SHREE SAGHDHANAND DEVELAPERS To, Dar€: l5/082018 The Principal Secret!ry Stat€ Etrvirdnment Impact Ass€ssment Authority, Mahamshtn, Environment D€psrtment, Msntmlaya, . f;-1s\ra - *d',", Mumbai. Srale: lllshsrashtm. :r1. t ..-..f{ .",, : . S*.i.trC : Rcqu6t for Exprnsion h Ebvim:rm€trtal Clearrnce (Ec) for our Resid€ntirl & .:." -.- Development project rt village K{vesa., Wrghbil Road, Off Chodb$nder \1":. ' Road, Thane, State. MrbanshtrL R€f€rcnce : Received Eovimtrm€nt Cle.rrnc€ Letter No. SEAC - 201l/CR.573nC.2 dt. 20r January,20ll Dear Sir. With reference to the abov€ subject we would like to mention that we have receiv€d environmentat clearance for the above mentioned pmject. Due to the expansion in the proposal as per CR dated 02.05.2016 we would like to seek the expansion in the EC. W€ yould like to stress bere that the incrcase itr built-up ares in the expsnsion ponion is only by 8% .$sparcd fo rle errlier EC ss per the comparative trble urder mentioned for your r€{dy refer€dce No Dascription As per EC received dt Proposed Exprnsion in Remerk 20.0t.2011 EC I Total plot 31320.00 Sq. mt 13320.00 Sq. mt No change 2. Permissible 37231.64 Sq. mt 3944q21, W nt ,ProposJd 10. b€ increased Buih-up Area by 2208.57 sq. m1. due to as per FSI increase in permissible FSI as per GR dated 02.02.2016 3. Built'up Area 37108.73 Sq. mt 39412.93 Sq. mt Proposed to be increased as per FSI by 2304.20 sq. mt. due to increase in perm issible FSI Built-up Ares 25654.63 Sq. ml 28559.81 Sq. mt Proposed to be increased as per NON by 2905.18 sq. mt. due to FSi increase in built-up arca as Der FSI 5. Total 62763.36 Sq. rht . 61972.'74Sq.nt Proposed to be increased Constluction by 5209.38 Sq. ml. (N€r BuilluD Ar€a increase bv Eyo) 6. Building Total l0 Nos, of Totrl l0 Nos oI . No Change in nos. of details buildings buildings buildings TypeA,B&C TypeA,B&C . Proposed to be (Residenlirl with shops): (Residential with shops): increased by 3 nos, of Site: C -104, PAI,ACIA, N€ar Corsica BuildinS Behind Hiranandani Estate, Opp. S$'astik Regalia, Waghbil, Thqn€ We8t - 40o 615. 'tel I o22 2s975563. Mobile: 8o82ooooo5. Email : [email protected], shreesachdhanand.devdopers@gm4il com No Descrlpdon As p.r EC r.ceivd dt Propo$ed Erprosion in ReDarks 20.0r.20r r R' C + 17 Fbs each G+mFlrseach flooas TypeE,F,c,H,l&J TypeE,F,C,H,t&J . No change ,(B!!idcBtir0;q + | 6 Flrs {Rlsid€nthDr C + 16 Flrs . ,!.!{' i-:r:r :r .i:. qtll :. Typ€ D (Comrrerclsl): Typc D (Conurcrisl): C+2flls G+2flrs Clob House Club tlous€ 1, . Flats: 7(X Nos. Flatsi 707 Nos. Proposed to be inar€ased by 3 $os. of . Shopsl54 Nos. Shops:70:l{ot... .' .t. flob . Propos€d to be ' increased by 16 nos. of . 6hoD$ As therg is lllinhtal like also minimal. FORM –1 & 1A Expansion in Environment Clearance Of “Residential Development” At CTS no. S. no. 228, 227/4, 227/3, 227/2B, 227/2C, 226/1, 2, 3, 106 (PT) at village Kavesar, Thane. By M/s. Shree Sachdhanand Developers C-104, PALACIA, near Corsica building, behind Hiranandani Estate, opp. Swastik Regalia, Waghbil, Thane West FORM –1 Expansion in Environment Clearance Of “Residential Development” At CTS no. S. no. 228, 227/4, 227/3, 227/2B, 227/2C, 226/1, 2, 3, 106 (PT) at village Kavesar, Thane. By M/s. Shree Sachdhanand Developers C-104, PALACIA, near Corsica building, behind Hiranandani Estate, opp. Swastik Regalia, Waghbil, Thane West APPENDIX - I (See paragraph - 6) FORM 1 (I) Basic Information No. Item Details 1. Name of the project/s Expansion in Environmental Clearance (EC) for our Residential Development project at village Kavesar, Waghbil Road, Off Ghodbunder Road, Thane, State - Maharashtra 2. S. No. in the schedule 8a (B2) 3. Proposed capacity/ area/ length/ Total Plot Area: 33,320.00 Sq. mt. tonnage to be handled/ command Deductions: 11,330.09 Sq. mt. area/ lease area/ number of wells Net Plot area: 21,989.91 Sq. mt. to be drilled Built-up Area as per FSI: 39,412.93 Sq. mt. Total Construction Built -up Area: 67,972.74 Sq. mt. Project Proposal: Building number Building Configuration Flats/Shops Type A Gr/ST(PT) + 20 Floors Type B Gr/ST(PT) + 20 Floors Type C Stilt + 20 Floors Type D Ground + 2 Floors Flats: 707 Type E Stilt + 16 Floors Nos. Type F Stilt + 16 Floors Type G Stilt + 16 Floors Shops: 70 Type H Stilt + 16 Floors Nos. Type I Gr/ST(PT) + 16 Floors Type J Gr/ST(PT) + 16 Floors Club House Ground + 1 Floor -- 4. New/ Expansion/ Expansion in EC Modernization 5. Existing Capacity/ Area etc. • The project has received Environmental Clearance dated 20th January, 2011 • Total constructed work on site till date (FSI + Non FSI): 61,986.30 Sq. mt. 6. Category of project i.e.’ A’ or 8a (B2) ‘B’ 7. Does it attract the general Not Applicable condition? If yes, please specify. 8. Does it attract the specific Not Applicable condition? If yes, please specify. 9. Location Thane Plot/Survey/Khasra No. Plot bearing CTS no. S. no. 228, 227/4, 227/3, 227/2B, 227/2C, 226/1, 2, 3, 106 (PT) Village Kavesar Tehsil Thane District Thane State Maharashtra 10. Nearest railway station Thane Railway Station: Within 9.10 km Nearest airport Mumbai Chhatrapati Shivaji Airport: Within 36.20 km 11. Nearest Town, city, District Thane headquarters along with distance in kms. 1 Form 1- Expansion in EC for Residential development by M/s. Shree Sachdhanand Developers No. Item Details 12. Village Panchayats, Zilla Thane Municipal Corporation (T.M.C.) Parishad, Municipal Corporation, Local body (complete postal address with telephone nos. to be given) 13. Name of the applicant M/s. Shree Sachdhanand Developers 14. Registered Address C-104, PALACIA, near Corsica building, behind Hiranandani Estate, opp. Swastik Regalia, Waghbil, Thane West 15. Address for correspondence C-104, PALACIA, near Corsica building, behind Hiranandani Estate, opp. Swastik Regalia, Waghbil, Thane West Name Mr. Raja G Rochlani Designation (Owner/ Partner/ Partner CEO) Address C-104, PALACIA, near Corsica building, behind Hiranandani Estate, opp. Swastik Regalia, Waghbil, Thane West Pin Code 400602 E-mail [email protected] Mobile number 9870700003 Telephone No. -- Fax No. -- 16. Details of Alternative Sites Not applicable examined, if any. Location of these sites should be shown on a topo-sheet. 17. Interlinked Projects No 18. Whether separate application of Not applicable interlinked project has been submitted? 19. If yes, date of submission Not applicable 20. If no, reason Not applicable 21. Whether the proposal involves NOC from Wild Life Board is Not Applicable as per final Notification approval/ clearance under: if yes, reg. ESZ of SGNP published by MOEF & CC u/no. S.O.3645 (E) details of the same and their dated 05/12/2016 as our project site is not affected by the ESZ belt. status to be given (a) The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980? (b) The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972? (c) The C.R.Z Notification, 1991? 22. Whether there is any No Government Order/ Policy relevant/ relating to the site? 23. Forest land involved (hectares) Not applicable 24. Whether there is any litigation No pending against the project and/ or land in which the project is propose to be set up? (a) Name of the Court (b) Case No. (c) Order /directions of the Court, if any and its relevance with the proposed project. 2 Form 1- Expansion in EC for Residential development by M/s. Shree Sachdhanand Developers (II) Activity 1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.) No. Information/ Checklist confirmation Yes Details thereof (with approximate quantities/ / No rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 1.1 Permanent or temporary change in No The project site is in Residential Zone as per DP Plan land use, land cover or topography attached as Enclosure. including increase in intensity of land use (with respect to local land use plan) 1.2 Clearance of existing land, vegetation No -- and building? 1.3 Creation of new land uses? No The project site is in residential zone. 1.4 Pre-construction investigation e.g. Yes Geotechnical Investigation has been carried out; it is bore houses, soil testing? referred as Enclosure. 1.5 Construction works? Yes Residential development with shops 1.6 Demolition works? No -- 1.7 Temporary sites used for construction No Provision of temporary hutments with facilities like works or housing of construction drinking water, toilets etc. workers? 1.8 Above ground building, structures or Yes Construction waste shall be disposed to authorized earthworks including linear structures, landfill site. cut and fill or excavations 1.9 Underground works including mining No -- or Tunneling? 1.10 Reclamation works? No -- 1.11 Dredging? No -- 1.12 Offshore structures? No -- 1.13 Production and manufacturing No -- processes? 1.14 Facilities for storage of goods or Yes Temporary storage facilities on site to store the materials? construction raw material. 1.15 Facilities for treatment or disposal of Yes • Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) for treatment of solid waste or liquid effluents? sewage. Reuse of treated sewage for flushing (163 KLD), gardening (38 KLD) and Car wash (44 KLD) within the premises. • Disposal of excess treated sewage to proposed municipal sewer line.
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