U, Th AND K DISTRIBUTIONS INFERRED FROM REGIONAL GEOLOGY AND THE TERRESTRIAL RADIATION PROFILES IN INDIA „„ .,_„„, A.V. Sankaran • B. Jayaswal K.S.V Nambi • CM. Sunta Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, U, Th AND K DISTRIBUTIONS INFERRED FROM REGIONAL GEOLOGY AND THE TERRESTRIAL RADIATION PROHLES IN INDIA A.V. Sankaran • B. Jayaswal K.S.V. Nambi - CM. Sunta Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Trombay, Bombay 400 085, India 1986 CONTENTS 1. Abstract 5 2 Introduction 6 3. Procedure for Deriving Radiation Profiles 7 4. Isodose Map of India 7 5. Computer Graphics for Drawing 3-D Maps 8 6. Regionwise Radiation Profile 10 Southern Region 10 Western Region 12 Northern Region 14 Eastern Region 16 North Eastern Region 17 Off-shore Island 19 7. Comparison with On-site TLD Measurement 20 8. Conclusions 21 9. References 102 LIST OF FIGURES 1 Isodose Map of India 24 2 Terrestrial Radiation Map (3-D Graphics) 25 3 Terrestrial Radiation Map (3-D Colour Graphics) 26 4 Terrestrial Radiation Map of India (Colour) 27 5, 6 Tamil Nadu & Kerala 28 7, 8 Andhra Pradesh 29 9,10 Karnataka & Goa 30 11 Radiation Maps of Southern Regional States (Colour Graphics) 31 12,13 Maharashtra 32 14, 15 Gujarat 33 16, 17 Rajasthan 34 18 Radiation Maps of Western Regional States (Colour Graphics) 35 19. 20 H.P., Punjab, Haryana & Delhi 36 21. 22 Jammu & Kashmir 37 23, 24 Uttar Pradesh 38 25,26 Madhya Pradesh 39 27 Radiation Maps Of Northern Regional States (Colour Graphics) 40 28, 29 Orissa 41 30, 31 Bihar & West Bengal 42 32, 33 North Eastern States 43 34 Radiation Maps of Eastern and North Eastern Regional States (Colour Graphics) 44 35 Andamans (Colour Graphics) 45 LIST OF TABLES 1 Geologic Time Scale 47 Terrestrial Radiation in Southern Region 2. Andhra Pradesh 48 3. Tamil Nadu & Pondicheri 50 4. Kamataka &Goa 51 5. Kerala 53 Terrestrial Radiation in Western Region 6. Maharashtra 55 7. Gujarat 57 8. Rajasthan 59 Terrestrial Radiation in Northern Region 9. Himachal Pradesh. Punjab. Haryana. Delhi 62 10. Jammu & Kashmir 65 11. Uttar Pradesh 69 12. Madhya Pradesh 72 Terrestrial Radiation in Eastern Region 13. Orissa 74 14. Bihar 77 15. West Bengal 79 Terrestrial Radiation in North Eastern Region and Offshore Islands 16. Arunachal Pradesh 81 17. Assam 84 18. Manipur 86 19. Meghalaya 87 20. Mizoram 89 21. Nagaland 90 22. Tripura 91 23. Andaman Islands 92 24. Inferred and On-site Measured Values of Terrestrial Radiation 93 25. All India Distribution of Terrestrial Radiation 101 U Th AND K DISTRIBUTIONS INFERRED FROM REGIONAL GEOLOGY AND THE TERRESTRIAL RADIATION PROFILES IN INDIA A.V. Sankaran (Spectroscopy Division), B. Jayaswal (Reactor Services Division) K.S.V. Nambi (Health Physics Division) C. M. Sunta (Health Physics Division) BHABHA ATOMIC RESEARCH CENTRE, TROMBAY, BOMBAY-400 085 ABSTRACT Terrestrial radiation.i.e., gamma radiation emanating from uranium, thorium and potassium contents of the ground matter.forms a major but significantly varying, component of the natural background radiation. While accurate radiometric surveys using scintillometers or thermoluminescence dosimeters are possible, preparation of a comprehensive terrestrial radiation map is a tedious task to undertake. On the other hand, a quick and reasonable estimate of such a radiation profile can be obtained from the typical abundances of radioelements in the rocks exposed in different parts of the country. Such estimates from as many as 4100 sites covering the entire country using base Geological Maps (Scale 1:2,250,000) divided into 28 kms interval grids were prepared and with the help of a specially developed software for generating computer 3-D graphics, multicoloured as well as monotone (black) maps, were prepared bringing out the fluctuating profile of radiation across the individual States and the country as a whole. Also the details of the radiation contribution of the different stratigraphic horizons of each State in the country have been tabulated. These data have revealed some of the important aspects about the nature of the background radiation across the Indian -ubcontinent. Even in regions with very high levels of terrestrial radiation, no deleterious effects are known to be readily observable in the populations concerned. INTRODUCTION Natural radiation in environment is caused by uranium-thorium isotopes and their long chain decay products; potassium which is commonly present in rocks and soils, is another major contributor. More than 90% of earth's uraniurr^thorium and potassium is present in the crustal rocks (U 2 ppm, Th 9 ppm, K 2.4%), and among these, they are more abundant in the acid igneous rocks (U 4 ppm, Th 11.5 ppm). During the igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic cycles of geological evolution, U and Th may get dispersed or redistributed and occasionally, these may also lead to small concentrations or deposits; however, on a big or regional scale, like the one chosen for evaluation in this Report, such concentrations are too small or insignificant to be indicated. The natural radiation in any place is related to the geochemical distribution of U, Th and K in the rocks at that place and this can be best obtained by on site measurements using radiation survey meters or by spectrometric analysis of appropriate samples in the laboratory. However, if a comprehensive radiation picture of the entire country of the size of India is required, this procedure will be tedious and time consuming. The authors have, therefore, attempted to calculate the radiation from the amounts of U, Th and K normally expected in different rocks exposed. These computations are based on worldwide average values of U, Th and K for various kinds of crustal rocks. A basic requirement for computing the radiation of a region based on radioelement abundances in rocks is the availability of good lithological map i.e., a map of the different rocks exposed in that region. Fortunately, the geology of Indian sub-continent has been well studied and excellent maps and publications depicting the various geological rock formations covering different parts of the country are available. The task of calculating the probable radiation profile for the entire country has thus been made possible. PROCEDURE FOR DERIVING RADIATION PROFILES In the present paper, the terrestrial radiation profile for the country has been derived from geological information contained in official publications of the Geological Survey of India, particularly the Miscellaneous Publication No. 30 (Balasundaram 1970. Karunakaran 1974, Roy Chowdhury 1973,1974. Varadan 1975,1976) brought out Statewise and accompanied by a Geological map. The radiation values for the geological formations (stratigraphic horizons) were calculated from the expected raidoelement abundances in each rock type making up the concerned formation. For example, if a formation is made up of five different kinds of rocks like shale, conglomerate, arkose, dolomite, and quartzite. then the amounts of U, Th and K in each of these rock type are taken for calculating the average for the entire formation. Most of the geological formations are actually collections of chemically and mineralogically dissimilar rocks with varying amounts of these three elements. One can, therefore, expect a range of radiation values within a single stratigraphic horizon — low, for weakly radioactive rocks, and high, for those with greater amounts of these radioelements. Thus, within a specific geological age group stretching over several square kilometer area, a range of radiation values may be expected depending upon the type of rocks exposed at any place. It may be mentioned here that for infering such radiation values, one need not take into account the depth or thickness of the specific strata of rock (i.e., the unexposed rock thickness) as gamma radiation emanating from rocks below about three feet depth is not perceptible on the surface. As already mentioned, basic data for such calculations were obtained from the vast volume of published geochemical data for different rock types from all over the world. These are cited at the end under References. However, wherever laboratory measurements for any of the Indian rocks were available, they have been employed instead of the calculated averages. Annual radiation levels are expressed in microgray per year (jiGy/y) using conversion factors recommended by UNSCEAR 1982 (54.3|uGy/y/ppm for U; 27.2/iGy/y/ppm for Th and 133.2/uGy/y/percent for K). These represent the absorbed dose levels in air at 1 meter above the earth's surface and take into account the skyshine effect from the earth as an infinite radioactive source. Contributions from cosmic rays are not included here. ISODOSE MAP OF INDIA Based on the methods described above, the terrestrial radiation expressed as pGy/y was computed for all the stratigraphic horizons from early Precambrian fo the Quaternary (Table 1). In preparing the isodose map of India, the geological map on a scale of 22.5 km/cm was traced and gridded at 28.25 km intervals both on the E-W and N-S directions, each grid covering roughly 798 square kilometers. The points of grid intersections were taken as the sites for the annual dose calculations based on the U, Th and K in the rock exposed at these sites. Thus for the whole country, about 4100 such grid intersections were generated. These intersecting points frequently fell close to junctions of contrasting rock-types having different amounts of radioelements. In such instances, the dose rate calculations were done after giving due weightage for the radioelement variations across the junctions. Likewise, computations for the vast alluvial spread in the plains of Punjab, U.R, Bihar and Bengal were based on the nature of rocks from which the major rivers had received the sediment load before reaching the plains and dumping them as silt and alluvium.
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