42 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE January 14, 1980 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Monday, January 14, 1980 The House met at 12 o'clock noon. tleman from New Jersey (Mr. RODINO) versary of the birth of Martin Luther The Chaplain, Rev. James David Ford, is recognized for 10 minutes. King, Jr. Many of us, as individual citi­ D.D., offered the following prayer: Mr. RODINO. Mr. Speaker, if Martin zens, will renew our commitment to the O Lord, we open our hearts to You in Luther King, Jr., had not been murdered fulfillment of his dream by reflecting on prayer and petition, seeking Your favor in 1968, if he were still alive, he would his magnificent life and work. and grace. Grant that Your word may so celebrate his 51st birthday tomorrow. On Friday, January 18 the Black Herit­ enlighten us that we may not walk in That seems surprisingly young, con­ age Parade Committee of. Newark will darkness, but that we may· go through sidering the passage of almost 12 years celebrate the memory of Dr. King at its difficult days with the knowledge that since his death. first annual Scholarship Award Dinner. You are with us, Your rod and staff do He was young, in fact, at the time he The members of the committee, through comfort us. was killed, only 39. their support of the Black Heritage Specially we pray for all in need, He was deprived of the great and good Scholarship Fund, are helping to keep those who are hungry, alone, or uncer­ years of what we call "middle age," and· alive the dream of Martin Luther King, tain about the future. Give all Your peo­ that loss is no less sad in light of his Jr. He told the youth of America that the ple the strength to believe in Your willingness, often expressed, to risk death message they should look to is not "burn abiding power and the promise of life in the fight for justice and freedom. baby burn," but "learn baby learn." eternal. Amen. It is equally sad that the Nation and I am proud of the efforts of the com­ the world have been deprived all these mittee's members toward the achieve­ years of the presence, the voice, and the ment of Dr. King's dream. It is fitting THE JOURNAL wisdom of Martin Luther King, Jr. that this event for the scholarship fund I know that I still miss his voice of in­ is taking place in the week of the anni­ The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursuant spired leadership, as deeply now as dur­ versary of Dr. King's birthday. to the provisions of House Concurrent ing the first months after his death. Resolution 232, 96th Congress, the ap­ I hope that after action by the Con­ But I also believe that the immense gress, all of us as a nation will be able to proval of the Journal of the last day's contributions of Martin Luther King, Jr., proceedings will be postponed until honor him by observing Martin Luther to the Nation and to humanity all live King, Jr. Day-a national holiday. January 22, 1980. on. The faith I expressed almost 5 years ago at a meeting of the Southern Chris­ SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED ANNOUNCEMENT OF INTENTION tian Leadership Conference endures for By unanimous consent, permission to NOT TO SEEK REELECTION me. I said then and fully believe now: address the House, following the legisla­ (Mr. HARSHA asked and was given They shot down the man-and they tive program and any special orders permission to address the House for 1 snuffed out his life-and the man died. But heretofore entered, was granted to: they could not shoot down his dream. For (The following Member <at the request minute and to revise and extend his his dream was stronger than life and more remarks.) powerful than death-and the dream lives of Mr. HORTON) to revise and extend his Mr. HARSHA. Mr. Speaker, at the con­ on. remarks and include extraneous mate­ clusion of my 10th term I will say a fond The man, Dr. Martin Luther King, was the rial:) farewell to the House of Representatives. , embodiment of an idea that armies cannot Mr. LIVINGSTON, for 60 minutes, on penetrate nor defeat, and which at this very The citizens of my district have af­ January 22, 1980. moment is as a.live as our memory of Dr. (The following Member <at the request forded me the highest possible honor in King and a.s powerful as the message he allowing me to serve them for 20 years, of Mr. KILDEE) to revise and extend his spoke and the ca.use he led. remarks and include extraneous mate­ and for that privilege, I offer them my rial:) undying gratitude. His message was vibrantly and elo­ quently articulated many times, perhaps Mr. RODINO, for 10 minutes, today. When I end that service at the close of most powerfully when he stood at the my present term, I shall do so with a Lincoln Memorial on August 28, 1963, feeling of deep appreciation for the and ended his description of his dream ADJOURNMENT tremendous and unfailing support I this way: Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I move have received and with a sense of im­ Let freedom ring, for when we allow free­ that the House do now adjourn. measurable personal fulfillment. dom to ring from every city and every ham­ The motion was agreed to; accordingly No district could have given to any let, from every state a.nd every city we will <at 12 o'clock and 3 minutes p.m.), pur­ man so many opportunities, responsibili­ be able to speed up that day when all of suant to House Concurrent Resolution ties, and such continuous support. God's children, black and white, Jew and 232, the House adjourned until Thurs­ I have enjoyed the challenges offered Gentile, Protestant and Catholic, will be day, January 17, 1980, at 12 o'clock noon. by public service, and I shall miss this able to join hands and sing in the words of great deliberative body. the old Negro spiritual, "free at la.st, free at la.st; great God almighty, we a.re free at la.st." ADDITIONAL SPONSORS I shall not seek reelection in 1980. That was the essence of his dream. It Under clause 4 of rule XXII, sponsors lives now in this land. And it will con­ were added to public bills and resolutions DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. tinue to live-if we devote our unwaver­ as follows: ing respect to the man who had the H.R. 6071: Mr. BEILENSON. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a faithful vision to describe it. H.R. 6072: Mr. BEILENSON. previous order of the House, the gen- Tomorrow, January 15, is the anni- H.R. 6109: Mr. WATKINS and Mr. COUGHLIN. D This symbol represents the time of day during the House Proceedings, e.g., D 1407 is 2:07 p.m. • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. January 14, 1980 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 43 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS VIKTOR BELENKO AND THE Reader's Digest Senior Editor John Bar­ You can: still go back, a.nd nobocl1f wm ron has spent hundreds of hours with Belen­ know. If you go, tt's forevef"_, MEANING OF FREEDOM ko, and in this. penetrating account describes He let the plane gllde downward, hoping flrst the whys and hows of the Russian's the descent would be so gradual that the escape, then the startling effects of a free radar controllers would not notice at first. HON. ROBERT K. DORNAN society on a hitherto imprisoned soul. At 19,900 feet, Belenko suddenly Jammed the o• CALD'OBNIA As he had clone every day except Sunday stick forward and plunged the MiG into a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES for four weeks, MiG pilot Viktor Ivanovich power dive toward the valley ahead, hurtling Belenko awoke early. · The flrst light was straight down to 100 feet. Here he would be Monda11. JanuaT1J 14. 1980 promising. He knew, almost certainly, th1s safe from the thickets of SAMs (surface-to­ e Mr. DORNAN. Mr. Speaker. I was would be the day. alr missiles) and anti-aircraft batteries. somewhat taken aback . earlier this Above the vast forests stretching along He thundered through the valley and in month when it was reported that_Presi- the coast of the Soviet Far East. the sky two minutes shot over the Sea of Japan, then .dent Carter had changed his assessments was cloudless. In all likelihood he would pushed an emergency button which broad­ fly as scheduled. Lieutenant Belenko figured cast a signal indicating his plane was on the of the goals and intentions of the Krem­ tt should all be over in the next six hours. verge of crashing. Seconds later he shut down lin leadership in the wake of their inva­ At age 29 we would be either dead or re· his radar and switched off his radio. He did sion of Afghanistan. Though I confess to born into a new world. not want to be distracted by what any pur­ being. somewhat· surprised at such a . The awareness that he was looking for the suers might be saying or doing. statement. I think that we all agree that last time at his pretty wife and three-year To avoid detection, Belenko flew so low such a change is certainly better late old son, both sleeping, evoked little emotion.
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