UNITEDSTATESBUREAUOFEDUCATION BULLETIN, 1913: NO. 1 . - WHOLENUMBER 508 MONTHLYRECORDOFCURRENT EDUCATIONALPUBLICATIONS COMPILED BYTHE LIBRARYDIVISION OFTHE BUREAUOF EDUCATION,UNDER THEDIREC- TION OFJOHN D.WOLCOTT,ACTINGLIBRARIAN JANUARY,1913 I WASHINGTON. GOVERNMENTPRINTING OFFICE 1913 \ ?Jo coSA- -EW'F'5.--------1VITS yt A Co a. JAN -9 1914 rst,'3 -reiL31_ 7 MONTHLY RECORD OFD CURRENTEDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS. INTRODUCTORY NOTES. Same especially significant books listed during thepast month sire ihe following: Dreyer, Greek education; Porker, Textbookin the his- tory of modern elementary education: Watson, Vives and themiles- cence education of women;. Andrews, Introduction to study of ado- lescent education: Rice, Scientificmanagement in education; Rusk, Introduction to experimental education; Binet and Simon,Method a measuring the development of the. intelligence ofyoung children, ranslated by Clara H. Town-7' Carney, Country lifeand the country 1 school; Parkin, Rhodes scholarships; Baldwin, Relationsof education to citizenship; Whitehouse, Problems of boy life; Cope, Efficiencyin lie Sunday school; I forder's Lexikon der padagogik,Band 1. Among I he periodical articles deserving attention are Kovalevskyon The lluma and public instruction; Snedden Training of high-schoolteachers; Maxwell, My ideals as supe.rintendent: and Cooley,. Need for voca- . timid schools. Books, pamphlets, etc., intended for inclusion in this Tonishould he sent to the library of.e Bureau of Education, Washington,D. C. PUBLICATIONS OF ASSOCIATIONS. 1. Conference on the conservation of school. Children.Conservation of school children.Being the papers and discussions of a conference at Lehigh uni- versity, April 3 and.4, 1912, under the auspices of the American academy of medicine, together with sev;ral papers (not presehted to the Conference) opreparN for this.volume.Easton, Pa., Printed for the American academy of medicine, 1912.293.p.8°.(Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Ameri- can academy of medicine ) Contains: P. A. W. Edson: how far Isbell the public school system care for the feeble-minded? p. 28-35.2. 3. 11. Van Bickle: How far shall the public school system care for the feeble- minded' p. 36-40. I 3. E. B. McCready: now far shall the public school system care for the feeble-minded? p. 41-62.4. 0. It. Lovejoy: Child labor vs. the conservation of school children, p. 63-72.5. Percy Iftighes: Teaching hygiene: what should be taught? From the teacher's viewpoint,p. 79-91.6. W. 8. Steele: Teaching of hygiene- methods in vogue, p. 92-98.7, Louis Nusbaum, Dow should hygiene be taught? p. 99-110.8. T. D. Wood: Education for better parenthood, p. 111-20.9. Bolan C. Putnam: Education for parenthood, p. 121-31.10. J. F. Edwards: Medical inspection of gaols from the point of view of the health oflicer, p. 138-47.11. 1'. A. Storey: Medical inapoetionsof schools from the standpoint of the educator, p. 148-67.12.I. 8. Wile: The relative physical advantages of School lunches in elementary and secondary schools, p. Ago, 13. L. T. Royster: The subnormal school child, p.194 -200.14. W. S. Hall: The teach- ing of social ethics, and Its relation to the conservation of the child, p. 201-15.IS. Mary E. Bates: The Colorado method/or the examination and care of public school children, p. 216-37.16. E. B. 41. The teacher's relation to health supervision In schools, p. 241-48.17. Frank Ailport: The school nurse, it. 249-b4.. 18. T. W. Qrsyson: Open-air schools, p. 366-60.19. IC W. flood- - mouth: Medical Inspection of schools, p. 261-47.10. F. S. Tuckerritim: Manapment, mainte- nance and eflicienoy of the school tot nipples in Cleveland, p. 275-78. 70619-13 4 CURRENT EDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS. 2. Congress of the universities of the Empire. London, 1912.Report of pro- ceedings. ed. by Alex F1 ill, secretary to the rengreer.London, Pub. for the Congress by the University of London press. Dodder ctf.., Stoughton, 1912. xlii, 464 p.4 °.. Contains: I. Specialization among universities: Sir Alfred Hopkinson, T. Herbert Warren. 2. Intel - university arrangements for pabt-graduate and research students: William Peterson. 3. The relation of universii ice to technical and professional education and to education for the public services: Arthur Smithells, S. M. Leaches.4. Interchange of univaellity teachers: J. W Barrett.z. The problem of universities in the East in regard to their Influence on charucter and morol)deals: Sir F. 11Lugard, J. C. R. Ewing,0. Residential facilitiS, including isilleges and hostels in connection with universit F. Ii. Surgunt.7. Conditions of entrance to MI iVel SOWS and th; possibility of equivalence and 111111ual recognition of entrance tests 'o degree courses: P. E Matheson.b. Action of universities in relation I, the afterssreers of their at dents: Roberts, Mies M. 0. Spenver.9. Provision of courses of study and examinat iuns for other than degree studeuts, Including unit emit y extension and tutorial class work, etc.. J. A. R. Marriott, D. II. S. Cramp,.to. The establishment of a central bureau: Its constitution and functions: 0. R. Parkin., II. The position of women in universities: Miss II. M. White. 12. RePresentat ion of teachers and graduates on the governing hotly ul a universit y: Sir James Donaldson. An extended discussion follows each topic. The appendices contain a Summary of returns of information supplied by the several universities hearing upon oho subjects dis- cussed at the Congress. 3. Deutscher kongress-ffir jugendbildung and jugendkunde.Erster I )euteeher kongress filr jugend Hid wig and jegendk mole zu Dresden ant0.. 7. UndS oktobcr 1911.I.-11. teil.Leipzig end Berlin, B. Teubner. 1912.2 v. S°.(A rbeiten des Itundes fiir schtilrefone. allgempirien deutsche!)vet.- bandes f. erziehtinp- IIunterricbtswesen.) I 4. South Dakota educational association.Proceedings of the twmity-iiintli annual session. held atPierre. Nov. 27-28-29, 1911.Pierre, South Dakota, Published by the.:xectitivema»niilleo. 207)p. S°. F Mandel.. corresponding secretary, Pierre, S. Dalc.) Contains: I. J. W.. Mallon: Public school agriculture, p. 52. 2. (1. Lawrence: h, country' school problem, p. 3. S. F. Kerfoot. What is due tug college from the high school, p. 70-82.4. J. W. McClinton: What the high school expects of the college, p. 143-87. 5. Dille E. Wimple: The Influence and extension of school work outside and beyond the walls of the school room, p. 91-95.0. F. L. Shaw: The county.superintendent's authority,p. 100-10.1. 7. K. Overlitilse: What can be done to improve the county normal institute? p. S. Joseph. Swenson: The rural school of the future, p. 117-22. 9. A. N. flume: Agr,levitum In the public schools, p. 123-37.10. W. F. RasChe: The playground, a factor in the public school, p. 145-51. 11. Theodore Saam: Difference In qualifications for high school and primary teachers. p. 172-77.f2. C. R. Goff: The duties and obligations of the school board, p. 195-2n0. 5. Southern sociological congress.The callof the new South.Addres-c- delivered at the Southern sociological congress, Nashville, Tennessee, Nlay 7 to 1912.Ed.byJames E. McCulloch.Nashville, Southern soy', /- logical congress, 1912.387 Included sections on Child welfare, Education, etc. 6. Virginia.ktiversity. Conference for the sfudy of problerhs of rural life. Rural held at the Univemit y of Virginia summer school, Jul y to 20,1912. Charlottesville, Va., University of Virginia pre -m. 1912..R63 172 p 9°. (Alumni bulletin of the University of Virginia, vol. 5, no. 4, August 1912. Contains: I. T. 0. sandy: blow the country boy can make a suetsswiftil farmer, p. :one. 94. 2. Bradford Knapp: New activities of rural Miami ion, p. 306.4M.1. T. 9.nettle: ma)toil athletics for Virginia country sehoolgiblidren. p. 404407.4. Henry Israel: The new military IQsmovement as the l'oung men's Christianassociationis championing It.p. 413-21, 5. Ella Agnew: filris* canning clubs, p. 421-24.6. II. F. Cope. Educatimi through social organitation.t,p. 42s In: John Munroe: The agricultural high school. p. 451-50. CUlttIE NT EOUCATIONArl. PUBLICATIONS. 5 NEW PERIODICALS. Akademiache rundschau. Zeit Ahrift fiir day gesainte hohsehulwesen und die akadvalischen berufostande.Vol. 1,no.I,thtober 1912.Published monthly.Leipzig.ennui' y. - .44. American teacher.Vol. 1, no. 1, January. 1912.Published monthly, except July and August, New York. N.Y. 9. Johns Hopkins alumni magazine. Vol.I. no. 1, November 1912.Published four times duiing the academic year, ltallinlore, Md. 10. Philippine craftsman.Vol.I nu. 1. July 1912.Published monthly, except March, April, and May. by Bureau of education, Manila. P. 1. 11 Revista de educacion. Vol. 1. 114).I, April 1912.Published monthly.Quito, Ecuador. Revista universitaria.Vol. 1, no. I. July 1912.Cuzco, Peru. 1:1 School.Cola 1, no. I, September 1912.Published monthly, except July and August, 1 versit y Tonni to, Toronto, Canada. 11 Social center.Vol. 1, no. 1, November 1912.Published monthly, New York, N. I.rOssian Lane. editor and publisher. BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, PERIODICAL ARTICLES. GENERAL REFERENCE WORKS. 1., Lexikon der pinlagngik. litiverein unitfachmannern weduler besondmer mil wir,kung von 1 1r. Otto Willntanu hrsg. von Ernst M. Roloff.Erster hand. A bbiut, his Korstechulen.Preilum.: int Hudson. Ilerderscheerlagshand- lung. 191:1.xvii p., 1311, till. -1. EDUCATIONAL HISTORY. Ii;. Dreyer, James.. Greek education; its practice andprinciples.Cambridge. University press, 1912.107 p.12'. I;I,a lutte seolaire en France au dixnetivieme siecle; lecons profeeseess l'Eeole des hautes etudes sociales, par M11. F. Buisson, I,. ('ahen, A. Dessoye,E. Four- Latreillej R. Lobe y, Roger ('h. Seignobos, ('h. Schmidt, J. 'rchernofi, E. Toidey, avec one introductionpar AI. .Letaconnoux. Paris. F. Alvan. 1912.xix, 284 p.8°.(llibliothisque genilale des sciences sociales.) Is.
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