VOL 6. No. 12 TELEPHONE. B 7808. Your Personal Responsibility. Do you bring to your personal affairs ihe same AUSTRALIAN BANK OF COMMERCE LIMITED. careful thought that you give to your own or your Aultaoriird l .pint . I2.0t4.0W employer's business ? Cafltal Paid up and Reserves • £2.631.560 AtflrrfHe Assets at 30th JMK, 1925 - £15.315.997 IllmilOr*: KlK MAKK KHKMMIN, K.H K , < Imiinmn ; One of your main business principles is to save KKAVK X. VAKWOODi K.C.P.A.; Dl.'NCAN ('AMBON! monr./ where possible, and to spend wisely when H. K. LvtuoHT. n.H.K . Deputy Chairmnn : (jKimuK J. SLIT. I.L.D.; IJKUT.C'OL. T LK RirructMK. spend you must. Is your own personal income Utttieml Uanajjar: V. M. C. SHANNON. so great that you can afford tc be less careful in t'blwf Inspector for New Mouth Wale*: \V. ti. Hi u.. • saving, less wise In the spending of it? Head Office, Sydney • Corner George and King Streets) HKAS'CHKH AND ItKCKIVIXti uKKIt'KS AT Un Practically every man has family or other res­ I'l.At KS IN XKW SOUTH W.M.KS. ponsibility, and knows the need for economy. HUhKANK: W4 Quera -i. Ubl«( liM|MKtiorfor Vuiun-liu.il U AVKVARD. MHunger (J. H. HuWKii- GET THE SAVING HABIT There is a UKANt'HKH AND KtO KIVINO (>KKI< K.S IT 31 .'LACKS IN QUKKN8I.AND. Commonwealth Savings Bank Service available IIKI.IKIUUNK: :f-'»ioiHn- -t. MuimKer M. It. KINNKV. to you from Branches in all principal towns, and ADKLAlDK: X5 ItmiiHu -l. Ma.h.^i It. T. MHUIIIK. The N&vy League Journal I'Kit I'M: 7:ist.(ji<iiKi"-'IVinuc. MmmKcr At. DIIIHIN Agencies at MINIKIN j :i; TlirVHiliraedto-*! . Kr. J Miiimtfur A. K. JKNKINH. ALL POST OFFICES IN AUSTRALIA. AK«U - 1 III-UIIKIIUII) Lira i*--i of Au»ln.lia. Ta»rn»iiJii it•n l N'KW /. •oliuxt. uml H| nil t Ititf t it it-, tlii-uiiKliont Lliu Wi Hit VOL. VI. No. 12. SVONKV, APRIL) 1926. PRICK 3D. KVKKY DKSt KII'TION OK MANKINU Commonwealth lank of Australia. IU'SINKS* TKANHACTKI*. (Guar.mtttd by the Commonuv itth Qovtrnm'nt) Our Flying Governor-General. ORD STONEHAVEN'S recent flight in the off the filmy wrappings of somnolence and give a L Widgeon—an Australian designed and con­ bright eyed lead to the real development of national structed seaplane—ought to prove a great incentive aviation. PERMANENT to the development of aeronautics in this broad We suggest that the Commonwealth sells out its TRUSTEE COMPANY OF N.S.W. LTD. spaced land. shipping interests and devotes the money to Trustees — Execolors Attorneys— Agents the establishment and equipment of an aviation It is not too much to believe that the present Estates Under Control Exceed nursery and school entirely apart from Point Cook, £8,000,000. Governor-General will do for the air-sense in Aus­ and the Defence Departments control except in This Company's advantages are unique. tralia what Admiral Lord Jellicoe, when Governor- times of great emergency, and devoted to the fur­ Its Speoial Act of Parliament stipulates Achieving General of New Zealand, did in rousing the latent that the whole Capital and Assets Beauty and Permanence thering of a more widely spread air-sense and the OMEBUILDERS everywhere are sea-sense of the populace and bringing home to over one million pounds shall be liable achieving permanent Ceilng promotion of flying. Territorially and climatically H beauty, by installing Wunder- town and countrymen alike a realisation of their for the protection of clients' interests. hch Art Metal Ceilings. Reasonable Australia has no peer from an airman's viewpoint ; Further a speoial feature of the Com­ prices and low cost of fixing place our dependence on the Sea, the Navy, and the Mer­ Ceilings within the means of even the we have the men, they want the opportunity. pany s service is the deferment of Corpus modest Homebutltier. cantile Marine. Commission charges until the estate Send to-day for our free Catalogue M. 1 The present Federal Government is of an age to WUNDERLICH LIMITED becomes distributable. Baptist Street. Redfern. Sydney There is no doubt that Australia's destiny will get out of its comfortable pram and march breast EXrt-A»ATO*Y BOOKL.mr POST- FREE. WUNDERLICH Art Metal Ceilings be moulded by flight as much as by the waters forward with an air policy that has kicked off its E. V. T. WHITTLE J. W. BARNES MANA.GCR which wash her ten thousand mile coastline. The swaddling clothes to find its wings in tll-conquer- n material for flighting is here—equal to anything on ' g flight. The present demands it : posterity 25 rCONNELL STREET, SYDNEY. earth—and it behoves our Government to shake will applaud it. -*. THE NAVY LEAGUE JOURNAL. THE NAVY LEAGUE JOURNAL. a Three Men in a Boat and What Befell Them. LIMITED. AN AUSTRALIAN INSURANCE COMPANY. The Ulawarra Cedar-Cutters Who Pound Brisbane River. Jttrector*: N March 21st, 1823, there passed out of blood, but there is no need to suppose that any­ A. K. JAQUK8. < HAiiisiAN C. C. OALK J. M. ATKINSON. O Sydney Heads an open boat manned by thing so grisly happened on this occasion. THKO. J. MAKK8. I. J. DAVIES. four men. Thomas Pamphlett, John Finnegan. WRECKED AMONGST THE SAVAGES. Richard Parsons and another whose name has not It seems a liille curious, however, that the •'nan's FIRE, MARINE, ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS, WORKMEN'S been preserved. They were to pass through strange boatmates should say later that they did not know COMPENSATION, BOILER EXPLOSION, MOTOR CAR, adventures before any of them saw Port Jackson his name again. PUBLIC RISK AND PLATE GLASS INSURANCE. On the twenty-first day the voyage came to a At that date the great cedar forests of the Clar­ sudden end The boat was wrecked on the out­ Losses by Lightning, Bush Fires and Be Patriotic—Insure Australian Property ence, the Richmond and the Tweed and other side of an island in a great bay which was utterly northern rivers were as yet untouched by the axe. sarange to the three adventurers. It was Moreton Gas Explosion Paid. in an Australian Insurance Company. The supplies of red cedar obtained in N.S.W. were Island on which they came to grief and the bay drawn largely from the district of the Five Islands, was Moreton Bay 700 miles to the north of Port HEAD OFFICE: 16 MARTIN PLACE, SYDNEY. since called Ulawarra, and the four men who Jackson. manned the boat that slipped through the heads The three men reached the shore safefy and KELSO KING. MANAGER. on that far-off day were bound to the Five Islands soon fell in with a mob of aborigines. They found district to cut cedar. So at least they said later. that they had nothing to fear from the savages who > They were well supplied with provisions, but fed them and made much of them. One old man T J i i rij i • n M* carried in the boat only four gallons of water. It in particular took special fancy to Pamphlett. must have seemed ample for they should have Possibly it was another of those cases in which «_ reached the Five Islands by the next day. white strangers were looked up as reincarnations Interstate Steamship Sailings Soon after they had left the Heads, however, a of members of the tribe who had died Modern Passenger gale arose and quickly drove them out of sight of The obsession that they were still to the south land. For several days they were swept before the of Sydney had not lost its hold on the castaways gale and when they again caught sight of land Though they had fared better than they might Regular Passenger and Freight Services they concluded that the gale and the southerly have expected at the hands of the natives they KATOOMBA current had carried them away to the south of could not reconcile themselves to the idea of CANBERRA to all Australian Ports. Jervis Bay, a part of the coast at that time without spending their lives amongst the savages. any white inhabitants. So they worked their way LBVUKA They were rough or ignorant men or the vege­ to the north. tation might have led them to the knowledge that ZEALANDIA BUILT FOR SPEED AND COMFORT. Though they had provisions enough they had they were in a country more nearly tropical than KAROOLA no means of making a fire to cook them, and their that round Sydney. One curious find on the east water was soon exhausted. They were nervous coast of Moreton Island may have helped to con­ •YREEMA about going ashore to seek for water from fear that firm them in their mistake. This was part of a BOMBALA they might meet with hostile aborigines. So for canoe of the type used by the Maoris of New FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO 21 days from the time when they passed the Heads Zealand, a type utterly unknown to the aborigines D1MBOOLA nUHMi they continued their voyage without seeing a single of Australia. Ad.loid. St—mthip Co. Ltd. • 22 Bndg. Str—t. Syd—y - 9520 COOMA landmark that they could recognise. What the history of this bit of flotsam was can A. V. S. N. Co. 7 Bridf StT—t. Sydney • 10S8S During this period the fourth man, the one whose only be a matter for speculation. In some way or Amtroham Sfmmmkip Lid.
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