Everyone 7 128 2346 rep_agd_ID Draft 3 Chief Executives 0 0 rep_exe_IDsNo No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No 28/05/2013 09:30:58 Chief Executive Old 1776 1 Chief Executive Decision Contributors Contact Officer PLANNING COMMITTEE 28th May, 2013 Agenda Item 6 Public Report SCHEDULE OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS 1. PURPOSE AND RECOMMENDATIONS Purpose of Report: To consider the planning applications contained within the schedule and to receive details of any withdrawn or requested deferred applications, if any. Recommendations: It is RECOMMENDED that: the applications contained in this schedule be determined or otherwise dealt with in accordance with the Development Manager's recommendation. Lead Members: Cllr J Hazel Contact Officer: Giles Moir, Development Management Manager 2. Application Schedule No. Application No. Site Address Pg. 1. 3/12/1087/COU 321 New Road, Ferndown, Dorset 2 2. 3/13/0074/FUL Land To The East Of Ashton Farmhouse, 32 Stanbridge, Wimborne 3. 3/13/0093/FUL Lower Farm, Gussage St Michael, Wimborne 46 4. 3/13/0099/FUL 22 Highmoor Road, Corfe Mullen, Wimborne 52 5. 3/13/0154/HOU 31 Golf Links Road, Ferndown, Dorset 63 6. 3/13/0166/COU 38 Hillside Road, Corfe Mullen, Wimborne 69 7. 3/13/0190/HOU 24 Westwood Avenue, Ferndown, Dorset 77 8. 3/13/0209/FUL Lingmell, Northleigh Lane, Colehill 79 9. 3/13/0271/HOU 55 Oaks Drive, St Leonards, Ringwood 96 10. 3/13/0276/HOU 25 St Stephens Lane, Verwood, Dorset 101 11. 3/13/0299/HOU 57 Hadrian Way, Corfe Mullen, Wimborne 104 12. 3/13/0368/FUL Cinnamon Lounge, Verwood Road, Woodlands 107 1 Item Number: 1. Ref: 3/12/1087/COU Proposal: Mixed use of site as dwelling and commercial cattery to include the erection of 22 units to house cats, a reception building and 3 additional car parking spaces accessed from New Road as amended by plans rec'd 4/3/13 to clarify side of buildings and amended by plans rec'd 19/4/13. Site Address: 321 New Road, Ferndown, Dorset, for Mrs A Criddle Constraints Bournemouth International Airport Historic Contaminated Land Heathland 5km or 400m Consultation Area NATS Technical Sites Special Character Area Urban Areas LP Site Notice exp: 16 February 2013 Advert expired: Nbr-Nfn expired: 12 February 2013 Ferndown Town Council Object Comments: This is out of keeping with the area - inappropriate commercial development in a mainly residential area. There will be additional noise emanating from the proposed development with additional visitors/traffic. It is noted that there are gates at the rear of the property and the Committee wonders whether this has received planning permission in the past? Further comments received 10.5.13: The Town Council Planning Committee re-considered the matter at their meeting on 2.5.2013. They were of the opinion that their previous comments on the application remain valid and they would continue to object to the granting of Planning Permission. In particular, they believe that the revised Design and Access Statement is inadequate, there will be increased noise emanating from the cats, the proposed development is inappropriate in a mainly residential area and there will be increased traffic problems with visitors arriving at the property, with the area immediately adjacent to and surrounding it having parking restrictions. Members thought that there are inadequate parking facilities on the site to cater for the number of visitors and occupants of the property. It was noted that there would possibly be effluent problems from the proposed cattery given that water flows down the garden from that area and congregates at the bottom of the garden where it can become stagnant water. Consultee Responses: County Highways The County Highway Authority has NO OBJECTION, Development Liaison Officer subject to the following condition: - 2 The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied or utilised until the access, turning and parking shown on the approved plans has been constructed. Thereafter, these areas shall be maintained, kept free from obstruction and available for the purposes specified. Reason: In the interests of road safety. Further email received 22.3.13 The property has an existing vehicular access off New Road whis has adequate visibility. This section of New Road is subject to parking restrictions and has a 40mph speed limit. This access leads to an extended parking and turning area and a double garage. This frontage parking area alone is suitable for 4 vehicles (not including those in the garage) and has a turning space. There is also opportunity to provide additional parking for the dwelling, if it were needed, at the rear onto Chander Close which is public highway. There are already double gates serving a semi- hardened parking space. Whilst there is no dropped kerb it is understood that a s184 licence under the Highways Act 1980 has been obtained; and would be unlikely to be refused in any event due to the access being at the end of a cul-de- sac on an unclassified road. The expected trip generation for a cattery of this scale with the movements of the existing dwelling is expected to be low; and there is also the opportunity to combine domestic trips with a cat collection and delivery service that is understood will also be offered to clients. The County Highway Authority therefore has NO OBJECTION, subject to the following condition: - The development hereby permitted shall not be occupied or utilised until the access, turning and parking shown on the approved plans has been constructed. Thereafter, these areas shall be maintained, kept free from obstruction and available for the purposes specified. Reason: In the interests of road safety. EDDC Tree Section No objections: subject to standard arboricultural conditions. The property stands in the New Road Special Character Area, and has a number of mature and maturing trees which stand on and adjacent to the 3 property which are currently protected by tree preservation orders. Significant trees in the front and rear gardens are likely to be affected by this proposed development. Although no meaningful construction details have been submitted with this application, I am confident that the development proposals could be achieved using a range of currently available professional construction techniques. This should allow the trees to be retained relatively free from long term harm. Therefore if you are minded to approve this application, please can you place the following arboricultural condition and informative note on this application: 1) Notwithstanding details already submitted with the application, no development or demolition shall start on site until an Arboricultural Impact Assessment and Method Statement (AMS) in accordance with BS5837:2012 Trees in Relation to Design, Demolition and Construction Recommendations, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall then be carried out in accordance with the approved AMS. This condition shall not be discharged until an arboricultural supervision statement, the contents of which are to be agreed at a pre-commencement meeting, is submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority on completion of development. Reason. To comply with the arboricultural and landscape requirements of Policy DES8 and to ensure that trees and landscape amenity are not harmed or lost during any stage of this development. EDDC Public Health - I cannot see that the business will cause a noise, Housing And Pollution odour or light nuisance and therefore have no objection assuming the applicant will apply for the standards required under animal boarding establishments. Neighbour Comments: Mr Ian Cardall 329 New As many have already written, this proposal fulfils Road, Ferndown virtually all the criteria for why a planning application should be refused. The Design and Access statement is totally inadequate, barely over a side of typing, and 4 gives no details of the disposal of wastage and of the frequency and timing of cleaning or of the presence of noxious smells. It states clearly that New Road is a special character area, a prime reason why such a development should not be allowed here. It states quite correctly that there are some commercial businesses in the immediate area, but these all involve learned professions and do not involve ugly, intrusive and crudely designed outhouses. Thus this development will have an adverse effect on the immediate neighbours by causing noise and disturbance. There will be an unacceptably high overdevelopment of the site caused by the obliteration of a substantial section of the garden actually bringing the development nearer to the neighbours of the property than to the house on the actual site, a problem where there is already issues of drainage from the property. This over-bearing intrusion will ruin a glorious view which stretches for quite a distance down the road. The development will also add to the traffic on an already busy road. This development will have a serious, adverse effect on the character of the road. All the immediate neighbours and some beyond the immediate area have objected to this development and they have a right to be heard and for their interests to be protected under the Human Rights Act. S & J D Darby 30 Chander Object Close, Ferndown We wish to register our strong objections to the proposal for a cattery. It would appear that one business, a catering company, is already run from these premises. A cattery business would involve extra traffic, noise and smell from the cats, and deliveries would undoubtedly be made via the back gate in Chander Close, directly outside our house.
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