Saint Junípero Serra Parish A Catholic Faith Community A Parish of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles 42121 60th Street West Lancaster, CA 93536 Main Office 661-943-9314 Faith Formation Office 661-943-5912 FAX 661-943-6863 Website: www.saintserra.org Administered by the Congregation of St. Joseph MissionMission StatementStatement •• DeclaraciónDeclaración dede NuestraNuestra MisiónMisión Saint Junípero Serra Parish is an evangelizing Catholic FaithFaith CommunityCommunity committedcommitted toto movingmoving forwardforward always always as as missionary missionary disciples for the Kingdom: attentiveattentive toto thethe Word, Word, to to Sacrament, Sacrament, to to Service Service and and to to Faith Faith Formation. Formation. Modi Modifiedfi Septembered September 23, 2015 23, 2015 La Parroquia de San Junipero Serra es una Comunidad CatólicaCatólica EvangelizadoraEvangelizadora dede FeFe comprometidacomprometida aa seguirseguir siempresiempre ade- ade- lantelante comocomo discípulosdiscípulos misionerosmisioneros parapara alcanzaralcanzar elel ReinoReino dede Dios;Dios; porpor medio medio de de la la Pala Palabra,bra, los los Sacramentos, Sacramentos, el el servicio servicio y y la la in- instrucciónstrucción de de la laFé Fé. Modificadocado elel 2323 dede septiembreseptiembre 20152015 Pastoral Staff Schedule of Masses Fr. Leo A. Dechant, C.S.J., D.Min.—Pastor Outdoor Masses Giampietro Gasparin, Norbert Joseph, Monday to Saturday 7:oo AM and Sylvan Schiavo, all C.S.J. Sat. 3:30 PM & 6:30 PM (Spanish) Deacons Gary, Paul, Rito; Marvin Sunday 7:30 AM and 9:30 AM Sacraments & Devotions Parish Office Hours Phones staffed Monday to Friday 9:00 to 5:00. The Sunday Mass obligation has been dis‐ Emergency phone, call office and dial 1. pensed indefinitely. Currently everything For extensions Dial # then the number must be celebrated outside—usually in front of the hall; sometimes in front of Our Lady’s Chapel. The number of Mass‐ es has been reduced—see the Mass Sched‐ ule. Obviously, only the hardy ought to attend in the heat and wind of Quartz Hill. Hats may be worn by ALL. St. Elizabeth Mission (SEM) 13845 Johnson Road, Lake Hughes, CA 93532 Beginning in September, only group † † † Quinceañeras will be available and they No Masses until these attendance are ONLY for people residing within our limits are lifted parish boundaries. Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, September 27, 2020 Pastor’s Corner Phone System The main office phone number is 661-943- This Sunday is observed around the Catholic 9314. The Office of Faith Formation (Religious World as World Day of Prayer for Immigrants and Education, Confirmation Preparation and Youth Refugees. For a great number of reasons, the phe- Ministry) is 661-943-5912. nomenon of mass migration, recorded at various When the office is closed, you can leave voice times in history, is a reality today. Reasons range mails using the following extensions: from true persecution or dire poverty to simply want- ing a life like they see on television and internet, and • Josephine/Guadalupe #100 everything in between. It is complicated by the fact • Daniel Ortiz—FF Clerk #101 that unscrupulous profiteers and vicious criminal en- • Fr. Norbert #102 terprises get into the mix causing untold suffering • Fr. Leo #103 both on the innocent emigres and the receiving coun- • Michele Simpliciano, Pastor’s Sec. #104 tries. Recently, reports from England confirmed that • Teri Parchman, Finance Clerk #107 a trafficker abandoned a truck full of people from • Fr. Sylvan #108 Vietnam who were all found dead in the truck. Laws • Front Office #109 that resemble more a bowl of cold spaghetti than • Cassandra Ortiz, Dir. Faith Formation #110 • logical, humane practices also complicate every- After Hours Emergency 1 thing. Be sure to press the # sign before the numeral! As in all things, the common good and the dignity of every human being must be the starting SAINT ELIZABETH DIRECTORY point for us Christians as we engage in the political discourse. There must be a healthy balance between Community Council Chairperson the well being of the people in a host country and Jerry Lindaman - 661 270-0495 that of the newcomers. On this day of prayer in Altar Society President 2018, Pope Francis taught, “[O]ur shared response Joanne Melfi-724-0314 Worship [to the many challenges of contemporary migration] may be articulated by four verbs: to welcome, to pro- Altar Flowers—Mary Borjon -947-6032 tect, to promote, and to integrate.” In my mind, EMs of Holy Comm.—Soliman Villapando-262-6090 Hospitality—Jerry Lindaman - 270-0495 these are two-way actions. The “old” must do this Lectors—Soliman Villapando - 262-6090 for the “new” and vice versa. Sacristan—Janet Donoho -724-2067 American cities have long been collections of villages where the newly arrived could preserve the Altar Servers: Joanne Lacson familiar while beginning to assimilate themselves into the new. I think it was more smoothly done by Bereavement: Maureen Kubli ([email protected]) the imperfect, now discredited, “melting pot” theory. Coordinador de Música en Español: Alfonso Alvarado After that we moved to the “stew pot” which tried to Coordinator of Lector Ministry: Mike Purnell preserve the legitimate cultural realities that contrib- ute to e pluribus unum. I do not know what we have Coordinator of EMs of Holy Communion: Jim Hart now, but it seems to me that we went from the frying Director of Faith Formation: Cassandra Ortiz pan into the fire. Granted, this is one man’s opinion Parish Director of Music: Sharon Rohaley and not at all Gospel truth. Quinceañeras: Guadalupe Castellanos From a sociological point of view, many cul- tural differences in how one perceives reality are be- Marriage Encounter: Joe & Patty Dagata, 661-433-3880 ing mislabeled as racist. We need to learn more Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: Pat & Kay McNeil about one another’s cultures. My sister had to take a [email protected] cultural sensitivity class every year for work. One year she chose German. It helped her to understand Scheduling of English Lectors & EMs: Anne Trabold our grandparents much better. She also saw how her Once this lockdown is finally lifted, other ministry po- world view was still somewhat colored by that cul- sitions will return to this list. ture. [October 6 is German Heritage Day. Don’t blink, you’ll miss it!] Keep the legacy of faith and ministry Blessed Vasile Aftenie and Blessed Richard Henkes, moving forward always—Remember pray for us. St. Junípero Serra Parish in your will! Pray for our ill Parishioners… MASSES Heston Arroyo James Berezuik Paul Bozigian Paul Burkman Tito Collantes Kimber Carrisalez SATURDAY, 26 September, Ss. Cosmas & Damian Jorge Yanez Maryann Davidson Pat Defusco 7:00 AM † Carlos Veliz Mary Denning Theresa Farrey Marie Fernando 2:00—3:00 PM CONFESSIONS IN PLAYGROUND Mario Galvan Shautal & Ava Garcia Naomi Giesler 3:30 PM † Hector Torres Patrick Guzman Katherine Hartman Bob Henderson 6:30 PM Español For the People of the Parish Lily Honeycutt Dan Hodgens Katherine Irwin Helen Kaniewski Betty Knolls Manuel Lopez 27 September, 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time John Medieros Jo Meister Agustina Mendoza SUNDAY, World Day of Prayer for Migrants & Refugees Michelle Moklebust Karen D. Newman Sera-Lisa Ortiz 7:30 AM † Antonio Lopez Jr. & † Ana Malagon Minnie Pillar Christina Padilla Gary Poole 9:30 AM Grace Watson Jacob Raellano Allen Ralph Nickolas Ramirez MONDAY, 28 September, St. Lawrence Ruiz & Companions Wilfredo Repuyan Jack Rich William D. Robinson 7:00 AM Andre Alforque—Happy Birthday Thomas Russell Charlie Shea Jonathan Sherman TUESDAY, 29 September, Archangels Michael, Gabriel & Raphael Sharon Smith Madison Taylor Richard & Cecila Tirre Chris Vernor Annette Olague Trixie Barreto † Parvaneh Sharaf 7:00 AM Gene & Cristina Wheeler WEDNESDAY, 30 September, St. Jerome 7:00 AM † Parvaneh Sharaf THURSDAY, 1 October, St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus Please pray for the recently deceased. 7:00 AM † John & † Jo Porn Frank Alvidrez FRIDAY, 2 October, The Holy Guardian Angels May all the faithful departed, through the mercy of 7:00 AM † Marie Romano God, rest in peace. Amen. SATURDAY, 3 October, BVM on Saturday 7:00 AM † Fr. Dante Cecconi, CSJ 2:00—3:00 PM CONFESSIONS IN PLAYGROUND Readings for the Week of September 27 3:30 PM For the People of the Parish Monday: Jb 1:6-22; Ps 17:1bcd-3, 6-7; Lk 9:46-50 6:30 PM Español † Pilar Ramirez Tuesday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:7-12a; SUNDAY, 4 October, 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time Ps 138:1-5; Jn 1:47-51 Wednesday: Jb 9:1-12, 14-16; Ps 88:10bc-15; 7:30 AM †Rodolfo Gutierrez Lk 9:57-62 9:30 AM † Patricia Umukoro Thursday: Jb 19:21-27; Ps 27:7-9abc, 13-14; Lk 10:1-12 ST. THÉRÈSE OF THE CHILD JESUS (1873-1897) Friday: Jb 38:1, 12-21; 40:3-5; Ps 139:1-3, 7-10, October 1 13-14ab; Mt 18:1-5 “The cornerstone’s dated 1872, but the stained glass is Saturday: Jb 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17; Ps 119:66, 71, 75, much later,” explained the pastor, astonished when his visitor 91, 125, 130; Lk 10:17-24 accurately dated it to just before the Great Depression, ex- Sunday: Is 5:1-7; Ps 80:9, 12-16, 19-20; Phil 4:6-9; plaining, “The window for the Little Flower”—Thérèse’s Mt 21:33-43 nickname—“gives it away.” From her canonization in 1925, her statues and windows adorn most churches where Europe- an immigrants worshiped. Entering Carmel at fifteen, victim GUARDIANS FOR VALUABLE SOULS of tuberculosis at twenty-four, Thérèse proposed her “Little Way” to sanctity: doing ordinary tasks with extraordinary So valuable to heaven is love. Thus ordinary Catholics, many of whom had lost loved ones to tuberculosis, embraced her.
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