Offprint from Studying the Near and Middle East at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, 1935-2018 Edited by Sabine Schmidtke (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2018) IAS Scholars in Near and Middle Eastern Studies, Past and Present: A Directory IAS SCHOLARS IN NEAR AND MIDDLE EASTERN STUDIES, PAST AND PRESENT: A DIRECTORY This directory has been compiled on the basis of various sources. For the early years, The Institute for Advanced Study: Publications of Members 1930–1954 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1955) proved to be an excellent source. For the period 1933 through 1980, the publication A Community of Scholars: The Institute for Advanced Study, Faculty and Members 1930–1980 (Princeton: Institute for Advanced Study, 1980) has been consulted. For the period from 1980 through 1990, lists of members, visitors, and assistants in the Institute’s annual reports include information on the respective disciplines of the scholars, as do the annual photo directories of the School of Historical Studies that have been produced for the academic year 1987–1988 and from 1990–1991 onwards on an annual basis. The School of Social Science lists all of its past members and visitors, including their topics of research, on its website at https://www.sss.ias.edu/people/past-scholars, and its current scholars at https://www.sss.ias.edu/current-scholars-2017-18. Past members in Near Eastern and Islamic Studies in the School of Historical Studies since 1990 are listed at https://www.hs.ias.edu/islamic_past_members. In addition, the database that includes all IAS scholars, past and present, at https://www.ias.edu/scholars/all-scholars has been regularly consulted. Kazim Abdullaev, member in the Lahouari Addi, member in the School of Historical Studies, School of Social Science, 2002– 2004 (Archaeology and Art of 2003 (North African Anthro- the Hellenistic and Post- pology) Hellenistic Period in Central Rodrigo Adem, visitor to the School Asia) of Historical Studies (Shii Stud- Firouza Abdullaeva, member in the ies Research Program), 2017 School of Historical Studies, (Shii Studies) 2002 (Iranian Philology, Persian Asad Q. Ahmed, member in the Art, Persian Language and Liter- School of Historical Studies, ature, and Islamic Studies) 2010–2011 (Islamic Studies) Lila Abu-Lughod, member in the Engin Akarli, member in the School School of Social Science, 1987– of Historical Studies, 2003–2004 1988 (Feminist Theory and (Islamic Legal History in the Ot- Middle East Ethnography) toman Period) I. Tzvi Abusch, member in the Mustafa Aksakal, member in the School of Historical Studies, School of Historical Studies, 2003–2004 (Assyrology and An- 2011–2012 (Ottoman and Turk- cient Near Eastern Religion) ish History) xcix c SABINE SCHMIDTKE Mohammad Al-Asad, research assis- History and Islamic Law and tant in the School of Historical Legal Traditions) Studies, 1991–1993 (Islamic Ar- Sean Anthony, member in the chitectural History) School of Historical Studies, Kamran Ali, member in the School 2013–2014 (Early Islam and of Social Science, 1998–1999 Late Antiquity) (Regulating Bodies, Organizing Maroun Aouad, member in the Selves: Planning the Family in School of Historical Studies, Egypt) 1998–1999, 2004–2005 (Arabic Lori A. Allen, member in the School Philosophy) of Social Science, 2016–2017 (A Said A. Arjomand, member in the Genealogy of Political Proof: School of Social Science, 1984– Making Facts through Investiga- 1985 (State, Religion, and Revo- tive Commissions in Palestine, lution in Iran) 1919–2009) Mohammad Arkoun, member in the Magda Al-Nowaihi, member in the School of Historical Studies, School of Historical Studies, 1992–1993 (History of Islamic 1999–2000 (Classical and Mod- Thought) ern Arabic Literature) Mehmet-Ali Ataç, member in the Abdulrahman al-Salimi, member in School of Historical Studies, the School of Historical Studies, 2010–2011 (Ancient Near East- 2010–2011, 2018 (Islamic Stud- ern and Egyptian Art) ies) Aziz Suryal Atiya, member in the Eli Alshech, research assistant in the School of Historical Studies, School of Historical Studies, 1958–1959 (Coptic and Islamic 2002–2003 (Early Islamic Studies) Thought) Abeer Audeh, research assistant in Lalaie Ameeriar, member in the the School of Historical Studies, School of Social Science, 2016– 1991–1993 (Islamic Art and Ar- 2017 (Saving Muslim Women: chitecture) Forced Marriage and Honor Ami Ayalon, member in the School Killing among Muslim Immi- of Historical Studies, 2000–2001 grants in London, UK) (Reading Patterns and Their So- Lisa Anderson, member in the ciocultural Repercussions in School of Social Science, 1993– Modern Arabic-Speaking Socie- 1994 (Political Liberalization in ties) the Arab World) David Ayalon, member in the School Nathanael Andrade, member in the of Historical Studies, 1976– School of Historical Studies, 1977, 1992–1993 (Islamic Medi- 2012–2013 (Syriac Studies) eval History) Hassan Ansari, long-term member in John Baines, member in the School the School of Historical Studies, of Historical Studies, 2009–2010 since 2013 (Islamic Intellectual (Egyptology) IAS SCHOLARS: A DIRECTORY ci Elka Bakalova, member in the Historical Studies, 1983–1984 School of Historical Studies, (Ottoman Studies) 1998–1999 (Medieval History Robert N. Bellah, member in the and Islamic Art) School of Social Science, 1972– Shaul Bakhash, member in the 1973 (Islamic Religions) School of Social Science, 1981– Jonathan Berkey, member in the 1982 (Institutional Change in School of Historical Studies, Iran, 1921–1941) 1994–1995 (Medieval Islamic Jairus Banaji, member in the School History) of Historical Studies, 2006–2007 Paul Bernard, member in the School (Late Antiquity and Sasanian of Historical Studies, 1971–1972 History) (Iranian Archeology and Epigra- Alexander Bauer, member in the phy) School of Historical Studies, Alan Bernstein, member in the 2017 (Near Eastern Archaeolo- School of Historical Studies, gy) 2001–2002 (Comparative Histo- Mangol Bayat, member in the School ry of Belief in Hell in the Euro- of Historical Studies, 1995–1996 pean Middle Ages, including (Modern Middle East and Islam) Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Paul-Alain Beaulieu, member in the Beliefs) School of Historical Studies, Michal Biran, member in the School 2000–2001 (Assyriology and of Historical Studies, 2001–2002 Ancient Near Eastern Languages (Inner Asian Muslims and China and History) and the Muslim World) Adam Beaver, member in the School Harry Bone, research assistant in the of Historical Studies, 2014–2015 School of Historical Studies, (Spanish-Egyptian Relations in 1999–2000 (Early Islam and the the Late Middle Ages and Re- Near East in Late Antiquity) naissance) Antoine Borrut, member in the Aditya Behl, member in the School School of Historical Studies, of Historical Studies, 2007–2008 2016–2017 (Early Islamic Histo- (Islamic Studies and South Asia, ry and Historiography) Muslim Poetry and Sufi Gerhard Böwering, member in the Thought) School of Historical Studies, Haim Beinart, member in the School 1991–1992, 2005–2006 (Islamic of Historical Studies, 1986–1987 Intellectual History and (The Expulsion of Jews from Qurʾānic Commentary Spain in 1492) Literature) Nicoara Beldiceanu, member in the Glen W. Bowersock, visitor to the School of Historical Studies, School of Historical Studies, 1978–1979 (Turkic Languages) 1975; faculty in the School of Irène Beldiceanu-Steinherr, Historical Studies, 1980–2006; member in the School of emeritus in the School of His- cii SABINE SCHMIDTKE torical Studies, since 2006 Robert I. Burns, member in the (Greek, Roman, and Near East- School of Historical Studies, ern History and Culture) 1972 (Islam under the Crusad- James Henry Breasted, Jr., member ers: Colonial Survival in the in the School of Humanistic Thirteenth-Century Kingdom of Studies, 1939–1941 (Egyptology Valencia) and Near Eastern Archeology) Guillaume Calafat, member in the Yuri Bregel, member in the School School of Historical Studies, of Historical Studies, 1977–1978 2017–2018 (Corsican Families in (History of the Muslims in Southern Europe and Ottoman Central Asia) North Africa, 1550s–1650s) Sonja Brentjes, member in the Matthew Canepa, member in the School of Mathematics, 1994, School of Historical Studies, 1994–1995 (History of Science 2015–2016 (Ancient Iranian Art with a Focus on Institutions, and Archaeology) Mathematics, and Mapmaking in Steven C. Caton, member in the Islamicate Societies) School of Social Science, 1998– Benjamin Brower, member in the 1999 (“Anger be now thy song”: School of Social Science, 2007– The Study of and Event of War 2008 (The Mediterranean Ḥajj and Mediation in Yemen) under French Rule, 1798–1962) Ranabir Chakravarti, member in the Rainer Brunner, member in the School of Historical Studies, School of Historical Studies, 2005–2006 (History of Maritime 2004–2005, 2013–2014 (Islamic Trade of India in the Indian Modernism and Shiite Islam) Ocean in the Light of the Geni- za Documents) J. Christoph Bürgel, member in the School of Historical Studies, Michael Chamberlain, member in 2001–2002 (Medieval Arabic and the School of Historical Studies, Persian Prose and Poetry) 1994–1995 (Medieval Islamic History) Edmund Burke, III, member in the School of Social Science, 1989– Eric Chaney, member in the School 1990 (Collective Action in the of Social Science, 2012–2013 Making of the Modern Middle (Ethnic Cleansing and the Long- East); visitor to the School of Term Persistence of Exploitative Social Science, 2006–2007, Institutions: Evidence from the 2007–2008 (France and the So-
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