PEKI Z Jonuory 7, 19'f, Chairman Hua Meets vL Maior General Ziaur Rahman 4 Comrode Chen Yung-kuei's Report -At the Second Notionol Conference on Leorning A, From Tochoi in Agriculture The Crux of "Gong of Four's" Crimes ,ru ls to Usurp Party ond Stote Power - "Renmin Riboo" editoriol PEKING Vol. 20, No. 2 Jonuory 7, 1977 REVIEW Published in English, French, Spanish, tL 4 [^.e Japanese and German editions CO NTE NTS ,:"" - J THE WEEK Choirmon Huo Meets Mojor Generol Ziour Rohmon New Development in Chino-Bonglodesh Relotions Grond Reception in Honour of Foreign Experts Chinese Peoplet Friendship Delegotion in Yugoslovio ARIICTES AND DOCUMENTS Comrode Chen Yung-kuei's Report-At the Second Notionol Conference on Leorning From Tochoi in Agriculture At Welcome Bonquet Given by the Stote Council: Vice-Premier Li Hsien-nien's Speech l8 Mojor Generol Ziour Rohmon's Speech 19 World's People Pioise Choirmon Moo's lmmense Contributions - Hsinhuo Cor- respondent 21 Revolutionory Memoir: Choirmon Moo's lnspection Tour of Nonniwon - Tung Ting-heng 25 fhe Crur ol "Gong of Four's" Crimes ls to Usurp Porty ond Stote Power - Ren' rnin Ribao editoriol 29 Publlshed cvery Fridoy by PEKING REVIEW, Peting (3L Chino Post Officc Regittrotion No. 2-912. Pdntad in the People's Republic of Chino N\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ NNN N \NNNN Chairman Hua Meets Maior General Ziaur Rahman LfUa KUO-FENG, Chairman of the Central man and the other distinguished Bangladesh fl Committee of the Communist Party of guests on their visit to China. Major General China and Premier of the State Council, met Rahman told Chairman Hua: "It is a great on the afternoon of January 4 Major Generai honour to be your guest and to be invited by Ziaur Rahman, Chief Martial Law Administra- you to visit China." After posing for a pho- tor and Chief of Army Staff of Bangladesh. tograph, Chairman Hua and Major General . As Major General Ziaur Rahman arrived at' Rahman had a sincere and friendly conversation the meeting hall accompanied by Foreign Sec- in a cordial atmosphere. retary Tabarak Husain, Chairman Hua walked Present at the meeting and conversation up to warmly shake hands with him and ex- were Vice-Premier Li Hsien-nien of the State tend a warm welcome to Major General Rah- Council and Foreign Mini.ster Huang Hua. Januarg 7, 7977 rt New Development in Member of the C.P.C. Central Committee and Foreign Minis- China-Bangladesh Relations ter, were at the reception. In his toast at the banquet, General Ziaur Rah- Grain production. in fiscal year rYls131MAJOR Vice-Premier Li extended visited China from 19?5-?6 reach6d 13 million tons. thanks to the ioreign experts January 2 to 6. This was the The country is now striving to for their valuable contributions first occasion for contact be- realize self-sufficiency in grain. to China's socialist revolution tween the leaders of the two In international affairs, the and socialist construction and countries. Though short, the Government of Bangladesh fol- the promotion of friendship visit achieved completely suc- lows a non-aligned policy, op- among different people. cessful results. poses hegemonism, expansion- ism and interference in internal During visit, Vice-:Premier the affairs by foreign countries, Chinese People's Friendship Li Hsien-nien and Major General supports the people all of coun- Delegation in Yugoslavia Ziaur Rahman exchanged views tries in their struggte agalnst on the international situation, imperialism and stands for the The Chinese People's Friend- the strengthening of relations strengthening of unity with ship Delegation Chi between the two countries and led by other third world countries. The Peng-fei, Secretary-General of other questions of common con- Chinese people follow develop- the Standing cern, thus enhancing their mu- Committee of the ment of Bangladesh with in- National People's Congress, re- tual understanding and trust. terest and firmly support the turned to Peking last December An economic and technical co- just struggle of its people to 26 after an eight-day visit to operation agreement and a trade maintain national independence Yugoslavia. and payment agreement be- and state sovereignty. tween the Governments of Dzemal Bijedic, President of The China and Bangladesh were visit of the distinguished the Federal Executive Council, guests from Bangladesh was signed in Peking. met and had a warm and friend- warmly welcomed by the Chi- conversation the dele- Since changes took place in nese people. Chairman Hua ly with gation members their the Bangladesh political situa- greeted Major General Ziaur during stay in Yugoslavia. tion in the second half of 1975, Rahman at the airport when he the Government and people of qrrived in Peking. Vicehemier Delegation leader Chi ac- Bangladesh have made arduous Li Hsien-nien hosted the ban- quainted President Bijedic with quet given efforts and achieved iemarkable by the State Council the excellent situation in China in his honour. (For highlights successes in maintaining na- and the basic principles of her of their speeches at the banquet tional independence, safeguard- foreign policy. He said that the see'pp. 18 and 19.) ing state sovereignty, develop- Chinese people support both the ing the national economy and The distinguished guests also Yugoslav people's struggle to building their own country. visited Kwangchow. defend independence and sover- eignty and Yugoslavia's non- aligned policy and hope to de- Grand Reception in Honour Li Hsien-nien, Member of the velop further the relations o.f 0f Foreign Expcrts Political Bureau of the Central friendship and co.operation be- Committee of the Communist tween the two countries. The General Office of the Party of China and Vice-Pre- State Council gave a grand re- mier of.the State Council; Teng When delegation leader Chi ception on New Year's Eve in Ying-chao, Member of the talked about the great victorY honour of the foreign experts C.P.C. Central Committee and of the Chinese people in smash- and their spouses from more Vice-Chairman of the Standing ing the i'gang of four," President than 40 countries on the five Committee of the National Peo- continents. ple's Congress; and Huang Hua, (Continued on P. 20.) 4 Peking Rersieu, No. 2 Comrade Chen Yung-kuei's Report At the Second National Conference on - Learning From Tachai in Agriculture On December 20,1976, Chen Yung-kuei, Member of the Political Bureau of the C.P.C. Central Committee and Vice-Premier of the State Council, made a report at the Second National Conference on Learning From Tachai in Agriculture which was held in Peking. Entitled "Thoroughly Criticize the 'Gang of Four' and Bring About a New Upsurge in the Movement to Build Tachai-Type Counties Throughout the Country," the report expounded the great historie significance of Comrade Hua Kuo-feng being appointed leader of our Party and of the victory of smashing the "gang of four"; it reviewed the acute struggles waged by our Party against the "gang of four" centring round the movement to learn from Tachai in agriculture, and set- forth the task of con- tinuing to deepen in the rural areas education in the Party's basic line, so as to achieve still greater development in agriculture. The report also called on the Party committees at all levels to strengthen leadership, mobilize the whole Party and make greater efforts to develop agriculture. Comrades: Comrade Hua Kuo-feng's summing-up report last year's national learn-from-Tachai . con- At the important moment when our Party to ference and studied relevant documents issued has won a great historic victory, the Second Na- by the Party Central Committee. They have tional Conference on Learning From Tachai in also read the evidence of the crimes of the Agriculture is being convened in accordance Wang-Chang-Chiang-Yao anti-Party clique. All with a decision by the Party Central Committee the participants have warmly praised our wise on the proposal of Chairman Hua Kuo-feng. leader Chairman Hua, angrily exposed and re- This is a very important conference. Our con- pudiated the of four," exchanged the ex- ference will give tremendous impetus to the "gang perience gained over the past year in building great struggle to ex1rcse and repudiate the anti- Tachai-t5pe counties and mechanizing farm Party clique of Wang flung-wen, Chang Chun- work, and discussed future tasks. With ease of chiao, Chiang Ching and Yao Wen-5ruan, give mind and in high spirits, the comrades have full greater momentum to the movement to build confidence in victory in accelerating the build- Tachai-type counties than last year and encour- ing of Tachai-type counties throughout the coun- age us to make still greater efforts than last try, speeding up the development of agriculture year. In the last few days, the comrades have and bringing about a still better situation. conscientiously studied Chairman Mao's brilliant work On the Ten Major Relationships, reviewed I will now elaborate on a few questions. l. A Greot Historic Victory In October this year, the whole Party, the events. One was that the Political Bureau of whole army and the people of all nationalities the Party Central Committee unanimously en- throughout the country welcomed two happy dorsed Comrade Hua Kuo-feng as Chairman of January 7,7977 the C.P.C. Central that they would be short-lived politically and Committee and that they would not be iolerated by the revolu- Chairman of its tionaries who represent the interests of more Military Commis- than 90 per cent of the people and who would sion; the other was certainly get organized to overthrow them, a that the Party civil war in such a case would have been inevit- Central Committee able and this would have meant a setback in headed by Chair- the Chinese revolution.
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