography and citation databases are among statistics of the European Union, Charles University UK_2.indd 7 02.11.15 7:14 8 CHARLES UNIVERSITY – UNIVERSITY OF THE THIRD MILLENNIUM was 12th in the ranking of outgoing students, and Charles University is home to many outstanding 7th for incoming ones. researchers, whose teams are among the best in The priorities for international cooperation the world. This is proven, among other things, by include the support of student and academic important awards received during the past year mobility, based on inter -university agreements, by our colleagues. A good example is Professor joint degree or double degree programs, Roithová from the Faculty of Science, who became postgraduate courses in the cotutelles model the first Czech laureate of Ignaz L. Lieben Prize as part of the Post -doc fund supporting the for the development of a new method in physical visits of young foreign researchers at Charles organic chemistry, revealing ways to understand University, the CEEPUS program and AKTION Czech the key principles of chemical reactions. Another Republic – Austria. important award went to Professor Tomáš Halík As part of the inter -university cooperation from the Faculty of Arts; he is the first Czech to program, Charles
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