a 1 abuk TAGABAWA-ENGLISH DICTIONARY Carl D. DuBois Summer Institute of Linguistics July 13, 2016 For someone (SF:actor m-) to make do with something A (OF:patient -n). Igabé dé igkan. We went ahead to eat it a pron. (First person singular, set 1) I. anyway. Atin ándà ássa, abén ta aán (var. of ahà + -án) dád ni kannun. If there is no other, we will just have to make abas n. Measles. do with this one. v. For someone (IDF:st.loc. k--an) to be afflicted with measles. abô [a’bô ], ébô, ibô conj. So that. abasán (derv.) n. Someone abri (Sp. abri) v. For someone (SF:actor who is afflicted with measles. m-) to open something (???:???) (door) somewhere or to abád n. Welts from whipping. something (DF:dir. -han) v. For someone or something (a abu n. Ashes. whip) (ISF:st.actor/inst. mak-) to Hearth. [The place in the kitchen inflict welts. where the cooking fire is built.] For someone (IDF:st.loc. k--dan) to v. For someone (SF:actor m-) to be afflicted with welts from clean something (kettle) whipping. cf. lagpás {PL} (DF:dir. -wan) with ashes. abál v. For someone (SF:actor m-) to cf. siggang weave cloth abug 1 [a’bug ] (Ceb.) n. Dust on ground (OF:patient=all -lán). or floor. For someone (SF:actor m-) to weave v. For something (IDF:st.loc. k--an) cloth (DF:loc.=part -lan). to be dusty. cf. barukbuk inabál (derv.) n. Cloth woven abugán (derv.) n. Something of abaca fiber. that is dusty. abé v. For someone (SF:actor m-) to abug (Ceb. abug) v. For someone proceed or continue to do 2 something (OF:patient -n). (SF:actor m-) to chase or drive For someone (SF:actor m-) to go away someone or something ahead to do something (OF:patient -án). {GI} (OF:patient -n) in spite of abuk [a’buk ] n. Pieces. contraindications. abul 2 agak Units (when counting). Igtug dé tô kinaadiyan batà (derv.) n. abuk. We roasted the pieces. The youngest child. v. For someone (SF:actor m-) to do something with an entire piece adi 2 post ptl. Believe-it-or-not. of something (OF:patient -án). With certainty. abul [a’bul ] n. OneÆs knee. Definitely. Instead. {Used to assert emphatically abunu n. Fertilizer. that something is true, to give v. For someone (SF:actor m-) to assurance of veracity to the apply fertilizer (OF:patient -n) statement; also used in a reply as to crops (DF:loc. -wan). a correction or affirmation to the abut (Ceb.) n. The result. contrary.} Délák dád adi yan The product. balé dé! That house of ours is definitely only a small one! Dì *adap (see pangadap) adi. Certainly not. adat (see dat) adól v. For someone (SF:actor m-) to strip adák v. For someone (SF:actor m-) to (himself) naked. smell or sniff something For someone (SF:actor m-) to (DF:loc. -kan). remove his clothing For someone (SF:actor m-) to kiss (OF:patient -án) from his own someone (DF:loc. -kan) body (DF:loc. -an). (effected by sniffing). For someone (SF:actor m-) to strip For people (RSF:actors p--ké) to kiss someone else (DF:dir. -an) each other. cf. ngadág naked. Yakag padani kanan su gadól áskandin, na mallutù é addat n. Respect. mata din. DonÆt go near that v. For someone (SF:actor m-) to one because he strips naked respect someone (DF:loc. -an). and his eyes are red. cf. lusut cf. adap aduy excl. Ouch! adélpa (Sp. adelfa) n. Nerium indicum Oleander. {A shrub that has agad adv. Even. highly poisonous sap, pink or Ever. Agad dángngan, yan gó ég white blossoms, and is used lumun din. Even earlier that was medicinally to treat skin indeed her character. disease.} agad ánda subord. conj. Wherever. Agad adi 1 n. OneÆs younger sibling. ánda é gukitan dan. Wherever The youngest sibling. they go. Someone who is younger than agad ándin subord. conj. Whatever. someone else. The inner sections of an abaca stalk. agad pira subord. conj. However many. v. For a woman (ISF:st.actor mak-) agad sadan subord. conj. Whoever. to conceive a child agak v. For someone (SF:actor m-) to assist (OF:patient -n) subsequent to someone (lame, elderly, blind, another previous child child) (OF:patient -án) walking. (DF:loc. -yan). {PL} agas 3 agtud agas v. For a liquid (SF:actor m-) to flow agkót v. For someone (SF:actor m-) to or leak out from something impose ??? oneself on someone (container) (DF:loc. -an) (as (DF:loc. -an). blood from the vagina during a For someone (SF:actor m-) to move miscarriage). in with someone (DF:loc. -an). agaw (Ceb.) n. OneÆs cousin (first or agó 1 adv. Perhaps. second). cf. imaluy Maybe. aggal n. The duration (a long period of Possibly. time). Lest (indicating apprehension). The extent (of time or distance). Hopefully. Agó marapung dan The continuance. Aggal ta pô muras madun dini. Perhaps many ák pinggan. We still have time people will come here. Agó to wash the dishes. dabuan dan ka bumba. Lest bombs fall on them. Agó aggán v. For someone (SF:actor m-) to makatabang a kanan batà yu. carry or bear something heavy Hopefully I can help your child. (OF:patient -nán). Makaggán ka cf. basì kanan? Can you carry it? Dì pakaggán tô karabó katô agó 2 v. For someone (SF:actor m-) to take piniddan. The carabao cannot something (OF:patient -n) away carry the load. from someone (DF:loc. -AWan) *aggár (see ággár) by force. For people (RSF:actors p--AWé) to *aggát 1 (see ággát) fight over possession of something. {PL} cf. dagmit aggát 2 adj. m- Excited. Maggát áskandin su dì dán pakatudug. She is agó-agó v. For someone (SF:actor m-) to excited because she canÆt snatch something sleep. (OF:patient -n) away from adv. m- Severely. someone (DF:loc. -wan). Stringently. agpát 1 v. For someone (ISF:st.actor mak-) Urgently. to understand or comprehend Forcefully. something (IDF:loc. k--tan). *aggut (see ággut) Ikagpát ka? Do you understand? cf. inagpát agit (Ceb. hagit) v. For someone (SF:actor m-) to dare someone agpát 2 v. For someone (SF:actor m-) to (OF:patient -án) to do something meet someone (OF:patient -tán) (fight, contest). at a certain place (DF:loc. -tan). For someone or something (SF:actor {PL} cf. sumar m-) to tempt someone (OF:patient -án). Tô malutù agtà v. For someone (SF:actor m-) to chase manggà gagit kanak. The ripe or pursue something or someone mangoes tempted me. cf. pid (OF:patient -án) somewhere (DF:loc. -an). cf. lupug agtud [ag’tud ] v. For something (as knuckles or tree or house) agud 4 akasya (SF:actor m-) to make a who will win. Ahaan tak kutu. cracking sound. LetÆs inspect (each other?) for agtudán (derv.) n. A cracking lice. cf. sállág {PL} sound (as a tree makes during ahu v. For someone (SF:actor m-) to enter a storm). a place (DF:loc. -wan). For someone (SF:actor m-) to put agud [a’gud ], akud excl. Really. something (OF:patient -n) inside No wonder!. something (DF:loc. -wan). ThatÆs why. For thoughts (ISF:st.actor mak-) to ThatÆs the reason. enter oneÆs mind. ‡ndin é Of course. Agud ta marapung ikahu tun ta ulu nu na minému manubù, su duwán kasal. nu? What entered your mind to ThatÆs why there are so many make you do such a thing? people, because thereÆs a cf. dalám wedding. ahus (Ceb.) n. Andropogon sativum Garlic. agung n. A brass gong. cf. bawang agut (Ceb. hag-ut) v. For someone akap v. For someone (SF:actor m-) to spy (SF:actor m-) to harvest abaca on someone (OF:patient -án). (OF:patient -án) somewhere Archaic cf. pamasak (DF:loc. -an). cf. taksì, bira kakap (derv.) n. A spy agutan (derv.) n. An abaca (archaic). stripper (an apparatus or machine for stripping abaca). akar, akal v. For someone (SF:actor m-) to trick someone (OF:patient -án or agutan [agu’tan ] (from agut) n. An abaca DF:loc. -an). [DF may be stripper. {An apparatus or preferred use.] Archaic machine for stripping abaca.} cf. limbung agwa (Sp.) n. Perfume. {PL} akas v. For someone (SF:actor m-) to untie ahà v. For someone (SF:actor m-) to or untangle something tied (as observe something thread) (OF:patient -án) from (OF:patient -án) somewhere something (as clothing) (DF:loc. -an). (DF:loc. -an). For someone (SF:actor m-) to look at For someone (SF:actor m-) to take something or someone something apart (as clothing or a (OF:patient -án). house) (OF:patient -án). Akasán For someone (SF:actor m-) to inspect ku pa tô igtabbir ku umpak su (go to look at) something madat é katabbir. I will take the (OF:patient -án) somewhere stitches of my dress apart (DF:loc. -an). because the stitching is bad. For someone (SF:actor m-) to check cf. gábbà, rugnas up on someone (Of:patient -án) akasya n. Leguminosae acacia An acacia (such as a hospital patient). tree (of the pea family or Ahaán ta dád ka sadan é sometimes called mimosa). {In manalu. LetÆs just observe southeast Asia the tree yields akén 5 alát catechu, used in dyeing, tanning For someone (SF:actor m-) to fence and in medicine as an out something (as animals) astringent.} (DF:loc. -an). Archaic cf. kural akén v. For someone (CSF:causer p-) to act alagad v. For someone (SF:actor m-) to like someone else.
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