Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 156, 467–478. With 21 figures Karyological studies in Jaborosa (Solanaceae) FRANCO E. CHIARINI* and GLORIA E. BARBOZA Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal (CONICET-UNC), C.C. 495, 5000 Córdoba, Argentina Received 22 March 2007; accepted for publication 23 August 2007 Sixteen species of Jaborosa (Solanaceae), including eight endemic to Argentina, were studied karyologically. The numbers n = 12 and/or 2n = 24 were found in all species, the majority of the cases being new reports. Mitotic chromosomes were small- to medium-sized, the average length varying from 2.95 to 4.93 mm. All species had one to three chromosome pairs with satellites. The karyotypes, obtained for 13 species, were slightly asymmetrical: A1 ranged from 0.228 to 0.483, A2 ranged from 0.095 to 0.182, and Paszko’s asymmetry index ranged from 0.84 to 3.47. In all species, metacentric chromosomes were the most common, followed by submetacentrics, but subtelocentrics were rare. Morphological similarities and sectional arrangements were not reflected in either a principal compo- nents analysis plot or asymmetry index plot, but the species could be singled out by their karyotype formulae and the different karyotype parameters taken. In Jaborosa, a notably diversified genus, exo-morphological evolution has taken place, together with evident chromosome rearrangements, whose disposition is different and not as clear as in related genera. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 156, 467–478. ADDITIONAL KEYWORDS: Argentina – chromosomes – cytotaxonomy – meiotic numbers – mitotic numbers. INTRODUCTION ent clades (subfamilies with their tribes, in the tra- ditional sense) have been recognized. The family Solanaceae, with 92 genera (Hunziker, The focus of this work is centred on Jaborosa Juss. 2001), is one of the most important amongst the (subfamily Solanoideae Schltdl., tribe Jaboroseae Angiosperms, as it includes several species of great Miers), a South American genus that extends from economic, ethnobotanic, scientific, and ornamental southern Peru to southernmost Patagonia. It com- value, such as tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), chilli prises 23 species that inhabit the western Andean peppers (Capsicum spp.), tomato (Solanum lycoper- zone of the continent, with the exception of J. integri- sicum L.), eggplant (S. melongena L.), and potato folia Lam. and J. runcinata Lam., which grow in the (S. tuberosum L.). Other members of the family have basins of the Paraná and Uruguay rivers (Barboza & been useful to botanists in elucidating evolutionary Hunziker, 1987). Ten of these 23 species are endemic processes, such as chromosome speciation (Moscone, to Argentina and are present especially in the central 1992; Badr et al., 1997), reproductive biology (Bowers, and western dry areas of the country. The species of 1975; Whalen, 1978), cattle toxicology (McLennan & Jaborosa are frequently rhizomatous perennial herbs Kelly, 1984), and plant virology (Kim & Fulton, 1984). (except J. bergii and J. sativa, which are annual or In addition, many groups within Solanaceae have biennial), hemicryptophytes, or geophytes. Chemical been the subject of phylogenetic studies based on screenings of several of them have revealed the pre- either molecular or morphological data (Olmstead sence of withanolides, which are promising steroid & Palmer, 1992; Hala & Olmstead, 1996; Hoare & compounds with antitumoral activity (Mísico et al., Knapp, 1997; Olmstead et al., 1999), in which differ- 1997, 2002; Anjaneyulu, Rao & Lequerne, 1998; Nicotra et al., 2003). From the phylogenetic point of view, Jaborosa is related closely to Lycium L. and Nolana L.f. and more *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] distantly to the tribe Hyoscyameae (Olmstead & © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 156, 467–478 467 468 F. E. CHIARINI and G. E. BARBOZA Palmer, 1992; Hoare & Knapp, 1997; Olmstead et al., were examined in squashes of root tips that were 1999). The species of Jaborosa, formerly divided into obtained from germinating seeds. Seeds were soaked different genera (Himeranthus Endl., Lonchestigma for 24 h in running water, and then placed on moist Dunal, and Trechonaetes Miers), have been grouped filter paper in Petri dishes and incubated at 30 °C. by Barboza (1986) and Barboza & Hunziker (1987) Root tips, collected after 1 day, were pretreated in into a single genus on the basis of many morpho- saturated p-dichlorobenzene in water for 2 h at room anatomical and palynological traits. Considering temperature, fixed in 3 : 1 ethanol–acetic acid, and mainly pollen features, these authors divided Jabo- stained with alcoholic hydrochloric acid carmine rosa into two sections: Jaborosa sect. Lonchestigma (Snow, 1963). Permanent mounts were prepared fol- (Dunal) Wettstein, with colporate pollen grains lowing the methods of Bradley (1948) or Bowen (1956). having reticulate exines, and Jaborosa sect. Jaborosa, To make the different mitotic chromosome measure- with porate grains having smooth exines. ments, at least ten metaphases of each accession were Although several chromosome studies have been photographed with a Leica DFC 300 FX camera made in Solanaceae with profitable results (Ber- mounted on an Axiophot microscope with phase con- nardello & Anderson, 1990; Moscone, 1992; Moscone trast illumination. The measurements taken for each et al., 1995, 2003; Sheidai, Mosallanejad & Khatam- chromosome pair were as follows: s (short arm), l (long saz, 1999; Acosta & Moscone, 2000; Acosta et al., arm), and c (total chromosome length). The arm ratio 2005; Chiarini & Bernardello, 2006), available infor- (r = l/s) was then calculated and used to classify the mation on these aspects in Jaborosa is relatively chromosomes as recognized by Levan, Fredga & Sand- scarce. Until now, the chromosome numbers of only berg (1964). In addition, the total haploid chromosome five species were known (Ratera, 1943; Vignoli, 1945; length of the karyotype (tl), based on the mean chro- Rahn, 1960; Moore, 1981) and karyotypes were mosome length for each accession, average chromo- lacking for all members of the genus. This is unfor- some length, and average arm ratio were calculated. tunate as chromosome numbers and karyotype infor- When necessary, data comparisons between acces- mation are important in the study of evolutionary sions were made by means of analysis of variance patterns (Raven, 1975) and can be as systematically (ANOVA) tests. To look for associations between pairs of useful as morphological features (Stebbins, 1958, karyotype variables, linear regression tests were per- 1971). Indeed, the karyotypes of several species of formed. The length measurements were used to con- Atropa and Lycium (Stiefkens & Bernardello, 1996, struct the karyotype of each accession, when the data 2000, 2002; Badr et al., 1997) and of species of the were sufficient, the chromosomes being organized less closely related genera Anisodus, Przewalskia, according to Bernardello & Anderson (1990). Karyo- Atropanthe, and Hyoscyamus (Sheidai et al., 1999; Tu type asymmetry was estimated using the indices A1 et al., 2005) are available and reveal different pat- (intrachromosomal asymmetry index) and A2 (inter- terns of chromosome evolution. This type of analysis chromosomal asymmetry index) of Romero Zarco is bound to become more important when more (1986), and the coefficients CVCL (coefficient of varia- molecular data on chromosome organization and size tion of chromosome length), CVCI (coefficient of varia- have been collected. Indeed, these studies are prelimi- tion of centromeric index), and AI (karyotype nary to any attempt to produce a phylogeny for a asymmetry index) of Paszko (2006). Principal compo- specific plant group. nents analysis (PCA) was used to reveal karyotype Given this situation, the aims of this work were as similarities between the taxa [considered as opera- follows: (1) to make meiotic and mitotic counts in tional taxonomic units (OTUs)]. For this purpose, the species of Jaborosa, as well as karyotypes, when following variables, which do not implicate chromo- possible; and (2) to reach a better understanding of some homologies, were employed: tl, c, r, A1, A2 and the the intergeneric and interspecific systematic relation- number of satellited pairs (sat). INFOSTAT version ships of the genus. 1.1 (Infostat Group, 2002) was employed in all the analyses involving numerical data. MATERIAL AND METHODS RESULTS All species analysed were collected in the field in their natural habitats in Argentina. Vouchers are kept at The gametic numbers of 18 accessions of 12 species the Museo Botánico de Córdoba herbarium (CORD). are given in Table 1. Figures 1–5 show some of the Table 1 includes the specimens studied and their col- meiotic chromosomes found. All species have n = 12. lection data. Meiotic chromosomes were observed in The length of bivalents averages from 1.5 mmin pollen mother cells from squashed young anthers, J. odonelliana to 3.75 mminJ. araucana (Fig. 3). fixed in a 3 : 1 ethanol–acetic acid mixture for 12 h The somatic numbers of 17 accessions of 13 and stained with acetocarmine. Mitotic chromosomes species were obtained. Figures 6–19 illustrate the © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 156, 467–478 KARYOLOGICAL STUDIES IN JABOROSA 469 Table 1. Collection data of the material studied, and mitotic and meiotic counts of Jaborosa species
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