Turk J Pharm Sci 11(1), 107-112, 2014 Short communication Quantitative Determination of Galanthamine and Lycorine in Galanthus elwesii by HPLC-DAD Gulen Irem KAYA*, Derya CICEK POLAT, Ahmet EMIR, Buket BOZKURT SARIKAYA, Mustafa Ali ONUR, Nehir UNVER SOMER Ege University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacognosy, 35100 Bornova-İzmir, TURKEY In this study, aerial parts and bulbs of Galanthus elwesii Hook. (Amaryllidaceae), collected from three different localities in Southern Turkey, were quantitatively analyzed for their content of galanthamine and lycorine, by using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The chromatographic separation was performed using an isocratic system with a mobile phase of trifuoroacetic acid-water-acetonitrile (0.01:90:10) applied at a fow rate 1 mL/min using diode array detector. The content of galanthamine in the aerial parts and bulbs of G. elwesii collected from Cimi village (Antalya) was determined as 0.346 and 0.042 %, respectively. The aerial parts of G. elwesii collected from Ibradi (Antalya) was found to contain 0.287 % galanthamine, whereas the bulbs contained 0.095 % of this alkaloid. Galanthamine was not detected in the samples of G. elwesii growing in Kayrak village (Mersin). Among the tested specimens, lycorine was only found in the bulbs of G. elwesii collected from Ibradi (Antalya) and Kayrak village (Mersin) as 0.005 and 0.015 %, respectively. Key words: Galanthus elwesii, Amaryllidaceae, Galanthamine, Lycorine, HPLC-DAD. Galanthus elwesii Üzerinde YBSK-DAD Yöntemi ile Galantamin ve Likorin Miktar Tayini Bu gali§mada, Türkiye’nin gtineyinde tig farkh lokaliteden toplanan Galanthus elwesii Hook. (Amaryllidaceae) bitkisinin toprak üstii kısımlan ve soğanlarındaki galantamin ve likorin igeriği Yiiksek Basınglı Sıvı Kromatografisi (YBSK) kullanılarak, kantitatif olarak analiz edilmi§tir. Kromatografik ayinm, triforoasetik asit-su-asetonitril mobil fazimn (0.01:90:10) aki§ hızı 1 mL/dk olacak §ekilde uygulandigi izokratik bir sistemden yararlanılarak ve DAD detektörii kullamlmak suretiyle gergekle§tirilmi§tir. Cimi köytinden (Antalya) toplanan G. elwesii bitkisinin toprak üstii kısımlan ve soğanlarındaki galantamin igeriği sırasıyla % 0.346 ve 0.042 olarak tayin edilmi§tir. ibradi (Antalya)’den toplanan G. elwesii bitkisinin toprak iistii kısımlannin % 0.287 galantamin igerdiği tespit edilirken, soğanlann bu alkaloidi % 0.095 orarunda igerdiği saptanrm§tır. Kayrak köytinden (Mersin) toplanan G. elwesii örneklerinde ise galantamin tespit edilmemi§tir. Çali§ilan örnekler arasında likorin, sadece Ibradi (Antalya) ve Kayrak köytinden (Mersin) toplanan G. elwesii soğanlannda sırasıyla % 0.005 ve 0.015 oranlannda bulunmu§tur Anahtar kelimeler: Galanthus elwesii, Amaryllidaceae, Galantamin, Likorin, YBSK-DAD. Correspondence: E-mail: [email protected]; Tel: +90 232 311 4079; Fax:+90 232 388 5258 107 Gulen Irem KAYA, Derya CICEK POLAT, Ahmet EMIR, Buket BOZKURT SARIKAYA, Mustafa Ali ONUR, Nehir Unver SOMER INTRODUCTION XPERIMENTAL The family Amaryllidaceae, consisting of Plant material The family Amaryllidaceae, consisting of Plan about 1100 species in 85 genera (1), is we l t material about 1100 species in 85 genera (1), is well G. G. elwesii was collected from Cimi village known for its alkaloids with diverse chemical elwesii was collected from Cimi village n for its alkaloids with diverse chemical and and Ibradi (both in Antalya) and from Kayrak structures and bio ogical activities (2). bradi (both in Antalya) and from Kayrak ures and biological activities (2). villa village (Mersin). The plants were identifed G lanthamine (Figure 1), important alkaloid ge (Mersin). The plants were identified thamine (Figure 1), an important by P by Prof. M. Ali Onur from the Department of rof. M. Ali Onur from the Department of founid found din inAmaryllidacea Amaryllidaceae especies species, , ii s a lonPhga Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ege acting, selective, reversibl and competitive macognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Ege acting, selective, reversible and Uni ersityUniversity, Izmi,r Izmi(Turkey)r (Turkey). Vouche. Voucher sampler samples s etitivacetylcholinesterae acetylcholinesterass inhibitore inhibitor. It is . useIt d ofof r .o felwesii G. elwesii (No’ s (No’1404s ,1404 1405, ,1405 1408, )1408 are ) are is used th foe rtreat the mtreatmen n of tmil ofd mil andd anmoderatd moderate casee s deofp sited posited in thde i Herbariun the Herbarium of thme o Departmenf the Department t cases Aolfz hAeilmzheeri’ms edri’sse adsies e(a3s)e. L(y3c).orLinyec o(Friingeure o2f),P armacognosyof Pharmacognosy, Facult, Faculty of Pharmacyy of Pharmacy, Ege , Ege (Figu r ae com2)m, on aalkaclomidm inonAmarlyklalliodiadceaeinfamiUl yneU, ir snitiyv.ersity. Amar yhlalsid abceeeane pfaromvielyn, thoashabveena pwroivden sptoectrum Chemicals have aofw ibdieo lsopgeictar lu ma cotfiv bi tiioelso gincacl uadci tnivgi tiaens tiviCrahle icals The standard galanthamine and lycorine were (i4n)g, aannttitiuvimr aol r (54), aannttiimt uaml aoriral (5(6),) anTd standarh d galanthamine and lycorine previously isolated from several Galanthus a lnatriianlfam(m6)atorya nadctiviatnietisi n(f7la).m mDuateo rtyo t hwe ier r previously isolated from several tiime sp (o7r)ta. nD t u em teod tihceinirali mpprorptearnttiems,e diitc ihnasl beGennthusspecieal sspecie in ous r inla bou ratorr laboratory and authenticatey and d rotfie sg,reiat t hinatserbesetento o df e tgerrematinein t ehr e s ct ontotent aouft h nticateby sp dctra byl analysespectrasl (UVanalyse, IRs , NM(UVR, IRan,d MS). mthineese t haelk caolonitdesn ti no fthteh epsleanatlsk aolfo Ai dms ainry tlhl iedaceNaHPL anMe d CMS) grad. HPLe acetonitrilC grade eacetonitril (Lab Scaen (LaAnalyticab l faomf iAl ym. Uarpy ltloid daacteea, e vafarimo iul sy .m Ue tphotodsd haatev,e b eSeSciencna Acneas)ly, tTi cFaAl (TrifSucoiernocaeces)t,ic acidT) F (AMerck) udsescrmibeethdo dcsonchearnvien g btehe n q udaenstcifricbaetdion (Tofr i luaonrdo achetriocmatogacraidp)hic g( rMadeerckd)oublea-nddistilled rgnailnagntthhaem qiunaen atnifdi c laytcionrinoef (g8a-l1a1n)t.h amine chrmwao t aotegr awpheirce gurasedde dforubtlhee-d ipsrteilpleadratwi oant e ro f the and l corine (8-11). wer mu soebdilefo rphtahsee.prOepthaer ra ti ocnh eomf icthaels muosbedil ein the Am Among the Amaryllidaceae genera in Turkey, ea. sOsatyh ewr erec ohfemanicalaylsticuasl egdradine.the assay onGalanthusg the LAmaryllidacea. is epresenteed bygener 14 t a xa iann d onphae s Turk y, Galanthus L. is represented by 14 wer of analytical grade. hybrid (12). Of these taxa, Galanthus elwesii HPLC instrument taxa and one hybrid (12). Of these taxa, Hook. has a wide natural distribution and can Galanthus elwesii Hook. has a wide natural HPLC instrumentHPLC a alysi s was carried out using a liquid be found in Bulgaria, northeastern Greece, the distribution and can be found in Bulgaria, HPL chroC analysim tographis wacs systecarriem d(Agilen out usint 110g0 aseries) , eastern Aeg an Islands, southern Ukr ine and northeastern Greece, the eastern Aegean liqu dequippe chromatographid with ac DAsysteD m(Agilen (Agilent 120t 1100 series)0 , Turkey. Within Turkey, this species has the s)a, equippequaternard ywit pumh a pDA systeD (Agilenm (Agilent 120t0 1100 Islands, southern Ukraine and Turkey. Within seri Turkeywides, thit distributios speciens amonhasg oth er s anwidesd naturallt sery i s)s,eraiesquGa1te3r1n1aAry), paumvapc usuyms t e dmega(Assgeirl e(nAt gilent distributiogrowns amonin orthg otherw stes anr ,d westernaturalln yan growd southers 11n0 1s1e0r0ies erGie1s3 G11A32),2Aa), va a tchueurm osdteagttaesds ecrolumn Anatolia (13). in northwestern, western and southern (Ag ecnotmpar1t1m0e0n t (Asegriilesnt 1 1G01032se2rAie)s, G1a316A), Anatolia (13). ther ao smtatatneudalc oinlujemcntorc owmi tpha r2tm0 eμnLt (lAoogpile(nAt gilent In e Ipresenn th present studyt study, aeria, aerial partls p an rtds anbulbd bulbs of s of11 G.0 1100 series G1328 A Rheodyne 7725i). Data elwesiiwesii, , collectec ll cted frofromm threthree differene different localitiet 20s analysis was carried out with "Agilent Chem tiein s southerin nsouther Turkeyn , Turkeywer , quantitativelwere Rhye Station Softw are". The chromatographic assay itatively analyzed for their content of out analyzed for their content of galanthamine and was performed on a Hichrom C column (5(j,, hamine and lycorine, by using High The lycorine, by using High Performance Liquid 250 m m, 4.6 mm) at 290.4 nm. The mobile rmance Liquid Chromatography coupled a H Chromatography coupled with diode array phase consisted of TF A:wa ter:aceto nitrile with iode array detector (HPLC-DAD). at 2 detector (HPLC-DAD). (0.01:90:10, v/v/v) a pplied at a flow rate of 108 Turk J Pharm Sci 11(1), 107-112, 2014 1mL/min (11,14). The analysis was performed Preparation of standard solutions at 25°C. The quantitative determination of For the preparation of the calibration curves galanthamine and lycorine was carried out by of galanthamine and lycorine, 2 mg of each the external standard method based on peak alkaloid was dissolved in 5 mL 0.1 % TFA and areas. filtered (Sem Concept Syringe 100 x 13 mm, 0.45 μm). By diluting the stock solutions, nine 109 Gulen Irem KAYA, Derya CICEK POLAT, Ahmet EMIR, Buket BOZKURT SARIKAYA, Mustafa Ali ONUR, Nehir Unver SOMER different concentrations of galanthamine and found in the bulbs of the specimens of G. elwesii lycorine were prepared within the ranges of 1.0- growing in Kayrak village (Mersin) and Ibradi 400 μg/mL and 1.0-300 μg/mL
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