Analecta Nipponica JOURNAL OF POLISH ASSOCIATIOn FOR JapanESE STUDIES 7/2017 Analecta Nipponica JOURNAL OF POLISH ASSOCIATIOn FOR JapanESE STUDIES 特別号: 戦争と平和 昭和天皇の日本 Special Issue: War and Peace. Japan under Emperor Shōwa Guest Editor – Katarzyna Starecka Analecta Nipponica JOURNAL OF POLISH ASSOCIATIOn FOR JapanESE STUDIES Editor-in-Chief Alfred F. Majewicz Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń Guest Editor Katarzyna Starecka University of Warsaw Editors Agnieszka Kozyra University of Warsaw, Jagiellonian University in Kraków Iwona Kordzińska-Nawrocka University of Warsaw Editing in English Aaron Bryson Editing in Japanese Yoko Fujii Karpoluk Editorial Advisory Board Moriyuki Itō Gakushūin University in Tokyo Mikołaj Melanowicz University of Warsaw Sadami Suzuki International Research Center for Japanese Studies in Kyoto Hideo Watanabe Shinshū University in Matsumoto Estera Żeromska Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań The publication was financed by Takashima Foundation Copyright© 2017 by Polish Association for Japanese Studies and Contributing Authors. ANALECTA NIPPONICA: Number 7/2017 ISSN: 2084-2147 Published by: Polish Association for Japanese Studies Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28, 00-927 Warszawa, Poland www.psbj.orient.uw.edu.pl Contents Editor’s preface Ewa Pałasz-Rutkowska & Katarzyna Starecka The 10th Annual Days of Japan at the University of Warsaw War and Peace – Japan under Emperor Shōwa (1926–1989). International Conference Proceedings – Introduction .................................................................9 ARTICLES Ewa Pałasz-Rutkowska 昭和天皇とその時代 Emperor Shōwa and His Times .....................13 梶田明宏 『昭和天皇実録』はどのような記録か [Kajita Akihiro] ―編修の概要とその内容について ― Shōwa Tennō Jitsuroku (The Chronicle of Emperor Shōwa): The Editorial Experience and Contents of the Chronicle ........................................25 原武史 デモクラシーと「国体」は両立するか? 戦後日本のデモク [Hara Takeshi] ラ シーと天皇制 Are Democracy and the National Character (Kokutai) Compatible? Postwar Japanese Democracy and the Imperial System ..................................37 庄司潤一郎 第二次世界大戦における日本の〈終戦〉をめぐって [Shōji Jun’ichirō] The “End” of WWII from the Japanese Perspective ....59 Agnieszka Kozyra A Vision of New World Religion in Nishida Kitarō’s philosophy 西田幾多郎の哲学における新しい世界宗教の展望 . 77. Aleksandra Jarosz Ethnolinguistic Aspects of Nikolay Nevskiy’s Research on Miyako-Ryukyuan 昭和初期における「民族言語学」:ニコライ・ネフスキー 宮古語研究. .89 楯岡求美 戦争を<耐え忍ぶ心>へのアンチテーゼ:秋元松代の [Tateoka Kumi] 戯曲 『常陸坊海尊』 (1964)を中心に The Spirit to “Survive” the War – a Play by Akimoto Matsuyo, Hitachibō Kaison (Kaison, the Priest of Hitachi) .....................105 中丸貴史 日本古典研究の〈戦後〉 ―国文学と漢文世界― [Nakamaru Takafumi] Postwar Research on Japanese Classics –National Literature and the World of East Asian Classics ......121 田野尻哲郎 野口整体のコミュニケーション:伝統医療とその共同体 [Tanojiri Tetsurō] によ る昭和期日本の医療と社会システムの補完 Noguchi Seitai (The Noguchi Technique of Alternative Medicine) – Japanese Traditional Medicine and its Community as a Supplementation of the Social Health System in the Shōwa Period .......................131 君島彩子 戦争と平和のモニュメント ―近現代における観音像の [Kimijima Ayako] 変容から― The Monuments of “War and Peace” – the Changes in the Statues of Kannon Bodhisattva from the Perspective of Modern Era Japan ...............................157 Krzysztof Stefański The Unlearned Lesson of Nomonhan ノモンハンの学ばれなかった教訓 .................187 プシビルスカしのぶ 日本語授業におけるビジターセッションの意義 ―広島 [Kaiho-Przybylska Shinobu] 市被爆体験伝承者を迎えて― The Significance of “Visitor Sessions” in Japanese Language Acquisition: The Case of a Class with an A-bomb Legacy Successor from Hiroshima ...215 Katarzyna Starecka 日本側による戦争責任自主裁判構想 Japanese Initiatives Concerning Voluntary War-responsibility Trials. .241 Melanowicz Mikołaj Limits of Memory: An Interpretation of The Changeling and Other Late Novels by Ōe Kenzaburō 記憶の限界:『取り替え子』と大江健三郎後期作 品の解釈 . 267 INTERVIEWS 第11回ワルシャワ大学三井物産冠講座 武田双雲氏インタビュー 「書道と一期一会」 聞き手 アンナ・ザレフスカ、藤井カルポルク陽子 The Way of Calligraphy and the Cultural Concept Ichigo Ichie Mr. Sōun Takeda – an Interview Interviewers: Anna Zalewska, Fujii Karpoluk Yoko ...............................281 Notes About the Authors .................................................291 Instructions for Contributors .................................................297 EDITOR’S PREFACE The present issue inaugurates a series of prospectively inevitable volumes contain- ing materials from, basing on, related to, or reflecting proceedings of academic meetings, seminars, conferences, and other events of the kind, in the organization of which the Polish Association for Japanese Studies had its part and contribution, interwoven with regular volumes including papers and other material on varying subjects sent by individual authors to the Editorial Board and approved for publi- cation; there are possibly also volumes with both monographic conference papers as well as articles related or unrelated to the leading conference theme but absent from the conference proceedings. This volume focuses on and features contributions presented at the International Conference named War and Peace. Japan under Emperor Showa 1926-1989 assem- bled on the premises of the University of Warsaw Library on October 24-25, 2016, as the principal event of the 10th Annual Days of Japan at Warsaw. The selection of materials and compilation of the volume became the task of Guest Editor, Katarzyna Starecka, who – together with Professor Ewa Pałasz-Rutkowska – have been in charge of organizing this Conference and have also been entrusted with preparing an extra introduction,which follows. Apart from these two texts, introductory in nature, our Esteemed Readers will find between the covers of this book fourteen papers (one actually not read at the Con- ference) and one interview, predominantly authored by our guests from Japan, so this time Japanese is the language that dominates. Ewa Pałasz-Rutkowska & Katarzyna Starecka The 10th Annual Days of Japan at the University of Warsaw War and Peace – Japan under Emperor Shōwa (1926–1989) International Conference Proceedings – Introduction The year 2016 marked 90 years since the accession of Emperor Hirohito (1901– 1989) which ushered in a new era in Japanese history – Shōwa (The Illuminated Peace). Lately, as the Imperial Household Agency began releasing its initial publi- cation volumes of “The Chronicles of the Emperor Shōwa” (Shōwa tennō jitsuroku), discussions relating to the Shōwa period have intensified in Japan. This was the longest, yet simultaneously diverse in nature, reign by a single Emperor through- out Japanese recorded history. Japan was undergoing democratization and mod- ernization, then, due to internal crisis opposed to Western influences, conducted wars. After the wars Japan once again turned towards democratization and develop- ment, finally becoming the third largest economic power in the world. The Shōwa period can be divided into three main sub-periods: 1926–1945: democratization, nationalism and war; 1945–1952: occupation; 1952–1989: peace, democratization and economic growth. To this day the shadow of long lasting wars in Asia and the Pacific looms over Japanese relations with countries in the region. Disputes over the revision of the pacifist constitution that was enacted in 1946 under American Occupation do not waver. The lingering presence of US troops and territorial disputes, including that of the Northern Territories disrupting any peace treaty with Russia, keep Japan, to some extent, locked in “postwar” (sengo) mode. At the same time more and more often the Japanese people are referring to the Shōwa period with nostalgia. Is it nostalgia towards the prewar mass culture? Is it a longing for the “godly” Emperor and their “unique” Japan? For economic success? For the times when anything was possible (for the first time the heir to the throne married a “commoner”) and people lived in prosperity? During the 10th Japan Days at the University of Warsaw (24–26th October 2016), organized annually by the Department of Japanese Studies, Faculty of Ori- ental Studies, we sought answers to these questions. Specialists from Japan and Poland tackled the most important issues within the fields of Japanese history, lit- erature, culture and art, religion, social science and language acquisition. The topic of “war and peace” during the reign of Emperor Shōwa was astutely addressed by special guests: Kajita Akihiro (Imperial Household Agency), Hara Takeshi (Open University of Japan), Shōji Jun’ichirō (National Institute for Defense Studies), and Numano Mitsuyoshi (University of Tokyo). ARTICLES Ewa Pałasz-Rutkowska 昭和天皇とその時代 はじめに 昭和時代は裕仁皇太子の践祚が行われて天皇になった時から開始する1。昭和天皇 の在位期間(1926-1989)は、歴代天皇の中でも最も長く、激動の時代でもあった。近年日 本では、迪宮の1901年4月29日の誕生から1989年1月7日の死去、その後1991年3月30日 の昭和天皇武蔵野陵の陵籍登録までを年代順に記述した『昭和天皇実録』が宮内庁に よって公開されている2。その公開直後から天皇とその時代に関する活発な論議が展開さ れてきた3。その論議や激動の時代の主要な問題などについては、本論文集に日本人の 専門家が詳しく説明しながら分析されるので、私は「戦争と平和」の昭和時代における天 皇の生涯と重要な出来事にだけ焦点を絞ってまとめた形で紹介したいと思う。 1 幼年時代 昭和天皇が生まれたのは明治時代(1868-1912)の後半であった。明治時代は、欧米 列強の植民地化を免れるために西洋化と近代化、文明開化を推進した時代であり、日本 にとって産業革命時代でもあった。欧米諸国の制度・文物の移入による諸改革が急速に 行われた。また、封建制度にかわる中央集権体制が確立し、1889年に近代的な『大日本 帝国憲法』が公布された。明治初期の「富国・強兵」というスローガンが1868年の倒幕と王 政復古の時期から30年も経たないうちに実現された。1895年に清国と、1905年にロシア帝 国との戦争で勝利を得た結果、日本はアジアの大国となった。 1 この論文では、幾つかの歴史用語を除いて、天皇や皇室に関する敬語を使用しない。 2 宮内庁編『昭和天皇実録』12巻、東京書籍、2015-2017年。 3 原武史『「昭和天皇実録」を読む』岩波書店、2015年。半藤一利他『「昭和天皇実録」の謎を 解く』文藝春秋、2015年。茶谷誠一他「昭和天皇7つの決断の真相」歴史 REAL編『昭和天皇』(別 冊『歴史 REAL』)洋泉社、2015年など。 14 Ewa Pałasz-Rutkowska 昭和天皇は1901年4月29日、東京の青山御所(東宮御所)において嘉仁皇太子 (1879-1926、1912年から大正天皇)と節子妃(1884-1951、旧摂家の九条道孝の4女、貞 明皇后)の第一男子として誕生した4。出生7日目(5月5日)に明治天皇が初孫に諱を裕 仁(ひろひと)と命名して幼年時代の称号として迪宮(みちのみや)を与えた。この誕生は
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