IGGEST news of the week in the minds of thousands of listeners Bis the new 8: 00 a. m. program of Lulu Belle and Skyland Scotty Wise­ man now being heard daily except­ Lulu Belle, Scotty Featured in ing SlUlday. These two young mountaineers New Daily Program of Old Songs never have been heard together "Good Old Days It Not So Hot through the week, having been en­ gaged for the past several years in How would you like to make life Clara, Lu 'n' Em are returning to personal appearances excepting week­ more disagreeable for announcers? the air. The famous radio trio, whose ends. They have a host of new-old Can you make up a combination of back yard gossip programs won broad­ Bury 'Em Deep Not One Bit Whittier ballads of their native hill country, words that will be difflcult for an­ casting renown, will be heard in a which they acquired last summer noucers to deliver correctly? new series of broadcasts over an NBC­ And so Mr. L. P. Wilkerson of Chi­ . I believe that L. P. Wilkerson Why aon't more people comment Here's a sample of just what is WEAF network beginning Monday, cago is wringing his hands over the of Chicago has the wrong idea of on my favorite page which is writ­ during their vacation in South Caro­ lina. In addition, they will, of course, meant: "The seething sea ceaseth; October 14, from 4:45 to 5:00 p. m., benighted state into which radio has our announcers. I think the whole ten by John Lair? As soon as my include the old-favorite duets and thus it sufflceth us." This sentence CST. The series will be heard at the fallen. Well, now that's just too, too staff is lovely and I WOUldn't change copy arrives, I hurriedly tUrn to the is often used by radio stations in same hour daily, Mondays through terrible. I wonder if he has ever radio one bit, for it is so much help Music Notes page and if I know the solo selections for which they're famous. giving auditions to would-be an­ Fridays. written a straightforward letter to a to us farmers.-Mrs. George Pierce" tune to the song I get my guitar and nouncers. radio station or its executives, giving Williamsport, Ind. try my luck. Last week after wrest­ When quite young, Scotty began constructive criticism and sugges­ ling Grandfather's Clock all over the collecting the old ballads which have Try the above combination on your On Tuesday afternoon, October 15, tions. I do not believe that anyone living room I had it whittled down been sung in the hills for genera­ friends. Then write another one of Mrs. William Palmer Sherman will who does not voice his criticism to until it would have stood on any­ tions. And like his future bride, Lulu not more than 10 words and send it return to start her fall series of book the proper parties, has any right to He's Done Got Back one's shelf ... Nora Grounds, Gos­ Belle, he learned his first songs liter­ to Stand By. There are lots of chats during Homemakers' Hour. attack radio. That sort of person is Something went wrong with our port, Ind. ally at his mother's knee. Of course, "mean" combinations which make merely an armchair critic. When "frand" Pat Buttram. We missed his Lulu Belle's performances would not announcers tear their hair. For ex­ radio stations ask their listeners for few lines of wit and humor in the be complete if she failed to include ample, "Snakes possess sixth sense. says scientist." Or, "Sally Simpson Donald Thayer, baritone heard on suggestions, they mean it. They're last issue of Stand By. Maybe you Husking Rhythm such listener-favorites as "Little the morning Homemakers' hour at not always just plugging for mail. should hold his head now, but he Sings Sweet Songs Soothingly, says Words cannot express my appre­ Black Moustache," "Grandma's Ad­ 9 :00 a. m., CST, has one great hobby · .. The old cry of "give us the good takes the place of Will Rogers in our vice," and many others. She prom­ Samuel Stanislaus Silver." home. More glory to Pat and please ciation of Stand By. We just com­ -his dog, Chanuk. The dog is a old days" doesn't hold true in radio pleted a week of cornhusking and ises to include them as often as lis­ The best ones submitted will be grandson of the original Chanuk any more than it does anywhere else. bring him back on the job.-Mr. and teners' letters warrant. tried out on some unsuspecting an­ which was the lead dog on Admiral Mrs. Frank Widner, LaFayette, Ind. made the job most enjoyable this nouncers-perhaps, Jack, Joe and Today and tomorrow are important. year by hitching our radio to the Richard E. Byrd's first antarctic ex­ Let the dead past bury its dead kilo­ (Pat was hard at work on his fea­ Howard during Stand By programs. ture Skule Takes Up Ag'in and since closest light socket. We husked to pedition. The older Chanuk was at cycles.-Robert Cassidy. Los Angeles. Stand By will pay one dollar for ev­ both the north aud south poles. he had to put in a lot of time polish­ the tune of our favorite entertainers. Turning the dial didn't interfere with ery one printed. Incidentally, Ethi­ Don, whose home is at Sierra ing up his splendid prose, he couldn't The practical talks on Parent­ opian towns have been barred as un­ Madre, California, was formerly manage to find time to tUrn out his our work, for it was set at 870 K. C. Teacher Association activities given fair . competition ! in the morning as usual and not heard on Pacific Coast stations. Heads Up, Men weekly comment on affairs in gen­ each Monday dUring Homemakers' eral.1 touched until the last voice of the Hour are proving very helpful, ac­ I do not agree with Mr. Wilkerson day died out.-Mrs. A. H. Wahlen, cording to the letters which have been of Chicago. I think WLS announcers Kewaskum, Wis. received concerning them. On Mon­ Carlton E. Morse, author of NBC's ' are the best yet. I hope they go on in We Dunno day afternoon, October 14, Mrs. B. R . Morning Devotions program with One Man's Family, who has appeared " the same old way with heads high. Ryall, a District Director of the Illi­ Jack Holden, the Hometowners and before the microphone occasionally, · .. Lulu Young. Carmel. Ind. Is it possible to fall in love with a voice? If it is, I think that's just Turn Takers nois Congress of Parents and Teach­ Ralph Emerson is now being heard says he doesn't know the meaning of what's happened. We think Howard ers, of Wheaton, Illinois, will speak daily excepting Sunday at 8: 15 a. m. the word mike fright-"But the mic­ Thanks for a grand magazine. For on "Goals" for the P.-T. A. Lulue Belle and Skyland Scotty's new rophone reels so," he explains. Chamberlain is swell as announcer the first few issues we always quar­ No Support and soloist. My husband says he program of songs and ballads is being hasn't been able to tell just yet reled as to who would read Stand By broadcast at 8 o'clock. I certainly do not agree with L. P. whether I waste more time "standing first. We finally decided to take Wilkerson concerning advancement turns. A certain person would get R. T. Van Tress, Horticulturist of by" the door waiting on the maga­ the Garfield Park Conservatory, will in radio. It isn't going downhill by zine or waiting for Howard's Chore first chance each week. It has worked John Barclay, NBC thespian-bari­ to perfection. The pictures on the tone, still turns a deep cerise when bring some information on "Autumn any means! Why shouldn't the read­ Boy programs. Anyway, they rank Johnny Hauser of the NBC Hit ers of this page be satisfied, since front cover alone are worth double he thinks of his most embarrassing Color in Shrubs," during Homemak­ the same at our house .... Mrs. the price of the magazine. And that moment. At the age of ten he had Parade, has every inch of his bedroom ers' Hour on Wednesday, October 16. radio IS at its best? Some people B. E. J., Muncie, Ind. walls covered with autographed with their eternal nagging don't help autograph idea is fine. Betty the ingenue role in a school produc­ photos of radio star~including his radio to advance, I'm sure. The at­ Malone, Chicago. tion "Billy's Little Love Affair. All went well until he hitched up his own, which bears, of all things, the titude of the announcers is an es­ following inscription: Donald Stuart, who is Percy the sential part in the program; at least Ahoy, John trousers in sitting down-forgetting Playwright on the Carefree Carnival. he was wearing a skirt. "To Johnny Hauser, who is the ber­ it shows their clever and friendly . I would like to say a few STAND BY ries, from admits to three major stlpersitions. way of introducing programs. words for John Lair. I certainly en­ BURRIDGE D. BUTLER, Publisher JOHNNY HAUSER." He doesn't believe in: In my opinion, L. P. W. is not going joy his programs and I'll be very "Opening an unmbrella in the to receive much support in his view­ Copyright, 1935, Prairie Farmer Publishing Co.
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