NAMES OF MINES. Location indicated on the map by numbers. NUMERICAL LIST. ALPHABETICAL LIST. 1. Johnny Bull. 79. Alma Mater. A. B. G., 31. Little Maggie Shaft, 99. 2. Gold Anchor Tunnel. 80. Phoenix No. 1 Level. Air shaft, 147. Logan No. 2 Shaft, 38. 3. Albion. 81. Pelican. .Albion, 3. Logan Shaft, 44. 4. Caledonia Shaft. 82. Last Chance". Allegheny, 97. Logan Tunnel (site), 37. 5. Utah. 83. Phoenix No. 4 Level. Alma Mater, 79. Logan Tunnel, 56. 6. Marriage Stake. 84. Nellie Bly Lower Tunnel. Argentine, 92. M. A. C. Lower Tunnel, 25. 7. Hand-out Shaft. 65. Nellie Bly Upper Tunnel. Argonaut, 124. M. A. C. Upper Tunnel, 24. 8. Golden 1900. 86. Eureka. Aspen Shaft, 155. Magnet, 64. 9. Belzora. 87. Old Butler Tunnel. Atlantic Cable, 72. Marriage Stake, 6. 10. San Juan. 88. Hope and Cross. Aztec, 61. Mediterranean, 95. " , 11. Zenith. 89. Bourbon. Bancroft, 121. M. M V P., 53. 12. Christina Shaft. 90. Uncle Ned. - Bancroft Shaft, 120. Mohawk, 20. 13. Lackawanna. 91. Worlds Fair. Belzora, 9. Monterey, 40. 14. Flying Fish. 92. Argentine. Black Hawk, 96>.' Montezuma, 74. 15. Flying Fish Upper Tunnel. 93. Iron. Blaine and Logan Tunnel, 35. Montezuma Shaft, 153. 16. Southern Consolidated Tunnel. 94. Laxy. Bourbon, 89. Mountain Spring Tunnel, 49. 17. Puzzler. 95. Mediterranean. Caledonia Shaft, 4. N. A. Cowdrey, 127. 18. Petzite. 96. Black.Hawk. California, 62. Nellie Bly Lower Tunnel, 84. 19. Great Western. 97. Allegheny. Calumet, 75. Nellie Bly Upper Tunnel, 85. 20. Mohawk. 98. Lelia Davis. C. A.R.,57. Old Butler Tunnel, 87. 21. Hess and Garren Tunnel. 99. Little Maggie Shaft. C. H. C. Shaft, 46. Onamo Tunnel, 114. 22. Puzzle Extension (incline). 100. Wildcat Tunnel. C. H. C. Tunnel, 47. Ontario, 27. 23. Puzzle (main shaft). 101. Privateer. Chestnut, 137. Pelican, 81. 24 M. A. C. Upper Tun neL 102. Sunflower. Chestnut (old tunnel), 138. Petzite, 18. 25. M. A C. Lower Tunnel. 103. Forest- Payroll. Christina Shaft, 12. Phoenix No. 1 Level, 80. 26. Hoosier Girl Shaft. 104. Union-Carbonate Shaft. Cobbler Shaft, 78. Phoenix No. 4 Level, 83. 27. Ontario. 105. Union-Carbonate Tunnels. Columbia, 60. Pigeon, 36. 28. Dolly Tunnel. 106. Fickle Goddess Tunnel. Crebec Shaft, 51. Pigeon Shaft, 45. 29. J. E. Watson Tunnel. 107. South-Park. C. V. G.,32. Pr-inceton. 52. 30. Governor. 108. Fortune and Duncan. Deep Shaft, 130. Privateer, 101. 31. A. B. G. 109. Eighty-eight. Derby and Evans Shaft, 122. Pro Patria Tunnel, 112. 32. C. V. G. 110. Iron Dollar. Dolly Tunnel, 28. Puzzle Extension Incline, 22. 33. Hureka. 111. Hibernia. Durango, 149. Puzzle Main'Shaft, 23. 34. Wabash. 112. Pro Patria Tunnel. Eagle, 67. Puzzler, 17. 35, Blaine and Logan Tunnel. 113. Revenue Return. Eighty-eight, 109. Revenue Return, 113. i 36. Pigeon. 1 14. Onamo Tunnel. Enterprise Group Tunnel, 142. Riverside, 73. 37. Logan Tunnel. 115. Sceptical Shaft. Enterprise Shaft, 150. Roger Tichborne Shaft, 43. 38. Logan No. 2 Shaft. 1 16. Golden Fleece. Eureka, 65. Sambo, 58. 39. Leap Year. 117. Whim. Eureka, 86. San Juan, 10. 40. Monterey. 118. Western Tunnel. Fickle Goddess Tunnel, 106. Sceptical Shaft, 115. 41. Silver Wing. 119. Ironclad. Flying Fish, 14. Shamrock, 70. 42. Undine. 120. Bancroft Shaft. Flying Fish Upper Tunnel, 15. Shehocton, 133. 43. Roger Tichborne Shaft. 121. Bancroft. Forest-Payroll, 103. Silver Age, 143. 44. Logan Shaft. 122. Derby and Evans Shaft Fortune and Duncan, 108. Silver Glance Shaft, 156. 45. Pigeon Shaft. 123. St. Louis Shaft. Futurity Tunnel, 76. Silver Swan, 128, 46. C. H. C. Shaft. 124. Argonaut. Gold Anchor Tunnel, 2. Silver Wing, 41. 47. C. H. C. Tunnel. 125. Little Maggie Group. Golden Fleece, 116. Smuggler, 71. 48. Limestone Tunnel. 136. Tomale. Golden 1900, 8. Songbird Shaft, 151. 49. Mountain Spring Tunnel. 127. N. A. Cowdrey. Governor, 30. Southern Tunnel, 132. 50. Wellington Shaft. 128. Silver Swan. Grand View Incline, 77. Southern Consolidated Tunnel, 16. 51. Crebec Shaft. 129. Trinadad. Great Western, 19. South Park, 107. 52. Princeton. 130. Deep Shaft. Hand-out Shaft, 7. .St. Louis Shaft, 123. 53. M. M. P. 131. Stephanite Tunnel. Hess and Garren Tunnel,.21. Stanley Shaft, 146. 54. Iron Giant. 132. Southern Tunnel. Hibernia, 111. Stephanite Tunnel, 131. 55 Lily D. 133. Shehocton. Hoosier Girl Shaft, 26. Stephens, 136. 56. Logan Tunnel (site). 134. Syndicate Tunnel. Hope and Cross, 88. Stephens (old tunnel), 135. 57. C. A. R. 135. Stephens (old tunnel). Hureka, 33. Sunflower, 102. 58. Sambo. 136. Stephens. kon, 93. Swansea, 140. 59. Lake View. 137. Chestnut. Ironclad, 119. Syndicate Tunnel, 134. 60. Columbia. 128. Chestnut (old tunnel). Iron Dollar, 110. Tomale, 126. 61. Aztec. 139. Klingender. Iron Giant, 54. Trinadad, 129. 62. California. 140. Swansea. Isabella Shaft, 145. Uncle Ned, 90. 63. Zulu Chief. 141. Lexington Tunnel. J. E. Watson Tunnel, 29. :: Uncle Remus Shaft, 66. 64. Magnet. 142. Enterprise Group Tunnel. Johnny Bull, 1. Undine, 42. 65. Eureka. 143. Silver Age. Jumbo Shaft, 152. Union-Carbonate Shaft, 104. 66. Uncle Remus Shaft. 144. Wakeman Tunnel. Klingender, 139. Union-Carbonate Tunnels, 105. 67. Eagle. 145. Isabella Shaft. Lackawanna, 13. Utah, 5. 68. Little Leonard, 146. Stanley Shaft. Lake View, 59. Vestal Shaft, 154. 69. Yankee Boy. 147. Air shaft. Last Chance, 82. Wabash, 34. 70. Shamrock. 148. Laura Shaft. Laura Shaft, 148. Wakeman Tunnel, 144. 71. Smuggler. 149. Du range. Laxy, 94. Wellington Shaft, 50. 72. Atlantic Cable. 150. Enterprise Shaft. Leap Year, 39. Western Tunnel, 118. 73. Riverside. 151. Songbird Shaft. Lelia Davis, 98. Whim, 117. 74. Montezuma. 152. Jumbo Shaft. Lexington Tunnel, 141; Wildcat Tunnel, 100. 75. Calumet. 153. Montezuma Shaft. Lily D., 55. Worlds Fair, 91. 76. Futurity Tunnel. 154. Vestal Shaft. Limestone Tunnel, 48. Yankee Boy, 69. 77. Grand View Incline. 155. Aspen Shaft. Little Leonard, 68. Zenith, 11. 73. Cobbler Shaft. 156. Silver Glance Shaft. Little Maggie Group, 125. Zulu Chief, 63. ' DLUMHA] iTIO GENERALIZED SECTION FOR THE RICO QUADRANGLE. SCALE : 1 INCH = 400 FEET. SYSTEM. SERIES. COLUMNAR THICKNESS CHARACTER OF FORMATIONS. FORMATION NAME. SYMBOL. SECTION. IN FEET. =.-=ZZ -" -" " ' ' - ' '- *-*=-- CO D Soft, dark-grav, or almost black, carbonaceous clay shale containing thin lenses or concretions of O UPPERCRETACEOUS Mancos shale. Km 1000+ impure limestone. Embraces the Colorado group and a portion of the Pierre division of the u Montana. Fossils occur more or less abundantly at several horizons. O -'- ^-^- h- LLl DC O .VV.'.S-.l-'.-Tl-'-'i-'.f'^--"'*.' Gray or rusty brown quartzose sandstone or quartzite with a variable conglomerate, containing Dakota sandstone. Kd 100-250 small chert* pebbles at or near the base. Carbonaceous shale partings occur at several horizons and coal of poor quality is locally present. Indistinct fossil leaves occur sparingly. ."..... ' .. .......;......- . .. .:... , . ! : . : ... .. .. '.' '.' ' '. '. ' '. '. ".'.' ' ' ..'. ;. ; A complex of alternating friable, fine-grained, yellowish or grayish sandstones and shales. The , , , , , , _ sandstones are seldom more than 20 feet thick. They often include flakes of grayish clay or 0 McElmo formation. Jme ':' ''.'''' .'' '. ^- ' '.' ' ' " 400-1000 shale. The shales are chiefly green in color, but may be pink, dark red, or chocolate brown. Some shale layers are sandy and others highly calcareous. No fossils have been found in the CO McElmo strata. CO .V.-/......A. ........................ DC > Consists principally of two massive, friable, white sandstone beds, with a narrow band of dark limestone or calcareous shale between them. The sandstones are quartzose, of even grain, dis­ La Plata sandstone. Jlp 250-500 tinctly cross bedded, and form massive cliffs where exposed. The limestone or calcareous shale is locally brecciated or recemented. No determinable fossils have been found. UNCONFORMITY :.^TT^T- ! .'.'. .VrTfr. :T^ C-- tRIASSIC Sandy marl and fine-grained sandstone and shale of bright-red color with fine limestone con­ "Ed glomerate near the base, in which are found teeth of a crocodile (Belodon) and of a megalosau- Dolores formation. OOOOoc. 0 o'^o'n-'b °.90 00° 400 roid dinosaur, with a rare gasteropod shell similar to mmparus, indicating the Triassic age of ^^ o-y.ooc^ooc. the formation, UNCONFORMITY sasa&flKtfafcas&ss .:: : : -/-TTT^.-.^TTTfF. v : " ....................... ?:K$&S??P?^*& & ^&?'#*$f**** . .0""\r":r.T7/:.".tT: o- O*o" 6?c?'c? 6^0*0^? Q'O^ 0*6 jrh;1;-! v. :'. -.-.T ; .':-; :^ *c 9*. P;*o*-« ft. 6;J »*5' » o'd : eo cj'-.oo c~- «*: A complex of bright-red sandstones and lighter red or pinkish grits and conglomerates alternating E Cutler formation. Cc 1600 with sandy shales and earthy or sandy limestones of varying shades of red. cc ^>?jr;v??»°:^:o:^:°. ? LLJ 0_ o«:o.;i oio-i 66vo''6?':<?;<.'o'b'°: rW*9**of^~/»^!W. ^6^o.0.0;^^.^ %tf^&^ CO ^^^^ D ^^^^ O DC _Lt-..'i'. -i .'.' ' ' '...i.. ,irj Dark reddish-brown sandstone and pink grit, with intercalated greenish or reddish shale and LU Rico formation. Cr 300 sandy, fossiliferous limestone. Z fea5-^oV.b;o;'^V'd^ O QQ i*--*-' ..ii -rT^ i -"" '" .. .... -- eJaas DC .:. -*,.-, .. .... ., , t ..... ^ . _r__, r r r-^=r= O i | j i i ' y°:V:>v^-V.-.?W-:>:r i v i.i;i;<?: PENNSYLVANIAN "r; T'" r "-i: ' A series of grits, sandstones, shales, and limestones of varying distribution and development. Grit and sandstone in massive beds predominate in the middle and upper parts of the section, Hermosa formation. Ch "n' \ ii i 1800-2000 the lower portion consisting of thinner bedded sandstone, shale, and limestone layers. Numer­ ..,.,o. r.-.rr-.o.!,. 0 .-o.o-v.o- ous invertebrate fossils occur in shale and limestone. 1 1 j ! ^;:::/;-:;:.;;;v-:.:-:v-;:'^X ;' ' .. '-'. '. -' .' ..-. : ' '.-. .' -".., : -.:.:: ;-.- , _,' : ' 1_ ' ' ' '= ^ - -: " "i "i ' ! i -' UNCONFORMITY i i 11 w ^,-^-^-r^r- Dull yellow to buff, compact limestone, lower third shaly with thin quartzites. Abundant fossils 6z Ouray limestone. DCo i i i j 100-300 indicate Devonian age of lower two-thirds and Mississippian age of upper part.
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