Concurrency Patterns for Easier Robotic Coordination Andrey Rusakov∗ Jiwon Shin∗ Bertrand Meyer∗† ∗Chair of Software Engineering, Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich,¨ Switzerland †Software Engineering Lab, Innopolis University, Kazan, Russia fandrey.rusakov, jiwon.shin, [email protected] Abstract— Software design patterns are reusable solutions to Guarded suspension – are chosen for their concurrent nature, commonly occurring problems in software development. Grow- applicability to robotic coordination, and evidence of use ing complexity of robotics software increases the importance of in existing robotics frameworks. The paper aims to help applying proper software engineering principles and methods such as design patterns to robotics. Concurrency design patterns programmers who are not yet experts in concurrency to are particularly interesting to robotics because robots often have identify and then to apply one of the common concurrency- many components that can operate in parallel. However, there based solutions for their applications on robotic coordination. has not yet been any established set of reusable concurrency The rest of the paper is organized as follows: After design patterns for robotics. For this purpose, we choose six presenting related work in Section II, it proceeds with a known concurrency patterns – Future, Periodic timer, Invoke later, Active object, Cooperative cancellation, and Guarded sus- general description of concurrency approach for robotics pension. We demonstrate how these patterns could be used for in Section III. Then the paper presents and describes in solving common robotic coordination tasks. We also discuss detail a number of concurrency patterns related to robotic advantages and disadvantages of the patterns and how existing coordination in Section IV. Section V discusses advantages robotics programming frameworks can support them. and disadvantages of using those patterns for robotic tasks. I. INTRODUCTION The paper concludes with final remarks in Section VI. In the early days of computer science, people focused II. RELATED WORK on developing algorithms. As software became more com- Proper application of software engineering principles and plex, it became necessary to develop systematic methods methods would help robotics programmers bridge the gap for handling software, giving birth to software engineering. between the growing complexity of robotics software and Software side of robotics is walking the same path. In the existing robotics approaches. Developing useful robotics li- early days of robotics, software aspect focused mainly on al- braries [1], [2] and frameworks [3], [4] is one way of sharing gorithmic development; however, as robots and their software and accumulating robotics knowledge. The idea of reusing become more complex, applying good software engineering existing software parts has evolved into Component-Based techniques to robotics software gains more importance. In Software Engineering (CBSE), where composing systems particular, the lessons, such as design patterns, that people from off-the-shelf and custom-built components is preferred learned in software engineering can also benefit robotics. over traditional programming [5]. However, CBSE requires Software design patterns are reusable solutions to com- standardization of components’ interfaces – a difficult goal monly occurring problems in software development. Con- to achieve for the vast amount of existing solutions. currency patterns, which deal with the multi-threaded pro- Another way to tackle robotics software complexity could gramming paradigm, are particularly interesting to robotics be using design patterns as in general computer science. because robots often have many components that can operate “Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented concurrently. Running these components concurrently would Software” by Gamma et al. [6] is a great digest of object- enable robots to meet their full potential, but concurrent oriented solutions that many programmers have reused. Later programming requires additional knowledge from program- work by Fowler [7] provides more design patterns for appli- mers and thus restricts the usage of concurrency in robotics cations in enterprise domain. The patterns from these books for non-specialists. Applying concurrency patterns would are, however, developed for general purpose programming. ease the development of concurrent robotics software as Therefore, although many of those object-oriented patterns they provide templates for solving various problems using can be applied to robotics, they do not reflect any struc- concurrency even for novice programmers. tural robotics specifics such as, for example, Sense-Plan-Act This paper provides an overview of six existing concur- control loop, or a behavior-based architecture, or in general, rency patterns that are useful solutions for common robotic having a hardware part that interacts with the real world. coordination tasks. The patterns – Future, Periodic timer, On the robotics side, there has been little work on intro- Invoke later, Active object, Cooperative cancellation, and ducing design patterns to robotics. The only notable work is by Graves et al. [8] on design patterns for behavior- This work was partially supported by the Hasler Foundation through the Roboscoop project and by the European Research Council under the based robotics. Its applicability is, however, limited to the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (ERC Grant no. 291389). class of man-machine interaction. It is important to note that behavior-based robotic architectures, such as a subsumption the use of behavior-based architectures such as subsumption architecture by Brooks [9], are essentially concurrent, and architecture by Brooks [9]. thus could benefit from concurrency patterns. Another widely used approach to robotic coordination is Concurrency patterns have been developed for general the event-driven programming [17] where external actions programming, and implementations exist in different object- (events) determine the execution flow. Event can represent a oriented programming languages [10], [11], [12], [13]. Leijen sensor value or a message from the current or other threads. et al. [14] shows results of developing a task parallel library Every time an event occurs, it triggers associated callback using concurrency patterns. Russel et al. [15] identifies a functions or event handlers. Concurrency and event-driven collection of control-flow patterns, many of which have con- approaches are not mutually exclusive – they can comple- current nature and could be helpful in robotic coordination. ment each other, such as event loop can be implemented The idea of coupling parallel tasks with robotics field has with multiple threads to handle callbacks concurrently. also been proposed [16]. In the paper, the authors share their In general, concurrency could benefit many components experience of teaching three concurrency patterns Pipeline, of robotic applications. In this paper, we focus on task- Delta, and Black Hole and applying the knowledge on the centric concurrency and a selection of concurrency patterns small robotics setup. However, the patterns considered in as described in Section IV. the paper are quite simple and more applicable to data Frameworks processing than to robotic coordination. Secondly, the paper Many robotics programming frameworks were proposed to emphasizes the educational aspect, where robotics is one of simplify creation of robotics applications. We chose ROS [4], the encouraging factors to learn concurrency, not vice versa. Urbi [18] and Roboscoop [19] to discover their potential for Therefore, it is insufficient to serve as a reference. implementing considered patterns. All three frameworks have Mentioned attempts of combining software design patterns concurrency support in their underlying languages – C++ in with the field of robotics demonstrate a need for establishing ROS, urbiscript in Urbi and SCOOP in Roboscoop. a set of pattern solutions in robotics programming. To ROS is a popular robotics middleware, which has im- our knowledge, there is no widely accepted reference for plementations in several programming languages including design patterns in robotics, and certainly not for concurrency C++. ROS represents robotics system as a set of executable patterns in robotic coordination. This work demonstrates how nodes and uses publish/subscribe and service-based message- concurrency patterns could benefit robotics programming, es- passing model to communicate between them. ROS is essen- pecially for tasks of robotic coordination. We also speculate tially event-driven; it uses its messages as events to execute about how modern programming robotics frameworks can callback functions. Although ROS is not positioning itself support proposed solutions. as a concurrency framework, each ROS node can use C++ features for concurrency. ROS also provides MultiThread- III. CONCURRENCY IN ROBOTICS edSpinner and AsyncSpinner classes to handle callbacks concurrently. In addition to communication facilities, ROS Many robots are inherently concurrent; they have many provides a wide variety of robotics libraries or stacks. sensors and actuators functioning in parallel, often executing Urbi is a software platform for robotics, which in addition several tasks simultaneously. In such situations, robotics to the C++ support, introduces urbiscript – a parallel event- applications could benefit from the use of concurrency.
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