PROPOSAL FOR PUBLIC FOOD MARKET DEVELOPER & OPERATOR SUBMITTED BY PARCEL 7 BOSTON, MA — COMPONENT I BOSTON PUBLIC MARKET ASSOCIATION FRIDAY MARCH 2, 2012 PARCEL 7 BOSTON, MA — COMPONENT I | BOSTON PUBLIC MARKET ASSOCIATION i BOSTON PUBLIC MARKET BOARD MEMBERS Dear Friends, BOSTON Dear Commissioner Soares, PUBLIC Donald Wiest, Esq. Janet Christensen The New Year has brought exciting news -- a site has been selected for the home of the Boston Public Market! MARKET Jeff Cole Two and a half centuries ago, downtown Boston featured a year-round marketplace; Faneuil Hall, built by Peter Fa- Tom Davis neuilThe Commonwealth in 1742 as a gift of to Massachusetts the city. Bustling has and chosen chockablock an ideal withspace butchers, at the State-owned fishmongers, “Parcel merchants, 7” building, and farmers, which Chris Douglass Faneuil Hall became a civic institution where some of the country’s greatest orators, including George Washington, Roberta Dowling, CCP is currently vacant. This site, which fronts on the new Rose F. Kennedy Greenway, is perfectly situated between BOARDBOARD MEMBERSMEMBERS Marlo Fogelman,Dear Friends, Esq. Samuelthe Financial Adams, District and Susanand North B. Anthony, Station. spoke. The building Trade flourished,contains 325 and public a spacious parking new spaces, adjunct, and Quincy features Market, direct was Jim Friedman, Esq. erected in the early 1800s. The complex remained vital well into the 20th century, before falling into disrepair in Donald Wiest, Esq. access to the MBTA’s Haymarket Stations. Construction on the new Public Market will start before year’s end. Donald Wiest, Esq. Doug Gillespie Janet Christensen The New Year has thebrought 1950s exciting as food news buying -- a habitssite has changed. been selected for the home of the Boston Public Market! David Gilson AlexJeff Lewin Cole Andrew Grace Now, imagine filling your basket, as you browse the food stalls of the Boston Public Market, with fresh fruits Kurt Wm.Tom Hemr Davis Esq. KurtThe Hemr, Commonwealth Esq. Theand of vegetablesBostonMassachusetts Public just Market harvestedhas chosen Association from an localideal proposes farms.space at At tothe the restore State-owned Boston and Public renew “Parcel Market the 7”tradition you’ll building, be of selecting whichour city’s poultry, market eggs, district AndrewChris Douglass Grace Linda Pizzuti Henry by creating a central urban showcase featuring the best food from Massachusetts. This new, downtown Market RobertaAlison Dowling, Arnett CCP is currently vacant.meat This and site, dairy which products, fronts on produced the new humanelyRose F. Kennedy and without Greenway, the use is ofperfectly antibiotics, situated from between someone with whom Sarah Kline Marlo Fogelman, Esq. the Financial Districtwillyou’re and connect Northon a first-name consumersStation. The basis. of building all You’llmeans contains bring with home the 325 people seafoodpublic who parking caught produce spaces, in local the andwaters.food features they Indulge eat, direct and in crustyeducate breads shoppers and on Carola Cadley Chris Kurth Jim Friedman, Esq. how easy and delicious it is to cook with fresh ingredients. This vital amenity will help make Boston a livelier and Jeff Cole Alexaccess Lewin to the MBTA’sbaked Haymarket goods fresh Stations. the oven. Construction Explore aon wide the newrange Public of European-style Market will start cheeses before from year’s across end. New England. And Doug Gillespie Tom Davis Travis McCready healthierexperience place. pasta, ice cream, maple syrup, honey, preserves, chocolates – and dozens more categories David Gilson Bill Dowling Edith Murname Andrew Grace Now, imagine fillingof your specialty basket, food as itemsyou browse – sold thedirectly food bystalls the ofproducers the Boston who Public made Market, them. with fresh fruits Gus Schumacher ChrisKurt Hemr,Douglass Esq. and vegetables justBoston harvested is an from ideal local setting farms. for a Atpublic the Boston market. Public Our dense, Market vibrant you’ll citybe selecting is located poultry, in the hearteggs, of a remarkable food- Virginia Stein MarloLinda Fogelman, Pizzuti Henry Esq. meat and dairy products,producingA showcase produced region. for all humanely Some of these of the andfoods world’s without is about best the to seafood,use be ofcreated antibiotics, cheeses, right in frombaked downtown someone goods, Boston, produce, with whom so meats, that individuals dairy products, of all and Jim Friedman, Esq. Yanni Tsipis Sarah Kline you’re on a first-namespecialtymeans basis. can foods You’llaccess come bring our from homeregion’s within seafood bounty. just acaught few hours in local of Boston.waters. Yet, Indulge because in crusty area breadsfood producers and lack a year-round DougChris Gillespie Kurth outlet in the region’s population and economic center, they lose out on tens of millions of dollars in potential LizAlex Harris Lewin baked goods fresh the oven. Explore a wide range of European-style cheeses from across New England. And TravisBrian McCreadyKinney experience pasta, icesalesAnd cream, while annually. themaple Boston The syrup, Boston Public honey, Public Market preserves, Market Association will chocolates reconnect continues – ourand to urban dozens work and on more therural permanentcategories communities, market, and we’re thereby thrilled keep to local TravisEdith McCready Murname of specialty food itemsfoodlet you –sales soldknow dollarsdirectly that the circulating by Dewey the producers Squarewithin the andwho Commonwealth. City made Hall them. Farmers And Markets because will itresume is a low operation overhead, this community Spring. These focused two Gus Schumacher Linda McQuillan nonprofit,thriving outdoor the BPMA markets is uniquely will once positioned again bring to themaximize best locally the revenues sourced thatfood the to urbanPublic residents,Market can from generate May through for its Virginia Stein vendors. MiriamYanni Nelson, Tsipis Ph.D. A showcase for all November.of these foods Discounts is about will to continuebe created to rightbe offered in downtown to all Supplemental Boston, so that Nutritional individuals Assistance of all Program recipients Linda Pizzuti Henry means can accessthrough our region’s our partnership bounty. with the Bounty Bucks program – allowing all residents access to healthier food choices. Dana Rashti The Boston Public Market is poised to become a national model for eating well, enhancing public health, and Gus Schumacher And while the BostonpromotingToday, Public we’re Market regional asking Association foodyou tosustainability. consider continues making The to work BPMAa tax-deductible on hasthe permanentdisplayed contribution an market, unwavering to we’re help usthrilledcommitment realize to the ultimateto this project goal of for a Marc Smith let you know that thetheyear-round, Dewey past decade. Square permanent, Our and team City public Hallis strategically marketFarmers in Markets Boston, organized willwhile resumearound keeping threeoperation our areas seasonal this of Spring.expertise markets These –running. food two production, distribu- David Tubbs tion, and sales; complex real estate development; and in major capital campaigns. We are therefore enormously Yanni Tsipis thriving outdoor markets will once again bring the best locally sourced food to urban residents, from May through Charlotte Vena November. DiscountspleasedOn behalfwill continueto of submit the Boston to our be proposaloffered Public toMarket for all designationSupplemental Association, as Nutritional thewe thankCommonwealth’s Assistanceyou, in advance, Program Parcel for 7 helpingrecipients Public usFood grow. Market developer through our partnershipand operator. with the Bounty Bucks program – allowing all residents access to healthier food choices. We wish you and yours a happy and healthy New Year. Today, we’re asking you to consider making a tax-deductible contribution to help us realize the ultimate goal of a year-round, permanent, public market in Boston, while keeping our seasonal markets running. On behalf of the Boston Public Market Association, we thank you, in advance,Sincerely, for helping us grow. Very Truly Yours, We wish you and yours a happy and healthy New Year. Boston Public Market Association Donald Wiest, Esq. PO Box 52385 | Boston, MA 02205-9761 Sincerely, President, Boston Public Market Association bostonpublicmarket.org Donald Wiest, Esq. Boston Public Market Association | Po Box 52385President, | Boston, MA Boston 02205-9761 Public Market Association bostonpublicmarket.org Boston Public Market Association | Po Box 52385 | Boston, MA 02205-9761 bostonpublicmarket.org TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Proposal Form 2 2. Mission and Philosophy 3 3. Proposer Team 4 A. Leasing Entity 4 B. Other Team Members 5 4. Market Proposal 7 A. Program 7 B. Design 10 C. Design Drawings 10 D. Operations 16 E. Public Education 21 F. Permits 23 G. Schedule 24 5. Financial Proposal 25 A. Financial Projections 25 B. Financing 27 C. Rent to MassDOT 28 D. Alternative Financing 28 1. PROPOSAL FORM A downtown public market is part of Boston’s heritage. The BPMA model provides a direct channel for consumers to develop relationships with the producers of the food they are buying and provides the growers and producers with the greatest financial return. John F. Kerry, United States Senator 2 PARCEL 7 BOSTON, MA — COMPONENT I | BOSTON PUBLIC MARKET ASSOCIATION 2. MISSION & PHILOSOPHY The mission of the Boston Public Market Association is to create a permanent,
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