Pogo Forty-eight THE WESTERN JEWISH NEWS Thursday, April 7, 1955 Thursday, April 7, 1955 THE WESTERN JEWISH NEWS Page Forty-nine MATZOH TRADITION eating ol mntzoh tho doy bcloro which the Jewish dietary lnws are they recall ·1he great lessons or the at Passover for lo these many c:cn• To our many Jowlah Frlond1 ond'Patran1 wa 1ay moat alncaroly ••• top players ln both leagues. II nny• (Continued from Provlou, Pago) Passover on tho theory that lt mny based. Matzoh nro the symbol or the Exodus story. turle, that has kept nllvo wlthln the Ou, Btlt Wlshn to all our ,r1ends and Customtn far o Ytrt Happy Ponover thing, Al stands a good chance to A Vory Hoppy Pauaver to all our Jowlah Friend, and Customers . ln,crlptlon, on them. Children re• bo moro pnlalable during tho ob• It ls the recollection ol the Esyp· soul al the Jewish people n devotion A VERY HAPPY PASSOVER moral nnd splrltual worth of Pass­ better hls performance at lnst cclvcd such mntzoh ns 11.spcclflc !or scrvanco Itself. There is the fascl .. tlnn servitude some 3,000 years ago lo liberty nnd hns strengthened their LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES over, As millions of Jews pnrtakc a! season. Things may largely depend "We Appreciate Our Jewish Patronage" becoming wise." nating custom mentioned in the that makes the Jew the champion tnlth ln the !den!, or freedom for nil DELIVERIES TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY I By RABBI SAMUEL J. FOX that ln the early history or the Jew• on whether Al will still be plagued Charm Cakes 0 Sefcr Mahnril" of kindling the fire thc-ir unleavened bread ea.ch spring or the ldcnl that mnn ls made in the mankind everywhere. DO YOUR HOLIDAY SHOPPING IN OUR MODERN Questlon: Why is II n custom ish people, especially in Babylonia by Injuries ... Cnl Abrams Is set­ S. L. Doying The "Sever Rnzicl" gives directions matzoh baking oven wlth the dried .-------------, Image of God, ]t is the observance (Copyright, 1955, JTA, Inc.) GROCETERIA nmong some Jews to make the Dine and Dance at far making charm cakes. One such HosJ:tann willows left ovc-r from A Vory Happy Pononr to all our and among the Sephardic J cws, n ting set for another season with the FROZEN FOOD DISTRmUTOR Friends and Culfomon Matzos round in shape? chnrm constitutes n very curious !Ioshnna Rnbbn of the previous fall. public Seder in the synagogue vestry ·Baltimore Orioles. Cal recently sign­ KENYA'S GROCETERIA Answer: Some sources trace this was customary. Tho reason is a BEST FOODS, DRESSING PRODUCTS, CHIP STEAKS antidote to forgetfulness: Mntzoh, it seems, arc not only for OUR BEST WISHES FOR A VERY HAPPY AND JOYOUS ed a contract for $14,000. HARRY'S 1349 MAIN STREET TONY BILKOSKI, .,••• custom back to the Biblical text in simple one, as historians point out. CHERRY HILL CHEESE, FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES uThe foUowing hns been tried and eating. An old custom prevalent In PHONE S9-8369 • • • PASSOVER TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS Many were unable to conduct their Lest this become a column strlg_tly found reliable, and Rabbi Sandin bcn many communities of Europe, nnd Electric Service '--------------------------11which the original Matzos ot the Phono 3-1590 H. KAGAN, Prop. "We Approcloto Yau, Potronoge" :...... ,,.,, .................................................................. ,................................. ,.................... Jews in Egypt' are described as own Seders because of lack of knowl­ on baseball, let's turn to other areas. WITH MARSH PHIMISTER AND HIS ORCHESTRA Joseph made use of it. He discovered especially in the Orient1 is to keep 808 St. Matthews at Arlington · LICENSED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Be,t Wishes for a Happy Passover to all our Friends and Cu1tomen "cakes of Matzos" by using the edge or facility and the public Seder, In baskctbnll, look for Dolph Schnycs Winnipeg it in the cave of Rabbi Eliezcr Knlir, a cake of matzoh hanging on one of I Spoclollrlng In Motor ln1tallollon1, term "Ugoth" (Exodus 12:39), Cakes like thC public Kiddush and the pub­ and Mnx Zaslofsky to continue as and nll the wise men o.f Israel to­ the walls of fhc synagogue through­ Rongo and Ha1110 Wiring, Eloetrle PEMBINA HIGHWAY Repoln of all kind• arc usually round in form and thus lic Hnvdalah would reach the mass stars on the pro courts. Zaslofsky, gether with their pupils applied the out the year. The purpose is to A Very Happy Panoycr ta all our Jowl,h Patrons and Frl•nds j BROWN & MURRAY LTD. it is d~rived that Matzos should who otherwise would have no Seder who sportswriters were discounting Phone 42-1213 remedy with excellent effect: At the dramatize, for all who see it, the Phone 56-1175 MINNEAPOLIS· FRUIT CO. 629 McADAM !>.VE. H. ODWAK, Prop. · AUTOMOTIVE WHOLESALE be circular in form. From a practical at all. a few seasons ago, is still playing '--------------------------' beginning of Sivan toke some wheat­ command in the Bible "that thou DRIVE IN TO OUR SPACIOUS SERVICE STATION AND SAYE $ $ $ standpoint it seems that dough which lt must also be undrirstood that strong ball and, if he chooses to con­ meal and knead it, nnd be sure to mayest remember the day when thou 219½ STELLA AVE. Phone 59-5555 Winnipeg, Man. is rolled by hand implements shapes Judaism never aimed to limit all tinue playing, hITTi some more good GAS 6c OFF PER GAL. OUR HEARTIEST WISHES FOR A VERY HAPPY PASSOVER TO ALL remain stonding, Make cakes and comest out of the land of Egypt all Our Heartiest Wishes for o Happy GAS • FUEL OIL • LUBRICATING OIL • ANTI-FREEZE OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS !.~~r;.:.~:~'.~.~.'.~~~................................................... ... itself more readily and more quickly religious practice to the synagogue. days ahead of him. the days of thy ·life" (Deuteronomy Passover to all our Jewish L.~.~~.. ~-~~~~~~~~;~.~: bake them, write thereon the verse, Best Wishtt for o Very Happy Passover to all our Friends ond Customer• in a round form. As a matter of fact a great deal of . IMPERIAL OIL CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED 'Memory hnUi He made among His 16, 3). Friends and Customers • • • emphasis is given in the various In chess, Amel'ican star Samlld wondrous acts: gracious and merci­ Food is not only a habit; it is one • • • BEST WISHES FOR A VERY HAPPY PASSOVER TO ALL Question: Why are the Matzo:S Codes to the necessity of observing Rcshcvsky has some important ful is the Lord.' Take nn egg and boil of the two elements necessary for OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS baked in thin f<;>rms instead of thick the religious practices at home, A months ahead of him. Reshevsky is it hard, peel it, and write on it the SCHULTZ & J. & F. REFRIGERATION & McCurdy Supply Co. life, It seems, however, that it is ones? Jewish life where all the religion is expected to visit Moscow this sum~ JOHN D. OIL LTD. names of five angels; eat" such a Cake LIMITED imporitant not only for maintenance ~nswer: ln the first place the confined to the walls of the syna­ mc-r to repay the visit of the Russinn every day for 30 days with an egg, 1 FERGUSON P. STOLLER & CO. Matzo$ was to be representative gogue leaving the home devoid of chess team to New York. There, 1201 Pembina Highway Phone 43-3291 Fort Garry and thou wilt learn all thou. secst, of our physlcal bodies, but also h_as SODA FOUNTAIN SERVICE READY MIXED CONCRETE PLUMBING and HEATING "FINE CABINET MAKERS" of the bread of the poor. A thick all religious activity is ·not the Jew­ Rcshevsky will match skills witµ WE NEVER CLOSE nnd wilt never forget." a tremendous effect on oUr spiritual JOE MACIURA PH. 83-1543 FRANK KOSINSKY PH. J.1250 loaf is. not indicative of the bread ish life envisaged by the leaders and some of Russia's best chessboard 1~-------------------------' BUILDERS' SUPPLIES AND COAL Jewish law does not permit th~ lives. That fa the princ~ple upon 457 LOGAN AVE. PHONE 93-0269 Phone 74-9031 PROMPT, EFFICIENT, DAY OR NIGHT CITY OR COUNTRY SERVICE '---------------------------' lof the poor, Furthermore, it is claim­ teaChers of Israel. For this reason masters. Phone 3-7251 ed on a. technical basis that a thin home Seders are encouraged al­ PHONE 3-1250 • • • OUR HEARTIEST PASSOVER GREETINGS TO ALL OUR SARGENT & ERIN WINNIPEG, MAN. BILL WOLFE 536 NOTRE DAME AYE. Heartiest Passover Greetings to all our Matzos is in less danger of ferment­ though public Seders are still main­ Israel's athletic program can be FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS · WINNIPEG WINNIPEG, MAN, Jewish Patrons and Friends ing than a thick one. The important tained by some institutions to assist expected to expand still more so characteristic of the Matzo from those who find home Seders impos­ that Israel will be· even stronger .,We Appreciote Your Patronage" the technical sta.ndpoint is that all sible for various reasons. when the next Maccabiah games roll BEN BERMAN AND DAVE FLACKMAN Je;ws In Sport precautions be taken lest the dough • • • around. OF · A Very Happy Passover r.4ARGARH ROSE reach a state of fermentation which Question: Why is part of the Has­ Henry Laskau will continue as By BILL WOLF earned run average in the minors. would interfere with its use for Pass­ gadah recited before the meal and one of the most prominent Jewish As in past years, the Passover His average was a l.881 which is It is with a feeling of sincere regard for our friends and Tea Room over. Keeping the Matzos thin safe­ part recited after the meal? track stars. At the moment, there is Modern· Upholstering and season provides a good stopping tops in any,body's league.
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