• The' ,Mizoralll\eazette p"blisheCi,J.'t":"��r1ty " If.l . �EGN. N.E.-��13(M � ,.;. �"�s: .�!- Issue �o. it .�r Vol. X�XJVI AizaWl,.:F�iday, 27.7 . 2007, Srgv�na.5, S.B. 1929, issue No. 30 , . ,', ' . '.' ,t) ,. GOVERNMENT OF {MilORAM ,.,:P�'T:i:J;;·;:l<"; " . " . ..1'" , " � � .' " ApPOtntDmIl1��'�.I.L�;adJ., FelIo1Iil NotiaIat. • ".'�'Otb.er . ' I . ..,(}r) (ORPERS BY THE bO�EitNBi( ) . 1 ,� !;. .:t : �.> 1"�"': ( r,?"l!j.:, [,1 f"} .. -: ... ..., . NOTIFICATIONS , ' '/. :" No.B.1701 i/� 1 /�004ED'N,' the 26'ih J�iy,' 2061'." tlil'Goverrior of Mizoram is ple�s�d to order deployment of the tul10wing Otlicers/01Hcials under Sch ool Education to Mizoram' SSA Rajy..a.Ml�ioQ. f�H a perIod of two ytars initially to the posts mentioned against then name with retrospective efi(ct from 2.8.2006. SI. Nal'n�' Nam� (<<,If post , Yihere deployed '1 ' . No. GoVernment' ':i.ty.• �. �11! t·t{ . ,. tu . '.' ," ." �t"""1,..""1L .... f)., '. ----..o..-�-..,......�rt------------. ........ �-..; (... ti .: ,��------- 1. La Ihm8chb.uana �,D.E:O! ' . Director, State .: ' :fI')Wuttt:'�I{e'fProject , '. 1!>Iojwt0lt�'�SSA!Mlssion 2. Lalrammawia C.E.o ·ol .�. �t;,�!tfel.Pthject Director, State Kawlni . Pt(jject';�ffi_J$SA 'Mission J. \ Robert Romawia C.E .. O , DI�Hlct .PIOj�CI. LO-Oldinaror, Royte ' o Mitawt!VifiUtt;- S5A MISSIOn 4. R.Laltbanmawia C.E.O Di� tHatBN�t:C()�ordinatof. , , Champhai District, SSA Mission 5. Lalrambuatsaiha c.E.b' :\ ,'. Disttictc:P�ctoCo-ordinator, KOlasib District, SSA Mission 6. Laldingliana ,D!�.�rict PrQject Go-ordinator, t· Mamie !1iYtiitl�' SSA· Mission 7. J.Sangthanpuia C.B.O District Project Co-ordinator, L.a wngtlai Dlstnct, SSA Mission ,�fii 8. H.Lalzatljana Sr'.Lecturer,..·., DIstrict' Project Co-ordinator, Ulhf LUDglei Lunglcl D1StJ:ict, SSA Mission R-30/2007 2 o 9. Knl U A.B.O District Project Co·o r d ina tor • Saiha District, SSA Mission 10. Lawmawma C.E.O District Project Co-ordinator, Serchhip District, SSA Mission 11 . K.Lalhmacbbu.na H.. dOJaster. Dy.District Project Co-ordinator, Tuikual Aizawl District, SSA Mission 12. 'N' MIS H.Lalhmingblua MIS Teacher Dy. District Project Co-ordinator, Champbai Champhai District SSA Mission 13. Hmangaibzual, Govt.M/S Teacher Dy. District Project Co-ordinator, VengJai Kolasib Kolasib District, SSA Mission 14. Gona Chakma A.E 0, CADC Dy.District Project Co-ordinator, Lawngtlai District, SSA Mission 15. L.Z.Tluanga a.£.o Dy.District Project Co-ordinator, Lawngtlai Diitrict, SSA Mission 16. Lalsikula C.E.O Dy.District Project Co-ordinator, Lungl.i District, SSA Mission 17. K.Hnema Oovt.M/S Hdm. District Project Co-ordinator. Phura, Saiba Dilt Saiha District, SSA MissIon 18. Peter Lalnullmawia (JOyt. MIS Hdm, Dy.District Froject Co·ordinator, alb.ingehhip Sercbbip District, SSA Mission 19. P.C Lalthiangblima Govt. MIS Teacher Dy. Dihtrict Co-ordinator, VeoClal Kolasib Mamit District, SSA Mission The concerned Oftl�/Ofticial.shaH not ht entitled to any financial ben.- fits for this assignment. � 2.8.2006 Tbe Notificatiou of .\,.8 No.dt hereby stands canl:elled. L.Tochhong, Principal Secretary to the Uovt. or Mizoram. No.A.34012/1/200t·F.&t. the 26th luly, 2007. In terms of proviso to Rule 18 of the MFAS Rules, 2001 awl ita ctercise of the powers conferred under RuJe 6 of the MFAS(Departmeotal Examination) Regulations, 2003. the Governor of Mi. zoram is pleased to collfirm the following officers who have duly completed the probation period. in the Junior Grade of Mizoram Finance & Accounts Service with retrospectivleffect· from 10.12.2005. 1. Pu C. llohmm.ttaanp. Finance & Accounts Officer, Soil & Water Con­ setvati01l Depattlnftt. 2. Pu Malsawmtbnga. • Accounts Officor, Chief En io"r. PWD, Fin.nce" . , q Building. : They shall eeatfttue.In Ulei� Rlc.eDt place of posting until furth�r orders. ji Lalmalsawma, " I CommilrieGtt & Secretary to the G()vt. of Mizoram, Fjnance Depaltment. 1 j 1 I jI 3 It-30/200' .. No.A. 380�0/1/91-PRE, the 23rd Jul y, 2007. On his attaining the retiring age on r of 60 years superan aua tion pensi on� th� GOve nor of Mizoram is pleased to ele Pu S.C. Chatterjee, S.E. PHE r ase Depar tment with eir�ct.from 31.7.2007 (AN). No.F. 13011/1/2006-PHE. the 16th July, 2007. In exercise oC the power" confer­ Section 5 red under (I) and 5(2) of Right to Information Act, 2005 (No.22 of in 2005) and the interest of public service, the Governor of,Mizoram is pleased to designate t"le following Officers as Additional AppelLite Authority and Addi­ tional SPIOs/Additional SAPIOs to receive at1d deal with the applications or appeals under tbis Act during the absence of the regutar,Appellate Authority, SAPIOs SPIOs and under PIlE Department with immediate effect and until furtber orders :- PRE (Sectt.)- Name of officer De.ignation PHE (Sectt. ) 1. R. La lrothanga , DIS Addl;' Appellate Authority PRE (Sectt. ) 2. Pi Rokimi_ Supdt. Addt-; .' &PlO, . � : PRE (Sectt. ) : : PRE (Directorate) :- �, .. > � �. 1. Er. Vanlallianzuala. SE Addl. SPIO (lnv. ) CE, PRE Department 2. Er .H.B. Cbakma, EE(P-II) ... Add!. SAPID eE, PRE office No. A. 1l01 3/2/2k-PHE, tbe 27th July, 200 . Subject to verification of cha­ n 7 racter and antecede ts by the Police and submission of Medical Fitness Certi­ ficate from the authorised Medical Officer and as recommended by the MPSC, the Governor of Mizoram is pleased to appoint tb� .f�l1Qwi�g. Graduate Engi ­ neers to Engineering Grade-V (AErS�O) of'M!ES .(�aE c�dre) in. tl�e scale of pay of Rs. 8000"'�75-1350�/-p.m,. wltti othera�aJlcC',s ��a��ls�r�)� undet the Rules from tIme to time . wltb effect rfrom; thcd4te ,of thetr' JOining and I- taking over Charge. I The Governor of Mizor am ia further pleased to order' posting of the i Officers against the vacant post of ABjSDO as shown. ag�in�t each. -------- Sl.No. Name ' Place of posting Remarks - -- I l.-C:Lalch �wima;ia (Civil)----A/E GroundWater & Quality Vacan� I S/O C. Lalrinmawia Control Division ... Khawbung 'S' Tlangveng C/O Thangzuala M-37 Veoghlui, Aizawl. .. I" , -- ----- R-30/2007 4 .. 2. K. Lalrintluanga (Mech) SDO(TC) Rural WATS/\N Vacant S/O K. Biakchungnunga Division, Aizawl. H. No. B-IO. R.L.Building Ramhlun Venglai, Aizawl. 3. V. Laldanmawia (Elect) SDO(TC) Aizawl Wu \ct Vacant SIO Laiawrha Transmission Division Khawzawl Vengtbnr C/O Malsawmtiuanga I.T.!. Veng, Aizawl. They will be on probation for a period of 2(two) y('ars which may be extended for good and sufficient reaS on by the Govt. for a further period a� may be determined by the Government. The appointments will-be treated as cancelled autolluticalIy unle�s the a appointees join and take ch rge within 30 days fr om the date of issue of this order. The appointment is not made ·in ord er ot merit. llltcr-se-mcrit of the Officers will be decided in consultation with MPSC. for 1ixation of the lnter­ se -seniority of the concerned Officers. C. Rophl\l;l3. C01'l1mr. & Secrehry to the Govt. of Mizoram, PubJicHealth Engine;;rmg Ueparlmen t. No. A. 32013/9/2001-P&ARICSW). the 25th July, 2007. In the interest of pub­ lic service, the Gove rnor of Mizoram is pleased to rcgu Luize the nffiCluti ng promotion of Pu Ngurhuzauva, MCS, Dircptor, Trade & Commerce nnd l'u Biaksanga H. Parte MCS, Controller, Printi;ng & StatiGncry to the Sel�c'ion Grade of MCS in the pay scale of Rs. 14,300-400-1�,30J-/p.m. issued vide this Department Notification No. A. 32013/2/2000-P&AR(CSW)/2 dt; 21.12. 2005 and No. A. 32013/2/2000-P&AR{CSW) dt. 10. 2. 2006 respectively with effect from 26. 6. 2007. B. Zahmuaka, Under Secretary to the Government of Mizoram. In t1'is No. B. 12018/2/2005-LAD. the 25th July. 2007. partial Modification 01 rI Department's Notification of even No. dt. 2. 3. '2006 alld in exercise of the Powers conferred unde r section (1) of Section 19 of the Rio-ht to Information Act, 2005 the Governor of Mitoram is pleased to desigllat� Pu P. Lianhrima, 5 R-30/2007 Director, Local Administration Departm ent as Appellate Authority in respect of DirectPrate of Local Admini�tration Department under the said Act with imme ­ diate effect and until further orders. K. Riachho, Secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Local Administration Department. No. A. 19011j249/2005-P&.\R(CSW), the 25th July, 2C07. In pursuance of Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs. New Delhi Order No. 14016/ 18/20G6-UTS. 1 dt. 16. 3. 2007, the Governor of Mizoram is p.leased to post Pu Manoj Kumar Sahoo, lAS (Prob:1tioner) as Assistant Commissioner, Deputy Comm iss ioner's Office, Aizawl with eff¢ct from 26. 6. 2007. He shall draw bis pay and allowances against the sanctioned post of Assis­ tant Commissioner, Aizawl District under the Head of Accounts: ':' 2053 District Administration 093-Distric t Establishment •• 093(l)-District Commissioner. Aizawl (Non-Plan) . B. Zahmuaka. Under Secretary to the Govornment of Mizoram. No. D. 11014/2/2002-EDN(TE), the 24th July, 2007. The Government of Mizoram bad availed financial assistance fro m tbe World Bank under 3rd Technician Education Project for strengthening of Technical Education in Mizoram. Fdr this purpose, a nun;.ber 'of Lecturers from Mizoram Po lytechniC. Lungl.i (MPL) were deployed at the State Project Impleme ntation Vnit (SPIll). Whereas the 3rd Technic:d Education Project ended on 30th June, 2007 but staff have to be em ployed upto 31st October, 2007 for closing activities.
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