. -. American -1 the Journal of the American Whitewater Affiliation SEPIOCT 1974 VoLXIX, No. 5 I-'..: ~.- . -- . , I L AWA Affiliates INDIANA (Cant.) ALABAMA COLORADO N. Alabama RivwRunners Aspen Kayak & Canoe St. Joe Valley .Armr. - .. -. Box 1520 Canw & Kayak Cluh Carter Martin Awen. CO XI hl I Elkhart YMCA 2602 Scenic Ih. S. E. 2OC B. Jackson Huntsville. AL 35801 Colorado White Water Assoc. Elkhart. IN46514 J. Michael Jacohs ljOn Dayton St. Tukuna Cluh Aurnra. CO ROIO Nancy Rea 952 Riwrside Dr. Whitewater Erpeditinns Sooth Bcnd. IN 46616 ALASKA Tom Anderson Knik Kanoers & Kayakers Bx. A-122 Kekionga Vnyageun Ent. Air Force Raw. CO 80912 F. Hein, Wahl. Rep. Ed Swansan 1818 Kcnsinpton Rlvd. 3014 Columhia Anchorage. AK 99.N4 Fort Wayme. IN 46805 CONNECTICUT Alaska Whitewater Assnc. Jim Hunter Great World KANSAS Glennallcn. AK 99588 W. R. Hackell. Jr. 2.N Farm5 Village Rd. W. Simshurv. C'I'Oh092 Univ. of Cnnn. CALIFORNIA Outing Clnh Mary Pfann Jnhnson County Canw Club Southern calif. Canoe Asroc. Bn. 110 Holcam Hall GCO.and Joan Weiter Ron Ceurrorst Unh. of Connecticut 7872 Rosewood Lane 3966 S. Menlo Ave. Storrs. C'l'06268 Prairie Village. KS 66208 Lns An~eles.CA 90037 Voyageur Canw & Kayak Cluh Leon Hannah KENTUCKY GEORGIA 12814 Arminta St. The Viking Canoe Club N. Hollyrvoad. CA 91 60.5 Georgia Canwing Association Joe Vcnh~~ff W. D. Crowley. Jr. 3108 Rockaway Dr. Box 7023 Louisville. KY 40216 Atlanta. G.4 3030q SAGESchool of Outdoors Box 5181 Sierra Cluh IDAHO Lexington. KY 4O.YlS Loma Prieta Paddlers Joe Kilner Idaho Aloine Cluh 185 Lnocks Are. Dean Hngmann LOUISANA Los Altos. CA 94040 1953 Melody Idaho Falls. ID 83401 Fqnu Haystackers Idlewild Yacht Cluh Marsha Guntur Kuss Svmnn. Rep. 624 MOTSSt. ROO Market St. ILLINOIS New Orleans. LA '01 19 San Francisco. CA 94102 Northern Prairie OuMtters Outdoor Adventures Randy Hendee Dave Orlans 206 N. W Highway MAINE 688 Sutler St. Fox River Grove. IL hW2l Bates Outine Cluh San Francisco. CA 94102 R. kc;; Illinois Paddling Council Ucpt. of Physics. BatesCollegc Sierra Cluh River Touring Jack Snarr 2310 Prncpect Ave. Lcwiston. ME 04240 Bay Chapter, Rcrt Welti Evanstan. 11.60201 Sunrise County Canoe Exped. 1440 Jones. No. 2 Chicago Whitewater Assnc. San Francisco. CA 94109 Rr 66 Bruce Wcher E. Machias. ME04630 Echo Wilderness 5652 S. C'alifimia Joe Dale, Chicap. IL 60029 2424 Ruwll St. MARYLAND Berkelet. CA 94705 Canw Cruisers of Mother Lode Greater Washington, D.C. Whitewster Experience (182~Ked Tap Rd.. No. I -B Pacific High School Bdleville Whitewater Club l'akoma Pk.. MIl?o()l2 Ken Brunges Linda Seaman. Rep. 581 Continental Dr. No. 3 Oakwrxxl Terrapin Tmil Cluh San Jose. CA 951 11 Belleville. IL 62223 Bx 18 Student Union Bldg. U. of Mayland American Youth Hostels College Park. MD 20742 Santa Clara Valley Club R. C. Stcvcns INDIANA Appalachian River Runners .%93 Blossom Wnod Avc. Federation San Jow. CA 951 24 American Camping Assor. Joc Monohan. Box 107 Ernert Schmidt McHcnry. MD21.Ml YMCA of San Joaquin County Bradhrd Woods 640 N. Center St. Martinsville. IN 46151 Stcrkton. CA 95202 Mountain Waterways Hnnsier Canoe Cluh Skip Bonham Ucnnis Flickinper 171 N. Washington 7224 Tourley Dr. Sonora. CA 95370 Indianapolis. IN 46256 Ada* WHITEWATER Sponsored by The American Whitewater Afiliation SEPIOCT 1974 Vol. XIX, No. 5 - Contents ARTICLES The Why Do We Run Rivers?. .......Scott Holzhauser 149 Study of Whitewater Fatalities ...... Carl Trost 150 American Offset Gate Techniques ............ Dave Kurtz 165 Whitewater Tribute ..................... C. Walbridge 171 Affiliation "Third Hand" Theme ......... 0. K. Goodwin 172 Executive Director ARCC: 1973-1974 ......... Brent Blackwelder 177 JAMES C. SINDELAR 264 East Side Dr. Concord, RH 03301 DEPARTMENTS: Affiliates . 146, 179, 180 Classified. ........164 Letters .........148 Racing Tips .......165 Board of Directors Hahn's Honchos ...153 Race Results. ......169 President J. Calvin Giddings Dean'sVoyageurs ... 163 Book Reviews .....174 1425 Perry Ave. Try This .........164 Editor's Soapbox ...178 Salt Lake City, UT 84103 - Vice President - Paul Davidson - 478 Pythian St. - Morgantown, WV 26505 - - Editorial Chairman and Editor: Iris Sindelar. P.O. Box 321, Concord. NH 03.701 Secretary -= Southeast Regional Editor: Margaret 0. Tucker. 2618 Defwrs Ferrv Rd.. N. W.. Atlanta. Duane ~oltjen -- GA30318 617 Marcel Dr. - Midwest Regional Editor: Gary E. Myers. 28 W 136 Hillview Dr., Route 1, Naperville. IL -= 60.540 Manchester, MO 63011 - Editorial Committee: Margaret Tucker. Ed Alexander. 0. K. Goodwin. Charles Smith. Geo. Larsen. Ray Gabler, Michael Mutek, Gary E. Myers. David 0. Cooney Business Manager: Charles Smith. 1760 Walnut St.. Berkeley. CA 94709 21 Haggerty Rd. Membership Chairman; Surflng Reporter: Geo. Larsen, Box 1584, San Bruno. CA 94066 Potsdam, NY 13676 Midwest Membership Chairman: Fred Dietz, 1590 Sleepy Hollow. Coshocton, OH 43812 Advertising Dept.; 1011 Arnold, 1738 Mayburn. Dearhorn. MI 48218; Rist Bonnefond. 53 Gerald H. Meral Mapicwoad Ave.. Misquamicut. RI 02891: Scott Price. Nantahala Outdoor Center. U. S. 2728 Durant Ave. 19 at Wesser. N. C., Star Route. Brvson City. NC 28713 Berkeley, CA 94704 AWA Trips Committee Chairman: David Coonev. 21 Haggerty Rd.. Potsdam. NY 33676 Safety Chamrman: O.K. Goodwin. 1240 Moyer Rd., Newport News. VA 23602 Ann Schafer 22406 DeKalh Dr. Conservation Chairman: Gerald Meral. Environmental Defense Fund. 2728 Durant Aae., Woodland Hills, CA - Berkeley, CA 94704 91364 =Correspondence- Chairman: Lynn Wilson, Box 109. Pluckemin. NJ 07978 -= Racing Editor: Ray Gabler. 151 Jensen Circle, West Springfield MA 01089 -= How to Write to American Whitewater: Deadlines for all material. including advertising, are - the 25th of DR.. Feh.. Apr.. June. Aup.. and Oct.. fnr Nos. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 and 6 respectively. Phillip Allender - Chestnut Ridge Rd. = Send Race Schedules and results to the Racing Frlitor. Ray Gabler. Morgantown, WV 26505 - -= Send memhershlp suhrcrlption paymenls, change\ of oddre%. non-receipt ofcopirc to Ameri- Don Bodley - ran Whitewater, 1'0. llor 321. ('oncord NH0.3301 = Scnd rrquntc for ndterti*ing inft~rrnation18, s<mr n~rcst.AWA Advrrl~\ineHcornentatirr. 3003 Ozark Circle - -. Chattanooga, TN 37415 -= Send advertising copy and proofs to the Fditor. Iris Sindelar. Send Payments for Advertising and Club Affiliation dues to the Business Manager. Charles Dean Norman =- Smith 3336 W. 99th St. - Cleveland, OH 44102 - American Whitewater is mailed to all members of the American Whitewater Aftliation, an affiliation of boating clubs and individuals interested in whitewater paddle sport. Member- ship is open to interested individuals at $5.00 per year and to clubs at $10.00 per year. Club Treasurer membership includes listing in the Journal. CITARLES SMITH Publication is uianned at 6 times yearly. Single copies. 51.00 each. Sur~lusback copies are available at reduced prices. Write Geo. Larsen. P.O. Box 1584, San Bruno. CA 94066. 1760 Walnut St. The Staff and committee members listed above are unpald Whitewater enthusiasts who Berkeley, CA 94709 volunteer their time and efforts to bring affiliate/member subscribers this journal. Your con- tribution of articles, letters, race results and schedules, photos and drawings are essential for their continued efforts and the timclv oublication of the American Whitewat-r Journal. Vol. XIX. No. 5 O 1974 American Whitewater Affiliation. All rights reserved. COVER: Rua Nichols, bow, and John Evans, stern, at Jamaica, Vt. during 1973 West River Races. Photo by Stowe Photo. Dear Iris, here is backpacking into the remote Perhaps it would be of interest to the wilderness areas of the canyons that are AWWA members to know who was the the tributaries of the Colorado. Despite first modern person to develop the modern being past 70 my interest and activity in kayak and perfect the roll. this is undiminished. For fear of becom- Since my association with kayaks goes ihg boastful I'll open the curtain just a back to 1922 I became exposed to the little bit and admit of having stood on the roll through a book by Edi Hans Pawlata banks of the Nile, the Oxus and the Indus (Kipp Kipp Hurra! im Reinrassigen Kajak) Rivers and rafted down the swift m'bu- published in 1928 in German. taries of the Amazon and on the Arctic My copy of 53 pages not only de- Ocean, and this fall will be on another scribes the technique by word and pic- trek into Sikkim and Bhutan." Here's tures and diagrams, but in addition it has hoping we can persuade this unique man a scale pattern for a rigid as well as a to write down some of his adventures so folding kayak designed by Pawlata. that we may enjoy them vicarious- In 1930 I built the folding kayak, and ly. - Ed) using Pawlata's instructions my friend Stannard Baker mastered the roll tech- 1 FREE. CATALOG C/ I nique in this kayak in 1930. Cordially, Lothar Kolbig 323 Coffeepot Dr. Sedona, AZ 86336 - - WILDERNESS CAMPING (In a later letter Mr. Kolbig mentions that Bimonthly camping journal he and "Sneakin Deacon" Kiehm had been canoeing friends for some 50 years Subscribe by sending $4.00 and includes this tantalizing paragraph: for six issues to: "Here in the West with its few rivers, especially the Southwest, canoeing or Wilderness Camping white water sport is not strong. Our sport 1255 Portland Place Boulder, CO 80302 CFINOE KRYFiK BRCKPRCKING EQUIP. 0 WATERPROOF BAGS Ab501utely water and olr tight 1 Kayak Inflatable Cargo Bags Patented Deslgns. LIGHTWEIGHT PADDLES. Canoe or Kayak. E~ght~nch w~de ABS Blades . BOAT-TAPE, Far Whtewater Repars 0 BACK PACKS Tents - Down or Dacron Bogs Many hard to hnd Items Free VOYAGEUR ENTERPRISES - P BOX 512-A SHAWNEE MISS ON, KS 66201 CATALOG o I 148 American WHITEWATER WHY DO WE RUN RIVERS? rivers, the passive participants, or passen- gers, and the active participants, the by Scott Holzhauser boaters themselves.
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