NEW YORK STATE BOARD ON ELECTRIC GENERATION SITING AND THE ENVIRONMENT ______________________________________________ Application of Mohawk Solar LLC for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need Pursuant to Article 10 of the Public SServiceervice Law for Construction Case 17-F-018217-F-0182 of a Solar Electric Generating Facility in the Towns of Canajoharie and Minden, Montgomery County. ______________________________________________ PRE-FILED-FILED TESTIMONY OF PATRICK J. HEATON PRINCIPAL, CULTCULTURALURAL RESOURCES SERVICES ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN & RESEARCH, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE, ENGINEERING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, D.P.C. 17--FF--01820182—Pre—Pre-Filed-Filed Testimony (Patrick(Patrick J. Heaton)Heaton) 1 Q. PPleaselease state your full name, employeremployer(s),(s), and business address(es).address(es). 2 A. Patrick J. Heaton,Heaton, Environmental DesignDesign & Research, Landscape 3 Architecture, Engineering and Environmental Services, D.P.C. ("EDR"),(“EDR”), 4 217 Montgomery Street, Syracuse, New York 13202.13202. 5 Q. What is your current position? 6 A. Principal, Cultural Resources ServicesServices.. 7 Q. How long have you been employed with EDREDR?? 8 A. I have been employed with EDR since 2010.2010. 9 Q. Please describe your educational background and professional 10 experience.experience. 11 A. I received a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from Hartwick College in 12 1994.1994. I also received a Master of Arts in AnthropologyAnthropology from New York 13 University in 1999.1999. I have more than 20 years of experience in managing 14 cultural resources compliance, environmental permitting, and historic 15 preservation projects.projects. I also have significant experience with 16 transportation, energy transmission,transmission, and utility-scale-scale renewable energy 17 projects in New York, New England, Ohio, and Maryland. My current 18 curriculum vitae is attached and provides a full history of my relevant 19 professional experience. 20 21 1 of 4 17--FF--01820182—Pre—Pre-Filed-Filed Testimony (Patrick(Patrick J. Heaton)Heaton) 1 Q. What are your current responsibilities at EDREDR?? 2 A.A. In my current position,position, I am responsible for overseeing cultural resource 3 surveys, archaeological investigations, historic preservation planning 4 projects, and development of avoidance and/or mitigation strategies for 5 archaeological sites and historic properties.properties. IInn addition,addition, I managemanage and/orand/or 6 serveserve asas PrincipalPrincipal-in-in--ChargeCharge forfor eenvironmentalnvironmental permittingpermitting projects,projects, 7 includingincluding proposed solarsolar energyenergy projectsprojects inin NewNew York.York. 8 Q. Have you previously provided testimony to the New York Siting 9 Board on Electric Generation Siting and the Environment? 10 A. Yes.Yes. I provided testimony related to cultural resources surveys and visual 11 impact assessments for the Cassadaga Wind Project,Project, Galloo Island Wind 12 Project, Bluestone Wind Project, and the Baron Winds Project. 13 Q. Have you previouslypreviously served as an expert witness before any other 14 court, agency, or other body relative to the subject matter you plan to 15 offer testimony on in this prproceeding?oceeding? 16 A. Yes.Yes. I sponsored testimony regarding cultural resources investigations 17 conducted for the CentralCentral Hudson A and C Line Rebuild Project andand South 18 Fork Export Cable before the New York State Public Service 19 Commission.Commission. In addition,addition, I have provided testimony to the Public ServServiceice 20 Commission of Maryland related to a review of the environmental impacts 21 for the Great Bay Solar I Project. In addition, I have provided testimony 2 of 4 17--FF--01820182—Pre—Pre-Filed-Filed Testimony (Patrick(Patrick J. Heaton)Heaton) 1 before the Ohio Power Siting Board regarding the review of 2 environmental impactsimpacts (including cultural resourcesresources and visual impacts) 3 for the Icebreaker Wind Project. 4 Q. What isis the purpose of your testimony in this proceeding? 5 A. To sponsorsponsor certain Exhibits in Mohawk Solar’sSolar's ApplicationApplication for a 6 Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need in connectionconnection 7 with the proposed construction of a 90.5 MW solar generating facilityfacility in 8 the Towns of Minden and Canajoharie, Montgomery County,County, New York.York. 9 Q. What Exhibits, and/or other aspecaspectsts of the Application will you be 10 sponsoring?sponsoring? 11 A. I will be sponsoring the followingfollowing ExhibitsExhibits:: Exhibit 2, Overview and 12 Public Involvement; Exhibit 3, Location of Facilities;Facilities; Exhibit 9, 13 Alternatives;Alternatives; ExhibiExhibitt 10, Consistency with Energy Planning Objectives; 14 EExhibitxhibit 13, Real Property;Property; Exhibit 15, Public Health and Safety; Exhibit 15 17, AirAir Emissions; Exhibit 20, Cultural Resources; Exhibit 21, Geology, 16 SSeismologyeismology and Soils; Exhibit 28, Environmental Justice; ExhExhibitibit 32, 17 State Laws and Regulations; and Exhibit 33, Other Applications and 18 Filings. 19 Q. Were these portions of the Application preparedprepared by you, or under 20 your direction and/or supervision? 21 A. Yes. 3 of 4 17--FF--01820182—Pre—Pre-Filed-Filed Testimony (Patrick(Patrick J. Heaton)Heaton) 1 Q. Does this conclude your testimony? 2 A. Yes. 4 of 4 Patrick J. Heaton,Heaton, RPA Principal, Cultural Resources Services Patrick Heaton is a Principal and the Director of Cultural Resources at EDR. He is a Registered Professional ArchaeologistArchaeologist (RPA) with more than 20 years of experience managing cultural resources (i.e., archaeological and historic sites) compliance, environmental permitting,permitting, and historic preservation projects, and meets the Qualifications for the Secretary of the Interior'sInterior’s Standards for Archaeology and Historic Preservation (per 36 CFR 61). His primary areas of technical expertise include archaeology, cultural reresourcessources management, visual impact assessment, and environmental permitting compliance and strategy, including State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and Tribal consultation,consultation, Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA).(SEQRA). As Director of Cultural Resources, Patrick oversees cultural resources surveys, archaeological investigations, historic preservation planning projects,projects, and develops avoidance and/or mitigation strategies for archaeological sites and historic properties.properties. Mr. Heaton has significant experience with transportation,transportation, energy transmission, and utility-scale-scale renewable energy (wind and solar) projects in New York, New England, Ohio, and Maryland. educationeducation employmentemployment history Master of Arts, Anthropology,Anthropobgy, New York University, 1999. Principal,Principal, Cultural Resources Services, Environmental Design & Research, Landscape Architecture, Engineering and Environmental Services, D.P.C., Bachebr of Arts, Anthropobgy, Hartwidc College, 1994. Bachelor of Arts, Anthropology, Hartwick College, 1994. Syracuse, NY, 2013-present.-present. registration / certifications Project Manager, Environmental Design & Research, Landscape Architecture,Architecture, Engineering and Environmental Services, D.P.C., Syracuse, Registered Professional ArchaeobgistArchaeologist (RPA), 2000. NY, 2010-2013.2010-2013. Meets the Secretary of Interior'sInterior’s Standards for ArchaeobgyArchaeology andand Historic Associate, Principal Archaeologist, and Project Manager, John Milner Preservation (36 CFR Part 61). Associates, Inc., Croton-on-on-Hudson,-Hudson, NY, 2004-2010.2004-2010. professional affiliation.affiliations Project Archaeologist, John Milner Associates, Inc., CrotonCroton-on-on-Hudson,-Hudson, NY,NY, 2000-2004.2000-2004. Board of Directors,Directors, New York Archaeological CouncilCouncil,, 2018-present.-present. Graduate Teaching Assistant, Anthropology Department, New York Member,Member, Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology.Archaeology. University, New York, NY, 1997-2000.1997-2000. Member,Member, New York State Archaeological Association (NYSAA).(NYSAA). Research ConsultantConsultant,, Sass Conservation, Inc., Yonkers, NY,NY, 19981998-2000.-2000. Vice-President,-President, Board of Directors (2014-2016),(2014-2016), Preservation Association Field Archaeologist,Archaeologist, Various Firms, NY,NY, RI,RI, MA,MA, PA,PA, CTCT,, 19951995-1999.-1999. of Central New York (PACNY). Village of Fayetteville Historic Preservation Commission (2010-2014).(2010-2014). Executive Board (2006-2007),(2006-2007), Professional Archaeologists of New York City (PANYC).(PANYC). proprojectject experience Mohawk Solar, Montgomery County, NY-NY- Principal-in-in-Charge-Charge and Project Manager for environmental permitting studies for a proposed 90 MW solar energy facilityfacility,, the firstfirst solar project to pursupursuee a certificate of environmental compatibility and public need under Article 10 of the New York State Public Service Law. Services have included preparation of a Public Involvement Program Plan, Preliminary Scoping Statement, Article 10 Application, GIS data management and mapping, archaeological and historic resources surveys, wetland delineation,delineation, threatened and endangered species habitat assessment, avian surveys, agricultural land use analysis, socioeconomic
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